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FACS V4.1 Release Notes


The FACS V4.1 release date was 06-Jan-2012.

These Release Notes are designed to provide information regarding the changes to the FACS software since the FACS 4.0 release in October 2008. Any improvements, enhancements, and revisions that have been made to the software are outlined below.
Note: Most generic report programs now support auto-archiving report files. This means you can include /ARCHIVE as part of the Output-to file spec to cause the report file to be archived to Report Router as well as printed on OpenVMS. You can also include the /ARCHIVE option as part of the default output-to in your saved routine.

CUS | FAS | IMS | JOS | LBL | LBR | PAR | PBL | PRL | PUR | RCV | SUP | TRK | TRN | DEP | Other | HLB | FACS Library

Customer Programs (CUS)

  CUS000 V3.02 - Customer System Setup   

	CUS000 v3.02 changed how the C-reate edit option works to ask whether to
	create the new optional Customer Dealer Information file. (05-Oct-2010)

  CUS100 V4.04 - Customer Master Maintenance   

	CUS100 v4.00 now supports customer option flag "C" (question 45) to mean
	that the customer will accept EMAIL invoices or statements. (16-Jun-2009)

	CUS100 v4.01 now supports Option Flag "D" to mean that the customer
	requires invoices and statements to be mailed. (22-Jul-2009)

	CUS100 v4.02 changed when validating misc codes to allow you to leave the
	field blank.  Note that if you want to force a valid value, you can change
	the saved entry routine to set the ASK +8 option bit. (16-Mar-2010)

	CUS100 v4.03 includes a new edit option of "I" to maintain customer dealer
	information.  This option is only valid if you created the new customer
	dealer file in CUS000. (05-Oct-2010)

	CUS100 v4.04 now shows a menu for the T-ext edit option so you can tell
	that there is a special customer TERMS text. (20-Jul-2011)

  CUS100M V4.03 - Multi-Company Customer Maintenance   

	CUS100M v4.02 is a new variant of CUS100 to allow maintaining customers
	for multiple companies from a single program.  This program presumes
	that the customer numbers are identical between the participating
	clients. Use the CLIENTS utility program to maintain the list
	of participating client companies. There is also a PACK00:CUS100M.CFG
	config file that you can setup a NOSYNC=xxx,xxx line to specify which
	customer fields should NOT be synchronized between clients. (02-Sep-2009)

	CUS100M v4.03 now shows a menu for the T-ext edit option so you can tell
	that there is a special customer TERMS text. (20-Jul-2011)

  CUS190 V3.05 - Customer Master Generic Report   

	CUS190 v3.02 now includes a report item called "Tax Exempt (Y/N)" so you
	can select only customers that have tax exempt information.  Also, a
	problem was fixed when printing tax exempt info where blank lines were
	printed if there was no tax exempt info for that customer. (10-Feb-2009)

	CUS190 V3.03 now includes report items for Contact Name, Contact Email,
	Contact Phone, and Contact Info. Additionally, the report will now show
	ALL contacts as well as ALL ship-to records for the customer if either
	ship-to or contact fields are selected to print. (22-Jan-2010)

	CUS190 v3.04 now supports auto-archiving from the Output-to prompt
	using the /ARCHIVE switch. (01-Jun-2010)

	CUS190 v3.05 now includes report items for the optional customer dealer
	fields. (05-Oct-2010)

  CUS900 V2.05 - Renumber Customers   

	CUS900 v2.01 will now renumber the supplier in the IMST file
	for transaction types "SO", "SR", "JO", and "JR" in the sub number field.

	CUS900 V2.02 fixed a problem where the customer was not getting renumbered
	in the Customer Tax file or the optional Customer Dealer file.

	CUS900 V2.03 will now renumber the Bill-to Customer Number in the Customer
	Master file as well. (02-Sep-2011)

	CUS900 V2.04 added an option to skip renumbering the IMST "HIS" month.
	Because the Sub# (Customer#) is not an indexed field in this file and
	because the file can get quite large, renumbering many customers could
	potentially take an excessive amount of time. (07-Oct-2011)

	CUS900 V2.05 now supports renumbering customer numbers in the following:
	-- IMSM Sold-to Customer Number
	-- JOSM Bill-to Customer Number
	-- RCVO/RCVH/RCVR Sold-to Customer Number.
	Before running this version you must run the following conversion routines
	to add Customer alternate key indexes in the IMSM, JOSM, and RCVO/RCVH
	To insure that customer alternate indexes get added to new files, you
	should also have at least these versions of the following programs:
	-- JOS000 V3.03
	-- IMS000 V4.03
	-- RCV000 V3.03
	-- IMS605 V4.03

Financial Accounting Programs (FAS)

  FAS301 V3.04 - FAS Transactions Entry/Edit   

	FAS301 v3.01 now supports the [Find] key at the Transaction Type
	question. (29-Sep-2009)

	FAS301 v3.02 fixed a problem caused by the FACS 4.0 update where
	transactions might not be displayed correctly if the Reference Number
	was larger than 10 characters. (15-Oct-2009)

	FAS301 v3.03 will now show the Program Source when editing a
	transaction. (07-Oct-2010)

	FAS301 v3.04 now allows A-dmin level users to post journal entries even
	if entry is restricted for the given year/month. (01-Jul-2011)

  FAS320 V2.01 - Merge FAS Transactions into YTD File   

	FAS320 v2.01 was changed so if a YTD file exists, and you choose to append
	to the existing YTD file, only periods that do not yet exist in the YTD
	file will be appended. Also, online help was changed to clarify that if
	existing YTD file periods were changed in the FAS transaction files since
	being appended, those transactions will NOT be updated to the YTD file.

  FAS380 V2.01 - Post FAS Reversing Entries   

	FAS380 v2.01 was changed so that both the Quantity and Hours fields will
	be reversed in addition to the Amount field. (09-Feb-2010)

  FAS399 V2.01 - Verify FAS Transactions Balanced   

	FAS399 v2.01 fixed a problem caused by the FACS 4.0 update where a false
	"out of balance" condition would be detected if a Reference Number larger
	than 10 characters was used. (15-Oct-2009)

  FAS400 V2.04 - FAS Generic FAS Transaction Ledger   

	FAS400 v2.03 fixed so the "No zero balance" option works on summary pages.
	A problem was also fixed where the page line count was incorrect causing
	the report to page too soon. The report will now also print the entire
	description instead of truncating after 25 characters. Finally, support was
	added for editing saved routines. (28-Sep-2010)

	FAS400 v2.04 fixed a problem from v2.03 printing summary totals where
	the "TOTAL:" line was not properly aligned on the page. (18-Mar-2011)

  FAS405 V2.02 - FAS General Ledger Report   

	FAS405 v2.01 fixed a rounding problem caused by the v2.00 changes.

	FAS405 v2.02 fixed a problem where a false PRELIMINARY LEDGER warning
	printed because the true ending balance was not getting computed correctly
	if no monthly totals were printed. (12-Jun-2009)

  FAS450 V2.01 - Transaction/Balance Inquiry   

	FAS450 v2.01 fixed a rounding problem caused by the v2.00 changes.

  FAS600 V1.28 - Financial Reports Column Format Entry   

	FAS600 V1.28 now allows 6 characters for the Column Format name.

  FAS601 V1.18 - Proof Financial Report Column Formats   

	FAS601 V1.18 now allows 6 characters for the Column Format name.

  FAS610 V2.02 - Financial Reports Row Format Entry   

	FAS610 V2.02 now allows 6 characters for the Row Format name. (15-Oct-2010)

  FAS611 V1.18 - Proof Financial Report Row Formats   

	FAS611 V1.18 now allows 6 characters for the Row Format name.

  FAS690 V2.11 - Financial Reports   

	FAS690 v2.01 fixed a problem where the ";PRVMTHxx;" and ";PRVMONTHxx;"
	substitution strings were incorrectly including the "CLO" period.

	FAS690 v2.02 fixed a "division by zero" problem and fixed a problem
	with accumulator math in the "ACM" function. (07-Apr-2009)

	FAS690 v2.03 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to pass keywords to
	Report Router when a report gets routed. (29-Sep-2009)

	FAS690 v2.04 was changed to add an E-dit option to edit a saved
	routine. The ability was also added to save a default output-to
	for each saved routine. (04-Dec-2009)

	FAS690 V2.05 fixed a bug where the saved routines file was getting
	corrupted because it was concatenating saved routines together when
	deleting a saved routine.  Also, the program now sorts the saved
	routines when saving them. (23-Feb-2010)

	FAS690 V2.06 fixed the page length check so there will not be so much
	blank space at end of each page. (22-Mar-2010)

	FAS690 v2.07 changed how the report title was sent to Report Router to
	avoid problems where the report title could be accidentally blanked out.

	FAS690 V2.08 fixed a bug where you could not add a saved routine
	unless the FAS690.OPT file already existed. This was effectively preventing
	users from creating the first saved routine. (21-Apr-2010)

	FAS690 V2.09 now rounds amounts when checking for all zeros because
	sometimes zeros were printing even though the user said to not print zero
	balances. (27-Apr-2010)

	FAS690 V2.10 now allows 6 characters for the Row Format name and the
	Column Format name. (15-Oct-2010)

	FAS690 V2.11 changed when editing a saved routine to allow for 6 characters
	for saved row format and column format names. (26-Jul-2011)

  FAS910 V2.01 - Renumber GL Account Numbers   

	FAS910 v2.00 was changed to actually renumber GL accounts.
	If the NEW account number already exists then the OLD account number
	balances will be merged into the new account. The program will renumber
	all FAS transaction files in the current fiscal year only. Supporting
	systems (such as IMS, JOS, PBL, PRL, PUR, RCV, etc.) will NOT be
	renumbered. (08-Mar-2011)

	FAS910 V2.01 now supports renumbering GL Accounts from a comma separated
	command file.  See updated online help for more information. (18-Oct-2011)

  FASPAY V2.03 - Create Positive Pay Issue File   

	FASPAY v2.01 now supports Key Bank (code "KYB") for Positive Pay reporting.

	FASPAY v2.02 now includes the payee name in the Additional data field for
	the positive pay file format for US Bank. (30-Apr-2010)

	FASPAY v2.03 now supports PNC Bank using a Bank Code of "PNC".
	Additionally, the program will now set the STATUS_FLAG field when records
	are extracted by this program (instead of setting WORK_PERIOD = 99) so
	that the WORK_PERIOD field will not get messed up for PRL check
	transactions. (26-Jul-2010)

  FASX_IMPORT V2.02 - Import FAS Transactions from Text File   

	FASX_IMPORT v2.01 will now ask for Import Options to allow you to specify
	a Branch Number, Profit Center, or Cost Center for all transactions to
	be imported. (20-Jan-2010)

	FASX_IMPORT v2.02 will now clear the Description and Extra Description
	fields before trying to add a new record.  This will prevent potential
	printing alignment problems in some FAS programs such as FAS405.

Inventory and Sales Order Programs (IMS)

  IMS000 V4.02 - Setup IMS System   

	IMS000 v4.02 now includes an option under the RECEIVABLES INTERFACE
	to Map the Part Category to one of the RCV Prod Cat1 to Prod Cat4
	fields. (17-Aug-2009)

  IMS050 V2.09 - Sales Order Format Maintenance   

	IMS050 v2.02 now supports print item 128 as Tax Group from the
	sales order detail record. (08-Apr-2009)

	IMS050 v2.03 now supports print item 129 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	IMS050 v2.04 now supports the following options:
	";TAX_EX_NUMBER"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Number.
	";TAX_EX_REASON"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Reason.
	";TAX_EX_EXPIRES" = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Expires Date.
	";TAX_EX_ISSUER"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Issuer.

	IMS050 v2.05 now supports the ";ENDUSER" setup option to print EndUser
	name/address fields similar to how ";BILL_TO" prints bill-to name/address
	fields. (03-Aug-2010)

	IMS050 v2.06 now supports print item 130 as "Total Labor" and setup option
	";LABOR_TOTAL" to print labor as a total (using print item 130).

	IMS050 v2.07 now includes a quick print option for "Form Name" to allow
	you to set different form names.  This will allow ReportRouter to use
	different form backgrounds for different form names. (01-Mar-2011)

	IMS050 v2.08 now supports print item 131 as "Amount Tendered" and print
	item 132 as "Change Due". (11-May-2011)

	IMS050 v2.09 now supports setup option ";RR_PROMPT=xxx" to set the default
	prompt for sales orders sent to ReportRouter. (16-Jun-2011)

  IMS060 V2.04 - Proof Sales Order Format   

	IMS060 v2.02 now supports print item 129 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	IMS060 v2.03 now supports print item 130 as "Total Labor". (04-Jan-2011)

	IMS060 v2.04 now supports print item 131 as "Amount Tendered" and print
	item 132 as "Change Due". (11-May-2011)

  IMS070 V1.13 - Mfg. Order Format Maintenance   

	IMS070 V1.11 now supports print item #58 as Component Assoc. Order.

	IMS070 V1.12 now allows you to use the [Down] arrow key to locate the first
	record for a format.  This is now consistent with other format maintenance
	routines. (30-Oct-2009)

	IMS070 v1.13 now includes a quick print option for "Form Name" to allow
	you to set different form names.  This will allow ReportRouter to use
	different form backgrounds for different form names. (01-Mar-2011)

  IMS075 V2.02 - Proof Mfg. Order Format   

	IMS075 V1.07 now supports print item #58 as Component Assoc. Order.

  IMS100 V4.14 - Parts Master Maintenance   

	IMS100 v4.01 fixed a problem where price formulas were wrongly allowing
	you to self-reference the formula value.  For example, it should be
	an error for the "P2" formula to include "P2" in the calculation.

	IMS100 v4.02 now supports Part Type "D" for DISCOUNTS. (30-Apr-2009)

	IMS100 v4.03 fixed a bug during minimal question entry where UOM conversion
	defaults were not getting set; causing program to crash with either
	error=52 or error=61. (20-May-2009)

	IMS100 v4.04 now supports a config file setting of VALID_SUP=Y to force
	the user to enter a valid supplier number.  The config filename should
	be in the form PACK00:{client}_IMS100.CFG where {client}=ClientID.

	IMS100 v4.05 will now validate Branch, Profit Center, and Cost Center
	during entry if you enter a non-zero value. (05-Feb-2010)

	IMS100 v4.06 was internal changes only.

	IMS100 v4.07 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	IMS100 v4.08 was changed when using the "C-opy part" option to ask whether
	to copy part text if the part being copied has any text. (29-Nov-2010)

	IMS100 v4.09 was internal changes only.

	IMS100 v4.10 now has a menu option for the "ORDERING" text type when
	you use the T-ext edit option so you can tell that this is a special text
	type. (20-Jul-2011)

	IMS100 v4.11 will no longer allow a part with part type of M-ake to be a
	non-inventory part. All M-ake parts MUST be inventoried parts.

	IMS100 v4.12 will now show the Initials of Who Created the part next to
	the Date Created on the S-tatus screen. (02-Sep-2011)

	IMS100 v4.13 now supports T-ext option shortcuts "TA", "TB", "TC",
	and "TD" for the text entry options "A" through "D". (19-Sep-2011)

	IMS100 v4.14 will now allow only valid Unit of Measure entries if you have
	any "UM" code types defined in PAR100. (13-Dec-2011)

  IMS100M V4.12 - Multi-Company Parts Maintenance   

	IMS100M v4.09 changed how records were added for satellite clients.
	All fields will be cleared initially and then any fields to sync will be
	added.  Non-question fields will be set the same when adding records for
	satellite client as when adding the record for the master client.
	For example, Last Sale Date, Last Purchase Date, Last Purchase Cost and
	Average Cost fields should now be cleared/set accordingly when adding a
	new record for a satellite client. (30-Sep-2010)

	IMS100M v4.10 was internal changes only.

	IMS100M v4.11 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	IMS100M v4.12 now has a menu option for the "ORDERING" text type when
	you use the T-ext edit option so you can tell that this is a special text
	type. (20-Jul-2011)

  IMS101 V3.03 - Set Min/Max/ROP for Selected Parts   

	IMS101 v3.01 was changed so that if you run this program for the central
	warehouse (as determined by the last PUR110 run), it will now show history
	usage for ALL warehouses in order to determine the stocking levels for the
	central warehouse. (17-Feb-2009)

	IMS101 v3.02 now has the option to create CSV file only instead of
	updating. This will allow using Excel to adjust stocking levels and
	you could then use IMSW_UPDATE to update the stocking levels. (21-Jul-2010)

	IMS101 v3.03 now handles if the Warehouse Parts lead time is zero then it
	will try to use the Supplier Part Last Lead Time for the Primary Supplier.

  IMS105 V1.04 - Warehouse Parts Maintenance   

	IMS105 v1.04 was re-linked with IMSW_ENTRY v2.01 to include the latest
	changes in that module. (18-Feb-2009)

  IMS110 V4.14 - Inventory Transfers   

	IMS110 v4.01 now includes an option to fill any un-attached backorders
	when completing a transfer if the TRANSFER TO warehouse matches the
	backorder warehouse and enough quantity was transferred to completely
	fill the backorder. (12-Nov-2008)

	IMS110 v4.02 will now preserve the Onhands Date and FIFO/LIFO Date when
	transferring inventory between warehouses.  Only the IMS Transaction Date
	will reflect the actual date of the inventory transfer. (18-May-2009)

	IMS110 V4.03 fix a bug from v4.02 where the inventory was not transferring
	because the warehouse match was not being evaluated properly. (28-May-2009)

	IMS110 v4.04 added a "P-rint transfer" option so you can now print a
	transfer document for a given transfer number. (14-Jul-2009)

	IMS110 V4.05 fixed a bug filling backorders where the entire transfer
	quantity was getting committed to the first matching backorder instead
	of just committing the backorder quantity. (27-Aug-2009)

	IMS110 V4.06 was changed if asking for Branch#, Profit#, or Cost# then the
	response will now be validated from the Misc. Codes file. (21-Oct-2009)

	IMS110 v4.07 was changed so that when creating an in-transit transfer,
	the in-transit inventory will be committed to the transfer reference
	number. This will avoid getting in-transit costs switched if last item
	transferred out is the first item transferred back into the INTO
	warehouse. (04-May-2010)

	IMS110 v4.08 fixed a bug with the "Found un-attached backorder for" alert
	box where choosing N-o would just keep cycling on the same backorder
	record. (20-Sep-2010)

	IMS110 v4.09 includes the ability to enter Transfer Requests.  To do this
	the following changes have been made:
	A Transfer Status field was added with values of: R-equest, O-pen,
	and C-losed.
	Transfer records will now be created for ALL inventory transfers.
	Instead of deleting the transfer record when a transfer is closed, the
	status will now just be changed to C-losed.
	A new R-equest transfer option was added to create a transfer request.
	A new O-pen transfer option was added to open a transfer request to
	initiate an in-transit transfer.
	There are now separate transfer options to create a DIRECT transfer
	and to create an IN-TRANSIT transfer. (14-Apr-2011)

	IMS110 v4.10 has been changed from doing "part number" based inventory
	transfers to doing "transfer number" based transfers.  New transfers will
	now all start as R-equest status.  You can then use the O-pen option to
	open an in-transit transfer, the C-lose option to close an in-transit
	transfer, or the X-fer option to do a direct transfer.  Other new options
	include: a new T-ext option, an updated P-rint option, a new S-plit option
	and a new R-emove option.  Refer to online help to see a complete
	explanation of all the options available.
	The Inventory Transfers file (IMSR) will be converted to a new record layout
	when you first run IMS110 v4.10. (01-Jul-2011)

	IMS110 v4.11 fixed a problem if the user did not have a default Transfer
	Code defined in PAR120 where the program was falsely showing an error.

	IMS110 v4.12 fixed a problem where the heading window did not redisplay
	after backing out from the P-rint option. (08-Aug-2011)

	IMS110 v4.13 will now look for a CFG file setting of XFR_TEXT_TYPE=xx
	to determine whether to display a popup text window for text type "xx"
	when O-pening a transfer. (09-Dec-2011)

	IMS110 v4.13 now supports a CFG file setting of AUTO_NUMBER=Y to force
	auto-numbering of inventory transfers in this program.  See the Infobase
	article (keyword CFG) for more info on setting up this option.

	IMS110 v4.14 fixed a problem where the C-lose option was getting the error
	"Not enough available to commit" when trying to close all items.

	IMS110 v4.14 was changed so if Part Flag "D" is set to ask location,
	then the INTO location will only be asked when doing a direct transfer
	(option=X) or closing a transfer (option=C) because the INTO location
	is not known or needed when opening the transfer. (15-Dec-2011)

  IMS120 V5.04 - On Hands Maintenance   

	IMS120 v5.01 will now create the warehouse part record if it does not yet
	exist when entering Beginning Balance ("BB") transactions. (13-May-2009)

	IMS120 v5.02 fixed the problem where the V-iew option cut off the last
	character of the Commit-to Ref#. (25-Aug-2009)

	IMS120 v5.03 now allows committing inventory to a Transfer Reference
	Number using a Commit Type of "X". (04-May-2010)

	IMS120 v5.04 fixed a problem where the current onhands record was not
	recalled after using the [Do] key part inquiry option in edit mode.

  IMS124 V3.03 - Expense Inventory to General Ledger   

	IMS124 v3.02 now includes the option to create inventory adjustments
	from a batch CSV file. (21-Dec-2010)

	IMS124 v3.03 fixed a bug where the Inventory Account defaults were not
	getting set when processing a batch file. Manual entry always forces the
	Inventory Account to come from the Parts Master record and the batch
	processing should as well. (07-Feb-2011)

  IMS125 V2.12 - De-Commit Inventory/Delete Attachments   

	IMS125 v2.12 fixed a problem caused by v2.11 where the de-commit loop
	was exiting after the first matching part number. (19-Apr-2010)

  IMS126 V5.00 - Physical Inventory Reconciliation   

	IMS126_RPT v2.02 (called by IMS126) now supports output in CSV format.

  IMS130 V4.02 - IMS Contract Maintenance   

	IMS130 v4.02 changed the old hidden contract maintenance "V2" edit option
	to be option "C" for "Customer view".
	A bug from v4.00 was fixed where you could not set an expire date.
	A bug from v4.00 was fixed where unused price formulas were set to "0"
	and should have been blank.  You can now blank the price. (28-Apr-2009)

  IMS180 V4.01 - Delete Parts   

	IMS180 v4.01 will now check the current IMS transactions file before
	allowing you to delete a part. If there is any IMS transactions activity
	then you will not be able to delete the part. (01-Nov-2010)

  IMS190 V2.01 - Update Selected Part Fields   

	IMS190 V2.01 now includes parts master User Code1 and User Code2
	fields as selective items. (14-Jan-2009)

  IMS195 V2.06 - Renumber Parts   

	IMS195 V2.02 now renumbers parts in the RCV Transactions file and the
	RCV Transactions History file. (02-Apr-2010)

	IMS195 v2.03 fixed a problem where you would get an Error 51 in module
	SHOW_STATUS when trying to renumber a large number of parts. (13-May-2010)

	IMS195 v2.04 fixed when renumbering using a command file and the new part
	already exists, to not prompt every time whether to delete the old part.
	Instead, the program will ask this once up front. (30-Jun-2010)

	IMS195 v2.05 has been re-compiled to support the new Inventory Transfers
	record layout per IMS110 v4.10 changes. (01-Jul-2011)

	IMS195 v2.06 now checks to see if you have an Inter-company Transfers
	file and will renumber parts in that file if found. (05-Oct-2011)

  IMS205 V3.05 - Warehouse Parts Generic Report   

	IMS205 v3.02 fixed a problem where the Alt Location2 tag name was
	mistakenly identical to the Alt Location1 tag; making it impossible to
	choose Alt Location2. (12-May-2010)

	IMS205 v3.03 now supports auto-archiving to ReportRouter when printing
	to an OpenVMS print queue using the /ARCHIVE Output-to option.

	IMS205 v3.04 was internal code changes only.

	IMS205 v3.05 now includes the Part Master Buyer Code as a report item.

  IMS210 V2.03 - Inventory Transfers Generic Report   

	IMS210 v2.02 now includes Transfer Status as a report item. (14-Apr-2011)

	IMS210 v2.03 has been re-compiled to support the new Inventory Transfers
	record layout per IMS110 v4.10 changes.  The new "Line Item" field is now
	included as a report item. (01-Jul-2011)

  IMS220 V3.07 - On Hands Generic Report   

	IMS220 v3.01 now supports Parts Master Branch, Profit Center, and
	Cost Center as report items. Also, the program will now use the
	user-defined prompts for the Branch, Profit, and Cost Number fields.

	IMS220 v3.02 will now display unit costs and prices per the IMS units of
	precision as specified in IMS000. (17-Aug-2009)

	IMS220 v3.03 now includes report items for User Code1, User Code2,
	and User Code3 from the Parts Master file. Additionally, the IMS220
	saved routines have been converted to use the newer SMG style of saved
	routines. You will need to run CVT_SAVOPT to update IMS220 saved routines
	to the newer version. You will also need to have the IMS220_SAVOPT.CVT
	file in the SCS$SYS: area to run CVT_SAVOPT.

	IMS220 v3.04 now supports the /ARCHIVE option at the Output-to question
	to allow auto-archive the report even when the report is sent to an
	OpenVMS print queue. (25-Aug-2010)

	IMS220 v3.05 now includes the Default Warehouse and Default Location fields
	from the Parts Master file as report items. (03-Mar-2011)

	IMS220 v3.06 will now format dates as MM/DD/YYYY for CSV output to be
	more Excel compatible. (20-May-2011)

	IMS220 v3.07 fixed so the line spacing option works. (29-Sep-2011)

  IMS260 V3.04 - IMS Transactions Generic Report   

	IMS260 v3.02 support was added for the "/ARCHIVE" option at the "Output-to"
	question to auto-archive printed output.

	IMS260 v3.03 now formats dates as MM/DD/YYYY for CSV output to be
	more Excel compatible. (20-May-2011)

	IMS260 v3.04 fixed a problem where the Comments field could not be
	included on a report. (21-Nov-2011)

  IMS301 V4.26 - Sales Order Entry/Edit   

	IMS301 v4.01 changed so that pricing (including contract pricing) is
	based on the sold-to customer and not bill-to customer.  Only billing
	related info such as Terms and customer credit checks should be based on
	bill-to customer. (08-Dec-2008)

	IMS301 v4.02 was changed to update the default branch number on a sales
	order from the user preference setting of the user that created the order.

	IMS301 v4.03 changed how cash customer addresses are tracked.  If you
	choose to track cash sales customers, the user will now be prompted for
	the customer phone number and a pop-up CUSTOMER address window will
	prompt for the customer address.  You can now also enter "#" at the
	ship-to name to default the ship-to address to the cash CUSTOMER address
	that was just entered at the sold-to question.  A new "#" edit mode
	option will allow you to view/edit the cash CUSTOMER address for CASH type
	customer sales.
	Also, the program will now warn you if you enter a TERMS or SHIP VIA code
	that is not valid. (09-Feb-2009)

	IMS301 V4.04 will now warn you if the order warehouse does not
	equal the default warehouse during line item entry.  Also, several problems
	were fixed with price formula computations when using any UOM besides
	UOM#1. (18-Mar-2009)

	IMS301 V4.05 now supports a POS Pole Display of the order total just
	before entering order payment.  Please contact Spokane Computer to
	configure sales order entry for POS entry. (13-Apr-2009)

	IMS301 V4.06 fixed a problem where the line item status incorrectly
	displayed "*REDUCED" or "*MERGED" after returning from the "$" payment
	option. (01-Jun-2009)

	IMS301 v4.07 fixed a problem where changing the user default sales order
 	code was not using the new value.  Support was also added for the .CFG
 	file setting of SCREEN=FULL to start IMS301 in full screen mode instead
 	of in quick screen mode. (31-Jul-2009)

	IMS301 v4.08 now validates the Sales Order Number as a valid filename.
	This allows ReportRouter to process/print the order since the order
	number is part of the routed filename. (25-Aug-2009)

	IMS301 v4.09 added a new "EB" edit option to allow you to edit the
	Order Branch Number. (18-Sep-2009)

	IMS301 v4.10 fixed a bug from v4.08 where you could not enter a new
	sales order number because it incorrectly thought the sales order
	contained spaces. (22-Sep-2009)

	IMS301 v4.11 was changed when entering a CASH customer address, to default
	the phone number from the phone number entered for the order.

	IMS301 v4.12 fixed a problem entering a seven digit phone number for a
	cash sale order where the cash customer info could not be located.

	IMS301 v4.13 replaced the old [Do] key Contact Inquiry with a new routine
	that allows adding and editing basic contact info. (07-Jan-2010)

	IMS301 v4.14 fixed several key mapping problems with the "quick key" mapping.
	Also, key map #38 was changed from the "Popup Calculator" to "Contact Inquiry"
	since it would be more useful.  (04-Feb-2010)

	IMS301 v4.15 will now validate SALES REP, SHIP VIA, and TERMS codes
	if you have any of those codes defined in PAR100. (14-May-2010)

	IMS301 v4.16 changed so the Customer Credit inquiry [Do] key option
	will use Bill-to customer rather than Sold-to customer. (18-Jun-2010)

	IMS301 v4.17 will now enforce a quantity range from -99999.999
	to 999999.999.  Also, a minor bug was fixed where the M-ore option
	did not work first time if you used the [Find] key to find the
	sales order. (30-Jun-2010)

	IMS301 v4.18 was changed to look for the optional EndUser Name/Address
	file and, if it exists, then allow the "O-ptional EndUser address" edit
	option to associate an EndUser with the sales order.  You can also add a
	setting of ASK_ENDUSER=Y to your PACK00:{client}_IMS301.CFG file to
	automatically prompt for the EndUser just before adding a new sales order.
	Also, for consistency with JOS, the old "O-rder note" edit option is now
	"I-nsert note" so that the "O-ptional Enduser" option is the same in JOS
	and IMS. (03-Aug-2010)

	IMS301 v4.19 included internal changes only.

	IMS301 v4.20 now includes a Sales Order FINDER option to find orders
	by Reference Number. (07-Jan-2011)

	IMS301 v4.21 now includes the option to find a sales order by End-User.

	IMS301 v4.22 will now show the End-User Name in the bottom right corner of
	the first screen if there is an EndUser for the sales order. (14-Mar-2011)

	IMS301 v4.23 fixed the display of sold-to and bill-to customer names
	so the previous displayed value is cleared by the new value. (29-Mar-2011)

	IMS301 v4.24 now supports the [Find] key at the "Customer Phone Number?"
	question to allow finding existing cash customers. (17-Mar-2011)

	IMS301 v4.25 fixed a "?No current record - updating IMSD record" error
	when doing a partial backorder and then trying to commit on a ship avail order.

	IMS301 V4.26 changed the "S" status option screen to include Order Contact
	name.  The backorder status can now be viewed using the separate "SB" edit
	option. Also, edit option "EC" can now be used to edit the order contact
	name. (09-Aug-2011)

  IMS302 V3.24 - Quick Sales Order Entry   

	IMS302 v3.01 changed so that pricing (including contract pricing) is
	based on the sold-to customer and not bill-to customer.  Only billing
	related info such as Terms and customer credit checks should be based on
	bill-to customer. (08-Dec-2008)

	IMS302 v3.02 was changed to update the default branch number on a sales
	order from the user preference setting of the user that created the order.

	IMS302 v3.03 changed how cash customer addresses are tracked.  If you
	choose to track cash sales customers, the user will now be prompted for
	the customer phone number and a pop-up CUSTOMER address window will
	prompt for the customer address.  You can now also enter "#" at the
	ship-to name to default the ship-to address to the cash CUSTOMER address
	that was just entered at the sold-to question.  A new "#" edit mode
	option will allow you to view/edit the cash CUSTOMER address for CASH type
	customer sales.
	Also, the program will now warn you if you enter a TERMS or SHIP VIA code
	that is not valid. (09-Feb-2009)

	IMS302 v3.04 had minor changes to how the default warehouse was
	handled and how optional files were handled. (08-Apr-2009)

	IMS302 v3.05 added support for interfacing a POS pole display.

	IMS302 v3.06 fixed a bug where the tax code default was not correct.

	IMS302 v3.07 fixed a bug where the ship-to fields were not getting
	validated. (21-May-2009)

	IMS302 v3.08 fixed a problem where changing the user default sales order
	code was not using the new value. (31-Jul-2009)

	IMS302 v3.09 will now test the sales order number to insure it it a valid
	filename.  This will insure ReportRouter can route the order. (25-Aug-2009)

	IMS302 v3.10 fixed a bug from V3.09 where you could not enter a new sales
	order number because it incorrectly thought the sales order contained
	spaces. (22-Sep-2009)

	IMS302 v3.11 was changed when entering a CASH customer address, to default
 	the phone number from the phone number entered for the order. (25-Sep-2009)

	IMS302 v3.12 fixed a problem entering a seven digit phone number for a
	cash sale order where the cash customer info could not be located.

	IMS302 v3.13 replaced the old [Do] key Contact Inquiry with a new routine
	that allows adding and editing basic contact info. (07-Jan-2010)

	IMS302 v3.14 fixed several key mapping problems with the "quick key" mapping.
	Also, key map #38 was changed from the "Popup Calculator" to "Contact Inquiry"
	since it would be more useful.  (04-Feb-2010)

	IMS302 v3.15 fixed a problem where the "@cust#" feature at Ship-to Name
	was not working. (24-Jun-2010)

	IMS302 v3.16 will now enforce a quantity range from -99999.999
	to 999999.999.  Also, a minor bug was fixed where the M-ore option
	did not work first time if you used the [Find] key to find the
	sales order. (30-Jun-2010)

	IMS302 v3.17 was changed to look for the optional EndUser Name/Address
	file and, if it exists, then allow the "O-ptional EndUser address" edit
	option to associate an EndUser with the sales order.  You can also add a
	setting of ASK_ENDUSER=Y to your PACK00:{client}_IMS302.CFG file to
	automatically prompt for the EndUser just before adding a new sales order.
	Also, for consistency with JOS, the old "O-rder note" edit option is now
	"I-nsert note" so that the "O-ptional Enduser" option is the same in JOS
	and IMS. (03-Aug-2010)

	IMS302 v3.18 was for minor internal changes only.

	IMS302 v3.19 no longer forces asking the Extra questions if Customer P.O.
	Required is Y-es because Cust PO# is now a main screen question.

	IMS302 v3.20 fix problem where Sales Rep and Tax Code were getting set
	incorrectly in certain situations. (15-Nov-2010)

	IMS302 v3.21 was changed to handle the [Find] key at the "Ship-to Name"
	the same as IMS301 does. (14-Jan-2011)

	IMS302 v3.22 now supports the [Find] key at the "Customer Phone Number?"
	question to allow finding existing cash customers. (17-Mar-2011)

	IMS302 v3.23 fixed a "?No current record - updating IMSD record" error
	when doing a partial backorder and then trying to commit on a ship avail order.

	IMS302 V3.24 changed the "S" status option screen to include Order Contact
	name.  The backorder status can now be viewed using the separate "SB" edit
	option. Also, edit option "EC" can now be used to edit the order contact
	name. (09-Aug-2011)

  IMS303 V1.07 - Simple Point of Sale Entry   

	IMS303 V1.00 is a new program for simple point-of-sale entry.  This program
	is designed for strictly a retail environment with only cash or credit card
	sales supported. (20-Jan-2009)

	IMS303 v1.01 added support for interfacing a POS pole display.

	IMS303 v1.02 was for minor internal changes only. (28-Apr-2009)

	IMS303 v1.03 fixed a problem where changing the user default sales order
	code was not using the new value. (31-Jul-2009)

	IMS303 V1.04 now supports a [Do] key option to set Default Sales Rep.
	This will allow different sales reps to "login" to each POS terminal.

	IMS303 v1.05 fixed a problem where customer payments were created with
	Cash Account = 0 because a default cash account had not been set.

	IMS303 v1.06 now opens the IMS Inventory file so you can do inventory
	lookups using FINDER and ZOOM. (23-Feb-2010)

	IMS303 v1.07 now shows the default sales rep in the upper left corner of
	the screen. (11-May-2011)

	IMS303 v1.07 now supports a [Do] key option for "Daily Cash Drawer Summary"
	to show summarized payments by payment method for today's date and for
	the current user initials. (11-May-2011)

  IMS325 V2.05 - Sales Order Gross Profit Report   

	IMS325 v2.05 once again includes the question to page break between sales
	orders when printing a D-etail report. (18-Aug-2009)

  IMS330 V2.05 - Attach Sales Backorders to PO's/MO's   

	IMS330 v2.01 was changed to set the default branch from the User
	Preference setting when adding a new PO. (19-Feb-2009)

	IMS330 v2.02 was changed to not allow creating a purchase order for a
	supplier with "HOLD" terms or for a supplier with C-losed status.

	IMS330 v2.03 will now check for a PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file
	(where {OrderBy} is the user initials) and import into CONTACT text type
	when adding a new PO. (03-Sep-2009)

	IMS330 v2.04 will now prompt for the PO Comment when creating purchase
	orders for sales backorders. (10-Aug-2010)

	IMS330 v2.05 will now ask if you want to re-print a purchase order if you
	chose to print the purchase order after it gets created. This version also
	fixed a problem where the branch name/address did not print as the ship-to
	address when printing the purchase order. (02-Feb-2011)

  IMS340 V4.06 - Print Sales Orders   

	IMS340 v4.02 now includes the option to print batches of finalized orders.
	If you choose to print finalized orders only, you will be prompted for
	auto-print options.  If you specify either the /AUTO_FAX or /AUTO_EMAIL
	option, and if you have any customer contacts setup with the /INVOICE flag
	in the Contact Info field, those customers will receive emailed or faxed
	invoices instead of printed invoices. (16-Jun-2009)

	IMS340 v4.03 now supports the auto-print option of /AUTO_MAIL to only print
	invoices where the customer option flag indicates the customer requires a
	mailed invoice. (22-Jul-2009)

	IMS340 v4.04 now supports the auto-print option of /ARCHIVE to allow
	archiving documents even if the document was sent to an OpenVMS print
	queue. Also, the "/AUTO_" prefix no longer needs to be specified on
	the auto-print options. (26-May-2010)

	IMS340 v4.06 now tries to open the optional EndUser Name/Address file
	so that IMSINV can print the EndUser fields if requested. (03-Aug-2010)

  IMS350 V4.06 - Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders   

	IMS350 v4.02 was internal changes only.

	IMS350 v4.03 now handles if you (mistakenly) have the DEFAULT PART set
	as inventoried to not try to reduce/return a non-existent part.

	IMS350 v4.04 was internal changes only.

	IMS350 V4.05 fixed a problem caused by v4.03 where unknown parts were being
	skipped instead of being marked as reduced.  This prevented IMS380 from
	merging and closing the sales order. (04-Feb-2011)

	IMS350 v4.06 fixed a problem where backordered items that were NOT on
	ship available orders were getting incorrectly marked as reduced.

  IMS355 V1.01 - Un-Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders   

	IMS355 v1.00 is a new program to un-reduce inventory for selected
	sales orders. The sales order must be open and not merged to RCV.
	Only inventoried parts will be un-reduced since non-inventory parts
	can always be modified. Sales orders created from job orders will
	be skipped and must be adjusted in the JOS system. (21-Sep-2010)

	IMS355 v1.01 fixed a problem where you could not press [F12] or [Ctrl Z]
	to backup at the "Begin at?" question. (07-Apr-2011)

  IMS385 V2.04 - Re-open a Merged Sales Order   

	IMS385 v2.01 now allows re-opening a sales order even if the RCV invoice
	associated with that order has been posted to FAS.  The invoice must have
	been posted in the current IMS month and must have been posted with the
	Invoice Number as the FAS Reference Number.
	Note that the program will no longer re-open order payments that have been
	posted because the payment would have the Deposit Ref# (and not the
	Invoice#) as the FAS Reference Number. (02-Feb-2010)

	IMS385 v2.02 now give you the option to create the FAS Transactions file
	if it does not yet exist for the current RCV year and month. (27-Jul-2010)

	IMS385 v2.03 fixed so a credit memo can be re-opened without the program
	trying to re-open the invoice number that the credit memo was applied to.

	IMS385 v2.04 will now clear the Invoice Number field when re-opening a
	sales order - in case you want to re-merge to a different invoice number.

  IMS388 V1.00 - Un-Merge Order Payments   

	IMS388 v1.00 is a new program to un-merge order payments from the
	RCV Transactions file. (05-Aug-2009)

  IMS390 V3.09 - Sales Order Generic Report   

	IMS390 v3.01 changed so the Customer Category and Customer Class
	report fields print for the Sold-to customer instead of the Bill-to
	customer.  This is more consistent with IMS sales analysis reporting.

	IMS390 v3.02 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to pass keywords to
	Report Router when a report gets routed. (29-Sep-2009)

	IMS390 v3.03 now includes Part Price1 to Part Price5 as report items.

	IMS390 v3.04 added support for auto-archiving using the /ARCHIVE option
	as part of the "Output to" specification.

	IMS390 v3.05 was internal changes only.

	IMS390 v3.06 added "Order Branch" and "End-User ID" and
	"End-User Name/Address" and "Sold-to Name/Address" and
	"Bill-to Name/Address" as report items.
	Also, the sold-to name/address fields will now reflect the CASH customer
	name and address if you are tracking cash customer info. (14-Jan-2011)

	IMS390 v3.07 added "EndUser Name" as a report item. (31-Jan-2011)

	IMS390 v3.08 now formats dates as MM/DD/YYYY for CSV output to be more
	Excel compatible. (20-May-2011)

	IMS390 v3.09 has added Parts Master User Code1, User Code2, and User Code3
	fields as report items. (11-Nov-2011)

  IMS398 V2.01 - Sales Tax Generic Report   

	IMS398 v2.01 fixed a problem where sort by Bill-to State was not working.

  IMS399 V2.01 - IMS Log File Report   

	IMS399 v2.01 now supports output to a CSV file. (25-Aug-2010)

  IMS405 V2.01 - IMS/FAS Inventory Reconciliation   

	IMS405 v2.01 now supports creating a CSV output file if you specify a file
	extension of ".CSV" at the "Output to" question. (21-May-2010)

  IMS445 V2.08 - Order Demand Report   

	IMS445 v2.01 fixed some minor paging issues. (13-Oct-2009)

	IMS445 v2.02 changed how the report title was passed to ReportRouter
	to fix a problem when routing this report. (08-Apr-2010)

	IMS445 v2.03 now includes open inventory transfers in the order demand.

	IMS445 v2.04 now includes Part Type as a selective item. (12-Aug-2010)

	IMS445 v2.05 changed the sort by option to a choice of: Product Code or
	Primary Supplier. Also, "Priority Date" was added as a possible item for
	selectivity.  However, you can only be selective on Priority Date when
	running a summary report.  Therefore, the question order was re-arranged
	so that the summary report question and sort by question are asked before
	the selective by question.  This is also more like how generic reports ask
	these questions. (09-Sep-2010)

	IMS445 v2.06 will now only include O-pen transfers when processing
	inventory transfer records. (14-Apr-2011)

	IMS445 v2.07 has been re-compiled to support the new Inventory Transfers
	record layout per IMS110 v4.10 changes. (01-Jul-2011)

	IMS445 V2.08 now includes "Specific ID (Y/N)" as as selective item.

  IMS450 V3.01 - Adjusted Inventory Stock Status Report   

	IMS450 V3.01 now prints all 30 characters of the Part Description.
	Previously, it only printed the first 25 characters of the description.

  IMS480 V2.01 - Inventory Reorder Report   

	IMS480 v2.01 will now print Min Ord Amt, Min Ord PPD, and Min Weight PPD
	fields when printing the supplier heading section. (19-Feb-2009)

  IMS500 V4.10 - Parts Status Inquiry   

	IMS500 V4.01 now shows Status Date on screen "2".  Also, a problem
	was fixed with J-ob order inquiry where summary by Phase was not
	working. (13-Mar-2009)

	IMS500 V4.02 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	IMS500 v4.03 included custom program modifications only.

	IMS500 v4.04 now supports an "S2" option to show sales order detail
	information including Serial Number. (11-Jan-2011)

	IMS500 v4.05 was changed to add EndUser Name to the job order summary
	display option.  The EndUser Name will also show on the "S2" sales order
	option instead of Ship-to Name (since Ship-to Name is on the main "S"
	screen). (26-Jan-2011)

	IMS500 v4.06 will now show "OnOrder Qty" for the K-it option when showing
	available quantities for kit components. (18-Feb-2011)

	IMS500 v4.07 renamed the "I-nTransit" option as "I-ntracompany transfers"
	to indicate that this option can now show all inventory transfer records
	including: R-equest, O-pen, and C-losed transfers. (14-Apr-2011)

	IMS500 v4.08 will now show Transfer Request quantity if there are any
	outstanding inventory transfer requests for this part. (22-Apr-2011)

	IMS500 v4.09 now shows the warehouse location for each kit component when
	using the K-it inquiry option. This will show where to go in the warehouse
	to pick the kit components to assemble the kit. (12-May-2011)

	IMS500 v4.10 has been re-compiled to support the new Inventory Transfers
	record layout per IMS110 v4.10 changes. (01-Jul-2011)

  IMS510 V2.04 - Sales Order Status Inquiry   

	IMS510 v2.03 added an inquiry option for "E-nduser" if the EndUser
	Name/Address file exists. (03-Aug-2010)

	IMS510 v2.04 changed for the part inquiry option to show EndUser ID and
	EndUser Name if the EndUser ID is non-zero for the sales order.

  IMS555 V3.02 - Sales Order Inquiry   

	IMS555 v3.00 has been re-designed to inquire on sales orders by either
	Customer Number or by Order Number.
	The program will show matching sales orders and allow you to scroll to
	the desired sales order and "zoom" in to see all the sales order master
	info as well as all the sales order detail info.
	The inquiry will search the current month as well as the last 12 history
	months and the "HIS" history month. (16-Mar-2011)

	IMS555 v3.01 now includes the option to inquire by End-User.
	This option is only available if you are setup to maintain EndUsers.

	IMS555 v3.02 now gives you the option of viewing the sales order master
	info if there is no sales order detail for the order. (28-Jun-2011)

  IMS605 V4.01 - Close IMS Sales Order Files   

	IMS605 v4.01 now creates the Sales Order Master file (IMSM file) for the
	next month with alternate key #5 as Reference Number.  This will allow
	quicker lookups of Sales Orders by Reference Number (for example: when
	the Reference# is the Estore order confirmation number). (13-Jan-2011)

  IMS700 V3.05 - Bill of Material Maintenance   

	IMS700 v3.02 was changed so, when backing up out of detail entry, you will
	go back to EDIT mode instead of all the way back to ADD mode. (22-Feb-2010)

	IMS700 v3.03 removed the v3.00 restriction that a kit part not be allowed
	to have M-ake, K-it or L-abor components. It will be the user's
	responsibility to insure that kits remain as a single level BOM.  If a kit
	component is a M-ake or K-it part and that part is not in inventory, the
	kit will not be able to be assembled. (17-Mar-2010)

	IMS700 v3.04 was internal changes only.

	IMS700 v3.05 now defaults the BOM Quantity to "1" instead of forcing you
	to enter a non-zero quantity. (01-Apr-2011)

  IMS710 V4.16 - Mfg. Order Entry/Edit   

	IMS710 v4.02 will now alert you if the last detail component record has
	been deleted and will ask if you want to delete the entire mfg. order.

	IMS710 V4.03 was internal changes only. (22-Jun-2009)

	IMS710 V4.04 was internal changes only. (22-Oct-2009)

	IMS710 v4.05 now makes the Landed Cost Option a manager option
	so normal users can not change this setting. (19-Nov-2009)

	IMS710 v4.06 fixed a problem where the PUR backorder warehouse was not
	getting set when a backorder was created by this program. This caused
	PUR100 and PUR400 to think there was a warehouse mis-match between the
	BO and the PO. (19-Mar-2009)

	IMS710 v4.07 fixed a problem where duplicate sequence numbers were
	created when using the M-ore option to add items to a mfg order.
	The problem only happened if the BOM for the Mfg Order had optional
	components where the optional component seq number was less than the
	highest seq number of the BOM. (07-Apr-2010)

	IMS710 v4.08 adjusted the S-tatus window so the "Buyer:" field could still
	fit even with a longer Product Code. (29-Jul-2010)

	IMS710 v4.09 was modified when deleting a Mfg order item that is
	backordered and attached, if there is a PO requisition for the backorder
	attachment, then the requisition fields will now be cleared from the PO
	detail record(s). (31-Aug-2010)

	IMS710 v4.10 was modified so that, when adding onhands, the Warehouse
	Part Location will be used in preference to the Parts Master default
	location. (16-Dec-2010)

	IMS710 v4.11 now handles audit events when editing the order quantity
	using the "EQ" edit option. (11-Jan-2011)

	IMS710 v4.12 fixed so specifying a default warehouse number of "-1" prompts
	for the part number that the warehouse is needed for.  Also, when asking
	for warehouse like this, make sure warehouse is valid. Also, a problem was
	fixed where inventory availability was checked using the
	Serial#/Lot#/Warehouse# of the Mfg Order component whereas it should have
	used the user specified Serial#/Lot#/Warehouse#.

	IMS710 v4.13 fixed a problem where the B-uild reduce option was not
	always finding the correct quantity available.
	Also, the user responses are now shown as bold text. (18-Mar-2011)

	IMS710 v4.14 now supports the "M#" option in PAR100 and the user preference
	setting in PAR120 for multiple ranges of mfg order codes. (04-Apr-2011)

	IMS710 v4.14 fixed so the V-iew option does not cut off last character
	of the MO# if using a 10 character mfg order number.
	This version also expanded the S-tatus option window to show the component
	part Extra Description. (04-Apr-2011)

	IMS710 v4.14 changed the S-tatus option to ask for how to perform the
	status option: M-anual, A-uto, B-uild, or S-elective.
	The "SA" (Status Auto) option will now only attempt to automatically choose
	the default status option without actually trying to build each mfg order.
	The "SB" (Status Build) option should now be used to try to auto-build
	existing mfg orders if it can. (04-Apr-2011)

	IMS710 v4.14 now allows creating a Mfg Order for a B-uy type parent part.
	This will allow you to create a custom "one-off" mfg order to custom build
	an otherwise "buy" type part.  You will be prompted with an alert box to
	confirm that you want to create a custom order. (04-Apr-2011)

	IMS710 v4.15 fixed a problem asking for the quantity to include for
	optional components so the pop-up window displays correctly. (11-May-2011)

	IMS710 v4.16 fixed a problem where zero quantity on-hands records
	were being left instead of getting deleted when inventory was reduced.

  IMS711 V1.00 - Replace Component Parts on Mfg. Orders   

	IMS711 v1.00 is a new program to replace component parts on selected
	open manufacturing orders. The component part must not yet be reduced
	from inventory.  If the component is a M-ake part, then it can not have
	an associated mfg. order building. (24-Jun-2010)

  IMS720 V4.01 - BOM Cost Rollup Report   

	IMS720 v4.01 changed the label for "Parts Master Cost..." at the bottom
	of the report to show which cost was rolled up.  For example, if rolling
	up "PC" cost the report will print "Parts Master LAST PURCHASE COST...".

  IMS725 V3.12 - BOM Cost Update   

	IMS725 v3.11 was fixed to use the parts master costs during rollup if
	there was no BOM found for the M-ake or K-it part. (21-Oct-2009)

	IMS725 v3.12 was changed to remove the scroll region to allow you to scroll
	the screen back to see all the rollup messages.
	Also, when the rollups are done, you will be asked if you want to view the
	report. (22-Feb-2010)

  IMS730 V1.19 - Mfg. Requirements Report   

	IMS730 v1.17 will now ask for the warehouse to use.  You can either choose
	a single warehouse or leave the warehouse blank to check ALL warehouses.
	This will allow you to see shortages in the warehouse you actually use for
	manufacturing. (02-Sep-2010)

	IMS730 v1.18 now asks for "BOM levels to check".  This option is useful
	if you have some sub-assemblies built in a different warehouse and you
	do not want the Mfg. Requirements Report for this warehouse to check for
	sub-assembly components that will actually be used from a different
	warehouse. (21-Oct-2010)

	IMS730 v1.19 now prints the Part Type (e.g. M-ake or B-uy) if there is
	a Quantity Short on the report so you can easily see whether the part
	needs to be bought or made. (28-Mar-2011)

  IMS740 V2.02 - Assemble/Disassemble Kit/Make Parts   

	IMS740 was changed so, when disassembling kits, if component part has
	Part Flag "D" set then ask for the location to return the part to.

	IMS740 v2.02 now prompts for Branch, Profit Center, and Cost Center and
	will use those values when adding kit parts to inventory. (22-Oct-2009)

  IMS750 V1.13 - Mfg. Order Cost Rollup Report   

	IMS750 v1.12 fixed a record lock problem in the COST_ROLLUP routine
	that caused the program to stop. (17-Apr-2009)

	IMS750 v1.13 fixed a problem where the first record to print on each bill
	showed a blank record with "Part not found". (22-Sep-2009)

  IMS790 V2.02 - Manufacturing Order Generic Report   

	IMS790 v2.01 added Serial Number as a report item. (04-Jul-2009)

	IMS790 v2.02 changed the report header page to put quotes around selected
	ranges of date fields and string fields so you can tell if you selected
	a blank range. (20-Jul-2010)

  IMSFX1 V2.13 - Fix IMS File Problems   

	IMSFX1 V2.11 added option 6 to scan the IMSR warehouse transfers file
	to see if there are any O-pen transfer records where the onhands are
	no longer in the in-transit warehouse.  This could happen if somebody
	adjusted the in-transit onhands via some program other than IMS110.

	IMSFX1 V2.12 added option 7 to delete any On-hands (IMSH) records that
	have a zero qty. (14-Jun-2011)

	IMSFX1 v2.13 has been re-compiled to support the new Inventory Transfers
	record layout per IMS110 v4.10 changes. (01-Jul-2011)

  IMSP_UPDATE V3.02 - Update Parts Master from Vendor Data   

	IMSP_UPDATE v3.01 now includes {BASE_COST} as a tag that can be updated
	by this program. (02-Jan-2009)

	IMSP_UPDATE v3.02 fixed a problem where the Max, Min, and ROP stock levels
	were incorrectly getting cleared when updating the warehouse parts
	location. (23-Apr-2010)

  IMSTEQ V5.48 - Create Sales Orders from TEQuote v5   

	IMSTEQ V5.42 now supports TEQ file Version="5.5" HDR record layout which
	includes User Text1 to User Text4 and Discount Code fields. These fields
	can now be mapped to IMS fields if you have TEQuote v5.5 or greater.

	IMSTEQ V5.43 will now set the default order branch when adding a new sales
	order. (11-Jan-2010)

	IMSTEQ v5.44 has changed HDRTXT text types for the TEQuote 5.6 release.
	Text type "ADDITIONAL" (formerly "NOTES") is TEQuote Additional Notes.
	Text type "INTERNAL" is TEQuote Internal Notes.
	Text type "QUOTE" remains the same and contains quote text. (20-Jan-2010)

	IMSTEQ v5.45 fixed a problem where the next sales order number to use
	should only be set if the Order Number passed from TEQuote is 0.
	Also, a problem was fixed where the import would not work if the import
	TEQ file ended on a block boundary. (25-Jan-2010)

	IMSTEQ v5.46 was a custom enhancment only.

	IMSTEQ v5.47 added support for TEQuote 5.8 (TEQ file version="5.8").
	This version supports "LBR" record types to create LBR Standard Hours
	records.  Creating LBR records is supported only when creating O-pen jobs
	and only if you are setup to use the LBR system. (07-Dec-2010)

	IMSTEQ v5.48 now supports mapping the "Dealer Code" from TEQuote v5.8
	to selected JOS fields.  (17-Feb-2011)

  IMSUPD V1.08 - Update Various IMS Files   

	IMSUPD V1.07 now includes option "6" to update parts master fields from the
	warehouse parts file for the default warehouse. (14-Jul-2009)

	IMSUPD V1.08 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

  IMSWHS40 V1.00 - Set Warehouse in ALL Files   

	IMSWHS40 v1.00 is a new program to enable warehousing and change BLANK
	or ZERO warehouse numbers in ALL files to a default warehouse number.

  IMSW_UPDATE V1.00 - Update Warehouse Parts from Text Data   

	IMSW_UPDATE v1.00 is a new program to update warehouse parts stock levels
	from a text data file.  See the online help for detailed instructions.

  IMSXFR V1.05 - Inter-Company Inventory Transfers   

	IMSXFR v1.00 is a new program to do inter-company inventory transfers.
	Please contact Spokane Computer customer support for help setting up
	and using this program. (09-Jun-2011)

	IMSXFR V1.01 will now ceck for a CUSTOM: logical and, if set, use that
	value for the path of the IMSXFR transfer data file(s).  That will allow
	you to use the IMSXFR program in a test data area. (15-Jun-2011)

	IMSXFR V1.02 adds support for a CFG setting of PRINT_COPIES=COPY1,COPY2
	to print the named number of copies on the P-rint option. (08-Aug-2011)

	IMSXFR V1.03 fixed a problem where the INTO client's part master record
	was not current when opening a transfer; which caused the IMS Transactions
	record to have bad values for Inventory Account and UOM.
	Another problem was fixed with the R-eport option where the screen display
	would get messed up.
	Another problem was fixed where a transfer with no EMAIL TO address would
	leave the transfer in a "pending" status. The program will now ask if you
	want to view the transfer notification if there is no EMAIL TO address.

	IMSXFR v1.04 now allows the INTO client (i.e. the "requesting" client)
	to create a new transfer request. The program still allows the FROM client
	to create a new transfer request on behalf of the INTO client.

	IMSXFR v1.05 includes the following changes:
	There is a new Main Option (for E-ntry or R-eport) so you can use the
	report option without calling up a specific transfer.
	When reporting on O-pen or C-losed transfers, the report option now asks
	for optional selectivity on a specified year-month.  This allows you to
	print reports for a desired month for transaction reporting for that month.
	A problem was fixed where the "M-ore" option would not let the INTO client
	add more line items to an existing transfer.
	Finally, the PO Number question will now only be asked if the CFG setting
	of PO_REQD=Y has been set in the IMSXFR config file. (09-Dec-2011)

Job Order Programs (JOS)

  JOS000 V3.01 - Job Order Parameter Maintenance   

	JOS000 v3.01 now supports Validation Option "N" to validate the Work Code
	during job detail entry. (27-Jan-2009)

  JOS002 V2.02 - JOS Vehicle Setup    

	JOSV_VALIDLIST v1.05 (used by JOS002) added a new L-ist edit option to
	L-oad or S-ave a list file of valid list items.  This allows you to easily
	add, delete or re-arrange the valid items list using a normal text editor.

  JOS050 V2.14 - Job Order Format Entry/Edit   

	JOS050 v2.03 added print item 125 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	JOS050 v2.04 added print item 126 as a special Custom Field. (08-Jun-2009)

	JOS050 v2.05 now supports the ";SHIP_VIA" setup code to print "Ship Via"
	as print item 97.  (18-Aug-2009)

	JOS050 v2.06 added print item 127 as "Order Status"
	and print item 128 as "Price By". (10-Sep-2009)

	JOS050 v2.07 included custom modifications only.

	JOS050 v2.08 now supports the ";ENDUSER" setup option to print EndUser
	name/address fields similar to how ";BILL_TO" prints bill-to name/address
	fields. (03-Aug-2010)

	JOS050 v2.09 now supports the ";ORDER_TAKER" setup option to allow
	printing the order taker name using print item 97. (15-Nov-2010)

	JOS050 v2.10 now includes a quick print option for "Form Name" to allow
	you to set different form names.  This will allow ReportRouter to use
	different form backgrounds for different form names. (01-Mar-2011)

	JOS050 v2.11 changed all "vehicle pool" file verbiage to "JOS Vehicle"
	file. This will allow for eventual addition of a Vehicle Master file.

	JOS050 v2.12 now supports setup option ";RR_PROMPT=xxx" to set the default
	prompt for job orders sent to ReportRouter. (16-Jun-2011)

	JOS050 v2.13 was changed to test for maximum length of saved text types
	for quick print options. (25-Jul-2011)

	JOS050 v2.14 now allows you to enter the ;TAX=STATE and ;TAX=COUNTY
	and ;TAX=CITY setup options. Previously, online help showed that these
	options existed although JOS050 did not support them. (21-Sep-2011)

  JOS060 V2.03 - Proof Job Order Format   

	JOS060 v2.01 added print item 125 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	JOS050 v2.02 added print item 126 as a special Custom Field. (08-Jun-2009)

	JOS060 v2.03 added print item 127 as "Order Status"
	and print item 128 as "Price By". (10-Sep-2009)

  JOS100 V5.39 - Job Order Estimates   

	JOS100 v5.04 now supports JOS000 Validation Option "N" to validate the
	Work Code during job detail entry. (27-Jan-2009)

	JOS100 v5.05 has added support to track CASH customer info on CASH orders.
	The program will now prompt for the customer phone number at the sold-to
	customer question and then prompt you for the cash customer address.
	This will allow the ship-to address to be maintained as a ship-to address
	instead of as a customer address. You can now enter "#" at the ship-to
	name to default the ship-to address to the cash customer address just
	entered at the sold-to customer question. A new edit mode option "#" will
	allow view/edit of the cash customer address for a "CASH" order.

	JOS100 v5.06 will now validate Order Taker Initials from the Misc.
	Codes file. (12-Mar-2009)

	JOS100 v5.07 will now insure that the job order master record is locked
	before going into edit mode. (06-Jun-2009)

	JOS100 v5.08 will now initially set the JOS detail estimate line item = 0
	and will set the line item to a unique value only if needed for the "ET"
	(i.e. Edit Text) option. (08-Jul-2009)

	JOS100 v5.09 was a custom modification only.

	JOS100 v5.10 was fixed so the default warehouse setting established here
	will be respected by the JOSISS routine. (27-Jul-2009)

	JOS100 v5.11 now includes a new job order FINDER option #8 to find a
	job order by the Sold-to Customer Name.  Note that this method uses a
	cascading finder since the Sold-to Customer Name does not exist in the
	job order file. (21-Aug-2009)

	JOS100 v5.12 changed the [Do] key option for "Set Default Warehouse" to
	validate the warehouse entry. [Find] key support was also added for
	warehouse. A new "EW" edit option now allows you to set JOS Detail
	Estimate warehouse. Finally, when changing status from Q-uote to O-pen
	and you choose to create issue records, you will be prompted first to
	confirm the default warehouse. (23-Sep-2009)

	JOS100 v5.13 was changed when entering a CASH customer address, to default
	the phone number from the phone number entered for the order. (25-Sep-2009)

	JOS100 v5.14 fixed a bug from v5.00 where the JOS detail estimate record
	would never be found.  This was most apparent when entering a phase and
	part number to try and bring up an existing estimate record. (01-Oct-2009)

	JOS100 v5.15 will now check for existing issue records by scanning all
	JOS detail records for the job instead of checking for JOS master line
	item count of 0 (because JOS detail estimate records now use line item
	numbers). (13-Oct-2009)

	JOS100 v5.16 will now set the line item number on phase title records
	to be equal to the phase number.  (This fixes a problem caused by v5.08
	which should only have affected estimate records and NOT phase titles.)

	JOS100 v5.17 now uses the standard VIEW_PO routine to view open purchase
	orders.  This now includes viewing Requisition# and inquiry by
	Requisition#. (09-Nov-2009)

	JOS100 v5.18 changed the [Do] key Contacts Inquiry option so you can
	add/edit contact info as well as view it. Also, support was added for
	a "ED" edit option to edit Job Defaults. (06-Jan-2010)

	JOS100 v5.19 changed the C-opy option to not copy "#I" detail text
	because issue records are not copied so issue text should not be copied.
	When copying "#E" estimate detail text, the new JOS detail record and the
	copied text will now have the correct (matching) line item numbers.

	JOS100 v5.20 fixed the defaults for branch, profit center, and cost
	center. The JOS Master fields should default from user pref settings.
	The JOS Detail fields should default first to the JOS Master value
	and then to the user preference setting if JOS Master value is zero.
	JOS Detail ACTUAL/ISSUE records will default first from the ESTIMATE
	value and then the same as above. (07-Apr-2010)

	JOS100 v5.21 was custom modifications only.

	JOS100 v5.22 now supports a [Do] key option for Customer Credit inquiry.

	JOS100 v5.23 was changed to look for the optional EndUser Name/Address
	file and, if it exists, then allow the "O-ptional EndUser address" edit
	option to associate an EndUser with the job order.  You can also add a
	setting of ASK_ENDUSER=Y to your PACK00:{client}_JOS100.CFG file to
	automatically prompt for the EndUser just before adding a new job order.

	JOS100 v5.24 fixed a problem if you change Bill-to Customer after a sales
	order has been created then try to do an order payment where the sales
	order master record never got changed to the new Bill-to Customer and
	therefore the payment was applied to the wrong customer. (09-Sep-2010)

	JOS100 v5.25 now handles if the master tax code gets automatically
	changed (for example when changing the sold-to customer) so the program
	will ask whether to change JOS Detail tax codes to match. (27-Sep-2010)

	JOS100 v5.26 now looks for the optional customer dealer file for use
	by JOSVEH. (05-Oct-2010)

	JOS100 v5.27 now strips spaces from default ship-to field values so that
	the test for a mandatory response forces actual entry of a value.

	JOS100 v5.28 now includes the option to find a job order by End-User.

	JOS100 v5.29 changed so most of the job order finders ask for selective
	order status to find.  That will allow you to skip closed orders
	regardless of which job order find option was used. (04-Feb-2011)

	JOS100 v5.30 will now show the End-User Name just below the Comment
	field (13) if there is an EndUser for the job order. (14-Mar-2011)

	JOS100 v5.31 has changed how customer TERMS text and parts NOTES text
	display.  The user will now have to press the [F12] key when finished
	viewing text.  That will insure that the user has acknowledged that they
	saw the text so they can not just press [Enter] to skip over it.

	JOS100 v5.32 changed all "vehicle pool" file verbiage to "JOS Vehicle"
	file to clarify how this vehicle information is used.
	There were also several custom program modifications in this version.

	JOS100 v5.33 added support for a JOS-to-TDRS interface.
	If you have TEQsoft Data Reporting Services (TDRS) reports based
	on Job Orders, you can enable the JOS-to-TDRS interface by defining
	the following DCL symbol:
	$ tdrs_jos_menu=="PACK00:TDRS_JOS_MENU.CSV"
	The above DCL symbol points to the CSV file that defines which TDRS
	reports can be generated from FACS.
	You must also have the FACSPortalService installed on the same Windows
	server that TDRS is installed on.
	With the above DCL settings defined, there will be a [Do] key option for
	the JOS-to-TDRS interface that will show the TDRS interface options from
	the 'tdrs_jos_menu' file.
	Choosing a selection will prompt you for ReportRouter routing instructions
	and will then ask the FACSPortalService to tell TDRS to run the desired
	TDRS report.
	See the Support Center Infobase article (keyword=TDRS) for more
	information on the JOS-to-TDRS interface. (25-Apr-2011)

	JOS100 v5.34 now supports the [Find] key at the "Customer Phone Number?"
	question to allow finding existing cash customers. (17-Mar-2011)

	JOS100 v5.35 fixed where the Ship-to Name was getting truncated to 25
	characters if FINDER was used to get the name. Also, the program was
	changed so Expire Date will auto-default and will also auto-change when
	editing or editing the Quote Date question. (10-Jun-2011)

	JOS100 v5.36 will now respect the FACS_MANAGER JOS Permissions "H" option
	to allow the user to set/clear job order holds. (30-Jun-2011)

	JOS100 v5.37 and v5.38 were custom program changes only.

	JOS100 v5.39 now allows editing the Production Status field even on a
	closed job order. (03-Jan-2012)

  JOS105 V2.11 - Job Order Quote/Issue/Copy   

	JOS105 v2.02 was changed so that if customer TERMS text exists then it will
	be displayed when creating a new job order after prompting for the customer
	number for the new job. (27-Jan-2009)

	JOS105 v2.03 was changed so that when adding a new job, if the "from" job
	branch/profit/cost number does not match the user's default value, to ask
	if you want to use the user's default value instead. (20-Feb-2009)

	JOS105 v2.04 will now initially set the JOS detail estimate line item = 0
	when copying new estimate records (see JOS100 v5.08 release note).

	JOS105 v2.05 was changed the "Preserve ship-to information" question
	to "Keep customer info from original order".
	If Y-es, then it will keep ship-to plus other fields that default from
	the customer record (SalesRep,Terms,TaxCode). (20-Oct-2009)

	JOS105 v2.06 fixed a problem from v2.04 where the phase title record needs
	to set line item = phase number so phase title text will still work.

	JOS105 v2.07 was changed when copying JOS detail records, if the detail
	record being copied has line item text, then it will now automatically
	copy it to the new job order. When copying text, the routine will now
	skip line item text because that text gets copied along with JOS detail.

	JOS105 v2.08 fixed a bug from v2.07 where job master text was getting
	copied incorrectly. (01-Dec-2010)

	JOS105 v2.09 changed when copying JOS Detail records, to check to see
	if the part to copy is Discontinued or Zapped.  If so, then ask if you
	want to use the replacement part. (11-Feb-2011)

	JOS105 v2.10 changed if you use the "X" option to copy vehicle info,
	so that the job order master will be updated with any JOSV to JOSM
	field mappings if any were set in JOS002.
	Also, this program will now use that standard "zoom" screen when using
	the job order finder to zoom into a job. (20-Apr-2011)

	JOS105 V2.11 no longer allows you to create a job order for a customer
	that has C-losed status or an End Date set in CUS100. (23-Nov-2011)

  JOS110 v4.04 - Copy One Job Order to Many   

	JOS110 v4.03 will now ask for the date to use instead of defaulting to
	today's date. (23-Sep-2010)

	JOS110 v4.04 changed when copying JOS Detail records, to check to see
	if the part to copy is Discontinued or Zapped.  If so, then ask if you
	want to use the replacement part. (11-Feb-2011)

  JOS111 V2.03 - Add/Delete Parts in Many Job Orders   

	JOS111 v2.01 added an option to inspect each job order before modifying.
	This will allow you to skip modifying selected jobs in the chosen range.

	JOS111 v2.02 was changed when deleting JOS estimate records and using the
	JOS to LBR interface to ask if you want to auto-delete LBR standard hours
	records.  This would prevent you from being prompted for each record being
	deleted. (04-Mar-2011)

	JOS111 v2.03 changed when adding detail issue records so the Branch,
	Profit Center, and Cost Center fields default the same as if they were
	manually entered. Also, a "S-et" option was added to allow changing the
	default warehouse to use when adding JOS detail records. (10-Jun-2011)

  JOS115 V2.01 - Job Order Price/Cost Batch Update   

	JOS115 v2.01 fixed a bug from v2.00 where the SYSPAR parameter record
	was not getting set properly; causing the pricing routine to fail. Also,
	the phase/category/product selectivity options were fixed to be FACS 4.0
	compatible. (05-May-2009)

  JOS120 V2.04 - Reduce/Return Inventory for Job Orders   

	JOS120 v2.01 was changed to open the FAS Chart of Accounts file
	and LBR Work Code file that are needed by the JOSISS routine for
	validations. (27-Jan-2009)

	JOS120 v2.02 was fixed so the default warehouse setting established here
	will be respected by the JOSISS routine. (27-Jul-2009)

	JOS120 v2.03 (i.e. JOSISS) will now use use the standard PO Inquiry
	routine for [Do] key PO Inquiry. (09-Nov-2009)

	JOS120 v2.04 now opens the PO detail file for modify access because
	the JOSISS routine may need to adjust backorder quantity on the PO.

  JOS130 V5.11 - Issue/Commit/Backorder Inventory   

	JOS130 v5.01 was changed to add an option to create PO detail records
	summarized by part number for each supplier. Also, the supplier part info
	will now be used for purchase orders created by JOS130.  Finally, JOS130
	will now respect Part Flag "B" to not order a fractional quantity (the
	order quantity will round up). (06-Jan-2009)

	JOS130 v5.02 was changed to set the default branch from the User
	Preference setting when adding a new PO. (19-Feb-2009)

	JOS130 v5.03 was changed to not allow creating a purchase order for a
	supplier with "HOLD" terms or for a supplier with C-losed status.

	JOS130 v5.04 fixed a bug when trying to backup after entering a supplier#
	to use for the PO and then trying to re-assign the supplier# where it was
	not letting the user continue. (31-Aug-2009)

	JOS130 v5.05 will now check for a PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file
	(where {OrderBy} is the user initials) and import into CONTACT text type
	when adding a new PO. (03-Sep-2009)

	JOS130 v5.06 now prompts for Ship Via when asking purchase order questions.

	JOS130 v5.07 included internal changes only.

	JOS130 v5.08 will now ask if you want to re-print a purchase order if you
	chose to print the purchase order after it gets created. This version also
	fixed a problem where the branch name/address did not print as the ship-to
	address when printing the purchase order. (02-Feb-2011)

	JOS130 v5.09 now supports the CFG setting of MULTI_INVENTORY=ddd to
	enable checking other clients inventory for available parts of beyond a
	certain age in days.  This will happen when a purchase order gets created
	by this program. See Infobase article (keyword=CFG) for more info.

	JOS130 v5.10 was changed to make selectivity work like generic reports.
	Selective items were added for: Open Date, Start Date, Need Date, Ref Code,
	Order Type, Order ID, Sales Rep, Production Status, Customer PO,
	Phase and Part Category. (03-Aug-2011)

	JOS130 v5.11 fixed a problem from v5.10 where the wrong job order number
	was getting checked for option 4 and option 6. (24-Aug-2011)

  JOS140 V4.03 - Reduce/Return Inventory for Job Orders   

	JOS140 v4.01 fixed a problem in the DISASSEMBLE routine where serial number
	components could not be returned (DISASSEMBLE v2.01). (09-Dec-2009)

	JOS140 v4.02 were internal changes only.

	JOS140 v4.03 was recompiled to implement the changes per JOS_REDUCE v4.04
	which cleared the Location on the JOS detail issue record before reducing
	invnentory; otherwise the program would reduce selective by location and
	that is not supported by JOS140. (07-Oct-2011)

  JOS150 V3.35 - Job Order Processing   

	JOS150 v3.04 has added support to track CASH customer info on CASH orders.
	The program will now prompt for the customer phone number at the sold-to
	customer question and then prompt you for the cash customer address.
	This will allow the ship-to address to be maintained as a ship-to address
	instead of as a customer address. You can now enter "#" at the ship-to
	name to default the ship-to address to the cash customer address just
	entered at the sold-to customer question. A new edit mode option "#" will
	allow view/edit of the cash customer address for a "CASH" order.

	JOS150 v3.05 will now validate Order Taker Initials from the Misc.
	Codes file. (12-Mar-2009)

	JOS150 v3.06 had minor internal changes only.

	JOS150 v3.07 had custom modifications only.

	JOS150 v3.08 was fixed so the default warehouse setting established here
	will be respected by the JOSISS routine. (27-Jul-2009)

	JOS150 v3.09 now includes a new job order FINDER option #8 to find a
	job order by the Sold-to Customer Name.  Note that this method uses a
	cascading finder since the Sold-to Customer Name does not exist in the
	job order file. (21-Aug-2009)

	JOS150 v3.10 changed the [Do] key option for "Set Default Warehouse" to
	validate the warehouse entry. [Find] key support was also added for
	warehouse. (23-Sep-2009)

	JOS150 v3.11 was changed when entering a CASH customer address, to default
	the phone number from the phone number entered for the current order.

	JOS150 v3.12 will now check for existing issue records by scanning all
	JOS detail records for the job instead of checking for JOS master line
	item count of 0 (because JOS detail estimate records now use line item
	numbers). (13-Oct-2009)

	JOS150 v3.13 now uses the standard VIEW_PO routine to view open purchase
	orders.  This now includes viewing Requisition# and inquiry by
	Requisition#. (09-Nov-2009)

	JOS150 v3.14 changed the [Do] key Contacts Inquiry option so you can
	add/edit contact info as well as view it. Also, support was added for
	a "ED" edit option to edit Job Defaults. (06-Jan-2010)

	JOS150 v3.15 changed the C-opy option to not copy "#I" detail text
	because issue records are not copied so issue text should not be copied.
	When copying "#E" estimate detail text, the new JOS detail record and the
	copied text will now have the correct (matching) line item numbers.

	JOS150 v3.16 was custom modifications only.

 	JOS150 v3.17 now supports a [Do] key option for Customer Credit inquiry.

 	JOS150 v3.18 was changed to look for the optional EndUser Name/Address
 	file and, if it exists, then allow the "O-ptional EndUser address" edit
 	option to associate an EndUser with the job order.  You can also add a
 	setting of ASK_ENDUSER=Y to your PACK00:{client}_JOS150.CFG file to
 	automatically prompt for the EndUser just before adding a new job order.

	JOS150 v3.19 changed several [Do] key inquiries for how the Part Number
	was handled because JOS150 does not have a current Job Order detail
	record. (18-Aug-2010)

	JOS150 v3.20 fixed a problem if you change Bill-to Customer after a sales
	order has been created then try to do an order payment where the sales
	order master record never got changed to the new Bill-to Customer and
	therefore the payment was applied to the wrong customer. (09-Sep-2010)

	JOS150 v3.21 now handles if the master tax code gets automatically
	changed (for example when changing the sold-to customer) so the program
	will ask whether to change JOS Detail tax codes to match. (27-Sep-2010)

	JOS150 v3.22 now looks for the optional customer dealer file for use
	by JOSVEH. (05-Oct-2010)

	JOS150 v3.24 now strips spaces from default ship-to field values so that
	the test for a mandatory response forces actual entry of a value.

	JOS150 v3.24 now includes the option to find a job order by End-User.

	JOS150 v3.25 changed so most of the job order finders ask for selective
	order status to find.  That will allow you to skip closed orders
	regardless of which job order find option was used. (04-Feb-2011)

	JOS150 v3.26 will now show the End-User Name just below the Comment field
	if there is an EndUser for the job order. (14-Mar-2011)

	JOS150 v3.27 has changed how customer TERMS text and parts NOTES text
	display.  The user will now have to press the [F12] key when finished
	viewing text.  That will insure that the user has acknowledged that they
	saw the text so they can not just press [Enter] to skip over it.

	JOS150 v3.28 changed all "vehicle pool" file verbiage to "JOS Vehicle"
	file to clarify how this vehicle information is used.
	There were also several custom program modifications in this version.

	JOS150 v3.29 added support for a JOS-to-TDRS interface.
	If you have TEQsoft Data Reporting Services (TDRS) reports based
	on Job Orders, you can enable the JOS-to-TDRS interface by defining
	the following DCL symbol:
	$ tdrs_jos_menu=="PACK00:TDRS_JOS_MENU.CSV"
	The above DCL symbol points to the CSV file that defines which TDRS
	reports can be generated from FACS.
	You must also have the FACSPortalService installed on the same Windows
	server that TDRS is installed on.
	With the above DCL settings defined, there will be a [Do] key option for
	the JOS-to-TDRS interface that will show the TDRS interface options from
	the 'tdrs_jos_menu' file.
	Choosing a selection will prompt you for ReportRouter routing instructions
	and will then ask the FACSPortalService to tell TDRS to run the desired
	TDRS report.
	See the Support Center Infobase article (keyword=TDRS) for more
	information on the JOS-to-TDRS interface. (25-Apr-2011)

	JOS150 v3.30 changed so the L-abor option will now always use the default
	warehouse as set in JOS150 instead of using the default warehouse from
	the DEFAULT PART record. (16-May-2011)

	JOS150 v3.30 now supports the [Find] key at the "Customer Phone Number?"
	question to allow finding existing cash customers. (17-Mar-2011)

	JOS150 v3.31 fixed where the Ship-to Name was getting truncated to 25
	characters if FINDER was used to get the name. Also, the program was
	changed so Expire Date will auto-default and will also auto-change when
	editing or editing the Quote Date question. (10-Jun-2011)

	JOS150 v3.32 will now respect the FACS_MANAGER JOS Permissions "H" option
	to allow the user to set/clear job order holds. (30-Jun-2011)

	JOS100 v3.33 and v3.34 were custom program changes only.

	JOS150 v3.35 now allows editing the Production Status field even on a
	closed job order. (03-Jan-2012)

  JOS190 V5.00 - Job Order to Sales Order Merge   

	JOS190 v5.00 was relinked with JOS_MERGE v2.03 to merge the optional
	EndUser ID from the job order master to the sales order master.

  JOS195 V1.01 - Re-open a Closed Job Order   

	JOS195 v1.01 will now clear the Invoice Number on the Job Order Master
	record when re-opening a closed job. This fixes a problem where re-opening
	a closed job and changing the Sales Order Number (i.e. Invoice Number)
	was not merging to the new sales order number. (06-Jan-2011)

  JOS200 V5.15 - Job Order Generic Report   

	JOS200 v5.01 fixed a problem where the "Order Tax Amount" and
	"Order Spc. Amount" fields were incorrectly being handled as DETAIL
	fields instead of MASTER fields; thereby causing summary order totals
	to be incorrect. (17-Jun-2009)

	JOS200 v5.02 includes a new report item called "Custom Status" for
	custom reporting needs.  (04-Aug-2009)

	JOS200 v5.03 will now print the Ship Via Misc. Code Description when
	printing Ship Via as a heading item. (18-Aug-2009)

	JOS200 v5.04 includes new report items for Bill-to Customer Class
	and Bill-to Customer Category. (09-Sep-2009)

	JOS200 v5.05 fixed a problem printing profit center as a heading item
	where the profit center description was not printing. (31-Mar-2010)

	JOS200 v5.06 fixed a problem with saved selective ranges on certain
	vehicle fields where the program mistakenly tracked saved selectivity
	on multiple vehicle fields. (04-Jun-2010)

	JOS200 v5.07 now includes Part Price1 to Part Price5 as report items.

	JOS200 v5.08 added "EndUser ID" and "EndUser Name/Address" as report
	items. (03-Aug-2010)

	JOS200 v5.09 now supports the /ARCHIVE flag at the "Output-to" question
	to auto-archive printed reports to ReportRouter..

	JOS200 v5.10 was internal changes only.

	JOS200 v5.11 added "EndUser Name" as a report item. (28-Jan-2011)

	JOS200 v5.12 was changes so, if tracking cash customer info, when printing
	sold-to customer info for a CASH customer, the program will print
	the cash customer name/address if there is one. (08-Apr-2011)

	JOS200 v5.13 now formats dates as MM/DD/YYYY for CSV output to be more
	Excel compatible. (20-May-2011)

	JOS200 V5.14 added "Specific ID (Y/N)" as a report item. (04-Nov-2011)

	JOS200 v5.15 has added "Production Status Desc" as a report item.

  JOS240 V1.05 - Print Job Orders   

	JOS240 v1.00 is a new program to print batches of job orders.
	You can choose to print closed orders only and you will be prompted for
	auto-print options.  If you specify either the /AUTO_FAX or /AUTO_EMAIL
	option, and if you have any customer contacts setup with the /INVOICE flag
	in the Contact Info field, those customers will receive emailed or faxed
	invoices instead of printed invoices. (16-Jun-2009)

	JOS240 v1.01 now supports the auto-print option of /AUTO_MAIL to only print
	invoices where the customer option flag indicates the customer requires a
	mailed invoice. (22-Jul-2009)

	JOS240 v1.02 now supports a config file setting of QP_FORMAT=xxx to
	specify using job order format "xxx" for quick printing.  The config
	filename should be in the form PACK00:{client}_JOS240.CFG
	where {client} is the Client ID. (03-Feb-2010)

	JOS240 v1.02 fixed a bug where text would not print because the Job Order
	Text file was not getting opened by this program. (08-Feb-2010)

	JOS240 v1.03 will now ask for a beginning/ending Close Date range of
	job orders to print if you chose to print closed jobs only. (23-Feb-2010)

	JOS240 v1.04 now supports the auto-print option of /ARCHIVE to allow
	archiving documents even if the document was sent to an OpenVMS print
	queue. Also, the "/AUTO_" prefix no longer needs to be specified on
	the auto-print options. (26-May-2010)

	JOS240 v1.05 now tries to open the optional EndUser Name/Address file
	so that JOSINV can print the EndUser fields if requested. (03-Aug-2010)

  JOS250 V2.11 - Job Order Action Report   

	JOS250 v2.01 added Production Status as a heading print item just to the
	right of Order ID. Also, a problem was fixed where a phase/part with some
	reduced and some backordered was showing an incorrect recommended action
	on the summary report. (26-Jan-2009)

	JOS250 v2.02 added the ability to do a DETAIL sort within the MASTER sort.
	This will allow sorting detail by Part Category or Product Code instead of
	just by Phase and Part Number. Also, several problems were fixed where
	the recommended action was not always correct. (03-Feb-2009)

	JOS250 v2.03 fixed "?No current record" error updating TMPUSE record
	if the same part is on two sequential phase numbers. Also, force
	"master sort by" to include job order number. (01-Jun-2009)

	JOS250 v2.04 now allows selectivity by the Master Branch Number.

	JOS250 V2.05 will now print the Sold-to Customer Name instead of the
	Ship-to Name on the summary report and will print the Sold-to Name in
	addition to the Ship-to Name on the detail report heading. (08-Sep-2009)

	JOS250 V2.06 now sends the report title as a keyword when sending the
	report to ReportRouter. (14-Oct-2009)

	JOS250 v2.07 now prints the Part Type on the D-etail report so you can
	tell what type of backorder you need to attach to (M-fg or P-urchasing).

	JOS250 v2.08 changed how the report title is sent to ReportRouter.

	JOS250 v2.09 now supports a CFG setting of "USER_FIELDS=Y" to print the
	job order master User1 to User7 fields on the job header section of the
	detail report. The config filename should be...
	PACK00:{client}_JOS250.CFG (where {client} is the client ID).

	JOS250 v2.10 now includes the "Attached to Order" and "Expected Date"
	on the detail report so that you can see where backorders are attached
	and when they are expected to be received. (03-Sep-2010)

	JOS250 v2.11 will now ask whether to include labor parts on the report.
	Because labor is not issued the same as actual part numbers, you may not
	want to see labor on this report.
	Also, the report will now just skip job orders that have no JO detail
	records. (27-Jun-2011)

  JOS255 V2.02 - Job Order Demand Exception Report   

	JOS255 v2.01 fixed a problem where phase number was not getting handled
	as a 5 character field; causing the report to show incorrect values.

	JOS255 v2.02 has removed the "Qty Attached" print field because
	the "Attached to Order" indicates if there is an attachment.
	Also to "Expected Date" now shows on the report so that you can see
	when the backorder is expected to be received. (03-Sep-2010

  JOS270 V4.08 - Job Order Status Report   

	JOS270 v4.01 now includes Work Code as a print item on the detail report.

	JOS270 v4.02 now includes Production Status as a selective field.
	Production Status will also now print on the job order header section
	of the report. (28-Jul-2009)

	JOS270 v4.03 now sends the report title to ReportRouter. (16-Oct-2009)

	JOS270 v4.04 changed how the report title is sent to ReportRouter.

	JOS270 v4.05 fixed a paging problem where all print lines were not counted
	resulting in page overflow under certain conditions. (19-May-2010)

	JOS270 v4.06 fixed a problem from v4.00 where the report was not always
	sorting correctly. Also, you will now be asked to confirm before deleting
	a saved routine and saved routines will now be sorted by title when
	updating them. (24-Aug-2010)

	JOS270 v4.07 added "Date Completed" as a selective item. (20-Jan-2011)

	JOS270 v4.08 now supports the following CFG file settings:
	COST_DFLT=XX (where XX = GC or LC)
	to set the default response for the	cost type question.
	to set the default for the "Base Actuals on Reduced Only" question.
	Also, Customer PO was added as a selective item and will now print
	on the header section of the page along with other job master info.

  JOS290 V5.02 - Job Order Summary Report   

	JOS290 v5.01 added the report title to the keyword info sent to Report
	Router when routing this report. (16-Oct-2009)

	JOS290 v5.02 was changed when printing section headings for items that
	have a desc/name (i.e. Customer, Sales Rep, Order Type, Ship Via, Prod
	Status) to print the desc/name along with the heading item. (18-Feb-2010)

  JOS310 V2.01 - Create Labor Standard Hours Records   

	JOS310 v2.01 now includes additional selectivity options; including
	Order Status, Open Date, Start Date, and Close Date. (29-Jul-2009)

  JOS800 V3.12 - JOS Vehicle Maintenance   

	JOS800 v3.12 now looks for the optional customer dealer file for use
	by JOSVEH. (05-Oct-2010)

  JOS890 V5.10 - JOS Vehicle Generic Report   

	JOS890 v5.01 now includes the Production Status from the JOS Master record
	as a report item. (16-Jun-2010)

	JOS890 v5.02 changed so "Customer Name" actually prints the Sold-to
	customer name (associated with the Sold-to Customer#) and add a new
	print item for "Ship-to Name". (25-Jun-2010)

	JOS890 v5.03 added "EndUser ID" and "EndUser Name" as report items.

	JOS890 v5.04 now supports the /ARCHIVE auto-archive option at the
	"Output to" question. (24-Aug-2010)

	JOS890 v5.05 fixed a problem when sending output to a CSV file for a
	SUMMARY report where the output was not in CSV format. (10-Nov-2010)

	JOS890 v5.06 was internal changes only.

	JOS890 v5.07 fixed a problem printingn to a CSV file where leading
	and trailing spaces were not getting stripped from some fields which
	caused some print masks to truncate fields. (03-Dec-2010)

	JOS890 v5.08 changed "vehicle pool" file verbiage to "JOS Vehicle" file.
	This will allow for eventual addition of a Vehicle Master file.

	JOS890 v5.09 now formats dates as MM/DD/YYYY for CSV output to be more
	Excel compatible. (20-May-2011)

	JOS890 v5.10 fixed a problem where section headings were incorrect
	when printing a summary report. (17-Jun-2011)

  JOS900 V3.13 - Delete Job Orders/Job History   

	JOS900 v3.13 has undergone minor cosmetic changes. (10-Jun-2009)

  JOS920 V2.02 - Replace Fields for Job Orders   

	JOS920 v2.02 now includes Production Status as a replaceable field.

  JOSTEQ V5.59 - Create Job Orders from TEQuote v5   

	JOSTEQ V5.41 will now set the JOS Detail Tax Group field from the Parts
	Master record when adding JOS Detail records. (26-Nov-2008)

	JOSTEQ V5.42 now supports TEQ file Version="5.5" HDR record layout which
	includes User Text1 to User Text4 and Discount Code fields. These fields
	can now be mapped to JOS fields if you have TEQuote v5.5 or greater.

	JOSTEQ V5.43 will now set tax exempt info when adding a new job order
	if CUSTAX info is found for the ship-to state. (23-Jul-2009)

	JOSTEQ v5.44 has changed HDRTXT text types for the TEQuote 5.6 release.
	Text type "ADDITIONAL" (formerly "NOTES") is TEQuote Additional Notes.
	Text type "INTERNAL" is TEQuote Internal Notes.
	Text type "QUOTE" remains the same and contains quote text. (09-Sep-2009)

	JOSTEQ v5.45 was fixed to handle if you are NOT using the JOS Vehicle
	System (11-Jan-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.46 fixed a problem where the import would not work if the import
	TEQ file ended on a block boundary. (26-Jan-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.47 was changed to default the branch, profit center, and
	cost center fields the same way as JOS100 and JOS150 do.  The JOS Master
	fields should default from user preference settings and the JOS Detail
	fields should default first to JOS Master values then to the user
	preference setting if the JOS Master value is zero. (08-Feb-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.48 now supports the config file option of JOSLBR_OPTION=/COMBINE
	to automatically combine hours when creating LBR Budget records. (16-Feb-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.48 includes a new main menu option to set user defaults.
	This will allow you to change the default branch, for example, when
	importing job orders from TEQuote. (18-Feb-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.49 will not ask for job order Open Date unless you chose to
	create O-pen job orders. (19-Aug-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.50 added support for TEQuote 5.8 (TEQ file version="5.8").
	This version supports "LBR" record types to create LBR Standard Hours
	records.  Creating LBR records is supported only when creating O-pen jobs
	and only if you are setup to use the LBR system. (07-Dec-2010)

	JOSTEQ v5.51 now supports mapping the "Dealer Code" from TEQuote v5.8
	to selected JOS fields.  (17-Feb-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.52 will now check to see if the .TEQ file has phase title
	records and if the phase title price is non-zero, then the program will
	create a JOSB bid record for the phase using that dollar amount.
	This will allow the user to change the job order pricing method from
	Q-uote to A-llocation and correctly set allocated prices by phase.

	JOSTEQ v5.53 fixed a problem where the job master Order Type field
	was not getting updated even though it was specified as a mapped field.

	JOSTEQ v5.54 was changed when adding LBR standard hours records, to set
	the profit center and cost center per the "LBR" record values in the .TEQ
	file rather than the normal FACS defaults for those fields. (21-Apr-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.55 will now check for a CFG setting of ORDER_STATUS=O to set
	the default job order status for new job orders to "O" instead of "Q".
	See the Infobase article (keyword=CFG) for more info. (16-May-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.56 will now enforce the UOM as uppercase only because TEQuote
	allows mixed case units of measure but FACS does not. (01-Jun-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.57 fixed when you re-merge a quote to an existing job order and
	choose to R-eplace the job so that it also now replaces the Job Order Bid
	records and any LBR labor standard hours records. (10-Jun-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.58 fixed a problem where detail text was not getting assigned
	a correct line number because the JO detail estimate record had not been
	assigned a line number. (27-Jun-2011)

	JOSTEQ v5.59 changed the options that show in the alert box when re-merging
	a quote to an existing job order:
	Option "J" will now replace the entire job.
	Option "B" will replace BID and ESTIMATE detail records only.
	Option "E" will replace ESTIMATE detail only.
	Option "S" will now skip the job order and will not make any changes.
	Option "Q" will quit all processing. (28-Oct-2011)

  JOSV_UPDATE V1.05 - Update Vehicle File From Text Data File   

	JOSV_UPDATE v1.05 now supports using {VEHICLE_ID} as the lookup index
	rather than {JOB_ORDER} if the job order tag is not in the format file.

Label Programs (LBL)

  LBLCUS V3.02 - Print Customer Labels   

	LBLCUS v3.02 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

  LBLSUP V3.02 - Print Supplier Labels   

	LBLSUP v3.02 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

  LBLIMS V3.01 - Print Part Labels   

	LBLIMS v3.01 changed when printing labels to a queue for an Intermec
	or Prodigy label printer to queue the labels as they print so the user
	does not have to [F12] at the "Part number to print labels for?"  question
	to print the label(s). (30-Jul-2010)

	LBLIMS v3.02 was internal changes only.

	LBLIMS v3.03 changed how the default report filename is determined
	so that it will default correctly when you specify Output-to
	like "QUE:FILENAME.RPT". (07-Jun-2011)

	LBLIMS v3.04 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

	LBLIMS v3.05 now supports the {DFLT_LOT} tag to allow printing
	Default Lot Number. (18-Nov-2011)

  LBLPUR V2.15 - Print Purchase Order Labels   

	LBLPUR v2.13 now allows you to print BACKORDER ATTACHMENT labels
	independently without having to also print the corresponding
	PURCHASE ORDER labels. (07-Sep-2010)

	LBLPUR v2.14 changed how the default report filename is determined
	so that it will default correctly when you specify Output-to
	like "QUE:FILENAME.RPT". (07-Jun-2011)

	LBLPUR v2.15 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

  LBLVEH V1.11 - Print Vehicle Labels   

	LBLIMS v1.11 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

  LBLWHS V2.03 - Print Warehouse Parts Labels   

	LBLWHS v2.03 now handles printing fields that include semi-colons.
	Also, using the [Find] key at the "Format Code" question will now
	show the printer type so you can tell whether you are printing to
	an Intermec	label printer. (10-Nov-2011)

Labor Programs (LBR)

  LBR000 V2.02 - Labor System Setup   

	LBR000 V2.01 changed the C-reate option to create the new Timeclock
	Labor Allocation (LBRA) file. (16-Dec-2008)

	LBR000 v2.02 fixed a problem where the LBR version flag was getting
	incorrectly set which caused other LBR programs to think that the
	LBR version was not 40 when it fact it was. (08-Sep-2011)

  LBR120 V2.02 - Work Code Maintenance   

	LBR120 v2.02 fixed a problem where the JOS Phase Number could not be set
	to blank.  A problem was also fixed when testing to insure that both JOS
	fields are either blank or non-blank. (30-Oct-2009)

  LBR155 V2.07 - Print Job Labor Barcode Sheets   

	LBR155 v2.07 will now check for a CFG setting of "USER_FIELDS=Y" to print
	JOS User1 to User7 and OrderID as part of the job heading section. The
	program will also check for a CFG setting of JOS_TEXT_TYPE=xxx to print
	Job Order text for the specified text type, if found. See the Infobase
	article (keyword=CFG) for info on setting up the CFG file. (07-Jul-2011)

  LBR160 V2.01 - Payroll Summary Entry/Edit   

	LBR160 v2.01 will now convert the payroll summary file to FACS 4.0 on
	the fly if the records are not for the current version.  Previously,
	the "Year" field was showing incorrectly because the records had not
	been converted correctly. (03-Mar-2010)

  LBR300 V4.04 - Time Clock Labor Entry   

	LBR300 V4.01 was changed to allow an employee to clock into multiple jobs
	to be worked on at the same time and have the hours allocated to the list
	of jobs worked on. During an "IJ" punch into a special "ALL" job order,
	the user will be prompted for the list of jobs to actually work on.
	This list will be stored in the new LBRA file. The Time Clock file will
	only store the "ALL" job clock punches. LBR380 has also changed to create
	Time Card records from the LBRA list of jobs for each IJ/OJ combo for
	the "ALL" job. (16-Dec-2008)

	LBR300 v4.02 now sets the time-of-day from the "IJ" record on the LBR time
	card record when adding time card records. (09-Jun-2010)

	LBR300 v4.03 will now show both Work Desc1 and Work Desc2 when doing
	an "IJ" (IN JOB) punch. (21-Dec-2010)

	LBR300 v4.04 changed the finder for Work Code to show both the Work Desc1
	and Work Desc2 fields appended together. (10-Feb-2011)

  LBR301 V2.25 - LBR Time Clock Maintenance   

	LBR301 V2.20 was changed to update the LBRT Time Card file and the LBRA
	Labor Allocation file whenever an "IJ" or "OJ" record are modified.
	The LBRA file will be modified if the Bill Code being edited is "ALL".
	The LBRT file will be modified if the LBRK Time Clock record has been
	marked as U-pdated.  Note that to adjust the LBRT file, there must be
	matching "IJ" and "OJ" records and the time difference between those two
	records will determine how the Time Worked is adjusted on the LBRT
	record. (16-Dec-2008)

	LBR301 v2.21 fixed a problem finding the correct time card record to update
	if there were more than one time card record for a given
	employee/date/job/operation. (09-Jun-2010)

	LBR301 v2.22 will now warn with an alert box if you try to enter a closed
	job order or closed mfg order. (03-Sep-2010)

	LBR301 v2.23 was changed so if you edit the timeclock record that matches
	the employee's last clock punch, an alert box will display asking if you
	want to update the employee's settings to match your changes. (26-Oct-2010)

	LBR301 v2.24 now includes a "read-only" option if this program is called
	using the LBR301INQ.COM command file. (02-Feb-2010)

	LBR301 v2.25 changed so when the user tries to edit Bill Code "ALL" for
	an "IJ" clock punch, they will be prompted for the allocated job list.
	This will allow the user to change the job/mfg order numbers in the
	job list as needed.  Also, an error was fixed when trying to edit the
	Time of Day for an "IJ" record that has a Bill Code = "ALL". (10-May-2011)

  LBR305 V2.25 - Employee Time Clock Listing   

	LBR305 v2.25 was changed when printing "IJ" records for the "ALL" bill code
	to print the allocated job list beneath the "ALL" record. (10-May-2011)

  LBR320 V1.07 - Employee Daily Time Summary Report   

	LBR320 v1.07 was changed when printing "IJ" records for the "ALL" bill code
	to print the allocated job list beneath the "ALL" record. (10-May-2011)

  LBR380 V2.22 - Update Time Cards from Time Clock   

	LBR380 v2.21 was changed to create LBRT Time Card records from the LBRA
	Labor Allocation records for any LBRK IJ/OJ records for the special "ALL"
	allocation job order. The allocated hours will be computed based on the
	percentage of the total std hours in the LBRB file for each of the allocated
	jobs. (16-Dec-2008)

	LBR380 v2.22 now sets the time-of-day from the "IJ" record on the LBR time
	card record when adding time card records. (09-Jun-2010)

  LBR390 V1.00 - Timeclock Generic Proof Report   

	LBR390 is a new generic report that you can use to print selected
	timeclock records. (01-Dec-2010)

  LBR400 V3.02 - Employee Time Card Entry/Edit   

	LBR400 v3.02 now shows the time-of-day for the current time card record.
	You can use the "ET" edit option to edit the time-of-day.  To edit the
	work type on a time card record, you should now use the "EW" edit option.

  LBR410 V3.01 - Job Time Card Entry/Edit   

	LBR410 v3.01 now shows the time-of-day for the current time card record.
	You can use the "ET" edit option to edit the time-of-day.  To edit the
	work type on a time card record, you should now use the "EW" edit option.

  LBR800 V2.03 - Merge Labor to Job Orders   

	LBR800 v2.01 will now set the job order warehouse based on the user
	preference warehouse rather than the default warehouse of the labor
	part number. (02-Mar-2009)

	LBR800 v2.02 improved the routine that asks if you want to print
	the report file. This version now also sets the JOS detail Tax Group
	when adding the JOS detail record. (15-Jun-2011)

	LBR800 v2.03 will now set the sell price when adding job order issue
	records for Time+Materials job orders. (04-Nov-2011)

Parameter Setting Programs (PAR)

  PAR000 V4.01 - Setup System Parameter Record   

	PAR000 V4.01 now supports the "EE" edit option to set the Last Enduser ID.

  PAR100 V2.03 - Misc. Codes Maintenance   

	PAR100 v2.02 now supports the "M#" option to maintain mfg order codes.

	PAR100 v2.03 now allows the Transfer Reason to be up to 20 characters
	to be compatible with the existing Inventory Transfers (IMSR) file.

  PAR101 V2.01 - Misc. Codes Generic Report   

	PAR101 v2.01 now supports CSV file output and supports the newer style
	of saved report routines. (07-Jul-2009)

  PAR120 V1.05 - User Preferences Maintenance   

	PAR120 v1.02 will now validate the Sales Order Code, Job Order Code,
	Purchase Order Code, and Transfer Code fields when changing the user
	default settings. (31-Jul-2009)

	PAR120 v1.03 fixed a bug where the Warehouse field was only validated
	if the Default Branch was a positive number.  Warehouse should be validated
	independently from Branch. (23-Sep-2009)

	PAR120 v1.04 now includes a L-ist option to list user preference settings
	for all users. (21-Jun-2010)

	PAR120 v1.05 now includes "Mfg Order Code" to set a user preference for
	which mfg order numbering code sequence to use. (04-Apr-2011)

  PAR200 V3.02 - Misc. Name/Address Maintenance   

	PAR200 v3.01 fixed a bug from v3.00 where records could not be found
	for editing. (10-Feb-2009)

	PAR200 v3.02 fixed a bug from v3.00 where the sequence number of records
	created by this program was getting set incorrectly. (07-Oct-2009)

  PAR201 V2.02 - Misc. Name/Address Generic Report   

	PAR201 v2.02 now supports CSV file output and supports the newer style
	of saved report routines. (03-Jun-2009)

  PAR300 V1.01 - EndUser Name/Address Maintenance   

	PAR300 v1.00 is a new program to create and maintain an End-User
	Name/Address file.  End-Users can then be associated with job orders
	and/or sales orders. (03-Aug-2010)

	PAR300 v1.00 now includes a "M-erge" edit option to merge the current
	EndUser into a different EndUser.  You will be prompted for the EndUser
	to merge to. You will also be prompted whether to delete the current
	EndUser after merging.  The merge routine will scan all job orders and
	sales orders (including history) and replace the old EndUser ID
	with the EndUser ID to merge into. (13-Jan-2011)

  PAR301 V1.00 - EndUser Name/Address Generic Report   

	PAR301 v1.00 is a new program to report on the EndUser Name/Address file.

  PAR900 V2.01 - Renumber Tax Codes   

	PAR900 v2.01 now supports renumbering using a command file.
	This will allow you to renumber many tax codes at one time.

  PAR910 V2.01 - Renumber Product Codes   

	PAR910 v2.01 now supports renumbering using a command file.
	This will allow you to renumber many product codes at one time.

  PARM_UPDATE V1.00 - Update Misc. Codes from data file   

	PARM_UPDATE V1.00 is a new program you can use to update Misc Codes
	from a text data file. Refer to online help for detailed information
	about running this program. (14-Dec-2010)

  PARN_UPDATE V1.01 - Update Misc. Addresses from data file   

	PARN_UPDATE v1.00 is a new program to add/update Misc. Address records
	from a text data file.  You can update either CUSTOMER or SUPPLIER
	addresses such as CONTACT address types or SHIP TO address types.

	PARN_UPDATE v1.01 fixed a duplicate key error when trying to add several
	CUS CONTACT records for the same customer. (21-May-2010)

Accounts Payable Programs (PBL)

  PBL030 V1.03 - Payment Types Maintenance   

	PBL030 V1.02 now allows you to save bank account info for payment
	types with methods other than "EP".  This will allow you to interface
	to positive pay files for these payment types. (27-May-2010)

	PBL030 v1.03 now supports Bank Option "B" to mean
	"Mutually agreed Origin/CompanyID".  When you set Bank Option "B"
	you will be prompted for the Origin and for the Company ID to use
	for ACH payments. (10-Aug-2010)

  PBL050 V3.05 - A/P Check Format Maintenance   

	PBL050 V3.02 added print item 53 = Supplier Country
	and print item 54 = Alt Supplier Country. (11-Sep-2009)

	PBL050 v3.03 now supports two new print items. Print item 55 is
	"Supplier Address 3" and print item 56 is "Alternate Supplier Address 3".
	Additionally, support was added for setup option ";ADDR3" to print a
	condensed 3 line supplier address. (10-Mar-2010)

	PBL050 v3.04 now supports print item 57 as "Supplier Class". (10-Aug-2010)

	PBL050 v3.05 was changed so that, when doing MISC check entry, the program
	will look for a logical name of MISC_CFRM and if found, use that value
	for the prefix of the MISC check format filename.  This will allow you to
	use different MISC check formats for different branches that have different
	bank accounts and therefore different check formats.

  PBL060 V3.04 - Proof Payable Check Format   

	PBL060 V3.01 added print item 53 = Supplier Country
	and print item 54 = Alt Supplier Country. (11-Sep-2009)

	PBL060 v3.02 now supports two new print items. Print item 55 is
	"Supplier Address 3" and print item 56 is "Alternate Supplier Address 3".
	Additionally, support was added for setup option ";ADDR3" to print a
	condensed 3 line supplier address. (10-Mar-2010)

	PBL060 v3.03 now supports print item 57 as "Supplier Class". (10-Aug-2010)

	PBL060 v3.04 was changed so that, when proofing the MISC check format,
	the program will look for a logical name of MISC_CFRM and if found, use
	that value for the prefix of the MISC check format filename.

  PBL101 V3.08 - Payables Transactions Entry/Edit   

	PBL101 v3.03 will now also try for edit mode if you use the [Find] key at
	the Supplier Number question to locate first invoice for that supplier.
	A new config option for SCREEN=FULL will default to the full entry screen
	instead of the quick entry screen. The config filename should
	be in the form PACK00:{client}_PBL101.CFG where {client}=ClientID.
	You can now use the [Gold]+[Insert] feature to default to previous
	responses without affecting the normal default responses. (24-Nov-2009)

	PBL101 v3.04 modified the v3.03 change to only try for early edit mode
	if the user presses the [Down] arrow key.  That way, you can use [Find]
	to locate a supplier without automatically going into edit mode for the
	first invoice for that supplier. You can just press [Down] at the Invoice#
	question to find the first Invoice for that Supplier. (09-Dec-2009)

	PBL101 v3.05 fixed a problem caused by v3.03 where the [Gold]+[Insert]
	was not defaulting correctly after the first record.  This caused
	subsequent entries for the same invoice to incorrectly default to the
	values from the PREVIOUS invoice - which caused an FAS out-of-balance
	condition. (23-Dec-2009)

	PBL101 v3.06 modified the v3.03 change so that the Sub Number will always
	default to the current supplier number instead of the previous supplier
	number if you are using the auto-defaulting option. (04-Jan-2010)

	PBL101 v3.07 now supports setting/clearing invoice H-old status using the
	H-old status edit option. (16-Aug-2010)

	PBL101 v3.08 will now try to trap ANY error when getting the FAS
	transaction record to adjust.  If your FAS transaction files have been
	converted, the "record file addresses" (RFA) will no longer be correct
	and this program may get various errors trying to get the FAS transaction
	record using the bad RFA.  This fix gives you the ability to locate the
	FAS transaction record by scanning for it instead of using the bad RFA
	to get the record. (15-Nov-2011)

  PBL150 V3.03 - Accounts Payable Status Inquiry   

	PBL150 V3.01 will now check for a CFG file for the "SEL_BRN=Y" setting
	to decide whether to ask for selectivity by Branch.  The CFG filename
	should be in the form PACK00:{client}_PBL150.CFG where {client} is the
	Client ID. (01-Jul-2010)

	PBL150 V3.02 was changed when inquiring by S-upplier to return to the
	Invoice option question instead of going back to Supplier Number
	so that users can inquire by more than one invoice.
	Also, a bug was fixed with branch selectivity on PMT history records.

	PBL150 v3.02 now shows the approval code on the supplier status display.

	PBL150 v3.03 added an option to show Branch, Profit Center, and Cost Center
	for the S-upplier inquiry and P-urchase order inquiry. (28-Jan-2011)

  PBL160 V3.02 - Payables Reconciliation/Aged Report   

	PBL160 v3.01 fixed a rounding problem where paid invoices were showing
	even though the invoice balance was zero and the user chose not to print
	zero balance invoices. (27-May-2009)

	PBL160 v3.02 fixed a problem where the detail report was only showing
	the first line item of each invoice. (05-Jan-2010)

  PBL170 V3.02 - Cash Requirements Report   

	PBL170 v3.01 added selectivity by Approval Code and Reconciled (Y/N).
	The program will also ask whether to skip suppliers with a credit balance
	and whether to summarize by Supplier or Supplier/Invoice. (12-Aug-2010

	PBL170 v3.02 now automatically excludes invoices on H-old status from
	showing on the report. (16-Aug-2010)

  PBL180 V3.05 - Aged Payables Generic Report   

	PBL180 v3.01 now includes the Supplier Class field as a report item.

	PBL180 v3.02 now supports auto-archiving when printing by appending
	the "/ARCHIVE" option at the Output-to question. (25-Aug-2010)

	PBL180 v3.03 fixed a problem when printing CSV output where dollar amount
	fields were printing as zeros. (10-Feb-2011)

	PBL180 v3.04 will now format dates as MM/DD/YYYY so CSV output will be
	more Excel compatible. (23-May-2011)

	PBL180 v3.05 added support for a CFG setting of AGE_BY=I to default
	the "Age by.." question to I-nvoice Date rather than D-ue Date. See
	the Infobase article (keyword=CFG) for more information. (09-Sep-2011)

  PBL190 V3.01 - Accounts Payable Generic Report   

	PBL190 v3.01 now includes the Supplier Class field as a report item.

  PBL200 V3.04 - Approve/Unapprove Payables for Payment   

	PBL200 v3.02 was changed to allow setting the approval code even if
	all items total to zero so you can clear those items. (19-Feb-2009)

	PBL200 v3.03 was changed when asking whether to approve the
	supplier/invoice, to set the default response to Y-es unless inspecting.
	If inspecting, then set default to N-o. (28-May-2009)

	PBL200 v3.04 now supports a detail I-nspect option at the
	"Mark as approved for payment (Y/N/I) ?" question. (31-Aug-2009)

  PBL201 V1.00 - Approve Payables for Payment   

	PBL201 v1.00 is a new program to quickly approve supplier invoices for
	payment.  For each selected supplier, the program will show all matching
	invoices to allow the user to approve all invoices or selectively approve
	the desired invoices. (18-Aug-2010)

  PBL300 V4.07 - Compute Accounts Payable Payments   

	PBL300 v4.01 fixed a problem where the D-elete L-ine option was not
	working correctly. Also, a problem was fixed where the P-artial payment
	option was not prompting at the correct column. (25-Feb-2009)

	PBL300 v4.02 was changed to recover gracefully if the supplier does not
	exist. The program will now just skip the bad supplier records.

	PBL300 v4.03 was changed so using "*" option to pay all remaining suppliers
	made it easier to skip a supplier with a negative amount balance.

	PBL300 v4.04 fixed a rounding error where occasionally it thought a
	zero-balance supplier actually had a negative balance. (26-Aug-2009)

	PBL300 v4.05 fixed a rounding error where some payments with discounts
	taken were mistakenly treated as a partial payment instead of as
	a full payment. (06-Jan-2010)

	PBL300 v4.06 now supports payment option "R" (Range) to pay a range of
	sequence numbers.  You will be prompted for the Begin At Sequence# and
	End With Sequence # to pay. (10-Feb-2010)

	PBL300 v4.07 fixed a problem where you were allowed to enter a partial
	payment type. (24-Sep-2010)

  PBL350 V4.13 - Print Accounts Payable Checks/Payments   

	PBL350 v4.02 was changed for payment method "EP" to prompt the user
	for the name of the ACH file instead of using a pre-defined filename.

	PBL350 v4.03 fixed a rounding error where occasionally it thought a
	zero-balance supplier actually had a negative balance. (26-Aug-2009)

	PBL350 V4.04 added print item 53 = Supplier Country
	and print item 54 = Alt Supplier Country. (11-Sep-2009)

	PBL350 V4.05 was modified so that when you choose to print ACH electronic
	payments, you will be prompted for auto-print options to allow you to enter
	the /AUTO_FAX and the /AUTO_EMAIL option for suppliers flagged to accept
	email or fax remittances. If you specify these options, and if you have
	any supplier contacts setup with the /PMT flag in the Contact Info field,
	those suppliers will receive emailed or faxed remittances instead of
	printed remittances.
	Also, the client ID is now included in the ACH filename and the ACH data
	file extension was changed to ".ACH" so that the filename will be unique
	for each client. (20-Jan-2010)

	PBL350 V4.06 fixed several problems with the ACH file layout when creating
	electronic payments.  Fixes were made to the CTX entry detail/addenda
	record layouts as well as the Entry Count and Entry Hash fields of both
	the Batch Control record and the File Control record. (04-Feb-2010)

	PBL350 v4.07 now support two new print items.  Print item 55 is
	"Supplier Address 3" and print item 56 is "Alternate Supplier Address 3".
	Additionally, setup option ";ADDR3" will now print a condensed 3 line
	supplier address. (10-Mar-2010)

	PBL350 v4.08 fixed a problem with stub first and 2 stubs and stub overflow
	where the check was printing one line too high. (27-Apr-2010)

	PBL350 v4.09 was a minor change to support how fax options were
	handled. (03-Jun-2010)

	PBL350 v4.10 now supports Bank Option "B" from PBL030 to use the
	mutually agreed upon Origin and Company ID. (10-Aug-2010)

	PBL350 v4.10 now supports print item 57 as "Supplier Class". (10-Aug-2010)

	PBL350 v4.11 will no longer prompt if you want to print the remittance
	report if there is nothing in the report to print. (06-Apr-2011)

	PBL350 V4.12 modified the v4.11 changes which did not take into account
	how remittances print for non-check payments. (18-May-2011)

	PBL350 v4.13 was changed so the default printer type as established
	in PBL050 will take precedence over the default printer type set
	in PAR000. (16-Nov-2011)

  PBL360 V3.10 - Misc. Invoice/Payment Processing   

	PBL360 v3.01 fixed a rounding error where occasionally it thought a
	zero-balance supplier actually had a negative balance. (26-Aug-2009)

	PBL360 routine PBLCHK V4.01 added print item 53 = Supplier Country
	and print item 54 = Alt Supplier Country. (11-Sep-2009)

	PBL360 v3.02 will now allow entering supplier payments for ANY payment
	type instead of just being restricted to "CHECK" payments.  The payment
	printing routine was renamed from PBLCHK to PBLPMT_PRINT. (06-Oct-2009)

	PBL360 v3.02 now uses the PBLPMT_PRINT v4.03 routine to fix a problem
	where the program would get in an infinite loop trying to print the stub
	portion of the check. (27-Oct-2009)

	PBL360 v3.03 changed the default response for the Payable Amount when
	adding a new invoice line item to default to the remaining payment amount
	instead of defaulting to the total supplier payment amount. (27-Oct-2009)

	PBL360 v3.04 fixed a bug from the v3.00 changes where you could not review
	a pending payment. (02-Nov-2009)

	PBL360 v3.05 now allows entering an alphanumeric Payment Reference Number
	as well as a large 10 digit numeric value. (09-Dec-2009)

	PBL360 v3.06 fixed a rounding error where some payments with discounts
	taken were mistakenly treated as a partial payment instead of as
	a full payment. (06-Jan-2010)

	PBL360 V3.07 was modified so that when you choose to print ACH electronic
	payments, you will be prompted for auto-print options to allow you to enter
	the /AUTO_FAX and the /AUTO_EMAIL option for suppliers flagged to accept
	email or fax remittances. If you specify these options, and if you have
	any supplier contacts setup with the /PMT flag in the Contact Info field,
	those suppliers will receive emailed or faxed remittances instead of
	printed remittances.
	Also, the client ID is now included in the ACH filename and the ACH data
	file extension was changed to ".ACH" so that the filename will be unique
	for each client. (20-Jan-2010)

	PBL360 V3.07 now uses the PBLPMT_PRINT v4.05 routine to fix several
	problems with the ACH file layout when creating electronic payments.
	Fixes were made to the CTX entry detail/addenda record layouts as well as
	the Entry Count and Entry Hash fields of both the Batch Control record
	and the File Control record. (04-Feb-2010)

	PBL360 v3.07 now uses PBLPMT_PRINT v4.06 to support two new print items.
	Print item 55 is "Supplier Address 3" and print item 56 is
	"Alternate Supplier Address 3". Additionally, setup option ";ADDR3"
	will now print a condensed 3 line supplier address. (10-Mar-2010)

	PBL360 v3.07 now uses PBLPMT_PRINT v4.07 to fix a problem with stub first
	and 2 stubs and stub overflow where the check was printing one line too high.

	PBL360 v3.07 now uses PBLPMT_PRINT v4.09 to support Bank Option "B"
	to use the mutually agreed upon Origin and Company ID. This version also
	supports print item 57 as "Supplier Class". (10-Aug-2010)

	PBL360 v3.08 fixed the tenkey option where the invoice amount would not
	default correctly if the payment amount was a whole dollar amount.

	PBL360 v3.09 changed the FASPAR record lock message so the screen will not
	scroll. (04-Mar-2011)

	PBL360 v3.10 will now look for a logical name of MISC_CFRM and if found, use
	that value for the prefix of the MISC check format filename.  This will
	allow you to use different MISC check formats for different branches that
	have different bank accounts and therefore different check formats.

  PBL400 V3.04 - Update Payables Payments to G/L   

	PBL400 v3.02 fixed a rounding error where occasionally it thought a
	zero-balance supplier actually had a negative balance. (26-Aug-2009)

	PBL400 V3.03 Fixed a potential rounding problem where an Invoice might
	not get marked as paid even though the total payment amount equaled the
	invoice amount. (16-Sep-2009)

	PBL400 v3.04 now looks for a config file called PACK00:client_PBL400.CFG
	for special settings.  The following CFG settings are supported:
	"POS_PAY=pos-prefix" -- will create a positive pay CSV file with the
	specified filename prefix.
	"PMT_TYPES=xx,yy,zz" -- specifies the payment types for which positive pay
	CSV entries will be created.

  PBL480 V3.05 - Reverse Update Payments from G/L   

	PBL480 v3.01 was changed to handle reversing G/L transactions where the
	file link between the PBL files and the FAS files was lost during the
	FACS 4.0 conversion process. (26-May-2009)

	PBL480 v3.02 now looks for a config file called PACK00:client_PBL480.CFG
	for special settings.  The following CFG settings are supported:
	"POS_PAY=pos-prefix" -- will create a positive pay CSV file with the
	specified filename prefix.
	"PMT_TYPES=xx,yy,zz" -- specifies the payment types for which positive pay
	CSV entries will be created.

 	PBL480 v3.03 fixed a "Record not found" problem getting G/L PBL record
 	by handling if the FAS transaction record no longer exists (because
 	it was mistakenly deleted). (28-Jul-2010)

	PBL480 v3.04 fixed a problem where you were allowed to enter a partial
	payment type. (24-Sep-2010)

	PBL480 v3.05 will now try to trap ANY error when getting the FAS
	transaction record to adjust.  If your FAS transaction files have been
	converted, the "record file addresses" (RFA) will no longer be correct
	and this program may get various errors trying to get the FAS transaction
	record using the bad RFA.  This fix gives you the ability to locate the
	FAS transaction record by scanning for it instead of using the bad RFA
	to get the record. (15-Nov-2011)

  PBL800 V2.01 - Remove Paid Invoices/Update History   

	PBL800 v2.01 now asks whether you want to remove records that have
	not been reconciled. (24-Nov-2009)

  PBL880 V2.01 - Remove Payable History Records   

 	PBL880 v2.01 fixed a bug where PBL history files were not found.
	The program was also changed to remove all PAYMENT history for the
	selected invoice regardless of the payment date.  That will prevent
	leaving orphaned payments where the PAYMENT date is beyond the
	invoice date being removed through. (22-Nov-2010)

  PBLFIX V1.00 - Fix PBL file problems   

	PBLFIX v1.00 is a new program that allows you to fix problems where
	open payables (PBLO) records have a non-existent supplier.  If the PBLO
	record is marked as P-aid then the PBLO record will be moved to history;
	otherwise a warning message will be displayed showing that you need to
	setup the supplier using SUP100.  Paid payables records for non-existent
	suppliers will automatically be moved to history. (05-Jan-2011)

Payroll Programs (PRL)

  PRL000 V3.01 - Payroll System Setup   

	PRL000 V3.01 now supports Setup Option "C" to email employee check stubs.

  PRL020 V2.14 - Payroll Tax Table Maintenance   

	PRL020 V2.14 now shows the default response when editing. (30-Apr-2010)

  PRL050 V2.10 - Payroll Tax Table Maintenance   

	PRL050 V2.10 changed print item 47 from "QTD FICA" to "QTD SST" and changed
	print item 48 from "YTD FICA" to "YTD SST".  New print item 67 was added
	for "QTD MCT" and print item 68 for "YTD MCT". (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL055 V2.13 - Payroll Tax Table Maintenance   

	PRL055 V2.13 changed print item 47 from "QTD FICA" to "QTD SST" and changed
	print item 48 from "YTD FICA" to "YTD SST".  New print item 67 was added
	for "QTD MCT" and print item 68 for "YTD MCT". (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL100 V3.15 - Employee Master Maintenance   

	PRL100 v3.17 now supports employee email address as question (96).

  PRL120 V3.00 - Earning Code Maintenance   

	PRL120 v3.00 now includes separate taxability flags for SST Taxable
	(Social Security Tax) and MCT Taxable (Medicare Tax).  Additionally, the
	old "Earning Code Flag" has been changed to a "W2 Code" that is now 2
	characters long to handle more W2 options; including the new W2 Code "HE"
	for HIRE exempt wages. (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL130 V3.02 - Deduction Code Maintenance   

	PRL130 v3.00 now includes separate taxability flags for SST Taxable
	(Social Security Tax) and MCT Taxable (Medicare Tax).  Additionally, the
	old "Deduction Type for W2" is now 2 characters long to handle the newest
	W2 Box 12 options of "AA" and "BB" for Roth IRA and "CC" for HIRE exempt
	wages. (15-Oct-2010)

	PRL130 v3.01 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (06-Jan-2011)

	PRL130 v3.02 now supports Limit Type "E" - meaning the the upper limit is
	based on EARNINGS YTD.  For example, if you set limit type = "E" for the
	FUTA ded code 3 then the upper limit should be the $7000 earnings limit
	rather than the deduction limit. (06-Jul-2011)

  PRL200 V4.02 - Employee Master Generic Report   

	PRL200 v4.01 now supports employee email address as a report item. (21-Apr-2010)

	PRL200 v4.02 now supports creating CSV output. (03-May-2010)

  PRL220 V3.00 - Earning Codes Generic Report   

	PRL220 v2.06 now supports CSV output.  You can now also edit existing
	saved routines. (03-May-2010)

	PRL220 v3.00 replaced the old "FICA Taxable" field with separate fields
	for "SST Taxable" and "MCT Taxable" and the old "Earning Code Flag"
	with the new "W2 Code" field. (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL230 V3.00 - Deduction Codes Generic Report   

	PRL230 v2.08 now supports CSV output.  You can now also edit existing
	saved routines. (03-May-2010)

	PRL230 v3.00 replaced the old "FICA Taxable" field with separate fields
	for "SST Taxable" and "MCT Taxable". (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL250 V3.01 - Employee YTD Balances Generic Report   

	PRL250 v3.01 now supports CSV output.  You can now also edit existing
	saved routines. (03-May-2010)

  PRL255 V4.02 - YTD/QTD Payroll Summary Report   

	PRL255 v4.01 now supports separate upper and lower deduction limits for
	employees and employers. (06-Jan-2011)

	PRL255 v4.02 now asks the YTD/QTD report option as the first question.
	You can now press the [Do] key at this question to be prompted for a closed
	quarterly file to print from.  This is useful if you need to run a YTD/QTD
	report for a closed quarter. (18-Jan-2011)

  PRL400 V2.22 - Payroll Transactions Entry/Edit   

	PRL400 v2.21 will now show the default responses during entry.
	Also, the default rate and default amount will now only be computed
	during entry mode and during edit mode will default to their current
	values.  This is consistent with other entry/edit programs. (04-May-2009)

	PRL400 V2.22 was modified so that, when editing Hours or Rate, the program
	will ask if you want to update the Amount field. This fixes a problem
	caused by v2.21 where some users did not want to update the amount but
	other users DID want to update the amount. (30-Sep-2009)

  PRL450 V1.03 - Employee Payroll Report   

	PRL450 v1.03 now has separate print fields for SST Earnings and
	MCT Earnings instead of just a single FICA Earnings field. (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL470 V2.17 - Certified Payroll Report   

	PRL470 v2.17 now has separate print fields for SST and MCT deductions
	instead of just a single FICA deductions field. (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL490 V3.05 - Payroll Transactions Generic Report   

	PRL490 v3.01 now uses the newer saved reports routine which includes
	the ability to save selective ranges. (05-Nov-2009)

	PRL490 v3.02 fixed a typo from v3.00 where the final summary total was
	not printing on a summary report. (03-Feb-2010)

	PRL490 v3.03 now supports creating CSV output. (03-May-2010)

	PRL490 v3.04 now supports auto-archiving when printing by appending
	the "/ARCHIVE" option at the Output-to question. (25-Aug-2010)

	PRL490 v3.05 fixed a problem when printing CSV output where dollar amount
	fields were printing as zeros. (10-Feb-2011)

  PRL500 V4.02 - Compute Payroll Checks   

	PRL500 v3.01 now warns the user before trying to clear vacation/sick
	accruals when re-running PRL500 for a given pay period.  This will prevent
	a problem where a user accidentally wiped out the vacation/sick accruals
	by trying to re-run PRL500 before running PRL690 to reverse a payroll
	update. (17-Jun-2010)

	PRL500 v3.02 will now only warn the user about clearing the vacation
	and sick accruals if the pay period is the same year/month as in the
	accruals file.  This will prevent the alert from showing if you reuse
	pay periods for each month. (29-Jul-2010)

	PRL500 v4.00 now tracks the separate taxability flags for SST Taxable
	and MCT Taxable. (15-Oct-2010)

	PRL500 v4.01 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (06-Jan-2011)

	PRL500 v4.02 now supports Limit Type "E" for Employee deductions.

  PRL525 V3.02 - Summary Payroll Register   

	PRL525 v3.01 fixed a problem where the PAR000 print defaults were not
	getting set. (19-Aug-2010)

	PRL525 v3.02 now includes separate print fields for SST W/H and
	MCT W/H instead of just a single field for FICA W/H. (15-Oct-2010)

  PRL550 V3.09 - Print Payroll Checks   

	PRL550 v3.01 will now create the ACH direct deposits file if setup option
	"B" has been enabled.  This means you do not need to run PRL565 for
	this. PRL550 also supports emailing employee's paycheck remittances if
	the employee email address is set and setup option "C" is set in PRL000.
	Finally, PRL550 now tracks a separate range of check numbers for
	Electronic Payments than for Checks. (21-Apr-2010)

	PRL550 v3.02 now asks for the ACH filename (if direct deposit handling was
	enabled) so the user can place the file in a secure area and name it
	whatever they want. (29-Jul-2010)

	PRL550 v3.03 fixed a bug where zero dollar items on checks was causing
	stub overflow handling to break and the check to print incorrectly.

	PRL550 V3.04 now changed print item 47 from "QTD FICA" to "QTD SST" and
	changed print item 48 from "YTD FICA" to "YTD SST".  New print item 67
	was added for "QTD MCT" and print item 68 for "YTD MCT". (15-Sep-2010)

	PRL550 v3.05 fixed a bug when creating both normal output to QUE:
	and ACH output where the normal report was not getting queued to
	the printer. (04-Nov-2010)

	PRL550 v3.06 changed the prompt for the ACH filename so that the screen
	does not wrap. (15-Feb-2011)

	PRL550 v3.07 changed the ReportRouter filename for employee remittance
	reports to use the Pmt Ref Number rather than the Employee Number since
	each check/remittance needs to have a unique archive filename for
	ReportRouter. Also, the ReportRouter XML string will now include keywords
	to facilitate archive lookups in ReportRouter. (17-May-2011)

	PRL550 v3.08 fixed a problem where a zero dollar net check was skipped
	which caused an error to display. (02-Jun-2011)

	PRL550 v3.09 has re-instated the option to ask for check numbers when
	printing miscellaneous checks. (17-Nov-2011)

  PRL580 V2.13 - Cancel Payroll Computations   

	PRL580 v2.13 will now clear the check type field which tracks whether the
	employee check was an E-lectronic Payment or a C-heck. (21-Apr-2010)

  PRL590 V4.04 - Compute Employer Expenses   

	PRL590 V4.02 split FICA taxable flags into SST Taxable and MCT Taxable
	for separate Social Security and Medicare taxability. (13-Oct-2010)

	PRL590 V4.03 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (07-Jan-2011)

	PRL590 v4.04 now supports Limit Type "E" for Employer deductions.

  PRL600 V3.03 - Update Payroll Transactions   

	PRL600 v3.02 will now update the last electronic payment reference number
	used as well as the last check number used. (21-Apr-2010)

	PRL600 v3.03 will no longer update zeros for vacation/sick accruals if no
	accrual record can be found for the employee for the given pay period.
	This program now also uses the standard Output-to dialog and will only
	prompt for the Output-to (for the direct deposit summary report) if your
	PRL system supports direct deposits. (17-Jun-2010)

  PRL690 V3.02 - Reverse Payroll Checks   

	PRL690 v3.02 improved how vacation/sick accruals are updated to their
	prior values when reversing a payroll. (17-Jun-2010)

  PRL720 V3.03 - Payroll Earnings Record   

	PRL720 v3.02 now includes separate report columns for SST earnings
	and withholdings and MCT earnings and withholdings. Previously,
	these were lumped together as FICA ERN and FICA W/H. (15-Oct-2010)

	PRL720 v3.03 changed the report layout so that the report once again will
	fit within 132 print columns.  The v3.02 changes caused the report to be
	wider than 132 columns. (01-Dec-2010)

  PRL750 V3.03 - Quarterly Unemployment Report   

	PRL750 V3.01 split FICA taxable flags into SST Taxable and MCT Taxable
	for separate Social Security and Medicare taxability. (13-Oct-2010)

	PRL750 V3.02 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (07-Jan-2011)

	PRL750 v3.03 now supports Limit Type "E" for deductions based on
	an EARNINGS YTD limit. (06-Jul-2011)

  PRL941 V3.04 - Quarterly Unemployment Report (941A)   

	PRL941 V3.03 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (07-Jan-2011)

	PRL941 v3.04 now supports Limit Type "E" for deductions based on
	an EARNINGS YTD limit. (06-Jul-2011)

  PRLMAG V3.04 - Create MAG-FILE Intermediate Files   

	PRLMAG v3.01 now supports payroll changes for separate SST and MCT
	taxability and the new two character W2 Box 12 Codes. (15-Oct-2010)

	PRLMAG v3.02 fixed where v3.01 did not have support for W2 code="S4"
	for Section 409 income or W2 code="HE" for HIRE exempt wages. (04-Nov-2010)

	PRLMAG V3.03 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (07-Jan-2011)

	PRLMAG v3.04 now supports Box12 code = "DD" for cost of employer-sponsored
	health coverage and Box12 code = "EE" for Roth 457b contributions.

  PRLTAX V2.09 - Compute Payroll Withholding Tax   

	PRLTAX v2.09 changed FICA to distinguish between Social Security Tax (SST)
	and Medicare Tax (MCT).  (14-Oct-2010)

  PRLW2 V4.06 - Print Payroll W2 Forms   

	PRLW2 v4.02 now supports printing HIRE exempt wages in Box 12 using
	code "CC".  To specify HIRE exempt wages, run PRL120 and set the
	W2 Code to "HE" for any earning codes that you have set up
	as HIRE exempt wages. (01-Oct-2010)

	PRLW2 v4.03 now supports the separate SST and MCT taxability flags
	and the new two character W2 Box 12 Codes. This allows you to change
	just the SST Taxability flag in PRL120 to "1" to exempt the employer
	from their portion of the Social Security Tax without changing the
	MCT Taxability for Medicare. (15-Oct-2010)

	PRLW2 v4.04 added separate upper/lower limits for Employee and Employer
	because SST limits now differ between Employee and Employer. (07-Jan-2011)

	PRLW2 v4.05 was internal changes only.

	PRLW2 v4.06 now supports Box12 code = "DD" for cost of employer-sponsored
	health coverage and Box12 code = "EE" for Roth 457b contributions.

Purchase Order Programs (PUR)

  PUR000 V2.02 - Setup Purchase Order System   

	PUR000 v2.01 fixed a bug from v2.00 where the Disk Unit # questions
	were not being validated properly. (27-Apr-2009)

	PUR000 v2.02 now includes a "Lead Time Preference" question to allow you
	to choose the preference of which lead time to use to compute the PO
	Expected Date. See online help for your options. (23-Nov-2010)

  PUR020 V3.02 - Supplier Part Status Maintenance   

	PUR020 V3.01 changed the U-pdate option to update LC Formula in the
	parts master if the supplier parts LC formula is valid for the part.
	Also, the program now checks for a bad formula and will not update
	the parts master cost if the supplier part formula is blank.

	PUR020 V3.02 now handles the supplier part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time.  Also, the program now shows
	the "Recv Count" for the supplier part and allows editing it via the "ER"
	edit option. This value is used to compute the running average lead
	time. (23-Nov-2010)

  PUR025 V3.03 - Supplier Part Status Update   

	PUR025 v3.01 now supports selectivity by parts master User Code1
	and User Code2. (16-Jan-2009)

	PUR025 v3.02 now includes the option to update the Supplier Parts
	Landed Cost formula from the Parts Master formula. Also, when updating
	the Parts Master file, if there is a valid LC formula in the Supplier
	Parts file, that formula will be updated to the Parts Master LC
	formula. (20-Feb-2009)

	PUR025 V3.03 now handles the supplier part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time.  (23-Nov-2010)

  PUR030 V3.03 - Supplier Parts Report   

	PUR030 V3.01 removed the Inquiry option since IMS500 "#" option already
	does this.  The report will now use the standard saved routines.

	PUR030 V3.02 now supports CSV output. (26-Aug-2010)

	PUR030 V3.03 now handles the supplier part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time.  (23-Nov-2010)

  PUR050 V3.06 - Purchase Order Format Maintenance   

	PUR050 v3.02 added print item #89 = Misc Code Description including
	support for special options of: ";SHIP_VIA", ";TERMS", ";ORDERED_BY",
	and ";WAREHOUSE" for this field. (03-Sep-2009)

	PUR050 v3.03 added Warehouse Location as print item 90. (21-Feb-2011)

	PUR050 v3.04 now includes a quick print option for "Form Name" to allow
	you to set different form names.  This will allow ReportRouter to use
	different form backgrounds for different form names. (01-Mar-2011)

	PUR050 v3.05 fixed a problem with the C-opy option where the new
	format code was not getting set correctly; causing lookups to be
	inconsistent. (02-Sep-2011)

	PUR050 v3.06 now supports setup option ";OPEN_LINES" to print O-pen PO
	detail lines only on any PO format with this setting. (14-Dec-2011)

  PUR060 v3.01 - Proof Purchase Order Format   

	PUR060 v3.01 added print item #89 = Misc Code Description. (03-Sep-2009)

	PUR060 v3.02 supports Warehouse Location as print item 90. (21-Feb-2011)

  PUR100 V4.18 - Purchase Order Entry/Edit   

	PUR100 v4.01 was changed to warn you if you enter an invalid TERMS code
	or an invalid SHIP VIA code. (19-Feb-2009)

	PUR100 V4.02 now makes sure the PUR TEXT file gets created
	since PUR000 does NOT create this file. (19-May-2009)

	PUR100 V4.03 will now validat purchase order number as a valid FILENAME
	(for ReportRouter to print the order). (25-AUG-2009)

	PUR100 v4.04 will now check for a PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file
	(where {OrderBy} is the user initials) and import into CONTACT text type
	when adding a new PO. (03-Sep-2009)

	PUR100 v4.05 cleaned up the FINDER options. (11-Dec-2009)

	PUR100 v4.06 fixed a problem finding backorders and updated the
	prompts for the backorder finder routine. (22-Mar-2010)

	PUR100 v4.07 now shows the P.O. detail warehouse prominently on the
	detail screen. (05-May-2010)

	PUR100 v4.08 will now validate SHIP VIA and TERMS codes only if you have
	any of those codes defined in PAR100. (14-May-2010)

	PUR100 v4.09 now includes a [Do] key option for Contact Inquiry
	that allows you to add or modify supplier contacts. (02-Jun-2010)

	PUR100 V4.10 now handles the supplier part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. The program will now check
	the PUR000 Lead Time Preference setting to determine which lead times
	to check for computing Expected Date. (23-Nov-2010)

	PUR100 v4.11 changed the "X2" option when copying to a new PO, to add
	the CONTACT text for the current contact instead of using the text
	that was copied from the other PO. (27-Jan-2011)

	PUR100 v4.12 fixed a problem when deleting PO detail on the quick screen
	where the current detail row shifts to beginning and should stay at the
	record AFTER the record just deleted. (25-Mar-2011)

	PUR100 v4.13 was changed so when you edit the GL Cost, an alert box will
	show you the Landed Cost default based on the modified GL Cost and ask if
	you want to change Landed Cost too. (22-Apr-2011)

	PUR100 v4.14 was changed to clarify the finder options to show both FINDER
	option 2 and FINDER option 3 choices in the PO finder menu. (18-Jul-2011)

	PUR100 v4.15 now supports the CFG setting of MULTI_INVENTORY=ddd to
	enable checking other clients inventory for available parts of beyond a
	certain age in days.  See the Infobase article (keyword=CFG) for more
	info. (29-Jul-2011)

	PUR100 v4.16 now enforces the ASK flag +8 setting during edit mode
	to insure that a MANDATORY field can not blanked out. (05-Aug-2011)

	PUR100 v4.17 changed when using the X-copy option, to warn and skip any
	parts that do not have A-ctive status.  This will prevent D-iscontinued or
	Z-apped parts from accidentally being copied to a new purchase order.

	PUR100 v4.18 now includes a F-ind edit option to allow you to find a PO
	detail record by Part Number.  You will be prompted for the Part Number
	to find.  If the part is found on the PO then that PO detail record will
	be displayed as the current record.  Otherwise you will get an error
	and will remain on the current record from before the F-ind option.

  PUR110 V3.05 - Automatic Reordering   

	PUR110 v3.01 was changed so that if you are using centralized purchasing,
	the history usage will include ALL warehouses instead of just the central
	warehouse. (05-Feb-2009)

	PUR110 v3.02 will now check for a PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file
	(where {OrderBy} is the user initials) and import into CONTACT text type
	when adding a new PO. (03-Sep-2009)

	PUR110 V3.03 was internal changes only to update functions that
	computed quantity on hand and quantity on order.

	PUR110 V3.04 fixed a typo from v3.03 where the quantity on order
	was not getting computed. (13-Oct-2010)

	PUR110 V3.05 now handles the supplier part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. The program will now check the PUR000
	Lead Time Preference setting to determine which lead times to check for
	computing Expected Date. (23-Nov-2010)

  PUR120 V2.03 - Create Purchase Orders from Backorders   

	PUR120 v2.01 was changed to set the default branch from the User
	Preference setting when adding a new PO. (19-Feb-2009)

	PUR120 v2.02 was changed to not allow creating a purchase order for a
	supplier with "HOLD" terms or for a supplier with C-losed status.

	PUR120 v2.03 will now check for a PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file
	(where {OrderBy} is the user initials) and import into CONTACT text type
	when adding a new PO. (03-Sep-2009)

  PUR180 V2.22 - Print Purchase Orders   

	PUR180 v2.22 now opens the warehouse parts file for compatibility with
	the PURPRN v4.14 routine. (21-Feb-2011)

  PUR315 V3.03 - Backorders/Attachments Maintenance   

	PUR315 V3.02 fixed a problem where the backorder warehouse field was not
	getting set properly when adding or editing a record. (31-Aug-2009)

	PUR315 v3.03 fixed a problem where the backorder finder was not working.
	It would find the first occurrance of a backordered part and not necessarily
	for the desired backorder order number. (06-May-2011)

  PUR320 V3.05 - Backorder Generic Report   

	PUR320 V3.01 fixex a display problem with the program banner where the
	client ID displayed twice. (26-Feb-2009)

	PUR320 V3.02 fixed a line count problem when printing section headings
	where the paging was off. (11-Aug-2010)

	PUR320 v3.03 now supports the /ARCHIVE option at the "Output to"
	question to auto-archive a printed report. (25-Aug-2010)

	PUR320 v3.04 now allows you to sort/select on most fields. (12-Apr-2011)

	PUR320 v3.05 includes new report items for: Order Ext G/L Cost and
	Order Ext Lnd Cost. (22-Apr-2011)

  PUR400 V3.13 - Purchase Order Receiving   

	PUR400 v3.01 was changed where if the receiving warehouse does not match
	the backorder warehouse then the program will only warn and de-attach the
	backorder instead of deleting the backorder. (10-Nov-2008)

	PUR400 v3.02 was changed to add/update the warehouse part record and
	re-compute the average lead time when receiving a part. (18-Feb-2009)

	PUR400 v3.03 now supports the [Find] key to find the label format to use.

	PUR400 v3.04 now uses the same purchase order finder routine as PUR100
	uses.  This will allow finding PO's to receive by their Requisition
	Number. (11-Dec-2009)

	PUR400 v3.05 now supports routing to Report Router when asking to print
	the receiving report as you exit this program. (29-Mar-2010)

	PUR400 v3.06 was internal changes only.

	PUR400 v3.07 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	PUR400 V3.08 fixed an error 131 (no current record) from v3.07 when
	trying to receive an unknown part. (09-Dec-2010)

	PUR400 V3.09 fixed an error 131 (no current record) from v3.07 when
	the part being received is locked by IMS100.  Also, a change was made
	so label printing defaults are retained if the user backs up to change
	any of the preliminary questions. (06-Jan-2011)

	PUR400 V3.10 fixed a problem where the program aborted if you tried to
	use the ZOOM feature during supplier FINDER or during purchase order
	FINDER. (21-Jan-2011)

	PUR400 v3.11 changed the Backorders Received Report to print EndUser
	Name on the second line if there is an EndUser. Note: This report
	previously printed Ship-to Name but called it Customer Name.  The
	program will now print the actual Customer Name.  The following label
	tags were changed: {COMMIT_NAME} tag to {COMMIT_SHIPTO} and created
	new {COMMIT_CUST} tag to print customer name. (10-Mar-2011)

	PUR400 fixed to refresh the screen display after trying to route a
	report since that routine messed up the screen. (29-Jul-2011)

	PUR400 v3.13 fixed a problem where you could not clear the "SI" default
	location. (02-Sep-2011)

  PUR410 V3.02 - P.O. Receiving Report   

	PUR410 v3.01 now allows selectivity by Supplier Name as well as by GL Cost
	and Landed Cost.  This will allow you to see if you have received any items
	at a zero cost. (04-Sep-2009)

	PUR410 v3.02 renamed "P.O. Type" as "Order Type" to be consistent with
	both PUR100 and PUR190. (16-Sep-2009)

  PUR420 V3.05 - Adjust Costs of Received Items   

	PUR420 v3.01 was changed so that, when updating Supplier Parts costs,
	do not update GL Cost or Landed Cost if they contain a formula.
	This will allow you to preserve the LC formula while still updating
	GL Cost and Landed Cost.
	Also, when updating Part Master costs, do not update LC Formula unless it
	already is a dollar amount. (17-Feb-2010)

	PUR420 v3.02 was changed so if adjusting on-hands and the entire amount can
	not be adjusted then an FAS journal entry will be made for the GL Cost
	difference (if you are adjusting the G/L).  Also, cost adjustments made to
	either sales order detail or job order detail will no longer cause a G/L
	adjustment to be made since that G/L adjustment is now handled by the first
	part of this change. (31-Mar-2011)

	PUR420 v3.03 fixed a problem where the FAS GL posting had a blank reference
	number if you did not choose to update the PO Detail (PURD) costs.
	This was because the PURD values were being used for the FAS journal
	entries but the PURD record was not current if you were not updating PURD
	fields. The program will now get the PURD record even if you are not
	updating PURD costs. (11-Apr-2011)

	PUR420 v3.04 removed the requirement that you have option "D" set in order
	to adjust the G/L because that is no longer true since the v3.02 changes.
	This will allow you to adjust the FAS G/L even if you do not want to adjust
	the Original PO detail. (26-Aug-2011)

	PUR420 v3.05 now allows sending the exceptions report to ReportRouter.
	At the "Que Name" question, enter /EMAIL to email, /FAX to fax, or /ARCHIVE
	to send the report to the ReportRouter archives. (04-Jan-2012)

  PUR450 V4.09 - Purchase Order Returns   

	PUR450 v4.03 will now validate the purchase order number as a valid
	FILENAME.  This will allow ReportRouter to route the order. (25-Aug-2009)

	PUR450 v4.04 will now validate SHIP VIA and TERMS codes if you have any
	of those codes defined in PAR100. (14-May-2010)

	PUR450 v4.05 now includes a [Do] key option for Contact Inquiry
	that allows you to add or modify supplier contacts. (02-Jun-2010)

	PUR450 v4.06 was internal changes only.

	PUR450 v4.07 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	PUR450 v4.08 now opens the warehouse parts file for compatibility with
	the PURPRN v4.14 routine. (21-Feb-2011)

	PUR450 v4.09 was changed to clarify the finder options to show both FINDER
	option 2 and FINDER option 3 choices in the PO finder menu. (18-Jul-2011)

  PUR800 V3.01 - PO to Payable Reconciliation   

	PUR800 v3.01 was changed so that, if the invoice being reconciled is
	on H-old status, you will be prompted whether to remove the H-old status.

  PUR810 V3.01 - PO Detail Reconciliation   

	PUR810 v3.01 was changed so that, if the invoice being reconciled is
	on H-old status, you will be prompted whether to remove the H-old status.

  PUR830 V2.01 - POs Received Not Invoiced Report   

	PUR830 v2.01 fixed a problem where detail and summary reports did not match
	because there may be multiple PBL invoices for a given PO and the summary
	report was only checking the first invoice number for that PO.

  PUR900 V4.06 - Create Payables from Purchase Orders   

	PUR900 V4.02 now supports the [Find] key at the Supplier question.

	PUR900 V4.03 fixed a minor problem where the debit profit center was
	not getting set properly, causing profit center distributions to not work
	for the debit GL Account. (22-Oct-2009)

	PUR900 v4.04 fixed so that when marking items as reconciled, the S-plit
	option will now allow you to split negative quantitys (for PO Returns).

	PUR900 v4.05 now includes an "Optional action" question where you can enter
	the letter "H" to force the PBL invoice to be created with a H-old status.

	PUR900 v4.06  was changed to allow for a client specific PUR900.OPT file.
	If a PACK00:PUR900.OPT file exists, then it will be used as a common
	options setting for all clients. Otherwise, the program will look for an
	options file named like PACK00:{client}_PUR900.OPT (20-Oct-2011)

  PUR_IMPORT V1.00 - Create Purchase Orders from Text File   

	PUR_IMPORT v1.00 is a new program you can use to create purchase orders
	from a text data file.  The program will prompt for a format name and will
	get the format of the text file from this format file.  Refer to online
	help for more information. (12-Jan-2010)

Accounts Receivable Programs (RCV)

  RCV000 V3.02 - RCV System Setup   

	RCV000 v3.01 fixed a bug where you could not enter a 4 digit transaction
	year. (30-Apr-2009)

	RCV000 v3.02 removed the outdated questions for G/L Posting by Profit
	Center and Cost Center as well as the Select Summary G/L Post question
	because RCV331 no longer uses these options. (18-Jun-2010)

  RCV050 V3.01 - Statement Format Entry/Edit   

	RCV050 v3.01 now supports quick print settings to allow you to specify
	the default print que name and que options when printing statements.

  RCV055 V3.02 - Invoice Format Entry/Edit   

	RCV055 v3.01 now supports print item #69 = Part Number. Support was also
	added for quick print options for text types, text paging and where to
	print text.  You can now also press the [Find] key at the "Print Item"
	question to select from a menu of valid print items. (23-Jun-2009)

	RCV055 v3.02 now includes a quick print option for "Form Name" to allow
	you to set different form names.  This will allow ReportRouter to use
	different form backgrounds for different form names. (01-Mar-2011)

  RCV150 V4.01 - Set Customer Balances For Credit Checks   

	RCV150 v4.01 fixed a problem caused by v3.05 where the program was going
	back to "Press [Enter] to begin" instead of finishing. (14-Jan-2009)

  RCV300 V4.02 - Receivables Transaction Entry   

	RCV300 v4.02 fixed a problem when asking minimal questions where
	all required fields were not getting set. (03-Dec-2009)

  RCV305 V2.04 - RCV Payment Entry   

	RCV305 v2.01 renamed the "Default Balance Account" as "Default Payment
	Account" for clarity. The default response for this field now comes from
	the User Preferences Cash Account instead of the old hard-coded value.
	Also, for both RCV Payment entry and FAS Payment entry, the Payment
	Branch and Profit Center and Cost Center will now default from the
	User Preferences values if the RCV000 default option is a 5 or 6.

	RCV305 V2.02 will now ask for the Deposit Reference Number when
	entering new payments.  The Deposit Reference Number will be used for
	posting all payments to FAS. (11-Nov-2009)

	RCV305 v2.02 modified the FAS payment entry routine as follows...
	The new RCV331 program requires all RCV payments to have a Deposit Ref#
	for posting to FAS. Therefore, misc payments entry will now only create
	the RCV payment records and will NOT post directly to FAS. You will need
	to run RCV331 now to post M-isc payments to FAS.

	RCV305 v2.03 removed the v2.02 change to ask for Deposit Reference Number
	because the Deposit Reference Number should not be set until you actually
	are ready to make the bank deposit and this is not known at payment entry
	time. (02-Dec-2009)

	RCV305 v2.04 now includes the following change from RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.06...
	You now have the option to take an expired payment discount.
	If the customer terms allow for a discount but the discount date has since
	past, the program will now ask if you want to take the expired discount
	anyways.  This allows you to give a customer an early payment discount
	even though their payment was not received in time to apply the discount
	normally. (26-Oct-2011)

	RCV305 v2.04 now includes the following change from RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.06...
	You now have the option to take a payment discount on a pre-applied
	The P-reapplied entry option will now prompt for "Preapply Discount? ".
	If you enter "Y" then after the pre-applied payment is added, you will be
	taken to the discount entry routine to enter a payment discount for the
	pre-applied payment. (26-Oct-2011)

	RCV305 v2.04 now includes the following change from RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.06...
	Several problems were fixed with payment option "A" where entering a
	payment discount was sometimes mistakenly applying the Discount GL Account
	when it should have applied the Payment GL Account.  These problems were
	often caused when a payment was incorrectly entered and then the user
	tried to fix the payment and fix the discount; thereby causing this
	problem. (26-Oct-2011)

RCV331 V1.09 - Post RCV Transactions to FAS   

	RCV331 V1.00 is a new program that streamlines the RCV to FAS posting
	process. The old RCV330, RCV335 and RCV339 functionality has now been
	included in the new RCV331 program.
	Also, the old RCV000 selective summary posting options are no longer used.
	Instead, all RCV transactions will be summarized by the RCV transaction
	reference number. RCV payment transactions now require a Deposit Reference#
	which will be used as the FAS Reference # for posting the payments.  This
	will allow you to reconcile your bank deposits to the FAS system based on
	the deposit reference number.  You can assign deposit reference numbers to
	selected RCV payments via the newly updated RCV385 v3.00 program.
	Finally, RCV331 will now check for a configuration file called
	PACK00:{client}_RCV331.CFG (where {client} is the client id). If the CFG
	file contains the line POST_DETAIL=Y then RCV records will be posted in
	detail to FAS instead of summarizing by transaction reference number.
	If the CFG file contains the line DATE_OPTION=A and you are doing detail
	posting, then the RCV Aging Date will be used as the FAS Transaction Date.

	RCV331 v1.01 fixed error 9 at line 6000 trying to run option 3 without
	first running option 1.  The program will now warn you if option 1 has
	not been run if you try to run option 3 first. (19-Jul-2010)

	RCV331 v1.02 fixed error 9 trying to run option 2 without first running
	option 1. You will now get a warning error if you try this. (09-Aug-2010)

	RCV331 v1.03 fixed a problem where payments to different customers
	with the same Payment Reference Number caused the payments to be posted
	multiple times.  A problem was also fixed where payments that got
	partially applied to other customer's invoices (using the RCV305 payment
	option "C") were getting skipped and not posted to FAS. (29-Sep-2010)

	RCV331 v1.04 fixed a problem from V1.03 where the RCV Payment records were
	not getting flagged as posted even though the payments were posted.  Since
	RCV385 only marks unposted payments with a deposit reference number, this
	could have caused some posted payments to be changed by RCV385.

	RCV331 V1.05 fixed a bug where trying to merge normal payments and misc.
	payments at the same time could possibly skip misc. payments. (25-Oct-2010)

	RCV331 v1.06 will now post the RCV transaction description as the FAS
	transaction description when using the detail posting option. (17-Dec-2010)

	RCV331 v1.07 changed a payment processing error message to better indicate
	exactly what the problem is. (10-Jan-2011)

	RCV331 v1.08 now supports a CFG option of "POST_ZERO=Y" to post an FAS
	entry even if the transaction amount is zero. (11-May-2011)

	RCV331 v1.09 now supports the CFG option of USE_ACTUAL_DATE=Y to use the
	actual RCV transaction date as the FAS transaction date instead of using
	the default posting date. (20-Jul-2011)

  RCV340 V4.03 - Print Selected Invoices   

	RCV340 v4.00 now includes support for the auto-print options of
	/AUTO_EMAIL and /AUTO_FAX.  If you specify these options, and if you
	have any customer contacts setup with the /INVOICE flag in the Contact Info
	field, those customers will receive emailed or faxed invoices instead
	of printed invoices. (24-Jun-2009)

	RCV340 v4.01 now supports the auto-print option of /AUTO_MAIL to
	only print invoices for customers that have CUS100 option flag "D"
	set. (30-Jul-2009)

	RCV340 v4.02 now shows the client ID in the screen banner. (15-Jan-2010)

	RCV340 v4.03 now supports the auto-print option of /ARCHIVE to allow
	archiving documents even if the document was sent to an OpenVMS print
	queue. Also, the "/AUTO_" prefix no longer needs to be specified on
	the auto-print options. (26-May-2010)

  RCV350 V4.02 - Customer Status Inquiry   

	RCV350 v4.01 changed the program interface to ask Customer# then ask
	for "Option:" so that options can be handled in a standard way.

	RCV350 v4.02 changed the selective by Aging Date option to ask for a
	date range rather than a single date. (16-Feb-2011)

  RCV355 V2.07 - Credit Manager Inquiry   

	RCV355 v2.02 was modified to show Aging Date on the D-etail screen even
	when summarizing by transaction type. (01-Oct-2009)

	RCV355 v2.03 now sends XML keywords to ReportRouter if the document
	gets routed. (09-Oct-2009)

	RCV355 V2.04 will now correctly display total payments in the $99M range.

	RCV355 V2.05 will now always CUS100 Contact1 as the default contact.

	RCV355 v2.06 changed the transaction type code for payments from "PAY"
	to "PMT" for consistency with other programs and added support for
	payment discount code of "DSC". (10-Aug-2010)

	RCV355 v2.07 will now display a "TEXT" flag if the customer has any text.

  RCV360 V2.05 - Invoice Inquiry   

	RCV360 V2.01 streamlined the user interface to prompt for the invoice
	number and then prompt for the inquiry option.  Inquiry options
	include: D-etail, S-ummary, P-rofit, and O-utput.  The new P-rofit
	option will show summarized gross profit info for the invoice.

	RCV360 V2.02 fixed a problem where it thought the history customer
	did not match the open transactions customer. (01-Jul-2010)

	RCV360 v2.03 fixed several problems checking teh customer between
	history and open transactions. (30-Jul-2010)

	RCV360 v2.04 fixed an error 52 at line 4000 using the P-rofit option.

	RCV360 V2.05 fixed the P-rofit option so that gross profit is computed
	the same as in RCV390 - by checking the FAS group code for "SL" (sales)
	transaction amounts only. (02-Nov-2010)

  RCV370 V4.04 - RCV GL Account Generic Report   

	RCV370 V4.01 was changed to use the standard saved reports routines
	and to remove several inconsistencies.  Also, several changes were
	made for Report Router v5 compatibility. (20-Oct-2009)

	RCV370 V4.02 fixed a bug caused by v4.01 where the Account lookup was not
	working when printing Account# as a heading item. It was also not printing
	customer name as description if Customer# was the lowest level summary
	item. (05-Nov-2009)

	RCV370 v4.03 fixed a bug where printing Branch/Profit/Cost as heading items
	was not finding the Misc Code description. (01-Apr-2010)

	RCV370 v4.04 has re-activated report item "S" as Transaction Amount.
	You can once again print and be selective by this field. (08-Apr-2010)

  RCV380 V3.07 - Credit Manager's Report   

	RCV380 v3.03 now has the option to print selected customer text
	(i.e. collection notes) along with the customer info on the report.
	The program also now includes selectivity by branch. (22-Jan-2009)

	RCV380 v3.04 fixed a problem where text was not printing when you
	answered "Y" to "Print Text" and chose to print all text types.

	RCV380 v3.05 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to pass keywords to
	Report Router when a report gets routed. (15-Oct-2009)

	RCV380 v3.06 changed how the report title was sent to Report Router to
	avoid problems where the report title could be accidentally blanked out.

	RCV380 v3.07 now asks whether to print customer contact info, and if Y-es
	then will print basic info from all "CONTACT" records for the customer.
	The Customer Option Flags will now also print on the right of the Customer
	heading line. (25-Jun-2010)

  RCV385 V3.04 - Bank Deposit Update   

	RCV385 v3.00 has been re-designed to work with the new RCV331 v1.00 program
	to streamline posting of RCV payments to FAS.  RCV385 now allows you to
	set a Deposit Reference # for selected unposted RCV payments.  The RCV331
	program will now post RCV payments to FAS using the Deposit Reference# as
	the FAS Reference Number.  You can use the report created by RCV385 to
	help reconcile your bank deposit for each Deposit Reference number.

	RCV385 v3.01 was changed when RCV payment records as deposited to skip any
	records that already have a deposit ref number. Also, a report option was
	added to show undeposited payments only. (03-Feb-2010)

	RCV385 v3.02 now supports selectivity by "Payment Method". (05-Aug-2010)

	RCV385 V3.03 fixed a problem when trying to process sales order payments
	that were entered at the end of one month but not merged to RCV until the
	next month. RCV385 was mistakenly skipping such records and so they could
	never get merged via RCV331 because they would never get a Deposit Ref# set.

	RCV385 v3.04 changed option 3 to allow you to select Deposit Reference#
	ranges to print on the report. (25-Jul-2011)

  RCV386 V3.07 - Daily Aging Report   

	RCV386 v3.02 was changed to pass keywords to ReportRouter  when routing
	reports. (14-Oct-2009)

	RCV386 v3.03 fixed how the report title was passed to ReportRouter when
	routing reports. (08-Apr-2010)

	RCV386 v3.04 fixed a spacing problem where there should only be 1 space
	between each print column. (24-May-2010)

	RCV386 v3.05 now includes "Invoice Terms" as a new report item.
	The existing Terms field has been renamed as "Customer Terms".
	The program was changed to insure these terms are used consistently.

	RCV386 v3.06 will now format dates as MM/DD/YYYY so CSV output will be
	more Excel compatible. (23-May-2011)

	RCV386 v3.07 added support for a CFG setting of AGE_DATE=TODAY to default
	the "Age balances as of.." question use TODAY instead of the last day of
	the month. See the Infobase article (keyword=CFG) for more information.

  RCV390 V5.04 - RCV Transactions Generic Report   

	RCV390 V5.01 fixed a problem where the "Transaction Amount" field heading
	was not the same width as the print mask; causing the report width to be
	incorrect and the report to wrap 1 character. (27-Mar-2009)

	RCV390 v5.02 fixed a bug where you could not select on Part Number
	or Terms. (29-Jul-2009)

	RCV390 v5.03 was changed to pass XML keywords to Report Router v5.

	RCV390 v5.04 fixed a bug where Sales Rep Name was not getting set.

  RCV395 V2.07 - RCV Payments Generic Report   

	RCV395 v2.01 fixed a problem where some XML garbage was showing just
	before printing when sending output to /EMAIL or /FAX. (18-Sep-2009)

	RCV395 v2.02 now sends XML keywords to ReportRouter if the report gets
	routed. This allows tracking additional keyword info in ReportRouter.

	RCV395 v2.03 renamed "Deposit Slip" as "Deposit Reference #" to be
	consistent with current functionality. (19-Nov-2009)

	RCV395 v2.04 now supports auto-archiving to ReportRouter using the
	/ARCHIVE option when printing to an OpenVMS print queue. Also, this
	version now supports creating the report in CSV file format. (24-Aug-2010)

	RCV395 v2.05 fixed a problem where a misc. payment was not selected to
	print if the misc. payment had the same Pmt Ref# as a regular pmt.

	RCV395 v2.06 changed date formats to MM/DD/YYYY to be more Excel
	compatible when printing to a CSV file. (25-May-2011)

	RCV395 v2.07 added "Posted (Y/N)" as a report item. (28-Jun-2011)

  RCV400 V4.02 - Create End of Month File   

	RCV400 v4.02 now uses the standard Output-to dialog so that this report
	can be routed via ReportRouter. (21-Oct-2010)

  RCV420 V4.10 - End of Month Statements   

	RCV420 v4.01 now prompts for auto-print options to allow you to enter
	the /AUTO_FAX and the /AUTO_EMAIL option for customers flagged to accept
	email or fax statements. If you specify these options, and if you have
	any customer contacts setup with the /STMT flag in the Contact Info field,
	those customers will receive emailed or faxed statements instead of
	printed statements. (24-Jun-2009)

	RCV420 v4.02 now supports the auto-print option of /AUTO_MAIL to only print
	statements where the customer option flag indicates the customer requires a
	mailed statement. (22-Jul-2009)

	RCV420 v4.03 Add support for ReportRouter v5 Keywords list. (25-Sep-2009)

	RCV420 v4.04 included internal code changes only. (09-Oct-2009)

	RCV420 v4.05 A problem was fixed where print que options were getting
	messed up by the EMAIL que options. (05-Nov-2009)

	RCV420 v4.06 This program will now use the default output as defined
	in RCV050.  Previously this default was being ignored. (02-Dec-2009)

	RCV420 v4.07 A bug caused by v4.03 was fixed where selectivity was not
	working. (10-Dec-2009)

	RCV420 v4.08 now includes email and fax message lines to better explain
	the purpose of the email/fax. (21-Jan-2010)

	RCV420 v4.09 changed the references to the older RCV330/RCV339 to
	refer to RCV331. (19-Feb-2010)

	RCV420 v4.10 now supports the Autoprint option of /ARCHIVE to allow
	archiving documents even if the document was sent to an OpenVMS print
	queue. (26-May-2010)

  RCV550 v1.02 - Sales Analysis Pivot Table Report   

	RCV550 v1.00 is a new program you can use to create an Excel Pivot Table
	style report where you can choose items for the Row, Column, and Data
	areas. A summarized report data file is then created with the raw report
	data.  This data can then be sorted in either ascending or descending
	order. (24-Mar-2010)

	RCV550 v1.01 fixed a "Bad recordsize on open" error when creating very
	wide reports. (06-May-2010)

	RCV550 v1.02 fixed a bug with Customer# as a row item where the customer
	name was not printing the correct customer. (19-Jul-2010)

  RCV580 V3.02 - Sales Analysis Column Definition   

	RCV580 v3.02 now supports Select Year codes of "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5"
	for the five previous years. You can now also use "substitution codes" in
	the column header fields. See online help for details. (09-Mar-2011)

  RCV585 V3.03 - RCV Sales Analysis Generic Report   

	RCV585 v3.03 now handles RCV580 Select Year codes of "P1", "P2", "P3",
	"P4", "P5" for the five previous years.
	It also handles substitution codes from RCV580. (09-Mar-2011)

Supplier Programs (SUP)

  SUP100 V4.08 - Supplier Master Maintenance   

	SUP100 v4.01 now includes a new Supplier Class field for grouping like
	suppliers. (13-Jan-2009)

	SUP100 v4.02 was changed so that the Supplier "finder" routine will now
	only display active suppliers that are not on HOLD terms by default.  You
	can use the [PF4] key to find all suppliers regardless of status.

	SUP100 v4.03 will now validate SHIP VIA and TERMS codes only if you have
	any of those codes defined in PAR100. (14-May-2010)

	SUP100 v4.04 will now validate Bank ID and Bank Acct when you use the B-ank
	edit option.  Bank ID must be a valid 9 digit bank routing number if used
	and Bank ID and Bank Acct must both be set or both be blank. (05-Aug-2010)

	SUP100 v4.05 changed the S-tatus option window to be able to show amounts
	up to $999 million. (19-Oct-2010)

	SUP100 v4.06 will no longer allow you to delete a supplier if you are
	using the PBL system and the supplier has any records in the open payables
	(PBLO) file. (05-Jan-2011)

	SUP100 v4.07 fixed so you can no longer use the B-ank edit option to change
	bank information if you are running SUP100INQ (i.e inquiry mode).

	SUP100 v4.04 now shows a menu for the T-ext edit option so you can tell
	that there is a special supplier TERMS text. (20-Jul-2011)

  SUP190 V3.02 - Supplier Master Generic Report   

	SUP190 v3.01 now includes the Supplier Class field as a report item.

	SUP190 v3.02 now allows sorting and selecting by most of the supplier
	master fields. (31-Aug-2009)

  SUP950 V4.01 - Print 1099 Forms for Selected Suppliers   

	SUP950 V4.01 will now look for a supplier text type of "1099_NAME"
	and, if found, the first line of this text type will print as the
	recipient's name on the 1099 form. (06-Nov-2009)

	SUP950 v4.01 fixed a problem where the year to report on was only two
	digits and needed to be a four digit year. (06-Nov-2009)

  SUP980 V3.01 - Supplier YTD Balance Generic Report   

	SUP980 v3.01 has added Supplier Class, Country and Alt. Country as report
	items. (09-Jan-2009)

  SUP990 V2.05 - Renumbering Suppliers   

	SUP990 v2.01 fixed a problem where some supplier numbers were not getting
	changed in the IMSP file because there was no PURS record for that supplier.
	Also, renumber the supplier in the IMST file for trans type "PO" and "PR"
	in the sub number field. (18-May-2009)

	SUP990 v2.02 was fixed to prompt for a four digit year. (07-Jan-2010)

	SUP990 V2.03 fixed a problem where supplier contacts were not getting
	renumbered. (29-Jul-2011)

	SUP990 v2.04 fixed a problem renumbering the SUPPLIER YTD file where
	the file was not getting renumbered.  Also, the program will now
	allow you to renumber multiple years of SUPPLIER YTD history. (13-Sep-2011)

	SUP990 V2.05 added an option to skip renumbering the IMST "HIS" month.
	Because the Sub# (Supplier#) is not an indexed field in this file and
	because the file can get quite large, renumbering many suppliers could
	potentially take an excessive amount of time. (07-Oct-2011)

Remote Tracker Programs (TRK)

  TRK410 V2.02 - Remote PO Receiving   

	TRK410 v2.01 was internal changes only.

	TRK410 v2.02 now handles the Supplier Part lead times as Last Lead Time,
	Avg. Lead Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

  TRK810 V2.01 - Remote Job Order Issuing/Reducing   

	TRK810 v2.01 fixed a problem where doing an inventory return for a
	non-inventory part was incorrectly creating an on-hand record.

Remote Transactions Programs (TRN)

  TRN400 V4.05 - Purchase Order Receiving from Handheld   

	TRN400 v4.02 fixed a problem where incorrect values were stored
	for Warehouse and Location. (01-Sep-2010)

	TRN400 V4.03 was changed to support how the supplier parts file now
	handles the three different lead times as: Last Lead Time, Avg Lead
	Time, and Dflt Lead Time. (23-Nov-2010)

	TRN400 v4.04 fixed a problem where the proof report que options question
	was asked twice but the second time there was no prompt. (16-Mar-2011)

	TRN400 v4.05 fixed so the PO Receipts document number was stored justified
	the same as PUR400 would store it.  This will fix a problem where the
	desired document number could not be located. (13-Apr-2011)

  TRN401 V2.01 - Create POs from Remote Transactions   

	TRN401 v2.01 will now ask for "PO Type (N-ormal or R-eturn)" to allow you
	to enter PO returns using the Tracker Parts Ordering module. Normal PO
	quantities must be positive values and PO Return quantities must be
	negative values. (18-Mar-2011)

Depreciation Programs (DEP)

  AMORTIZE V1.08 - Print Amortization Schedule   

	AMORTIZE v1.08 now uses the new Output-to routines to allow output to QUE:
	and PRN: as well as to ReportRouter. (24-Feb-2011)

  AMORT1 V1.03 - Print Amortization Options   

	AMORT1 v1.03 now uses the new Output-to routines to allow output to QUE:
	and PRN: as well as to ReportRouter. (24-Feb-2011)

  AMORT3 V1.03 - Print Loan/Investment Schedule   

	AMORT3 v1.03 now uses the new Output-to routines to allow output to QUE:
	and PRN: as well as to ReportRouter. (24-Feb-2011)

  DEP550 V3.01 - Create Depreciation GL Posting File   

	DEP550 v3.01 fixed a problem from v3.00 where the Reference Number field
	was not handled as a 16 character field. (02-Nov-2009)

  DEP555 V3.01 - Depreciation GL Posting Proof Report   

	DEP555 v3.01 fixed a problem from v3.00 where the Reference Number field
	was not handled as a 16 character field. (02-Nov-2009)

  DEP560 V3.02 - Depreciation GL Posting   

	DEP560 v3.01 fixed a problem caused by DEP560 v3.00 from the FACS 4.0
	release where the FAS transaction amount was 100 times too small.

	DEP560 v3.02 fixed a problem from v3.00 where the Reference Number field
	was not handled as a 16 character field.  This caused detail FAS posting
	to post incorrect data. (02-Nov-2009)

Help Libraries (HLB)

  Help Libraries - FACS Help Libraries   

	The latest versions of the FACS Help Libraries have been included
	in a single ZIP file.  You can download the HLB.ZIP file to your
	system and then unzip it and copy the HLB files to your SCS$SYS:
	directory.  (Last Updated 05-Aug-2011)

Other Programs

  FACS_MANAGER V1.11 - FACS User Profile Maintenance   

	FACS_MANAGER v1.11 now supports JOS Permission option "H" to allow the user
	to set/clear job order holds. (30-Jun-2011)

  MENU V3.10 - Menu System   

	MENU V3.10 will now warn you with an alert box when you try to delete
	an item from your favorites menu.  This will prevent users from deleting
	menu favorites by accidentally pressing the wrong key. (19-Oct-2011)

  TEQFACS V4.02 - FACS File Export to TEQuote v5   

	TEQFACS v4.01 will no longer export customers with a C-losed status
	or if they have an End Date. (05-Feb-2009)

	TEQFACS v4.02 was modified to export the Customer Status so TEQuote
	can flag customers that have been marked as C-losed.  The Customer Status
	will export as field #18. (08-Jul-2009)

	TEQFACS v4.03 now supports selectivity by Part Category when exporting
	parts data. (19-Jul-2011)

FACS Library Routines

Note: FACS Library Routines are common routines that are used by various FACS programs. Since these routines are program components and not actual programs, you can not download these routines directly. You should download the associated program(s) instead.
  ADDR_ENTRY V3.08 - Miscellaneous Address Entry
	(Used by CUS100, CUS100M, SUP100, SUP100M)

	ADDR_ENTRY v3.08 modified what the address selection menu displays.
	For CONTACTS, the menu now shows the "Name" and "Contact Name"
	and "Contact Info". For other address types, (e.g. SHIP TO addresses),
	the menu shows the "Name" and "Address1" and "City" and "State" fields.

  FINDER V1.23 - Find a record
	(this is a routine in the FACS_SHRLIB.EXE shareable library)

	FINDER v1.23 now supports finding records on more than one field.
	The first non-blank item will be used for the KEY lookup.  The second
	non-blank item will be used for the SELECTIVE item.  Use the [Up]
	or [Down] arrow keys to move between items without starting a search.
	For example, for the customer finder, if you type "A" at "Customer Name"
	and then press the [Down] arrow and enter "SPOKANE" at "Customer City"
	and then press [Enter], the FINDER routine will find all customers whose
	name starts with "A" and whose city starts with "SPOKANE".
	Since the FINDER routine is part of the FACS_SHRLIB.EXE shareable library,
	please contact Spokane Computer customer support to get the latest version
	of this shareable library installed on your system. (31-May-2011)

  IMS700M V2.01 - BOM Maintenance Routines
	(Used by IMS700)

	IMS700M v2.01 was modified to allow inserting a new component part
	without having to specify an existing parent part to copy that component
	from. (24-Jul-2009)

  IMSINV V6.25 - Sales Order Printing
	(Used by IMS301,IMS302,IMS303,IMS340,IMS510)

	IMSINV v6.02 now supports print item 128 as Tax Group from the
	sales order detail record. (08-Apr-2009)

	IMSINV v6.03 now supports print item 129 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	IMSINV v6.03 was changed so that the special print flag +1 will now skip
	printing if the field is blank OR zero.  Previously, it would only skip
	printing if blank. (08-May-2009)

	IMSINV v6.04 now supports the new /AUTO_EMAIL and /AUTO_FAX options to
	automatically email and/or fax sales order invoices to customers that
	have contacts flagged with the /INVOICE option in the "Contact Info" field.

	IMSINV V6.05 fixed quick printing so the "Printing sales order # xxxx"
	message does not display if output to KB or PRN. (22-Sep-2009)

	IMSINV V6.06 added support for ReportRouter v5 XML "Keywords" list
	and "Source" and "Title" tags. Also, an error message was fixed when
	trying to print invoices from IMS510. (29-Sep-2009)

	IMSINV V6.07 was internal coding changes only. (09-Oct-2009)

	IMSINV V6.08 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to add support for "/PRINT"
	routing. The user will be prompted for "Route to printer?" and the
	XML tags for printing will come from a *.RRP file for the specified
	printer. (26-Oct-2009)

	IMSINV v6.08 now supports the following options:
	";TAX_EX_NUMBER"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Number.
	";TAX_EX_REASON"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Reason.
	";TAX_EX_EXPIRES" = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Expires Date.
	";TAX_EX_ISSUER"  = Item 15 is Tax Exempt Issuer.

	IMSINV V6.09 fixed a bug to avoid conflicts between print/email/archive.

	IMSINV V6.10 fixed a bug where the ReportRouter "Confirm" tag was not
	getting set for /PRINT or /ARCHIVE. (21-Jan-2010)

	IMSINV V6.11 now gets the sold-to customer name from the misc address
	record for CASH sales customers. This will allow ReportRouter to track
	the SoldToName keyword. (09-Apr-2010)

	IMSINV v6.12 now supports auto-archiving a document if the document was
	sent to an OpenVMS print queue. The report will also be auto-archived
	if you include the /ARCHIVE switch on the Output-to line. (26-May-2010)

	IMSINV v6.13 made minor changes to how faxing defaults were determined.

	IMSINV v6.14 fixed a problem where print item 68 sales tax amounts
	for ;TAX=STATE and ;TAX=COUNTY and ;TAX=CITY were not getting computed.

	IMSINV v6.15 now supports the ";ENDUSER" format option to print the
	EndUser fields for the customer print items (similar to how the
	";BILL_TO" option works). (03-Aug-2010)

	IMSINV v6.16 now supports a CFG entry of "ONE_ORDER=Y" in the config
	file called PACK00:{client}_IMSINV.CFG (where {client} is Client ID)
	to force users to print one order at time so that multiple orders
	(i.e. invoices) can not be accidentally finalized. (27-Sep-2010)

	IMSINV v6.17 now supports setup option ";LABOR_TOTAL" to print labor as
	a total item (using print item 130).  New print item 130 has been added
	for "Total Labor".  The IMSINV routine is called by IMS301, IMS302, IMS303,
	IMS340, and IMS510. (04-Jan-2011)

	IMSINV v6.18 fixed a problem when printing the final form feed for a form
	where the form alignment was off on subsequent pages. (07-Feb-2011)

	IMSINV v6.19 now uses the Form Name defined in IMS050 as the default report
	filename prefix when generating output report files.  This will allow
	ReportRouter to use different form backgrounds for different form names.

	IMSINV v6.20 fixed a problem using the /ARCHIVE output-to option where
	the OpenVMS report did not print. (17-Mar-2011)

	IMSINV v6.21 changed when printing to "/EMAIL" or "/FAX" so the [Find] option
	for finding the contact will show Contact Info so you can see which contact
	has the "/INVOICE" flag. (07-Apr-2011)

	IMSINV v6.22 now supports print item 131 as "Amount Tendered" and print
	item 132 as "Change Due". (11-May-2011)

	IMSINV v6.23 now supports ReportRouter keywords of "SalesRepNumber"
	and "SalesRepName" so that you can track printed sales orders by Sales Rep
	in ReportRouter. An "EndUserName" keyword is also supported now.
	Also, the IMS050 setup option of ";RR_PROMPT=xxxxxx" is supported to
	define the Sales Order prompt to use for ReportRouter.  If not specified,
	the ReportRouter prompt will be "Sales Order". (16-Jun-2011)

	IMSINV v6.24 will now display a warning if more than one DETAIL section
	is detected when loading a chosen format code.  (31-Aug-2011)

	IMSINV v6.25 will now set print items 106, 107, and 108 to either "YES"
	or "NO" as the IMS050 online help indicates.  Previously, those fields
	were set to either "YES" or blank if NO.

  IMSRCV V3.07 - Sales Order to RCV Merge
	(Used by IMS350,IMS380,JOS150,JOS190)

	IMSRCV v3.02 will now update the RCV Transaction Terms field with the
	Sales Order Master Terms value when creating RCV Transaction records.

	IMSRCV v3.03 has been changed to support mapping the IMS Part Category
	to any of the RCV Prod Cat1 to Prod Cat4 fields.  Also, this version
	fixed so the Prod Cat1 to Prod Cat4 defaults per RCV000 were respected.
	Note: the mapping of IMS Part Category will override any RCV000 default
	for the mapped Prod Cat field. (17-Aug-2009)

	IMSRCV V3.04 fixed a problem where Part Number was not getting cleared
	when adding the RCV sales tax record and was incorrectly using the Part
	Number from the last RCV detail record. (04-Sep-2009)

	IMSRCV V3.05 changed how the RCV Payments merge date was set to use
	the current date instead of the RCV aging date in case you merge a payment
	(e.g. a deposit) that was entered in a prior month. (01-Oct-2010)

	IMSRCV v3.06 now supports sales tax being computed by an external routine.
	If the sales order master record has a Tax Transaction ID then the
	pre-computed sales tax amount will be used from the Sales Order Master
	record.	This will allow companies to use sales tax computation products
	(such as Sales Tax Office) to calculate sales tax for Estore orders and
	have FACS use the externally computed sales tax amount instead of having
	the sales tax re-computed based on Tax Code rates. (15-Dec-2010)

	IMSRCV v3.07 fixed a problem where the Sold-to Customer was not getting set
	correctly on the RCV invoice transaction record. (23-Jun-2011)

  IMSW_ENTRY V2.03 - Warehouse Parts Maintenance
	(Used by IMS100 and IMS105)

	IMSW_ENTRY v2.01 was changed to show the "Recv. Count" and include a
	new "ER" edit option to edit the "Recv. Count". (18-Feb-2009)

	IMSW_ENTRY v2.02 fixed a minor problem with how the A-dvance option
	worked. (17-Dec-2010)

	IMSW_ENTRY v2.03 changed the "UA" option to ask for a selective warehouse
	to update.  You can enter a warehouse number or leave the selective
	warehouse blank to update on-hands locations for all warehouses.

  IMS_PMT_ENTRY V3.01 - Enter IMS Order Payments
	(Used by IMS301, IMS302, JOS100, JOS150, and RCV305)

	IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.01 fixed a problem where the Order Payment Total was not
	getting reset when backing up from one order to enter a payment for a
	different order. (23-Jun-2009)

  JOSBID V3.01 - Job Order Bid/Markup Entry
	(Used by JOS100 and JOS150)

	JOSBID v3.01 no longer allows you to add, modify, or delete bid records on
	a C-losed job order. (19-May-2010)

  JOSINV V5.31 - Job Order Printing
	(Used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS240)

	JOSINV v5.05 now supports print item 125 as "Total Discount". (30-Apr-2009)

	JOSINV v5.05 was changed so that the special print flag +1 will now skip
	printing if the field is blank OR zero.  Previously, it would only skip
	printing if blank. (08-May-2009)

	JOSINV v5.06 now supports print item 126 as "Custom Field".
	This is reserved for custom application usage. (08-Jun-2009)

	JOSINV v5.07 now supports the new /AUTO_EMAIL and /AUTO_FAX options to
	automatically email and/or fax sales order invoices to customers that
	have contacts flagged with the /INVOICE option in the "Contact Info" field.

	JOSINV v5.08 (used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS240) now supports the ";SHIP_VIA"
	code along with print item 97 to print the Ship Via Description.

	JOSINV v5.09 fixed a problem where attachment files were not getting
	copied to ReportRouter and therefore were not getting included with
	the EMAIL or FAX document. (09-Sep-2009)

	JOSINV v5.10 added print item 127 as "Order Status" and print item 128
	as "Price By". (10-Sep-2009)

	JOSINV V5.11 added support for ReportRouter v5 XML "Keywords" list
	and "Source" and "Title" tags. (29-Sep-2009)

	JOSINV V5.12 was internal coding changes only. (09-Oct-2009)

	JOSINV V5.13 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to add support for "/PRINT"
	routing. The user will be prompted for "Route to printer?" and the
	XML tags for printing will come from a *.RRP file for the specified
	printer. (26-Oct-2009)

	JOSINV V5.14 fixed a bug to avoid conflicts between print/email/archive.

	JOSINV V5.15 fixed a bug where the ReportRouter "Confirm" tag was not
	getting set for /PRINT or /ARCHIVE. (21-Jan-2010)

	JOSINV V5.16 now uses the specified date as todays date instead of
	always using the current system date. (08-Feb-2010)

	JOSINV v5.17 was custom modifications only. (26-Mar-2010)

	JOSINV V5.18 changed so when summarizing phase, phase title text will be
	printed as detail text instead of normal detail text. (29-Mar-2010)

	JOSINV v5.19 now supports auto-archiving a document if the document was
	sent to an OpenVMS print queue. The report will also be auto-archived
	if you include the /ARCHIVE switch on the Output-to line. (26-May-2010)

	JOSINV v5.20 fixed a problem with GoldFax setting the correct form name
	for fax. (03-Jun-2010)

	JOSINV v5.21 now supports getting attachments from sub-directories
	under the RR_ATTACH directory to group different types of attachments
	(i.e. product pictures vs factory invoices). (23-Jul-2010)

	JOSINV v5.22 now supports the ";ENDUSER" format option to print the
	EndUser fields for the customer print items (similar to how the
	";BILL_TO" option works). (03-Aug-2010)

	JOSINV v5.23 included internal code changes only.

	JOSINV v5.24 now supports the ";ORDER_TAKER" setup option to allow
	printing the order taker name using print item 97. (15-Nov-2010)

	JOSINV v5.25 fixed a problem when printing the final form feed for a form
	where the form alignment was off on subsequent pages. (07-Feb-2011)

	JOSINV v5.26 now uses the Form Name defined in JOS050 as the default report
	filename prefix when generating output report files.  This will allow
	ReportRouter to use different form backgrounds for different form names.

	JOSINV v5.27 fixed a problem using the /ARCHIVE output-to option where
	the OpenVMS report did not print. (17-Mar-2011)

	JOSINV v5.28 changed when printing to "/EMAIL" or "/FAX" so the [Find] option
	for finding the contact will show Contact Info so you can see which contact
	has the "/INVOICE" flag. (07-Apr-2011)

	JOSINV v5.29 fixed a problem if printing a job order using the
	"W-ithout detail" option and the text type to print does not exist,
	nothing prints and the user gets no error message. The routine was
	changed to show the error and at least print the header and footer
	sections. (27-May-2011)

	JOSINV v5.30 now supports ReportRouter keywords of "SalesRepNumber"
	and "SalesRepName" so that you can track printed job orders by Sales Rep
	in ReportRouter.  An "EndUserName" keyword is also supported now.
	Also, the JOS050 setup option  of ";RR_PROMPT=xxxxxx" is supported to
	define the Job Order prompt to use for ReportRouter.  If not specified,
	the ReportRouter prompt will be "Job Order". (16-Jun-2011)

	JOSINV v5.31 fixed so that when printing using Record Type option "A"
	or "B" that the phase title text will print for any phase title records
	and the detail text will print for any detail estimate/actual records.

  JOSISS V5.21 - Job Order Issuing
	(Used by JOS100,JOS120,JOS150)

	JOSISS v5.01 will now ask whether you want to issue the opt/core part
	during part issuing if the issued part has an opt/core part number.

	JOSISS v5.02 now supports JOS000 validation option "N" to validate
	work code. (27-Jan-2009)

	JOSISS v5.03 will now show account/branch/profit/cost descriptions
	when editing those fields even if the question is not set as an "asked"
	field (02-Mar-2009)

	JOSISS v5.04 fixed a problem with the "issue selective" screen where
	the quantities were not always displayed with the correct UOM conversion
	factor. (25-Mar-2009)

	JOSISS v5.05 now respects the user preference settings established in
	JOS100/JOS120/JOS150 including the default warehouse set there.

	JOSISS v5.06 was changed to ALWAYS use the current default warehouse
	as the default value instead of using the JOS Detail Estimate warehouse.

	JOSISS v5.07 fixed the v5.06 change to still honor the default warehouse
	value when using the [Find] key at Serial# or Lot# or Warehouse# to find
	a specific onhands record. The Serial# search routine will now ask whether
	to search all warehouses if no match found when searching a specific
	warehouse. (21-Oct-2009)

	JOSISS v5.08 now uses the standard VIEW_PO routine to view open purchase
	orders.  This now includes viewing Requisition# and inquiry by
	Requisition#. (09-Nov-2009)

	JOSISS v5.09 fixed a problem with the saved entry settings (i.e. the "SS"
	option) where it was using the CURRENT settings and should have been using
	the ORIGINAL settings and therefore the user could not reset to the original
	(i.e. minimal) settings. (15-Jan-2010)

	JOSISS v5.10 fixed a problem caused by v5.07 when there is not enough
	available, where the "Search all warehouses?" option was causing the JOS
	detail issue record and the backorder to both be added with a blank
	warehouse number. (24-May-2010)

	JOSISS V5.11 was changed so when manually issuing a negative qty, you
	will be prompted for GL Cost and Landed Cost.  This will allow you to
	specify the cost to return to inventory. (21-Jun-2010)

	JOSISS v5.11 will now handle selectively issuing negative quantities.
	If returning a serialized part, you can only return quantity of -1.

	JOSISS v5.12 fixed an error 52 problem in DISPLAY_FIELD when the user
	enters a negative quantity less than -99999.999 by enforcing a quantity
	range from -99999.999 to 999999.999 (30-Jun-2010)

	JOSISS v5.13 now supports an Optional Action of "C" to commit inventory
	while manually issuing.  This will allow you to override any auto-reduce
	setting. (13-Aug-2010)

	JOSISS v5.14 was a minor internal coding change only.

	JOSISS v5.15 now allows you to edit/change the quantity of a backordered
	part.You will receive a warning that the backorder quantity will be
	adjusted. If there is a purchase order attachment (requisition) for the
	backorder, you will also be warned that you should review the PO after
	adjusting it(in case the supplier is already processing the order).

	JOSISS v5.16 now supports a config file setting of ASK_DFLT_WAREHOUSE=Y
	to always ask for a new default warehouse when starting to issue parts
	using JOS120 or using the I-ssue options in JOS100 and JOS150.
	The config filename should be in the form PACK00:{client}_JOSISS.CFG
	where {client} is the Client ID. (11-Oct-2010)

	JOSISS v5.17 fixed a problem when using the R-educe option to reduce an
	unknown part or a non-inventory part, where the GL Cost and Landed Cost
	were getting reset to zero.  The program will now just mark the JOS Detail
	record as R-educed and will not try to actually reduce inventory.

	JOSISS v5.18 fixed a problem where the Line Item did not display correctly
	on the quick screen when doing an Issue All. (01-Jun-2011)

	JOSISS v5.19 changed the manual issuing process so that Work Code will
	default the same as it does during JOS100 entry for L-abor parts.  Also,
	the manual entry routine will insure that Work Code is asked if the JOS
	to LBR setup option is set. (21-Jun-2011)

	JOSISS v5.20 added the "EL" edit option to allow editing the JOS
	Detail Location because there is no other way to manually edit
	this field. This location is used when returning job order detail
	parts to inventory. (07-Oct-2011)

	JOSISS v5.21 will now ask whether to exclude L-abor parts when using
	the "Issue All" or "Issue Selective" options. (07-Nov-2011)

  JOSLBR V2.02 - Interface from Job Orders to Labor
	(Used by JOS100, JOS105, JOS111, JOS150, and JOSTEQ)

	JOSLBR v2.02 was changed when adding standard hours records so the
	alert box for combining hours will now have the option to C-ombine,
	R-eplace, or K-eep hours. (11-Jan-2011)

  JOSPRC V3.01 - Price Parts on Job Order
	(Used by JOS100,JOS115,JOS150)

	JOSPRC v3.01 fixed a problem when creating a phase title record during
	a R-ollup where the tax code was blank. The tax code on the phase title
	record will now be set to the job default tax code. (17-Sep-2009)

  JOSVEH V3.46 - JOS Vehicle Maintenance
	(Used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS800)

	JOSVEH v3.40 changed how the validation of vehicle fields works to allow
	the "finder" list to show up to 500 matching items. Previously this
	routine could only show up to 200 matching items. (20-Sep-2010)

	JOSVEH v3.41 will now check the config file called
	PACK00:{client}_JOSVEH.CFG for a setting of MAKE_TAG=xx for the JOS
	Vehicle tag to check for Make.  It will also look for a setting of
	DEALER_CODE_TAG=xx (where xx=tag) for the JOS Vehicle tag to check
	for Dealer Code. If these two tags exist, then when you enter a new
	vehicle record, the Dealer Code can be determined by looking up the
	dealer info for the Customer Number associated with the Job Order of the
	vehicle and the Make of the vehicle. If found, the dealer code will
	automatically be filled in the correct field. (05-Oct-2010)

	JOSVEH v3.42 now has a C-opy option to allow you to copy a vehicle record
	to a different job order.  This is useful if you are doing repair work on
	a VIN that you already have a vehicle record for. (27-Jan-2011)

	JOSVEH v3.43 changeed so if CFG setting of ORDER_TYPE=NOVALID is set then
	do not default the order type from the JOSM order type. (30-Mar-2011)

	JOSVEH v3.44 changed all "vehicle pool" verbiage to "JOS Vehicle" to
	allow for possible future separation of VEHICLE MASTER data from
	JOS VEHICLE data.(19-Apr-2011)

	JOSVEH v3.45 changed so the "COPY_CLEAR=" cfg setting handles codes "OT"
	to clear Order Type and "STK" to clear Stock ID. (13-May-2011)

	JOSVEH v3.46 changed if you are editing the VIN and you have VIN mapping
	(i.e. VIN decoding) for any field, to ask if you want to replace the
	mapped fields with new values based on the new edited VIN value.

  JOS_REDUCE V4.04 - Reducing Job Orders
	(Used by JOS140, JOS150 and PUR920)

	JOS_REDUCE V4.04 fixed a problem where inventory would not reduce
	because the JOS location did not match the onhands location.
	However, inventory reduction should NOT be selective by Location
	for this routine. (07-Oct-2011)

  JOS_REPLACE V1.05 - Replace Job Order Fields
	(Used by JOS100, JOS150, JOS920)

	JOS_REPLACE v1.01 will now allow you to modify the warehouse number on
	actual/issue records as long as the record has not been marked as
	merged/closed. (02-Mar-2009)

	JOS_REPLACE v1.02 was internal changes only.

	JOS_REPLACE v1.03 fixed a problem replacing the Part Number where parts
	master related fields (such as GL Cost, Landed Cost, Part Category, etc.)
	were not getting changed to the values from the new part number.

	JOS_REPLACE v1.04 now includes Production Status as a replaceable field.

	JOS_REPLACE v1.05 now includes Master Branch, Master Profit Center, and
	Master Cost Center as replaceable fields. (10-Nov-2011)

  MFGPRN V3.07 - Print Manufacturing Orders
	(Used by IMS710)

	MFGPRN v3.01 fixed a problem where Serial Number (print item 48)
	would not print. (22-Jun-2009)

	MFGPRN v3.02 now supports print item #58 as Component Assoc. Order.

	MFGPRN v3.03 now supports sending the report to Report Router.

	MFGPRN v3.04 and v3.05 were internal changes only.

	MFGPRN v3.06 fixed a problem when printing the final form feed for a form
	where the form alignment was off on subsequent pages. (07-Feb-2011)

	MFGPRN v3.07 now uses the Form Name defined in IMS070 as the default report
	filename prefix when generating output report files.  This will allow
	ReportRouter to use different form backgrounds for different form names.

  PURPRN V4.17 - Print Selected Purchase Orders
      (Used by PUR100, PUR180, PUR400, PUR450, JOS130, and IMS330)

	PURPRN v4.02 was changed so that the special print flag +1 will now skip
	printing if the field is blank OR zero.  Previously, it would only skip
	printing if blank. (08-May-2009)

	PURPRN v4.03 added support for print item #89 = Misc Code Description.

	PURPRN V4.04 added support for ReportRouter v5 XML "Keywords" list
	and "Source" and "Title" tags. (29-Sep-2009)

	PURPRN V4.05 was internal coding changes only. (09-Oct-2009)

	PURPRN V4.06 caused by v4.04 where email output stopped working.

	PURPRN V4.07 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to add support for "/PRINT"
	routing. The user will be prompted for "Route to printer?" and the
	XML tags for printing will come from a *.RRP file for the specified
	printer. (26-Oct-2009)

	PURPRN V4.08 fixed a bug when queueing files between print/email/archive.

	PURPRN V4.09 fixed a problem where the XML "Confirm" tag was not getting
	set for /PRINT or /ARCHIVE output. (21-Jan-2010)

	PURPRN V4.10  Support was added to auto-archive using the /ARCHIVE option
	at the Output-to prompt. (26-May-2010)

	PURPRN v4.11 fixed a problem with GoldFax setting the correct form name
	for fax. (03-Jun-2010)

	PURPRN v4.12 now allows adding attachments to both emails and faxes.
	Additionally, you can now create sub-directories under the RR_ATTACH
	directory to group different types of attachments (i.e. product pictures
	vs CAD drawings). (23-Jul-2010)

	PURPRN v4.13 fixed a problem when printing the final form feed for a form
	where the form alignment was off on subsequent pages. (07-Feb-2011)

	PURPRN v4.14 supports Warehouse Location as print item 90. (21-Feb-2011)

	PURPRN v4.15 now uses the Form Name defined in PUR050 as the default report
	filename prefix when generating output report files.  This will allow
	ReportRouter to use different form backgrounds for different form names.

	PURPRN v4.16 fixed a problem with auto-archiving using the /ARCHIVE
	output-to option where the OpenVMS report does not print because the
	archive copy did not work. (17-Mar-2011)

	PURPRN v4.17 now supports setup option ";OPEN_LINES" to print O-pen PO
	detail lines only on any PO format with this setting. (14-Dec-2011)

  RCVPRN V4.12 - Print Selected Invoices
	(Used by RCV300 and RCV340)

	RCVPRN v4.01 now supports quick print options for text printing options.
	See the RCV055 release not for implementing these new features.
	Support was added for /AUTO_FAX and /AUTO_EMAIL options.
	Support was added for print item #69 = Part Number. (24-Jun-2009)

	RCVPRN V4.02 added support for ReportRouter v5 XML "Keywords" list
	and "Source" and "Title" tags. (29-Sep-2009)

	RCVPRN V4.03 was internal coding changes only. (09-Oct-2009)

	RCVPRN V4.04 was changed for ReportRouter v5 to add support for "/PRINT"
	routing. The user will be prompted for "Route to printer?" and the
	XML tags for printing will come from a *.RRP file for the specified
	printer. (26-Oct-2009)

	RCVPRN v4.05 fixed a bug when printing/emailing/faxing/archiving where
	the various output files were getting confused. (05-Nov-2009)

	RCVPRN v4.06 fixed a bug where ReportRouter keywords were incorrect.
	for the specified invoice. (14-Dec-2009)

	RCVPRN v4.07 fixed a problem where routed invoices were not getting the
	invoice number set in the output filename. (15-Jan-2010)

	RCVPRN v4.08 fixed a bug where the ReportRouter "Confirm" tag was not
	getting set for PRINT or ARCHIVE. (21-Jan-2010)

	RCVPRN v4.09 now supports auto-archiving a document if the document was
	sent to an OpenVMS print queue. The report will also be auto-archived
	if you include the /ARCHIVE switch on the Output-to line. (26-May-2010)

	RCVPRN v4.10 will now always use Customer Contact 1 as the default
	contact. (03-Jun-2010)

	RCVPRN v4.11 fixed a problem when printing the final form feed for a form
	where the form alignment was off on subsequent pages. (07-Feb-2011)

	RCVPRN v4.12 now uses the Form Name defined in RCV055 as the default report
	filename prefix when generating output report files.  This will allow
	ReportRouter to use different form backgrounds for different form names.

  SET_IMS_DEFS v2.02 - Set IMS User Default Preferences
	(used by IMS301, IMS302, IMS303)

	SET_IMS_DEFS v2.02 will now validate the Branch, Profit Center,
	Cost Center, Warehouse, Sales Order Code, Job Order Code,
	Purchase Order Code, and Transfer Code fields when changing the
	user default settings. (31-Jul-2009)

  VIEW_PAST_SALES v3.01 - View Past Sales
	(used by IMS301, IMS302, IMS505, JOS100, JOS150)

	This routine now includes an option to inquire on past sales by End-User ID.

(End of Release Notes)

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