FACS V4.2 Release Notes
The FACS V4.2 release date was 15-Jul-2016.
These Release Notes are designed to provide information regarding
the changes to the FACS software since the FACS 4.1 release in January 2012.
Any improvements, enhancements, and revisions that have been made to the software are outlined below.
The SCSSHRLIB shareable library (that is used by all FACS programs) has changed how dates are validated.
If your SYS$SHARE:SCSSHRLIB.EXE file is dated 13-AUG-2013 or later, then any date before the year 1900 will now be considered a bad date.
This change was made to improve compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server date ranges and to prevent user entry errors when entering dates.
This should not cause any problems with existing FACS date fields that have dates before 1900.
The FACS programs will simply no longer allow the user to change the date to anything prior to 1900.
CUS100 V4.04 - Customer Master Maintenance
CUS100 v4.06 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
CUS100M V4.07 - Multi-Company Customer Maintenance
CUS100M V4.04 now supports up to 20 clients. Because of this, the program
will now open each client's files as needed to avoid running out of OpenVMS
process resources. (26-Feb-2013)
CUS100M v4.05 will no longer copy the customer history information when
adding a customer for a satellite client. Each satellite client should
maintain their own customer history. (13-Mar-2013)
CUS100M v4.06 will now synchronize the Customer Tax file and the
Customer Dealer file if it exists. (22-Nov-2013)
CUS100M v4.07 fixed a serious problem from the v4.06 changes
where many Customer Tax records and Customer Dealer records and
Miscellaneous Address records would get accidentally deleted for
all satellite clients. (06-Mar-2014)
CUS195 V2.01 - Print Customer Labels
CUS195 v2.01 now asks for Lines Per Page so that these labels can be
printed on laser printers as well as dot matrix printers. (16-Mar-2012)
CUS900 V2.09 - Renumber Customers
CUS900 v2.06 added support for a hidden "/" option at the
"Use command file" question to ask for special options. If the
special "/KEEP" option is set then the old Customer Number will be kept
when renumbering. You may want to do this if you want to keep the old
customer number for historical purposes. (29-Aug-2013)
CUS900 v2.07 now asked for "Command File Options" if you choose to
use a command file. You can enter either "/COMBINE" or "/DELETE" options
to indicate how to handle existing customers when renumbering while
using a command file. (23-Oct-2013)
CUS900 v2.08 now handles the "?Duplicate key" error renumbering
the RCVO/RCVH/RCVR files when combining customers. It handles this
by incrementing the "Line Item" field to a unique value for the
duplicated Customer#/Reference# value. (05-Dec-2013)
CUS900 v2.09 fixed a problem from v2.08 where the RCVH and RCVR
counters for "DUPS" were not getting reset for each customer - causing
incorrect log messages. (03-Feb-2014)
FAS000 V3.03 - Setup FAS System
FAS000 v3.03 now supports edit option "EL" to edit the Last Reference#
used for FAS301 journal entries.
You can now also maintain up to 9 prior years history. Previously you
could only maintain up to 5 prior years. (14-Sep-2012)
FAS100 V2.02 - Account Master Maintenance
FAS100 v2.02 added "Group Code" to the V-iew option. (13-Nov-2015)
FAS190 V2.02 - Beginning Balance Entry
FAS190 v2.01 fixed a problem with how the out-of-balance audit trail file
was getting created. (15-Jan-2014)
FAS190 v2.02 fixed a problem where, under certain circumstances, you would
get an "Out of Balance by 0.00" message even though the file was in
balance. (14-Jul-2014)
FAS390 V2.06 - FAS Transactions Generic Report
FAS390 v2.05 fixed a problem where the "Level to page break on" was not
printed on the header page. (11-Dec-2015)
FAS390 v2.06 added Account Title as a report item. (27-Apr-2016)
FAS420 V2.01 - Account Balance Inquiry
FAS420 v2.01 will now prompt for Branch#, Profit#, Cost#, and Sub#
based on the "Verify Flag" setting for the specified Account#. Previously
the program only prompted for Branch# and did so regardless of whether
the Account# had balances by Branch#. (3-Jun-2016)
FAS450 V2.02 - Transaction/Balance Inquiry
FAS450 v2.02 will now show Branch, Profit Center, and Cost Center on
the detail view. (29-Aug-2012)
FAS600 V1.29 - Financial Reports Column Format Entry
FAS600 v1.29 now allows you to specify a previous year from P1 to P9.
FAS660 V2.02 - Report Definition Entry/Edit
FAS660 v2.02 now allows you to specify a previous year from P1 to P9.
FAS665 V2.04 - Financial Balances Generic Summary Report
FAS665 now handles substitution codes in both the Column Heading 1
and Column Heading 2 fields (as entered in FAS660). See FAS5660 online
help for a list of the supported substitution codes. (25-Jul-2012)
FAS665 v2.02 now supports previous year codes from P1 to P9.
FAS665 V2.03 fixed a math error that caused the program to stop in the
DO_CALC function because it was not handling division by zero.
FAS665 V2.04 included minor display changes and changes to better
handle online help. (12-May-2016)
FAS675 V3.02 - Export FAS Balances to CSV File
FAS675 v3.02 fixed a problem where you could not delete a saved routine
number greater than 9. (09-Jan-2014)
FAS750 V2.01 - Merge FAS Transactions to BTD
FAS750 v2.01 now allows you to merge any valid FAS transactions file
into the BTD file. You are no longer restricted to merging current
fiscal year transactions. (11-Jan-2012)
FAS910 V2.04 - Renumber GL Account Numbers
FAS910 v2.02 will now ask whether to assign a Branch Number when renumbering.
If you choose to do this, then the branch number you enter will be assigned
to any renumbered records where the branch value was previously "0".
FAS910 v2.03 fixed a problem from v2.02 where the new FAS master balances
record was not getting set correctly. (23-Aug-2012)
FAS910 v2.04 will now allow renumbering an account to itself but only if
you choose to merge existing balances and only so you can assign or clear
Branch, Profit Center, or Cost Center fields for the account. (28-Aug-2012)
FAS950 V2.02 - Merge Master Balances for Two Clients
FAS950 v2.02 fixed a problem when re-creating the master balances file
where the FROM client file was wrongly getting re-created when
the TO client file should have been getting re-created. (02-May-2014)
FASPAY V3.03 - Create Positive Pay Issue File
FASPAY v2.07 changed the default output filename to include the Bank Code
so that you can tell which bank the FASPAY output file is for. (22-May-2013)
FASPAY v2.08 added Santander Bank (using bank code "SAN") to the list of
banks that this program supports. You can change the configuration file
called PACK00:{client}_FASPAY.CFG to add the setting of SAN_BANK_NUM=nnnn
to specify the Santander Bank Number to use for your client when running
FASPAY. Just substitute the bank number for the "nnnn" value. For example,
SAN_BANK_NUM=3037 would be a possible value. (24-Apr-2014)
FASPAY v3.00 has been re-designed to look for FASPAY_{bankname}.FMT format
files for supported banks. This will allow adding new banks in the future
without requiring additional programming changes. (25-Apr-2014)
FASPAY v3.01 added support for /DECIMAL option for {AMOUNT} tag and
the {TOTAL} tag to format the amount with the decimal point instead of as
a whole number with implicit 2 places. (13-Feb-2016)
FASPAY v3.02 fixed several problems that occurred if the user backs up
and changes the FASPAY format to use.
Also, the GL Account Number to extract will now be validated as having
Group Code = "BK". In other words, the GL Account Aumber must be set
as a bank account. (02-Jun-2016)
FASPAY v3.03 was changed to support a new {PAYEE_ADDR1} tag to print
the Supplier Address1. This is needed for Chase bank when subscribing
to the Payee Name Verification option. Note that this address must be
obtained from the SUP100 supplier address at the time the program is run
-which might not reflect the supplier's address at the time the check was
Also, support was added for a CFG file setting of SUP_ALT_ADDR=Y to use
the Supplier Alternate Address1 for the {PAYEE_ADDR1} field. (23-Jun-2016)
FASX_IMPORT V2.04 - Import FAS Transactions from Text File
FASX_IMPORT v2.03 fixed a problem were PC format text/csv files would
sometimes not process any records even though there were records to
process. (24-Apr-2015)
FASX_IMPORT v2.04 now supports the {EXTRA_DESC} tag to allow updating
the Extra Description field. (02-Jun-2015)
IMS000 V4.05 - Setup IMS System
IMS000 v4.05 has expanded the "Audit Options" setting to allow auditing
sales order "add" and "edit" and "delete" events in IMS301 and IMS302.
IMS050 V2.14 - Sales Order Format Maintenance
IMS050 v2.12 added print item 133 for "Current Date" to go along with
print item 109 for "Current Time". (11-Mar-2013)
IMS050 v2.13 added support for print item 134 for "Misc. Part Master Fields"
and support for ";CORE_PART" setup option to print the Optional/Core Part#
for this print item. (09-Nov-2015)
IMS050 v2.14 added support for ";USER_CODE1", ";USER_CODE2",
and ";USER_CODE3" setup options for print item 134. (26-Jan-2016)
IMS060 V2.07 - Proof Sales Order Format
IMS060 v2.06 added print item 133 for "Current Date" to go along with
print item 109 for "Current Time". (11-Mar-2013)
IMS060 v2.07 added support for print item 134 for "Misc. Part Master Fields"
and support for ";CORE_PART" setup option to print the Optional/Core Part#
for this print item. (09-Nov-2015)
IMS070 V1.14 - Mfg. Order Format Maintenance
IMS070 v1.14 fixed a problem where a new format code could not be created.
Also, the "Component BOM Qty" was added as report item 59.
Finally, the number of detail lines per form can now be set to negative one
to indicate continuous forms printing. (18-Jan-12)
IMS075 V1.07 - Proof Mfg. Order Format
IMS075 v1.07 added the "Component BOM Qty" as report item 59. (18-Jan-2012)
IMS100 V4.23 - Parts Master Maintenance
IMS100 v4.16 will now validate Group Code if any Group Codes have been
defined in PAR100 for code type "GC". (08-Jun-2012)
IMS100 v4.17 now supports a CFG setting of VALIDATE_BUYER=Y to require the
user to enter valid user initials for the Buyer Code. (26-Jun-2012)
IMS100 v4.18 changed when adding or updating the Supplier Parts Landed Cost
to use the LC Formula instead of the LC Amount if it is a formula.
IMS100 v4.19 was internal coding changes only.
IMS100 v4.20 modified a custom variant only.
IMS100 v4.21 was modified so the "W" edit option will support the same
IMS105.CFG file AUDIT settings as IMS105 does. (02-May-2014)
IMS100 v4.22 modified the Part Number FINDER menu to include an option
to find by Extra Description. NOTE: You need to have FINDER v1.24 or
greater for this to display properly. (24-Jul-2014)
IMS100 v4.23 was modified so, when adding a new part, the default response
will come from the DEFAULT PART for the following fields: Commission Flag,
No Return Flag, GP% Check Flag. (22-Aug-2014)
IMS100M V4.23 - Multi-Company Parts Maintenance
IMS100M v4.15 will now validate Group Code if any Group Codes have been
defined in PAR100 for code type "GC". (08-Jun-2012)
IMS100M v4.16 changed so when adding or updating Supplier Part
Landed Cost, the LC Formula will be used instead of the LC Amount
if the LC Formula is a formula. (16-Oct-2012)
IMS100M v4.17 was expanded to allow up to 20 clients in CLIENTS.DAT file.
Each client's files will now be opened as needed to make the program
more efficient. (26-Feb-2013)
IMS100M v4.18 was changed to allow the CFG settings to determine whether to
sync the Product Code field instead of always syncing this field.
Also, when adding a record to satellite clients, all fields will now sync.
Previously, a mandatory field (such as Part Type) could be left in a
blank/null state when adding a record if the mandatory field is set to NOSYNC.
IMS100M v4.19 modified a custom variant only.
IMS100M v4.20 will now NEVER synchronize suppliers if you have the NOSYNC
option for SUP_NUM set. (22-Nov-2013)
IMS100M v4.21 fixed a problem with how the master client was being synced
to insure that only the first client record gets synced as the master
client (in case satellite clients have same Client ID as the master).
IMS100M v4.22 modified the Part Number FINDER menu to include an option
to find by Extra Description. NOTE: You need to have FINDER v1.24 or
greater for this to display properly. (24-Jul-2014)
IMS100M v4.23 was modified so, when adding a new part, the default response
will come from the DEFAULT PART for the following fields: Commission Flag,
No Return Flag, GP% Check Flag. (22-Aug-2014)
IMS101 V3.07 - Set Min/Max/ROP for Selected Parts
IMS101 v3.05 included internal changes only. (17-Nov-2014)
IMS101 v3.06 modified how the MIN, ROP, and MAX stock levels are computed
to better reflect generally accepted computations of these values.
The MIN calculation will now use the Safety Stock value computed using the
standard deviation of lead time and demand (i.e. usage) along with Z-score.
Note: Z-scores are statistical values based on a desired service level.
The program will now ask for your desired service level between 80% and 99%
and then substitute the Z-score value for that service level.
The ROP calculation will now be MIN plus Lead Time Usage.
The MAX calculation is the same but now will convert Days Supply to monthly
more accurately. Also, the ROP cannot be less than MIN and the MAX cannot
be less than the ROP level. (03-Dec-2014)
IMS101 v3.07 changed when creating CSV file only so the program will now
ask where to output the CSV file to - so it can be sent to a shared drive
instead of to the default of PACK00: (09-Mar-2016)
IMS110 V4.31 - Inventory Transfers
IMS110 v4.15 now supports the [Find] key at the "From Location" prompt
to choose the on-hands FROM location to transfer. (09-Jan-2012)
IMS110 v4.16 fixed an infinite loop problem in the routine to fill
un-attached backorders when trying to close a transfer. (21-Feb-2012)
IMS110 v4.17 will now update the on-hands status date with the transfer date
and the on-hands stock status with the "TR" transfer status whenever
inventory is transferred by this program. (29-Feb-2012)
IMS110 v4.18 now allows entering a space when prompted for FROM Location
or INTO Location in case the onhands warehouse is blank or not known.
IMS110 v4.19 now requires that you have an "X#" transfer code for
determining the next Transfer Reference Number to use. If the user
does not have an "X#" default set in PAR120, then the program will try
to use "IMS110" as a default "X#" code for this program. (12-Jun-2012)
IMS110 v4.20 now allows transferring non-inventory parts. The program will
assume that there is always sufficient quantity to transfer and only costs
will be transferred. Costs for non-inventory parts will be obtained from
the parts master file. (06-Jul-2012)
IMS110 v4.20 now includes entry questions for Req. Type, Req. Number, and
Req. Line. When closing an open transfer or when doing a direct transfer,
the program will try to fill any un-attached backorders for the specified
requisition. (06-Jul-2012)
IMS110 v4.21 now supports a CFG file setting of AUDIT=AED (or any
combination of A,E,D) to log an audit event when adding (A), editing (E),
or deleting (D) Inventory Transfer records. (18-Oct-2012)
IMS110 V4.22 changed when doing O-pen, C-lose, or X-Direct transfers
to only show the transfer success alert box for L-ine item transfers.
Some transfers may have many line items and the A-ll transfer option
should not force you to acknowledge each transfer line item. (26-Nov-2012)
IMS110 v4.23 will now display the part description near the bottom of the
screen during quick screen entry. (17-Jan-2013)
IMS110 v4.24 added a new edit mode option of "H-ide closed" to ask whether
to hide closed lines for the current transfer. This is useful if you have
transfer orders with many lines and only want to see the open lines.
IMS110 v4.25 changed the H-ide edit option to ask "Hide what?" and allow
any of: C-losed, O-pen, or R-equest or else allow N-one. This will allow
you to hide any combination of status values when viewing a transfer order.
IMS110 v4.26 changed the "ES" option to only allow changing "R" status
and "O" status to "C" status. (22-Jul-2013)
IMS110 v4.26 now includes a new U-ndo option to allow you to UNDO an open
transfer. The UNDO option will transfer the inventory from the IN-TRANSIT
warehouse back into the original FROM warehouse and will then change the
transfer status from O-pen back to R-equest. (22-Jul-2013)
IMS110 v4.27 will now not validate the Transfer Number as a valid FILENAME
until after doing the edit mode lookup. This will allow the user to finish
processing existing transfer numbers that no longer have a valid format.
However, you will NOT be able to enter new transfer numbers that are not
valid (in order to allow IMS110 to work properly with ReportRouter).
IMS110 v4.28 will no longer allow you to add a transfer number that
is not a valid filename. This is consistent with the v4.27 changes.
IMS110 v4.29 added support for a .CFG file option of EMAIL_NOTIFY=Y to
send email notifications via ReportRouter for each successful O-pen,
X-fer, U-ndo, and C-lose option. (02-Jan-2014)
IMS110 v4.30 will no longer allow a non-existent Job Order or Sales Order
number as a Req. Number. Also, the Req. Line will now be validated
if it is entered. (18-Jun-2014)
IMS110 v4.31 fixed a problem where the Part Number finder would not work
correctly after getting any error trying to find a part. (23-Jul-2014)
IMS120 V5.07 - On Hands Maintenance
IMS120 v5.06 has renamed the old "Expire Date" as "Status Date" and moved
it next to the "Stock Status" question so that these two fields can be
more useful. (29-Feb-2012)
IMS120 v5.07 was changed to not allow editing the quantity
(i.e. question 4) to a negative number if the IMS000 option was set to not
allow negative inventory. (03-Oct-2014)
IMS124 V3.05 - Expense Inventory to General Ledger
IMS124 v3.04 added support for {GL_COST} tag and {LANDED_COST} tag
to set the cost when adding/returning a part to inventory using a
CSV input file. For interactive returns, the program will ask for
GL Cost and Landed Cost to return.
Finally, the program will now set the default location when returning
a part to inventory. (19-Dec-2012)
IMS124 v3.05 will now rename the batch CSV file with "_DONE" suffix
when done processing to prevent re-processing this same batch file.
IMS125 V2.13 - De-Commit Inventory/Delete Attachments
IMS125 V2.13 fixed a problem where job order issue records were
incorrectly deleted when using option "2" to delete backorders
and you chose to NOT delete issue records. (07-Feb-2014)
IMS126 V5.05 - Physical Inventory Reconciliation
IMS126 v5.03 changed the Inventory Reports routine to include
Alternate Location1 and Alternate Location2 as report fields. (08-May-2013)
IMS126 v5.04 was changed to use consistent verbiage when referring
to the Inventory Count (IMSI) file. (06-May-2016)
IMS126 v5.05 now sets the main menu default item for Inventory Reporting
to return to that menu option after running a report.
Also, show Book Quantity above Actual Quantity Counted on the actual count
entry screen so the user can see immediately if there will be a book
vs actual variance. (07-Jul-2016)
IMS200 V4.04 - Parts Master Generic Report
IMS200 v4.04 added "Full Description" as a report item. This field
is a combination of "Part Description" and "Extra Description".
IMS205 V3.07 - Warehouse Parts Generic Report
IMS205 v3.07 fixed a problem where summary reports to CSV output were not
printing the same summarized amounts as RPT output.
Also, the Product Code Description will now be printed when printing the
Product Code as a heading item. (20-Jul-2015)
IMS210 V2.04 - Inventory Transfers Generic Report
IMS210 v2.04 now includes report items for Status Date, Req. Type,
Req. Number, and Req. Line. (06-Jul-2012)
IMS220 V3.08 - On Hands Generic Report
IMS220 v3.08 has renamed the old "Expire Date" as "Stock Status Date"
and renamed the Part Status date as "Part Status Date" so that these
two status dates can be distinguished from each other in this program.
IMS260 V3.06 - IMS Transactions Generic Report
IMS260 v3.06 added "Line Item" as a report item. (16-Feb-2012)
IMS301 V4.52 - Sales Order Entry/Edit
IMS301 v4.27 changed how the Sales Order Finder menu displays to show
both Finder Item 2 and Item 3 in the menu. (19-Jan-2012)
IMS301 v4.28 now requires you to use warehousing. Note that this has
actually been required since the FACS 4.0 release. (12-Feb-2012)
IMS301 v4.29 will now change the customer number on any order payments if
you change the bill-to customer number for an order. (27-Feb-2012)
IMS301 v4.30 fixed a problem when auto-finalizing where the finalize date
was not getting set. And neither was the Invoice Number if it was not
already set. (15-Mar-2012)
IMS301 v4.31 now supports the IMS000 Audit Options "G" and "H" and "I"
to audit sales order "add" and "edit" and "delete" events in this program.
IMS301 v4.31 fixed a problem when you first create a ship available order
where the program would not allow reducing because it incorrectly thought
the order was waiting on the backordered item(s). (16-Jul-2012)
IMS301 v4.32 fixed a problem where Tax Transaction ID and Order Tax Amount
were getting cleared when editing any tax related order fields. This
problem only happened if the order tax was computed by an external
source (such as an E-store using a remote Tax Portal) when FACS is not
using a Tax Portal. (30-Aug-2012)
IMS301 v4.33 changed when using [Find] to select a ship-to address, or when
using the "#" option at Ship-to Name, the "SHIP TO" tax code should be used
and was not. This problem has been fixed. (19-Oct-2012)
IMS301 V4.34 changed so IMS000 Manager Task "E" prevents you from
overriding the default price even during entry mode. (04-Jan-2013)
IMS301 v4.35 fixed the v4.34 change so you can enter the price for any
unknown part or for any known part with a default price of 0.
IMS301 v4.36 fixed the v4.35 change where GL Cost and Landed Cost "ASK"
flags were not getting reset after entering an unknown part - which
caused those questions to be asked (incorrectly) for "known" parts.
IMS301 v4.37 now allows you to enter the Sales Order Number followed
by the [Select] key at the "Sold-to" customer question to try for
edit mode for the selected order. (06-Mar-2013)
IMS301 v4.38 included custom modifications for a specific customer only.
IMS301 v4.39 included changes to the FACSPortalService interface
to support Vertex "0" Series as a remote sales tax service. (03-May-2013)
IMS301 v4.40 now supports the [Find] key at the "Tax Exempt" question to
reset the tax exempt defaults for the order based on the sold-to customer
and ship-to state. (01-Aug-2013)
IMS301 v4.41 changed the display of customer TERMS text to be consistent
with how other text displays in both IMS301 and JOS100. (08-Oct-2013)
IMS301 v4.42 fixed a "No current record - getting IMSD record" error
when there is a partial backorder and the program tries to commit
the available inventory. (08-Nov-2013)
IMS301 v4.43 added the "EW" edit option to allow you to edit the default
order warehouse. (12-Feb-2014)
IMS301 v4.44 fixed a problem where the program tried to reduce an
unknown part which caused the GL Cost and Landed Cost to get set to zero.
Order detail for non-inventory parts and unknown parts should only be
"marked" as Non-inventory reduced. (10-Apr-2014)
IMS301 v4.45 changed the S-tatus screen layout to be more like the
order status info on the main screen. (18-Apr-2014)
IMS301 v4.46 fixed an Error 55 bug when displaying customer "TERMS" text
and trying to use the [Up] or [Down] arrow keys to scroll the text.
IMS301 v4.47 changed the V-iew gross profit window so Net Price
includes Discount Amount. (11-Nov-2014)
IMS301 v4.48 was changed to copy any detail text when copying sales
order detail to an associated sales order when processing a ship
available order. (09-Jan-2015)
IMS301 v4.49 fixed several problems with the "M-ore" edit option when
using the "Mnnn" variant to specify an item number to insert new detail
after. (02-Apr-2015)
IMS301 v4.50 modified the v4.49 changes to once again allow the "M"
edit option to continually add more detail lines. Only the "Mnnn" option
needs to restrict you to adding one detail line at a time. (23-Apr-2015)
IMS301 v4.51 fixed a minor problem where Customer PO Required was not
getting checked when editing the Customer PO field. (16-Feb-2016)
IMS301 v4.52 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
IMS302 V3.46 - Quick Sales Order Entry
IMS302 v3.25 changed how the Sales Order Finder menu displays to show
both Finder Item 2 and Item 3 in the menu. (19-Jan-2012)
IMS302 v3.26 now requires you to use warehousing. Note that this has
actually been required since the FACS 4.0 release. (12-Feb-2012)
IMS302 v3.27 will now change the customer number on any order payments if
you change the bill-to customer number for an order. (27-Feb-2012)
IMS302 v3.28 fixed a problem when auto-finalizing where the finalize date
was not getting set. And neither was the Invoice Number if it was not
already set. (15-Mar-2012)
IMS302 v3.29 fixed a bug from v3.26 where the default warehouse
question was not asked when first entering the program. (26-Mar-2012)
IMS302 v3.30 fixed a problem where the program was not saving the
Description (Extra Desc) entered during detail entry. (01-Jun-2012)
IMS302 v3.31 now supports the IMS000 Audit Options "G" and "H" and "I"
to audit sales order "add" and "edit" and "delete" events in this program.
IMS302 v3.31 fixed a problem when you first create a ship available order
where the program would not allow reducing because it incorrectly thought
the order was waiting on the backordered item(s). (16-Jul-2012)
IMS302 v3.32 fixed a problem where Tax Transaction ID and Order Tax Amount
were getting cleared when editing any tax related order fields. This
problem only happened if the order tax was computed by an external
source (such as an E-store using a remote Tax Portal) when FACS is not
using a Tax Portal. (30-Aug-2012)
IMS302 v3.33 included custom modifications for a specific customer only.
IMS302 v3.34 included changes to the FACSPortalService interface
to support Vertex "0" Series as a remote sales tax service. (03-May-2013)
IMS302 v3.35 now supports the [Find] key at the "Tax Exempt" question to
reset the tax exempt defaults for the order based on the sold-to customer
and ship-to state. (01-Aug-2013)
IMS302 v3.36 changed the display of customer TERMS text to be consistent
with how other text displays in both IMS301 and JOS100. (08-Oct-2013)
IMS302 v3.37 fixed a "No current record - getting IMSD record" error
when there is a partial backorder and the program tries to commit
the available inventory. (08-Nov-2013)
IMS302 v3.38 fixed a problem where the program tried to reduce an
unknown part which caused the GL Cost and Landed Cost to get set to zero.
Order detail for non-inventory parts and unknown parts should only be
"marked" as Non-inventory reduced. (10-Apr-2014)
IMS302 v3.39 changed the S-tatus screen layout to be more like the
order status info on the main screen. (18-Apr-2014)
IMS302 v3.40 fixed an Error 55 bug when displaying customer "TERMS" text
and trying to use the [Up] or [Down] arrow keys to scroll the text.
IMS302 v3.41 changed the V-iew gross profit window so Net Price
includes Discount Amount. (11-Nov-2014)
IMS302 v3.42 fixed a problem with the R-educe option where inventoried
parts were getting marked as N-on inventory reduced. (02-Jan-2015)
IMS302 v.43 was changed to copy any detail text when copying sales
order detail to an associated sales order when processing a ship
available order. (09-Jan-2015)
IMS302 v3.44 fixed several problems with the "M-ore" edit option when
using the "Mnnn" variant to specify an item number to insert new detail
after. (02-Apr-2015)
IMS302 v3.45 modified the v3.44 changes to once again allow the "M"
edit option to continually add more detail lines. Only the "Mnnn" option
needs to restrict you to adding one detail line at a time. (23-Apr-2015)
IMS302 v3.46 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
IMS320 V1.02 - Print Sales Order Pick Lists
IMS320 v1.00 is a new program to print sales order pick lists for
selected sales orders. Each sales order will print on a separate page
and will show the warehouse and warehouse location(s) where each part
on the order should be picked from. (08-Jan-2013)
IMS320 V1.01 was changed so the pick ticket prints Serial#, Lot#
in addition to Warehouse#. Also, if there are any committed on-hands
records then print the Locations of the committed records in addition
to printing the default warehouse locations. (13-Aug-2015)
IMS320 V1.02 will now skip sales order detail records that are on backorder.
Also, if the committed inventory does not have any Location specified, then
show "(check default locations)". (06-Jul-2016)
IMS325 V2.09 - Sales Order Gross Profit Report
IMS325 v2.09 now includes "Close Date" as a selective item. (30-Jan-2014)
IMS330 V2.08 - Attach Sales Backorders to PO's/MO's
IMS330 v2.06 changed so when adding purchase orders for backordered parts,
the program will ask whether to summarize by part. If you choose to
summarize, then only one PO detail item will be created for each part
number on the PO. (19-Nov-2013)
IMS330 v2.07 added support for a CFG setting of NO_EXPECTED_DATE=Y
to not set the PO detail "Expected Date" when adding PO detail in JOS130.
Support was also added for a CFG setting of NO_DATE_NEEDED=Y
to not set the PO detail "Date Needed" when adding PO detail in JOS130.
IMS330 v2.08 will now show a warning message when creating a purchase order
if the Order Quantity is less than the PUR020 Min Order Quantity.
IMS340 V4.10 - Print Sales Orders
IMS340 v4.07 will now skip any V-oided order when using the auto-print
option to print all finalized orders. This fixes a problem where a
user finalized an order then realized it was bad and so voided the
order and the order still auto-printed. (24-Feb-2012)
IMS340 v4.08 now supports using different print format codes when
auto-printing based on the sales order number prefix. When you choose to
auto-print orders, the program will look for a file called
PACK00:IMS340.FMT containing a CSV list in the form "prefix,format". If
the sales order prefix matches a sales order to print, then the matching
format code will be used to print that order. (12-Mar-2012)
IMS340 v4.09 added support for the auto-print option of "/PRINT"
to allow batch printing to ReportRouter. The ReportRouter printer name
will come from the PACK00:{client}_IMSINV.CFG file setting of RRP_NAME=xxx
(where "xxx" is the .RRP filename). (09-Apr-2012)
IMS340 v4.10 changed so the "Print finalized orders only" option will skip
orders that originated as a Job Order. Those orders should have been
printed using JOS240. (06-Jun-2012)
IMS350 V4.11 - Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders
IMS350 v4.07 replaced the old IMS000 "Validate Warehouse" setting with
the "Warehouse Option" setting since warehousing is now required.
IMS350 v4.08 fixed a problem from IMS350 v4.06 where ship available orders
were not getting the backorder items marked as R-educed. This was
preventing the order from being merged to RCV. (10-Apr-2012)
IMS350 v4.09 included several minor changes to handle interfacing to
the Vertex third-party sales tax via FACSPortalService. (03-May-2013)
IMS350 v4.10 fixed a problem where unknown or non-inventory parts that were
not already marked as "N" for non-inventory reduced were trying to reduce
inventory - which caused the GL Cost and Landed Cost to get set to zero.
The program will now mark the sales order line item as "N"on-inventory
reduced without trying to update the costs. (14-Feb-2014)
IMS350 v4.11 was modified so "?End of file" message will not show on
exception report when reducing the last sales order in file. (03-Apr-2015)
IMS355 V1.02 - Un-Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders
IMS355 v1.02 will now handle un-reducing a serialized part for an order
detail quantity greater than 1. (23-Apr-2013)
IMS385 V2.08 - Re-open a Merged Sales Order
IMS385 v2.05 was changed to create an IMS message log entry (see IMS399)
for message type "RO" when a sales order is re-opened. This will allow
you to see which user re-opened any sales order. (20-Dec-2012)
IMS385 v2.06 was changed to not re-open any RCV payments that already have
a Deposit Reference#. (02-Jan-2013)
IMS385 v2.07 added support for the VERTEX sales tax portal. (21-May-2013)
IMS385 v2.08 fixed a problem where RCV payment application records
were getting mistakenly deleted if the payment reference number
was the same as the invoice number. (04-Nov-2013)
IMS390 V3.16 - Sales Order Generic Report
IMS390 v3.12 renamed "Orig Item Order #" to "Detail Orig Order #"
and renamed "Assoc Item Order #" to "Detail Assoc Order #" for clarity.
IMS390 v3.13 now includes the Order "Close Date" as a report item.
IMS390 v3.14 changed the Sales Rep field to be an RSET string so that
it will not be summarized for summary reporting. (15-Jun-2015)
IMS390 v3.15 added the Specific ID Flag from the Part Master as a report
item. (14-Jul-2015)
IMS390 v3.16 changed the Branch#, Profit#, and Cost# fields so they will
not print summary totals on summary reports. (02-May-2016)
IMS485 V2.07 - Dead Inventory Report
IMS485 v2.07 now has a hidden option to create a "Recent Activity Report".
At the "Press [Enter] to start selecting records ?" prompt, enter the
letter "R" to create the recent activity report. This report will show
recent activity without skipping parts that have "dead inventory"
indicators. (21-Aug-2014)
IMS500 V4.13 - Parts Status Inquiry
IMS500 v4.11 will now display the Replacement Part Number if there is one
and it will BLINK if the part is discontinued. Previously, IMS500 would
display the Replacement Part only if the part status was "D" for
Discontinued. (14-Nov-2012)
IMS500 v4.12 changed the W-arehouse option to display Alt. Location1
and/or Alt. Location2 if they are not blank. (04-Mar-2014)
IMS500 v4.13 added support for the FACS_MANAGER "IMS Permissions" setting
of "H" to hide costs. Note that if the IMS000 special password is enabled
to hide costs that it will override this setting. (06-Nov-2014)
IMS505 V1.03 - Status Inquiries
IMS505 v1.03 now includes a "Part Status Inquiry" option where you can
choose part numbers to display part status for. The part status display
shows: Part Number, Description, Product Code, Quantity On-Hand,
Quantity Available, Quantity On-Order, and Unattached Order Quantity.
IMS510 V2.10 - Sales Order Status Inquiry
IMS510 v2.05 changed the [Find] key option for inquiry by sales order
to choose a sales order field to find by and then prompt for the field
value to find. The program will then scan through each sales order
master history month file looking for a match. With this change you no
longer need to know which history month the sales order you are searching
for is in. (26-Jun-2012)
IMS510 v2.06 will now sort detail by Order Date (descending) so that
history will show in date order from newest to oldest. (12-Jul-2012)
IMS510 v2.07 fixed a problem when inquiring by Part Number where End User
info would sometimes show incorrectly. This version will now also show the
End User when inquiring by Order if there is an End User for the order.
IMS510 v2.08 included changes to the FACSPortalService interface
to support Vertex "0" Series as a remote sales tax service. (03-May-2013)
IMS510 v2.09 fixed a problem with the P-art inquiry option where the
program would abort with Error 131 if the sales order history for the
part included sales order detail records that did not have a matching
sales order master record. (20-Aug-2013)
IMS510 v2.10 will now sort the displayed orders by Order date and then
by Order Number. This fixes a problem where order numbers on the same
date were showing in random order. (06-Nov-2013)
IMS530 V3.05 - Inventory Transaction Inquiry
IMS530 v3.03 added support for CSV file output for the "R-eport" option
of this program. (14-Jul-2014)
IMS530 v3.04 and internal changes only.
IMS530 V3.05 added Product Code as a query item. (24-May-2016)
IMS555 V3.05 - Sales Order Inquiry
IMS555 v3.03 will now ask for a Selective Customer PO Number when inquiring
by Customer. You can just leave that field blank to show all orders for
the customer or enter a Customer PO number to show only orders for the
selected Customer PO. (21-Feb-2012)
IMS555 v3.04 changed the customer inquiry and enduser inquiry to sort by
Order Date (descending) so that history will show in date order from
newest to oldest. (12-Jul-2012)
IMS555 v3.05 now includes the option to view sales order text when viewing
a selected sales order. (26-Oct-2012)
IMS600 V4.01 - Close IMS Transaction Files
IMS600 v4.01 changed the "Last day to close?" question to be
"Month end cutoff date?" so you can specify a date into the next month
if you do not close exactly on the last day of the month. (01-May-2014)
IMS700 V3.08 - Bill of Material Maintenance
IMS700 v3.07 renamed the default report file created by the E-xplode
option to be "PART_EXPLODE.RPT" and by the I-mplode option to
be "PART_IMPLODE.RPT" instead of using the program name as the report
filename. (07-Jun-2012)
IMS700 v3.08 changed the part finder option to be like IMS100 to allow
finding the component part by Supplier Part Number. (25-Jun-2012)
IMS710 V4.30 - Mfg. Order Entry/Edit
IMS710 v4.19 changed how costs are applied to partial builds. For partial
builds, the component quantity will be computed by multiplying the BOM
Quantity times the Build Quantity instead of using the Reduced Quantity.
The component unit cost will be computed by dividing the Extended Actual
Cost by the Reduced Quantity. Using this method, any variances will be
applied to the final build. This fixes a problem if you have some
components reduced and in WIP for future builds but do not want the total
cost of the reduced components to be applied to the partial build.
IMS710 v4.20 now requires you to use warehousing if you are using the
manufacturing system. (03-Feb-2012)
IMS710 v4.21 changed when adding routing labor so that the completed
amounts do not get set and the labor records only get added as R-educed.
This will allow the routing labor costs to be allocated the same way
material costs are. This fixes a problem when using actual labor if you
have clocked more labor that is needed to complete the quantity being
built; so that the labor costs get allocated correctly.
Also, a "V3" option was added to view completed component detail.
IMS710 v4.22 will now create a "Build Cost Report" when you build a mfg.
order in IMS710. This report will help you reconcile how the component
costs got allocated to the rolled up cost of the completed parent part.
IMS710 v4.23 fixed a problem during the B-uild option, where negative
quantity components were getting skipped as though they were completed
instead of getting returned to inventory. (14-Jun-2012)
IMS710 V4.24 fixed how S-tatus option computes the component quantity
needed to be like how the R-educe option computes quantity needed.
This will fix a problem when doing a partial build where enough of the
component part had been reduced to complete the partial build but the
S-tatus option was showing not enough available to build. (10-Jul-2012)
IMS710 v4.25 was modified so the S-tatus A-uto option will automatically
check sub-assembly mfg. orders. (30-Aug-2012)
IMS710 v4.26 fixed a problem during the status check when returning to
a prior mfg. order level where the status check was not getting done on
the item being returned to. This would cause the build to not complete
in certain instances. (17-Sep-2012)
IMS710 v4.27 added support for CFG settings of ASK_BRN=Y and ASK_PRF=Y and
ASK_COS=Y to ask the user for the default Branch#, Profit#, or Cost# to
use. If these CFG settings are NOT specified, these values will default
from the user preference settings.
This will insure that any inventory additions made by IMS710 will have
Branch#, Profit#, and Cost# values set in both the IMS On-Hands file and
the IMS Transactions file. (27-Sep-2012)
IMS710 v4.28 now supports a command line option of "RESTRICT" to restrict
the program to "read only" access. A command file called SOFT:IMS710R.COM
has been provided to run IMS710 with the "RESTRICT" option. (30-Sep-2013)
IMS710 v4.29 fixed a problem in the O-rder attachments option where the UOM
conversion was not working consistently. (12-Jan-2015)
IMS710 v4.30 was modified to resolve record locking problems on the PURB
backorders file. (16-Apr-2015)
IMS710A V1.07 - Auto-process Manufacturing Orders
IMS710A v1.00 is a new program you can use to auto-process selected
mfg. orders from a CSV options file. Refer to IMS710A online help for
detailed information on using this program. (02-Feb-2012)
IMS710A v1.01 was modified so the /BUILD option will create a new
mfg order and then build it in a single step.
The /AUTO option will no longer try to auto-build sub-assembly orders.
Finally, this version was modified to handle changes made in IMS710
from v4.21 to v4.24. (30-Aug-2012)
IMS710A v1.02 will now show status log messages when trying to build
a part so that the log file more accurately reflects what was done.
Also, support was added for a "/REF=xx" option so you can specify
the Reference Number to use when adding a mfg order. (13-Sep-2012)
IMS710A v1.03 fixed a problem during the status check when returning to
a prior mfg. order level where the status check was not getting done on
the item being returned to. This would cause the build to not complete
in certain instances. (17-Sep-2012)
IMS710A v1.03 fixed a problem from v1.01 where labor routing costs were
getting added in twice to the final build cost. (17-Sep-2012)
IMS710A v1.04 will now show a status message if the component part
has enough available. (27-Sep-2012)
IMS710A v1.05 fixed a problem where /BUILD was not completing if
either the "R"educe detail option or the "K"it detail option was
used. Also, when doing a /BUILD option and the component quantity is
available then the program will try to reduce the component. (04-Oct-2012)
IMS710A v1.06 fixed a problem where any "KO" or "KR" kit transactions
had a zero date and user initials of "KIT" instead of actual user initials.
IMS710A v1.07 fixed a problem where component parts with negative quantity
were not getting returned to inventory during the BUILD operation.
IMS720 V4.04 - BOM Cost Rollup Report
IMS720 v4.04 will now re-compute the Landed Cost when updating the GL Cost
if the LC Formula is actually a formula. (21-Feb-2013)
IMS725 V3.13 - BOM Cost Update
IMS725 v3.13 will now re-compute the Landed Cost when updating the GL Cost
if the LC Formula is actually a formula. Otherwise the rolled up Landed
Cost will be updated. (21-Feb-2013)
IMS750 V1.14 - Mfg. Order Cost Rollup Report
IMS750 v1.14 fixed an "I/O channel not open error" when trying to print
history. The program should have warned you that you could not choose the
history option if you did not choose to keep mfg history in IMS000.
IMS790 V2.06 - Manufacturing Order Generic Report
IMS790 v2.05 added the following report items to this report:
-- "Component Quantity Completed"
-- "Completed GL Cost"
-- "Completed Lnd Cost"
IMS790 v2.06 added Buyer Code (for the component part) as a report field.
IMSP_UPDATE V3.07 - Update Parts Master from Vendor Data
IMSP_UPDATE v3.04 changed the "Add Parts" question to "Update Option" to
allow A-dd, U-pdate, or B-oth options. That will allow you to just add
new parts without updating/changing existing parts. (19-Aug-2013)
IMSP_UPDATE V3.05 added {DFLT_LOT_NUM} as a tag to allow updating
the Default Lot Number field. (21-May-2013)
IMSP_UPDATE v3.06 was internal changes only.
IMSP_UPDATE v3.07 added a question to ask whether the first record
is a header record. (24-Jun-2015)
IMSTEQ V6.01 - Create Sales Orders from TEQuote v5
IMSTEQ v5.51 was changed to show processing messages in a scrolling window
instead of on the status line. (31-Jul-2012)
IMSTEQ v5.52 was changed to support the.TEQ file layout changes
in TEQuote v5.11 where the "DTL" record now includes the
"Quote Model Sequence Number" as field #2. (10-Sep-2012)
IMSTEQ v6.00 changed the program title since TEQuote v6 is now available.
The .TEQ files with Version=5.11 are still supported by TEQuote v6.
IMSTEQ v6.01 will now import text types for any exported text from TEQuote.
Previously only text types "NOTES", "QUOTE", "ADDITIONAL", and "QUOTE" were
supported. (20-Mar-2013)
IMSTEQ v6.01 will now add/update the End-User information for the sales order
if the TEQ export file has "ENDUSER" info. (20-Mar-2013)
IMSXFR V1.11 - Inter-Company Inventory Transfers
IMSXFR v1.06 now allows you to optionally transfer non-inventory parts.
For non-inventory parts, you can transfer any quantity but only the costs
will be tracked in the IMS transactions file. (18-Jan-2012)
IMSXFR v1.07 added an E-dit option so you can edit fields for any transfer
item with a R-equested status. You can also use the "ES" (Edit Status)
option to change the transfer status to C-losed. For example, you may
choose to not transfer the entire requested quantity.
A S-plit option was added to allow splitting a requested quantity in case
you only want to do a partial transfer. (02-Feb-2012)
IMSXFR v1.08 will now print the "FROM client" on the P-rint option detail.
This program also has a new T-ext option to enter user-defined text for
a transfer. You can now choose to print selected text using the P-rint
option. (27-Mar-2012)
IMSXFR v1.09 will no longer create a Transfer Reference Number based on
the current date, since this could lead to duplicate records. The program
now requires an "X#" code of "IMSXFR" to exist in PAR100. (12-Jun-2012)
IMSXFR v1.10 fixed a minor problem when transferring a non-inventory part
where other part related values were not getting set. (05-Jul-2012)
IMSXFR v1.11 fixed an infinite loop bug when trying to use the M-ore option
to add another line item to an existing transfer. (22-Jan-2013
JOS000 V3.04 - Job Order Parameter Maintenance
JOS000 v3.04 now supports the new P-arts pricing method as a default
"Price By" method. (20-Mar-2012)
JOS002 V2.04 - JOS Vehicle Setup
JOS002 v2.04 was fixed to allow the following JO Status Map codes
to be mapped:
"JO" will map the Job Order Number, "OT" will map the Order Type,
"VIN" will map the Vehicle ID, and "STK" will map the Stock ID.
JOS050 V2.18 - Job Order Format Entry/Edit
JOS050 v2.16 added print item 129 for "Current Time" to go along with
print item 22 for "Current Date". (11-Mar-2013)
JOS050 v2.17 removed support for print item 45 as "Invoice Number"
since this field is no longer used in JOS. (29-May-2014)
JOS050 v2.18 added support for setup option ";DFLT_LOT" to print the
Parts Master "Default Lot Number" in print item 100. (09-Nov-2015)
JOS060 V2.03 - Proof Job Order Format
JOS060 v2.05 added print item 129 for "Current Time" to go along with
print item 22 for "Current Date". (11-Mar-2013)
JOS100 V5.56 - Job Order Estimates
JOS100 v5.40 will now change the customer number on any order payments if
you change the bill-to customer number for an order. (27-Feb-2012)
JOS100 v5.41 now supports the new P-arts pricing method. P-arts pricing
works similar to T-ime+Mat pricing except that Parts pricing uses Parts
Master GL Cost and Landed Cost in any pricing formulas whereas T-ime+Mat
pricing uses the JOS Detail GL Cost and Landed Cost (i.e. actual costs)
in any pricing formulas. (20-Mar-2012)
JOS100 v5.42 included custom modifications only.
JOS100 v5.43 changed when editing Ship-to Name and you enter "@"+Customer#
to choose a different ship-to customer, to see if the tax exempt fields
should be updated as well in case the tax exempt status changed.
JOS100 v5.44 changed when the job order number gets validated to allow
you to find and delete any job orders that have a bad job order number.
JOS100 v5.45 changed when using [Find] to select a ship-to address, or when
using the "#" option at Ship-to Name, the "SHIP TO" tax code should be used
and was not. This problem has been fixed. (19-Oct-2012)
JOS100 v5.46 was a custom modification only.
JOS100 v5.47 added support for the Vertex sales tax portal (06-May-2013)
JOS100 v5.48 was a custom modification only.
JOS100 v5.49 added a new job order finder option to find by
Sold-to Customer# and Job Description. (14-Mar-2014)
JOS100 v5.50 now validates the Special Charge Code like a tax code.
Also the JOS to LBR interface routine will now only be called when
changing job order status from "Q" to "O" if the JOS000 Setup Option "A"
is set. (18-Jun-2014)
JOS100 v5.51 added a confirmation alert box to edit option "U" so the user
can not accidentally update their job order estimate costs. (10-Apr-2015)
JOS100 v5.52 now allows you to set validated misc. code fields to a
blank/empty value. If you want to force a non-blank response, you should
use the ASK +8 flag to make the code field a required field. (29-Sep-2015)
JOS100 v5.53 changed so when editing Bill-to Customer# the default
Branch#/Profit#/Cost# values will not get automatically changed
unless the PAR120 default for those fields is -1 (i.e. Customer default).
JOS100 v5.54 will now force the "Customer PO" question to be asked if
the Sold-to Customer has the "PO Required" flag set. (16-Feb-2016)
JOS100 v5.55 fixed a problem from the v5.54 change where the saved "ask"
flags were not getting reset to the saved entry routine values - which
caused a problem where the "Customer PO" question was not getting asked
even though the saved entry routine specified that it should be asked.
JOS100 v5.56 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
JOS105 V2.16 - Job Order Quote/Issue/Copy
JOS105 v2.13 changed how messages display when using the copy option
of "All" so that the copy process is not slowed down by waiting for all
the messages. (03-Jan-2013)
JOS105 V2.14 added support for a configuration (CFG) file setting of
SHOW_JOB_TEXT=XYZ to display job order text type "XYZ" for the FROM job
order. The CFG filename is PACK00:{client}_JOS105.CFG (where {client}
is the Client ID). (21-Aug-2013)
JOS105 v2.15 will now insure that the new job order number does not
include spaces or special characters (for ReportRouter compatibility).
JOS105 v2.16 was changed so after the A-ll or P-hase or L-ine option,
if the job order has Q-uote status then it will ask if you want to do the
U-pdate option. (12-Aug-2015)
JOS110 v4.11 - Copy One Job Order to Many
JOS110 v4.07 will now replace any job order text when copying job orders
and the job order being copied to already exists and the text already
exists. (24-Feb-2012)
JOS110 v4.08 was modified to allow a maximum of 99 text types per job
order. (17-Apr-2013)
JOS110 v4.09 now limits the of number of jobs to copy/create to 4 digits
because nobody should be copying more than 9999 jobs. (09-Apr-2014)
JOS110 v4.10 added support for a CFG setting of COPY_LOG=Y to create
a log message file of errors generated during the copy process instead
of flashing each message on screen. (22-May-2014)
JOS110 v4.11 will now insure that the new job order number does not
include spaces or special characters (for ReportRouter compatibility).
JOS115 V2.03 - Job Order Price/Cost Batch Update
JOS115 v2.03 was modified to work in batch mode. (11-Jun-2015)
JOS120 V2.06 - Reduce/Return Inventory for Job Orders
JOS120 v2.06 now opens the IMS TEXT library so that the JOSISS routine
can display part master NOTES text during manual parts issuing.
JOS125 V1.05 - Job Order Issue Barcode Sheets
JOS125 v1.05 now includes selectivity options for selectivity by job order
and/or by phase. (16-Apr-2014)
JOS130 V5.30 - Issue/Commit/Backorder Inventory
JOS130 v5.12 fixed a problem from v5.10 where selectivity on Part Number
did not work if the selectivity was on the PURB backorders file.
JOS130 v5.13 fixed an "Invalid RFA field - recalling PURD record" error
when you use option 5 and choose to append to an existing PO. (06-Apr-2012)
JOS130 v5.13 will now set PO detail costs the same as if the PO detail
record was added from PUR100. Specifically, JOS130 was not getting the
default cost from the Supplier Parts file and now it is. (06-Apr-2012)
JOS130 v5.14 fixed a problem from v5.13 where the PO costs were not getting
set correctly if there was not a PUR020 record for the part+supplier.
JOS130 v5.15 changed when creating a PO so the Comment field will allow
you to enter up to 30 characters instead of just 20 characters.
JOS130 V5.16 will now display the part description during the "inspect"
option for main options 1, 2, and 3 and for view options 7 and 8.
JOS130 v5.17 added support for a CFG file setting of USE_JOSD_COSTS=Y
to use the JO detail (JOSD) costs as the PO detail (PURD) costs instead of
using Supplier Part (PURS) costs. This allows you to revert to the program
behavior from before the v5.13 changes. (05-Dec-2012)
JOS130 v5.18 fixed a problem with Option 4 when you chose multiple job
order ranges where the screen was getting cleared after each backorder
attachment; thereby preventing you from seeing all the attachment
status messages. (04-Mar-2013)
JOS130 v5.19 added support for a CFG setting of NO_EXPECTED_DATE=Y
to not set the PO detail "Expected Date" when adding PO detail.
Support was also added for a CFG setting of NO_DATE_NEEDED=Y
to not set the PO detail "Date Needed" when adding PO detail in JOS130.
JOS130 v5.20 was changed to insure that any "TEMPORARY" backorder
attachments got cleared when using option "5" to create purchase orders
from unattached backorders. (19-Jun-2013)
JOS130 V5.21 tried to fix a rounding problem when adding PO detail
records for parts with Part Flag "B" set. (26-Aug-2013)
JOS130 v5.22 fixed a problem where purchase order detail created for
backordered parts that had Part Flag "B" were not getting added with
the correct quantity due to a rounding problem. (25-Sep-2013)
JOS130 v5.23 now supports CFG file option USE_JOSD_COSTS=A to ask whether
to use costs from: J-ob order or S-upplier part. (11-Nov-2013)
JOS130 v5.24 will now create purchase order detail items in the same
order as the job order backorder line items that created the PO detail.
This will allow the PO to include the most important parts first.
JOS130 v5.25 will now show a warning message when creating a purchase order
if the Order Quantity is less than the PUR020 Min Order Quantity.
JOS130 v5.26 was changed so when processing JOS detail and inspecting,
unknown parts will now show the part description that you entered in the
Remarks field in JOS100/JOS150 rather than showing the part description
of the DEFAULT PART. (05-Jan-2015)
JOS130 v5.27 was custom modifications only.
JOS130 v5.28 added support for PUR020 formulas containing the "FX" variable
(which represents the foreign exchange rate). See PUR020 v3.05 release note
for more information. (30-Mar-2015)
JOS130 v5.29 included changes to help avoid PURB record lock errors.
JOS130 v5.30 now uses the PUR000 Lead Time Preference settings to determine
which lead times to check for computing Expected Date. (05-May-2015)
JOS140 V4.04 - Reduce/Return Inventory for Job Orders
JOS140 v4.04 fixed when returning inventory and a negative quantity item
cannot be reduced, to NOT delete the JOS issue record. (22-Sep-2014)
JOS150 V3.52 - Job Order Processing
JOS150 v3.36 will now change the customer number on any order payments if
you change the bill-to customer number for an order. (27-Feb-2012)
JOS150 v3.37 now supports the new P-arts pricing method. P-arts pricing
works similar to T-ime+Mat pricing except that Parts pricing uses Parts
Master GL Cost and Landed Cost in any pricing formulas whereas T-ime+Mat
pricing uses the JOS Detail GL Cost and Landed Cost (i.e. actual costs)
in any pricing formulas. (20-Mar-2012)
JOS150 v3.38 included custom modifications only.
JOS150 v3.39 changed when editing Ship-to Name and you enter "@"+Customer#
to choose a different ship-to customer, to see if the tax exempt fields
should be updated as well in case the tax exempt status changed.
JOS150 v3.40 changed when the job order number gets validated to allow
you to find and delete any job orders that have a bad job order number.
JOS150 v3.41 changed when using [Find] to select a ship-to address, or when
using the "#" option at Ship-to Name, the "SHIP TO" tax code should be used
and was not. This problem has been fixed. (19-Oct-2012)
JOS150 v3.42 was a custom modification only.
JOS100 v3.43 added support for the Vertex sales tax portal (06-May-2013)
JOS150 v3.44 was a custom modification only.
JOS150 v3.45 added a new job order finder option to find by
Sold-to Customer# and Job Description. (14-Mar-2014)
JOS150 v3.46 was a custom modification only.
JOS100 v3.47 will now invoke the JOS to LBR interface routine only when
changing job order status from "Q" to "O" if the JOS000 Setup Option "A"
is set. (26-Jun-2014)
JOS150 v3.48 now allows you to set validated misc. code fields to a
blank/empty value. If you want to force a non-blank response, you should
use the ASK +8 flag to make the code field a required field. (29-Sep-2015)
JOS150 v3.49 changed so when editing Bill-to Customer# the default
Branch#/Profit#/Cost# values will not get automatically changed
unless the PAR120 default for those fields is -1 (i.e. Customer default).
JOS150 v3.50 will now force the "Customer PO" question to be asked if
the Sold-to Customer has the "PO Required" flag set. (16-Feb-2016)
JOS150 v3.51 fixed a problem from the v3.50 change where the saved "ask"
flags were not getting reset to the saved entry routine values - which
caused a problem where the "Customer PO" question was not getting asked
even though the saved entry routine specified that it should be asked.
JOS150 v3.52 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
JOS190 V5.01 - Job Order to Sales Order Merge
JOS190 v5.01 was changed so you now have the choice to print the log file
to QUE or PRN or TT. (22-Mar-2012)
JOS200 V5.19 - Job Order Generic Report
JOS200 v5.16 fixed a problem when sorting by Production Status,
Custom Status, Tax Exempt, or Tax Transaction ID fields caused the
report to sort incorrectly. (05-Apr-2013)
JOS200 v5.17 added "Bill-to City" and "Bill-to State" as report items.
JOS200 v5.18 changed when printing text as a heading, to create
a "container" box around the text to separate it from other report data.
JOS200 v5.19 removed the Invoice Number field since the Job Order Master
record no longer uses this field. That report field has been renamed
to "reserved" and is now reserved for future use. (29-May-2014)
JOS220 V1.02 - Print Job Order Pick Lists
JOS220 v1.00 is a new program to print job order pick lists for
selected job orders. Each job order will print on a separate page
and will show the warehouse and warehouse location(s) where each part
on the order should be picked from. (08-Jan-2013)
JOS220 V1.01 was changed so the pick ticket prints Serial#, Lot#
in addition to Warehouse#. Also, if there are any committed on-hands
records then print the Locations of the committed records in addition
to printing the default warehouse locations. (13-Aug-2015)
JOS220 V1.02 will now skip job order detail records that are on backorder.
Also, if the committed inventory does not have any Location specified, then
show "(check default locations)". (06-Jul-2016)
JOS250 V2.13 - Job Order Action Report
JOS250 v2.12 now includes "Master Profit Center" as a field for sorting
and selecting. (11-Apr-2012)
JOS250 v2.13 added saved routine support like in other generic reports.
JOS255 V2.04 - Job Order Demand Exception Report
JOS255 v2.03 now supports Production Status as a selective item.
Both Production Status and Reference# will now print on the report.
JOS255 v2.04 will now print the End User, Comments, and Customer PO fields
on the job order heading section of the report. (26-Jul-2013)
JOS260 V2.06 - Job Order Labor Generic Report
JOS260 v2.04 has added End-User ID and End-User Name as report fields.
JOS260 v2.05 removed the Invoice Number field since the Job Order Master
record no longer uses this field. That report field has been renamed
to "reserved" and is now reserved for future use. (29-May-2014)
JOS260 v2.06 fixed a problem from the v2.05 change where the now unused
field named "(reserved)" was incorrectly being used for any report items
that were blank (such as the "Subtotal level" or "Page break level" items).
JOS270 V4.10 - Job Order Status Report
JOS270 v4.09 will now print the End-User Name (if any) in the job header
section of the report. Also, the program will now ask whether to print
the Sold-to Name/Address or the Ship-to Name/Address. (20-Jul-2012)
JOS270 v4.10 was fixed to handle date selectivity of a space or zero
for blank dates. (11-Sep-2013)
JOS290 V5.06 - Job Order Summary Report
JOS290 v5.05 now includes End-User ID and End-User Name as report items.
JOS290 v5.06 was fixed to handle date selectivity of a space or zero
for blank dates. Also, Master Branch#, Master Profit#, and Master Cost#
report fields were added. (11-Sep-2013)
JOS900 V3.14 - Delete Job Orders/Job History
JOS900 v3.14 now creates a report file of the job orders deleted.
JOS910 V3.14 - Renumber/Copy Job Orders
JOS910 v3.14 will now insure that the new job order number does not
include spaces or special characters (for ReportRouter compatibility).
The default new job order number will now be based on the PAR120 user
preference Job Order Code (if set) instead of from the JOS000 record.
JOSTEQ V6.17 - Create Job Orders from TEQuote
JOSTEQ v5.61 now supports the new P-arts pricing method as a valid pricing
method when creating new job orders. (20-Mar-2012)
JOSTEQ v5.62 will now validate any JOS Vehicle (JOSV) fields that you have
mapped and will not update the JOSV field if the value being mapped is not
valid. (23-May-2012)
JOSTEQ v5.63 was changed to show processing messages in a scrolling window
instead of on the status line. (31-Jul-2012)
JOSTEQ v5.64 was changed to support the .TEQ file layout changes
in TEQuote v5.11 where the "DTL" record now includes the
"Quote Model Sequence Number" as field #2. (10-Sep-2012)
JOSTEQ v5.65 will now include the user initials in the report log file name
so that multiple users are not prevented from running this program at the
same time. (04-Dec-2012)
JOSTEQ v6.00 changed the program title since TEQuote v6 is now available.
The .TEQ files with Version=5.11 are still supported by TEQuote v6.
This version will now also check for an existing job order detail record
for the Phase and Part Number being added and will update the existing
quantity instead of creating a duplicate record. (11-Feb-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.01 changed when importing a job order that already exists to
add a replace option of "T" to "Replace phase titles and phase title bids".
JOSTEQ v6.02 will now use the job order master defaults for GL accounts
(if they exist) when replacing job order detail for an existing job order.
JOSTEQ v6.03 will now import text types for any exported text from TEQuote.
Previously only text types "NOTES", "QUOTE", "ADDITIONAL", and "QUOTE" were
supported. (20-Mar-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.03 will now use the Quote Total from the export file header
record for the job order bid price if the quote total is non-zero.
Otherwise, the job order bid price will use the accumulated order extended
sell price. (20-Mar-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.03 will now add/update the End-User information for the job order
if the TEQ export file has "ENDUSER" info. (20-Mar-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.04 fixed a problem from v6.01 where replace option "T" was
incorrectly deleting job order detail estimate records. (02-Apr-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.05 changed the print option so, when printing phase titles,
the Quantity and Sell Price will print. This will allow you to see the
amounts used for phase title bid records. (11-Apr-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.06 now supports a CFG setting of BLANK_QUOTE_DATES=Y
to set Quote Date and Quote Expiration Date to blank when creating
an O-pen job order. (03-May-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.07 now supports CFG setting choices of BRN_NUM, PRF_NUM,
and COS_NUM for the "ASK_OPTIONS=" setting. For example, a CFG setting of
ASK_OPTIONS=BRN_NUM,PRF_NUM will ask for Branch Number and Profit Center
when adding a job order. (10-May-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.08 changed when an existing JOS estimate record is found, so
instead of just incrementing the Quantity, the program will now re-compute
the GL Cost, Landed Cost, and Sell Price so that the total cost and total
price will match the quoted amounts. (15-Aug-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.09 was for custom modifications only.
JOSTEQ v6.10 fixed an error 52 when trying to update the Job Order detail
if accumulated quantity was zero. (06-Nov-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.11 was modified to prevent two users from simultaneously
trying to add the same job order number. (02-Dec-2013)
JOSTEQ v6.12 fixed a problem when replacing job order text where
the text types were not getting removed/replaced. (29-Jan-2014)
JOSTEQ v6.13 fixed when updating existing phase title records
to update the extended price of the phase title without changing
the quantity so that the phase title total amount would still be
correct. (05-Feb-2014)
JOSTEQ v6.14 fixed a problem when trying to update the bid price for a
phase so the bid price will correctly accumulate the total bid amount.
Also, all file status messages will now be included in the log file
as well as being displayed. (24-Feb-2014)
JOSTEQ v6.15 added support for creating multiple job orders from a
single TEQuote export .TEQ file. The .TEQ HDR record field 20 is now
defined as "Number of Job Orders to Create". Job Orders created this
way will append a job count suffix to the job order number.
When creating multiple job orders for a single quote, the program will
use any option responses from the first job order created for all
subsequent job orders created for that quote.
Also, when replacing an exising job order, if the mapped {QuoteID} does
not match the Quote ID being processed then you will get an alert box
asking whether to continue replacing the job order for that quote.
JOSTEQ v6.16 was changed so when the job order already exists (i.e. you
are re-exporting a quote) and you choose Replace Option "B" or "E" then
the Labor Std. Hours records will now also get replaced. (15-May-2014)
JOSTEQ v6.17 was custom program modifications only.
JOSV_UPDATE V1.07 - Update Vehicle File From Text Data File
JOSV_UPDATE v1.06 will now determine the file format of the input
text file so that the program can process both VMS text files as
well as PC text files. (29-Apr-2015)
JOSV_UPDATE v1.07 added support for slash (/) options in the format file.
Specifically, the program now supports the /SKIP_GT option to NOT update
the field if the value currently in that field is greater than the value
to be updated into that field. For example, the format line {C28}/SKIP_GT
would not update the C28 field if the value in that field was greater than
the value to be updated into that field. (23-Nov-2015)
LBL050 V3.04 - Label Format Entry/Edit
LBL050 v3.03 added support for the following IMS inventory tags:
LBL050 v3.04 added {REMARKS} as a valid tag for PO receiving labels to
print the PO Detail Remarks field. (01-Oct-2015)
LBLIMS V3.08 - Print Part Labels
LBLIMS v3.06 fixed a problem where the prompt for Part Number to print
label for? was case sensitive; causing lowercase entries to not be found.
LBLIMS v3.07 added support for the following IMS inventory tags:
LBLIMS v3.08 fixed a bug where you were sometimes allowed to print a
non-inventory part number when printing on-hand labels.
The program now also warns you that you cannot print a non-inventory part
when printing on-hand labels. (08-Apr-2016)
LBLPUR V2.17 - Print Purchase Order Labels
LBLPUR v2.16 fixed so the label copies option of "QTY" will use
the Quantity Received for the number of labels to print when
printing PO RECEIVING labels. The online help was also changed to
better indicate how the different copies options work. (23-May-2014)
LBLPUR v2.17 added {REMARKS} as a valid tag for PO receiving labels to
print the PO Detail Remarks field. (01-Oct-2015)
LBR100 V2.03 - Employee Information Maintenance
LBR100 v2.03 has added questions for Break1 Start Time and End Time
and Break2 Start Time and End Time. This will allow two automatic breaks
per day for the employee. Time clock transactions now support
clock codes "IB" (In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR120 V2.03 - Work Code Maintenance
LBR120 v2.03 now supports the [Find] key at the JOS Labor Part Number
question. (24-Jan-2012)
LBR150 V3.05 - Standard Hours Maintenance
LBR150 V3.04 fixed a display bug with the edit option. (05-Mar-2013)
LBR150 V3.05 added support for the "DA" option (Delete All) to delete
all records for the current bill code. (12-Aug-2014)
LBR200 V1.04 - Employee Generic Report
LBR200 v1.04 added report items for "Break1 Start Time", "Break 1 End Time",
"Break2 Start Time", and "Break2 End Time". (15-Jan-2013)
LBR300 V4.15 - Time Clock Data Entry
LBR300 v4.05 was changed so that adding a missing "OJ" clock punch
will now set the Bill Code and Work Code from the prior "IJ" clock punch.
LBR300 v4.06 now sets the Bill Code and Work Code values for the
auto-lunch "OJ" clock punch since all "OJ" transactions should have
these values set. (27-Sep-2012)
LBR300 v4.07 now now supports clock codes "IB" (In-from-Break)
and "OB" (Out-to-Break). If LBR100 "Break Start Time" and "Break End Time"
fields are set, then this program will add auto-break time clock records
as needed. (15-Jan-2013)
LBR300 v4.08 will no longer store Bill Code or Work Code on "OJ" records
because time cards should always use these values from the "IJ" record.
LBR300 v4.09 has deprecated the LBR300ADJ logical name in favor of the
new TIME_ZONE_ADJ logical name. So if the TIME_ZONE_ADJ logical name
exists, then LBR300 will use that value instead of the LBR300ADJ value.
LBR300 v4.10 now supports a CFG file setting of JOSM_UPDATE=START to try
to update the job order Start Date to the current date when an employee
first enters an "IJ" clock punch for the job order. The job order Start
Date will only be updated if it is blank. (20-Jan-2013)
LBR300 v4.11 fixed a problem from LBR300 v4.10 where the job order
master record was not getting unlocked after an attempted update.
LBR300 v4.12 changed the "Punch the clock now?" question to allow
entering "C" for any clock code to close any missing "OJ" punch.
LBR300 v4.13 was for custom modifications only.
LBR300 v4.14 was modified so that when punching "IJ" for the "ALL" job order,
the program will require you to enter at least one job order to allocate.
LBR300 v4.15 fixed a problem where an employee punching "ID" more than 1
hour before their normal start time would cause auto-lunch punches to be
added to the previous date. To fix this, the auto-lunch date will now
be based on the date of the employee's last "ID" punch rather than being
based on their adjusted start time. (04-May-2016)
LBR301 V2.31 - Time Clock Maintenance
LBR301 v2.27 now allows you to press the [Do] key at the "Option:"
prompt to show the last clock punch for this employee. (31-Oct-2012)
LBR301 v2.28 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR301 v2.29 will no longer ask for Bill Code or Work Code on "OJ" records
because time cards should always use these values from the "IJ" record.
LBR301 v2.30 will now warn you if you are trying to enter a record for
a T-erminated employee. (25-Sep-2014)
LBR301 v2.31 will now ask for the job list to allocate when adding
a new "IJ" record for the "ALL" job. Also, when deleting an "IJ" record
for the "ALL" job, the LBR allocation records will now be deleted.
LBR305 V2.27 - Time Clock Listing
LBR305 v2.26 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR305 v2.27 now includes the Employee "Team Number" as a selective item.
LBR305 v2.27 will now print the Daily Attendance Hours along with
the Daily Hours Worked. (15-May-2014)
LBR310 V1.19 - Employee Attendance Report
LBR310 v1.17 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR310 v1.18 will now include the user initials as part of the default
report filename. This should prevent "File locked by another user" errors
when several users are running this report at the same time. (12-Feb-2014)
LBR310 v1.19 added support for a config file named like
PACK00:{client}_LBR310.CFG with a setting of "DAILY_OT=Y" to print columns
titled "Reg Hours" and "OT Hours". Note: "OT Hours" is defined as
any hours over 8 hours per day. (12-Oct-2015)
LBR320 V1.09 - Employee Daily Time Summary Report
LBR320 v1.08 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR320 v1.09 will now print the daily employee attendance record
(with 0.01 hours) if the employee is missing their "ID" or "OD" record
for that date. (15-May-2014)
LBR330 V1.04 - Employee In-Job Inquiry
LBR330 v1.04 will now ask for a selective branch when inquiring by employee
on "ALL" employees. This will allow showing In-Job employees for the
selected branch only. (26-Jun-2012)
LBR340 V1.21 - Update Data from Remote Time Clocks
LBR340 v1.20 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). This program now also supports
importing time clock transactions from a user specified CSV file if
the PACK00:T2480.CFG configuration file does not exist. (15-Jan-2013)
LBR340 v1.21 will no longer store Bill Code or Work Code on "OJ" records
because time cards should always use these values from the "IJ" record.
LBR380 V2.26 - Update Time Cards from Time Clock
LBR380 v2.23 now allows you to create saved routines to save your selective
items and selective ranges. (22-Oct-2012)
LBR380 v2.24 fixed a problem from v2.23 where selectivity was broken;
causing the program to hang. (07-Nov-2012)
LBR380 v2.25 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBR380 v2.26 added "Team Number" as a selective field. (01-Oct-2014)
LBR450 V1.15 - Standard Hours vs Actual Hours
LBR40 v1.15 will now show the Work Code Description if there is no
standard hours record for a given Bill Code and Work Code.
LBR490 V2.04 - Labor Time Card Generic Report
LBR490 v2.03 was changed to strip NULL characters from the Update Status
field so that selectivity on blank values will work consistently.
LBR490 v2.04 fixed when reporting on history where the LBR Standard Hours
History (LBRBH) file was not getting used and should have been.
LBR800 V2.07 - Merge Labor to Job Orders
LBR800 v2.04 now supports the new P-arts pricing method when pricing issue
records that get created by this program. (20-Mar-2012)
LBR800 v2.05 will now include the user initials in the report log file name
so that multiple users are not prevented from running this program at the
same time. (04-Dec-2012)
LBR800 V2.06 has added support for saved routines so that you can save
your selective item choices. (11-Nov-2013)
LBR800 v2.07 added "Branch#" and "Team Number" as selective fields.
LBR840 V1.13 - Merge Time Clock Labor to Payroll
LBR840 v1.13 now supports time clock transactions for clock codes "IB"
(In-from-Break) and "OB" (Out-to-Break). (15-Jan-2013)
LBRFIX V1.00 - Fix Labor Data Records
LBRFIX v1.00 is a new program to clear Bill Code and Work Code on "OJ" time
clock records. (17-Jan-2013)
PAR000 V4.03 - Setup System Parameter Record
PAR000 V4.03 added support for a default currency code (per ISO 4217)
for this client. Currently, currency code support is limited to the
remote Tax Portal interface. (26-Apr-2013)
PAR010 V1.00 - Currency Maintenance
PAR010 v1.00 is a new program to maintain a currency codes (per ISO 4217)
and currency conversion rates). This will allow FACS to begin supporting
currency conversions. Note that currently no FACS programs support
currency conversions. (26-Apr-2013)
PAR100 V2.06 - Misc. Codes Maintenance
PAR100 v2.06 will now show the actual code prompt in the Finder
window instead of just showing "Misc Code". (23-Jan-2014)
PAR100 v2.07 fixed a problem from v2.05 where the [Down] arrow was not
getting the record for MODIFY access. (04-Apr-2014)
PAR100 v2.08 changed validation for code types J#, S#, P#, M#, and X#
to insure that the order numbers are uppercase and no imbedded spaces.
PAR100 v2.09 now includes a Status question where Status = "I" for Inactive
and Status = "A" or blank for Active. (16-Jun-2016)
PAR101 V2.05 - Misc. Codes Generic Report
PAR101 v2.05 added Status as a report item. (16-Jun-2016)
PAR120 V1.06 - User Preferences Maintenance
PAR120 v1.06 now supports the [Find] key at the Sales Order Code,
Job Order Code, Purchase Order Code, Mfg. Order Code, and Transfer Code
prompts. (23-Jan-2014)
PAR200 V3.03 - Misc. Name/Address Maintenance
PAR200 v3.03 now includes Tax Code as a question. If entered, the tax code
must be a valid "TC" misc. code type (per PAR100). The [Find] key is also
supported at this question. (17-Mar-2016)
PAR300 V1.04 - EndUser Name/Address Maintenance
PAR300 v1.04 now updates the Date Modified, Time Modified, and Who Modified
fields when an End-User record gets modified by this program. (16-Jan-2012)
PAR301 V1.03 - EndUser Name/Address Generic Report
PAR301 V1.03 added report items for: Date Modified, Time Modified, and Who
Modified. (16-Jan-2012)
PBL060 V3.05 - Proof Payable Check Format
PBL060 v3.05 fixed an error printing the sample check where one too many
detail lines were printing. (30-May-2012)
PBL101 V3.10 - Payables Transactions Entry/Edit
PBL101 v3.09 will now track the User Initials of the user that added the
PBL Invoice. (02-Jul-2012)
PBL101 v3.10 will now update the transaction description on the FAS expense
record when you modify the invoice description in PBL101. (31-Jan-2013)
PBL180 V3.06 - Aged Payables Generic Report
PBL180 v3.06 now includes the Supplier Payment Type as a report item.
PBL190 V3.07 - Accounts Payable Generic Report
PBL190 v3.05 now has report items for Date Added and User Initials of the
user that added the PBL Invoice. (02-Jul-2012)
PBL190 v3.06 now includes Supplier Payment Type as a report item.
PBL190 v3.07 fixed a problem where the "Level to page break on" was not
printed on the header page. (11-Dec-2015)
PBL300 V4.09 - Compute Accounts Payable Payments
PBL300 v4.08 will now check electronic payments to insure that the supplier
has their Bank ID set. This will avoid a problem where PBL350 was aborting
with this error. (16-Dec-2013)
PBL300 v4.09 now includes the Invoice Date on the proof/remittance report.
PBL350 V4.21 - Print Accounts Payable Checks/Payments
PBL350 v4.14 now supports a "Bank Acct Type" from the SUP100 B-ank
option setting. This will allow you to designate the bank account as
either "C" for checking or "S" for savings for ACH payments. (19-Apr-2012)
PBL350 v4.14 fixed a problem where check forms that printed to the
bottom line would be off one line on subsequent pages. (20-Apr-2012)
PBL350 v4.15 now supports a CFG setting of "AUTO_FLAGS=" to set auto-print
defaults. For example, you could edit the PACK00:PBL350.CFG file to add
a setting of "AUTO_FLAGS=/AUTO_EMAIL" to auto-email supplier remittances
when auto-printing. (15-Aug-2012)
PBL350 v4.16 fixed when processing electronic payments, so instead of aborting
if the Supplier's Bank ID was blank, to warn and tell user to fix (in another
window) and then retry. This will allow the user to gracefully continue
processing payments. (16-Dec-2013)
PBL350 v4.17 now includes the Invoice Date on the remittance report.
PBL350 v4.18 fixed a bug printing the remittance report where incorrect
heading info would print if a payment reference number ended at the bottom
of the page.
Also, this version fixed a bug where the check did not include a final
form feed if there was stub last and stub count > 1. This would cause
subsequent checks to not align on the form. (04-Jun-2015)
PBL350 v4.19 added support for a PACK00:PBL350.CFG file setting
of "EMAIL_HOLD=Y" to place any supplier remittance emails in a
separate EMAIL_HOLD: directory instead of sending them immediately to
Report Router. This will allow you to review the PBL350 checks and
possibly modify them and re-run PBL350 before actually sending
the ACH file to the bank.
A command file called SCS$COM:ROUTE_HOLD.COM will allow either sending all
pending files in the EMAIL_HOLD: area to ReportRouter or deleting the files
if they should NOT be sent. The onus is on the user to remember to route
any pending documents in the EMAIL_HOLD: area using this command file.
PBL350 V4.20 now supports a CFG file setting of "ACH_PATH=ACH:" to define
an alternate path for where the ACH file should be created.
Also, include the payment date in the ACH filename and include
the Client ID in the PBLREM remittance report filename. (31-Jul-2015)
PBL350 v4.21 now supports a CFG file setting of ACH_BALANCED=Y to create
a balanced ACH file. (08-Jan-2016)
PBL360 V3.11 - Misc. Invoice/Payment Processing
PBLPMT_PRINT v4.10 (called by PBL360) now supports a "Bank Acct Type"
from the SUP100 B-ank option setting. This will allow you to
designate the bank account as either "C" for checking or "S" for savings
for ACH payments. (19-Apr-2012)
PBLPMT_PRINT v4.10 fixed a problem where check forms that printed to the
bottom line would be off one line on subsequent pages. (20-Apr-2012)
PBL360 v3.11 will now track the User Initials of the user that added the
PBL Invoice. (02-Jul-2012)
PBL400 V3.08 - Update Payables Payments to G/L
PBL400 V3.05 fixed a problem from the v3.03 changes where certain
Invoice Amount - (Payment Amount + Discount Taken Amount) computations
were not marking the Invoice as P-aid even though the Invoice balanced
to zero. (13-Feb-2012)
PBL400 V3.06 fixed a problem from the v3.05 where some invoices were still
not getting marked as P-aid due to a rounding problem in the invoice
balance computation. (25-Apr-2014)
PBL400 V3.07 fixed problems handling the PBL and FAS auto year/month
setting. (27-Aug-2014)
PBL400 V3.08 was fixed to support the PBL000 "FAS Interface Option"
setting of "A" (i.e. +1 bit) where the PBL approval code should have been
set back to "N" (i.e. Not Approved) after a partial payment. (06-Oct-2015)
PBL480 V3.06 - Reverse Update Payments from G/L
PBL480 v3.06 changed so the program will display the number of payments
that will be reversed. The final question was also changed to now require
the user to enter "Y" (for Yes) to confirm that they REALLY want to reverse
the selected payments. (02-Jul-2014)
PBL490 V3.04 - Payables Payments Generic Report
PBL490 v3.04 added report item for "Payable Amount" to be
Payment Amount + Discount Taken.
Also, a problem was fixed where the "Level to page break on" was not
printed on the header page. (11-Dec-2015)
PBLFIX V1.01 - Fix PBL file problems
PBLFIX v1.01 added option "2" to allow fixing a problem where some
zero balance invoices were not getting marked as P-aid. Note that
PBL400 v3.06 should fix this problem for any PBL payments created
using this version or greater. (25-Apr-2014)
PBL_IMPORT V1.00 - Import PBL Invoices from Text File
PBL_IMPORT v1.00 is a new program that you can use to import PBL invoices
from a specified text data file. Refer to online help for more information.
PBL_IMPORT V1.01 fixed a problem where the program would not accept "DEC"
as a valid month. (10-Jan-2013)
PRL000 V3.04 - Payroll System Setup
PRL000 v3.04 changed how the "C-reate files" option displays which files
were created and which files already exist. The change makes it easier to
see which files were created. (30-May-2012)
PRL010 V1.00 - Payroll Attributes Maintenance
PRL010 v1.00 is a new program to maintain Payroll Attribute names
and values. This version supports two attribute names: MCT_ADDED_RATE
and MCT_ADDED_MINIMUM. See PRL010 online help for more information.
PRL050 V2.12 - Payroll Check Format Entry/Edit
PRL050 v2.12 now allows you to define a check format that includes more
than one stub. The form defaults dialog now asks for the "Stub count"
for you to specify the number of stubs on the check form. (31-May-2012)
PRL055 V2.13 - Proof Payroll Check Format
PRL055 v2.15 now supports multiple stubs on a check form. (31-May-2012)
PRL100 V3.19 - Employee Master Maintenance
PRL100 v3.18 now does more thorough testing of the RDFI Routing Number and
the RDFI Account Number when entering these fields for Direct Deposit
employees. If both of these values are blank then the Direct Deposit flag
will automatically be changed from "Y" to "N" (for no direct deposit).
PRL100 v3.19 will now insure that a non-zero account number is a valid
GL account. The program will now also enforce the FAS100 verify flags
for Branch#/Profit#/Cost# to insure that any GL posting for this employee
will have valid values. (06-Jun-2016)
PRL120 V3.01 - Earning Code Maintenance
PRL120 v3.01 fixed a problem where you could not blank out the Earning
Classes field. (11-Apr-2014)
PRL130 V3.03 - Deduction Code Maintenance
PRL130 v3.03 now allows setting a lower limit without setting an upper
limit. (23-Jan-2013)
PRL500 V4.07 - Compute Payroll Checks
PRL500 v4.03 fixed a problem accumulating YTD earnings by earning
class. This was only a problem for computing employee deductions
if the employee deduction had Limit Type = "E" and also had an
earning class code set. (16-Jan-2012)
PRL500 v4.04 will now show you any open pay periods for the month if you
leave the "Pay Period" question blank or if you press the [Find] key at
that question. (31-May-2012)
PRL500 v4.05 now checks for PRL010 attribute names of MCT_ADDED_RATE
and MCT_ADDED_MINIMUM and uses the attribute values of each of them
to compute the Medicare Additional Tax requirement for the 2013 year.
Also, a problem was fixed handling employee upper limits and lower limits
in certain rare cases. (23-Jan-2013)
PRL500 v4.06 fixed a bug computing Added Medicare (MCT) where subsequent
employees incorrectly got the same MCT Added Amount as the last employee
that was eligible for the MCT Added Rate. (17-May-2013)
PRL500 v4.07 added support for SUT withholding from employee wages
because three states (AK,NJ,PA) allow withholding SUT from employee wages.
PRL550 V3.14 - Print Payroll Checks
PRL550 v3.10 now supports printing checks that have more than one stub.
You must have PRL000 v2.12 or greater for this to work. (31-May-2012)
PRL550 v3.11 fixed a bug from v3.10 where the ACH file was not getting
created correctly. (05-Jul-2012)
PRL550 v3.12 fixed a problem from v3.10 where you got the message
"Checks have already been printed" when trying to re-process a check
that was reversed using PRL690. (21-Mar-2013)
PRL550 v3.13 was changed to allow Miscellaneous Payrolls to use the EP
Reference Numbers (as defined in PRL000 under the "ER" edit option) when
you choose to NOT ask check numbers. (16-Aug-2013)
PRL550 v3.14 was changed so if you are creating an ACH file and the
employee has bad direct deposit info then after the warning the program
will pause and let you fix the employee in PRL100 (in another window) and
then continue the payroll). (07-Mar-2016)
PRL590 V4.06 - Compute Employer Expenses
PRL590 v4.05 fixed a problem computing deductions if the PRL130 deduction
code had Limit Type = "E" and there was more than one earning for the
employee for the current pay period. (16-Jan-2012)
PRL590 v4.06 fixed a problem handling employer upper limits and lower
limits in certain rare cases. (23-Jan-2013)
PUR000 V2.03 - Setup Purchase Order System
PUR000 v2.03 now includes the question "Auto Sequence Orders" to allow you
to auto-sequence purchase order numbers during order entry in PUR100 and
in PUR450. (15-Mar-2012)
PUR020 V3.05 - Supplier Part Status Maintenance
PUR020 V3.04 added support for user pressing [Down] arrow at first question
to call up the first record in the file.
Added a V-iew option to show all suppliers for the current part#. (26-Jun-2014)
PUR020 v3.05 added support for GL Cost and Landed Cost formulas containing
the "FX" variable (which represents the foreign exchange rate). This will
allow creating formulas where the supplier's List Price (LP) is in a
foreign currency. The currency conversion rate will be obtained from
the PAR010 currency table based on the Supplier's currency code. If the
supplier does not have a currency code, the "FX" value will be set to 1.
See the SUP100 v4.12 release note for more information. (30-Mar-2015)
PUR050 V3.07 - Purchase Order Format Maintenance
PUR050 v3.07 added print item 91 to print "Alternate Supplier Name" for
the "SHIP FROM" address type on a PO. (22-Jun-2012)
PUR060 v3.03 - Proof Purchase Order Format
PUR060 v3.03 added print item 91 to print "Alternate Supplier Name" for
the "SHIP FROM" address type on a PO. (22-Jun-2012
PUR100 V4.39 - Purchase Order Entry/Edit
PUR100 v4.20 now supports the PUR000 "Auto Sequence Orders" setting to
auto sequence purchase order numbers during order entry. (15-Mar-2012)
PUR100 v4.21 changed the S-hipping option for "SHIP VIA" to be "SHIP FROM".
When choosing a "SHIP FROM" address type or "SUPPLIER" address type, you
will be prompted if you want to choose the address from existing supplier
contacts. (22-Jun-2012)
PUR100 v4.22 fixed an earlier change where editing the GL Cost caused
a popup box to ask if you wanted to change the Landed Cost too.
The program will now offer to use the GL Cost as the default Landed Cost
if the LC Formula used for the LC default is a dollar amount and not a
formula. This should prevent some confusion as to why the landed cost
default value was not the amount some users expected. (29-Jun-2012)
PUR100 v4.23 now allows you to press the [Down] arrow at the first
question to call up the first PO in the purchase order file.
PUR100 v4.24 was a custom program modification only.
PUR100 v4.25 added support for IMS100 Part Flag "B" to not allow
ordering a fractional quantity. (25-Sep-2013)
PUR100 v4.26 fixed so minimum question fields have ASK+4 value set
so required default responses do not get ignored.
Also, make so text window handling works like other programs where you
can scroll through text and need to press the [F12] key to close the
text window. (10-Oct-2013)
PUR100 V4.27 changed the "Minimum Order Amount" and "Mininum Order Qty"
warning messages to alert boxes so the user has to acknowledge the
warning. (12-Feb-2014)
PUR100 v4.28 will no longer allow a non-existent Job Order or Sales Order
number as a Req. Number. Also, the Req. Line will now be validated
if it is entered. (18-Jun-2014)
PUR100 v4.29 now allows you to use the "E*" option at the Landed Cost
question on the detail screen. This will allow you to enter a landed
cost formula to be applied to each detail record on the current PO.
PUR100 v4.30 was changed to always validate Branch from the FAS120 Branch
Master file. When validating Branch#, Profit# and Cost# the program will now
show the description for each of these fields. (26-Sep-2014)
PUR100 v4.31 was a custom modification only.
PUR100 v4.32 fixed a "RETURN without GOSUB" error at line 3000
that caused the program to crash if you were running the PUR100INQ routine
for "read only" access and were exiting any of the "S-hipping info"
address entry screens. (30-Jan-2015)
PUR100 v4.33 added support for a CFG setting of NO_EXPECTED_DATE=Y
to not set the PO detail "Expected Date" when adding PO detail.
PUR100 v4.34 changed the routine that computes formulas to add
support for the "FX" variable (for foreign exchange rate) in Supplier Part
formulas. The FX value is computed using the Supplier's Currency Code
and the PAR010 exchange rate for that currency. If the PAR010 file (PARC)
does not exist or the SUP100 currency code is not found then set FX=1.
PUR100 v4.35 fixed how the "order limit exceeded" warning displays.
PUR100 v4.36 now uses the standard VIEW_BO() routine for the [Do] key
backorder inquiry. (28-Oct-2015)
PUR100 v4.37 fixed a problem from the v4.34 changes where the new formula
function was not allowing you to use the variable you were computing.
For example, you could not use "GC" to compute GL Cost. This ability has
been restored. (15-Apr-2016)
PUR100 v4.38 added support for CFG setting of SUPTEXT=xxx to import
supplier text into a new PO. (14-Jun-2016)
PUR100 v4.39 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
PUR110 V3.15 - Automatic Reordering
PUR110 v3.07 now supports the PUR000 "Auto Sequence Orders" setting to
auto sequence purchase order numbers during order entry. (15-Mar-2012)
PUR110 v3.08 added several lines of explanation for the inventory quantity
computation used for the order option question. (04-Nov-2013)
PUR110 v3.09 fixed a validation problem with the "P-art" option
when asking for Part#. Also, the program now allows ordering parts that
do not have a Warehouse Part record. (21-May-2014)
PUR110 V3.10 was custom program modifications only.
PUR110 V3.11 was modified to set the Default Branch on the PO Master
record from the user preference setting like PUR100 does. (11-Feb-2015)
PUR110 v3.12 will no longer set the computed "suggested order quantity"
to be the "unattached backorder quantity" if the computed suggested order
quantity is less than the unattached backorder quantity. This will insure
that you order the minimal quantity needed to reach your stocking level;
even if you need to fill backorders from existing available inventory.
For users that want the old behavior, there is a new CFG file setting
of BO_OVERRIDE=Y to allow the backorder quantity to override the computed
suggested order quantity if the backorder quantity is greater.
PUR110 v3.13 added support for a CFG setting of NO_EXPECTED_DATE=Y
to not set the PO detail "Expected Date" when adding PO detail.
PUR110 v3.14 added support for PUR020 formulas containing the "FX" variable
(which represents the foreign exchange rate). See PUR020 v3.05 release note
for more information. (30-Mar-2015)
PUR110 v3.15 now includes the current month "MTD" usage in the usage
history display. Also, the usage history now displays starting with the
most recent history month and going backward to the oldest month to better
see usage trends. (15-Jul-2015)
PUR120 V2.07 - Create Purchase Orders from Backorders
PUR120 v2.05 will now set PO detail costs the same as if the PO detail
record was added from PUR100. Specifically, PUR120 was not getting the
default cost from the Supplier Parts file and now it is. (06-Apr-2012)
PUR120 v2.06 fixed a problem from v2.05 where the PO costs were not getting
set correctly if there was not a PUR020 record for the part+supplier.
PUR120 v2.07 added "Backorder Need Date" as a selective item.
In addition, the report log messages were clarified so the report would be
easier to understand. (16-Oct-2012)
PUR190 V3.05 - Purchase Order Generic Report
PUR190 v3.04 added "Part Sales Account" and "Part Category" as
report items. (14-Nov-2013)
PUR190 v3.05 added "PO Closed (Y/N)" as a report item. (28-Mar-2014)
PUR320 V3.07 - Backorder Generic Report
PUR320 v3.07 added EndUser ID and EndUser Name as report items.
PUR400 V3.32 - Purchase Order Receiving
PUR400 v3.16 changed the behavior when receiving a non-inventory part
from backorder and updating the associated sales order or job order costs.
The costs should get updated to match the PO detail GL Cost and Landed
Cost. Previously this only happened for unknown parts and not for all
non-inventory parts. (29-Jun-2012)
PUR400 v3.17 now shows the Requisition fields on the entry screen
(for entry option "E"). 25-Oct-2012
PUR400 v3.18 was changed so that default values set by the "S-et" option
get reset/cleared when starting another PO. This is how it should always
have worked because those default values should be PO specific.
You can now specify a CFG option of ASK_WAREHOUSE=Y to ask for the
default warehouse for each PO to receive.
You can now specifiy a CFG option of ASK_LOCATION=Y to ask for the
default location for each PO. (05-Dec-2012)
PUR400 v3.19 now prompts for the Receiving Document Number for each
purchase order so that you can easily change the field for each PO
to receive. (17-Dec-2012)
PUR400 v3.20 was a custom variant modification only.
PUR400 v3.21 added support for a CFG setting of "LABELS_FORMAT=xxx"
to specify a default format for labels for this client. This allows
different clients to use different label formats. (05-Feb-2015)
PUR400 v3.22 has been modified to only use the Part Master
Default Location if receiving for the Part Master Default Warehouse.
If a Warehouse Part record exists for the receiving warehouse then the
Warehouse Part Location will be used. (18-Feb-2015)
PUR400 v3.23 included internal coding changes only.
PUR400 v3.24 added a F-ilter option to filter PO detail by part.
PUR400 v3.25 now forces the user to press [F12] to exit the window showing
any RECEIVING text to acknowledge the text. You can now also scroll through
text if the text is longer than the text window can display. (11-Sep-2015)
PUR400 v3.26 changed when updating the Warehouse Part record during
PO receiving, if the warehouse part location is blank then update
the location with the receiving location. Also update the part master
default location if receiving into the default warehouse and the part
master default location is blank. (22-Sep-2015)
PUR400 v3.27 added {REMARKS} as a valid tag for PO receiving labels to
print the PO Detail Remarks field. (01-Oct-2015)
PUR400 v3.28 does not allow receiving for a closed PO. (13-Oct-2015)
PUR400 v3.29 now updates the new PURR Delivery Number field to be a unique
number for each PURR record for a given PO# + Item# + Date Received.
PUR400 v3.30 modified the v3.29 changes so the new PURR Delivery Number
field must be unique for a given PO# + Item# only. (04-Feb-2016)
PUR400 v3.31 added {COMMIT_ENDUSER} tag and {COMMIT_CUSPO} tag as valid
tags for printing PO receiving labels. (24-Feb-2016)
PUR400 v3.32 will now show a popup menu when you press the [Select] key
at the "Option:" question. Option 1 is the original option to view
PO Detail. Option 2 is the new option to view Requisition Info.
PUR410 V3.07 - P.O. Receiving Report
PUR410 v3.06 added "PO Closed (Y/N)" as a report item.
Also, several minor report spacing problems were fixed. (27-Aug-2014)
PUR410 v3.07 added "Delivery #" as a report item. (26-Jan-2016)
PUR420 V3.08 - Adjust Costs of Received Items
PUR420 v3.06 added cost update option "E" to update Parts Master Last
Purchase Cost ONLY and option "F" to update Supplier Parts Last
Purchase Cost ONLY. (26-Jun-2012)
PUR420 v3.07 changed to use the IMS Precision (per IMS000) for displaying
the costs. This will allow the user to see the desired precision for
unit costs in this program. (31-Jan-2013)
PUR420 v3.08 changed the exceptions report filename to include the users
initials. This will avoid getting a "File is locked" error if too many
users are trying to run PUR420 at the same time. (26-Mar-2013)
PUR450 V4.12 - Purchase Order Returns
PUR450 v4.11 will now check when adding an order for a text file called
PACK00:CONTACT_{OrderBy}.TXT text file and, if found, import the text
into "CONTACT" text type. Also, the program will now display a "TEXT"
flag if there is order text for a given PO Return. (14-Feb-2012)
PUR450 v4.12 now supports the PUR000 "Auto Sequence Orders" setting to
auto sequence purchase return numbers during order entry. (15-Mar-2012)
PUR810 V3.03 - PO Detail Reconciliation
PUR810 v3.03 fixed a problem from v3.02 where the "PUR" amount column
was displaying an incorrect amount. (18-Jan-2012)
PUR900 V4.16 - Create Payables from Purchase Orders
PUR900 v4.07 will no longer display PO Receipt records that have been
marked as Reconciled. If you use PUR810 to mark PURR records as reconciled
to PBL invoices that were manually entered in PBL101, then you would not
want to double post those records using the PUR900 program. (19-Jan-2012)
PUR900 v4.08 changed the PO Number finder option to show a menu of choices
to find the P.O. by. This gives PUR900 similar functionality to the PUR100
and PUR450 P.O. finder options. (22-Feb-2012)
PUR900 v4.09 now supports CFG file settings for SPEC_BRN=Y and SPEC_PRF=Y
and SPEC_COS=Y to default Branch, Profit Center, and Cost Center for TAX
and FREIGHT and VARIANCE records from the first PO detail record for the
PO instead of prompting for these values. (15-Mar-2012)
PUR900 V4.10 fixed a problem from v4.09 where the profit center and
cost center values were not always getting set correctly. (10-May-2012)
PUR900 v4.11 will now track the User Initials of the user that added the
PBL Invoice. (02-Jul-2012)
PUR900 v4.12 was internal changes only.
PUR900 v4.13 fixed a problem where entry of zero (or blank) for Branch
Number, Profit Center, or Cost Center was incorrectly allowed even though
the GL Account had the Verify Flag set.
Also, the program will now warn you if the PO Order Total does not equal
the PO Receipts Total for a closed PO. (28-Mar-2014)
PUR900 v4.14 - To avoid a problem where users were apparently backing
out of the Branch Number, Profit Center, and Cost Center questions,
an alert box will now warn you that you are trying to bypass a required
value. The Order Branch will now be the default response when prompting
for branch number for Tax, Freight, and Variance amounts. (25-Jul-2014)
PUR900 v4.15 was changed to insure that the PO Master record is unlocked
after trying to update it. (22-Aug-2014)
PUR900 v4.16 will no longer compute a negative discount allowed.
For credit transaction amounts the discount allowed will now be zero.
PUR920 V3.02 - Issue to Job Orders from PO Receipts
PUR920 V3.02 will no longer re-open closed job orders when running this
program. The program will now bypass PO Receipts for closed job orders.
Also, if an issue record already exists for the Job+Phase+Part then the
program will now ask if you want to issue anyways from the PO Receipt.
This will prevent double issuing if someone manually issued the part
before the PUR920 program was run to create the issue record from the PO
receipt. (19-Mar-2012)
PURS_UPDATE v1.04 - Update Supplier Part from Vendor Data
PURS_UPDATE V1.02 added tags for {LAST_LEAD_TIME} and {AVG_LEAD_TIME}
and {DFLT_LEAD_TIME} so these fields can be updated. (16-Oct-2012)
PURS_UPDATE v1.03 added support for PUR020 formulas containing the "FX" variable
(which represents the foreign exchange rate). See PUR020 v3.05 release note
for more information. (30-Mar-2015)
PURS_UPDATE v1.04 added a question to ask whether the first record
is a header record. (24-Jun-2015)
RCV050 V3.02 - Statement Format Entry/Edit
RCV050 v3.02 has added print item 91 as "Customer Fax #". (10-Jan-2012)
RCV055 V3.03 - Invoice Format Entry/Edit
RCV055 v3.03 now includes the "Print Flag" question to allow printing
any field as a barcode. (16-Apr-2013)
RCV060 V3.01 - Proof RCV Statement Format
RCV060 v3.01 has added print item 91 as "Customer Fax #". (10-Jan-2012)
RCV300 V4.03 - Receivables Transaction Entry
RCV300 v4.03 now supports the RCVPRN v4.14 changes that allow printing
any field as a barcode. (16-Apr-2013)
RCV305 V2.05 - RCV Payment Entry
RCV305 v2.05 now supports changes per RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.08
and IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.06 to briefly flash the field description
when validating Cat#, Branch#, Profit#, and Cost# fields so the user
can read them. Also, these fields will now be validated the same as
they are during invoice entry.
Also, a problem was fixed where the detail screen fields were not
using the default response values if the question was not asked.
Specifically, this pertains to the Branch#, Profit#, and Cost# fields.
RCV331 V1.10 - Post RCV Transactions to FAS
RCV331 v1.10 fixed a problem where RCV331_RPT aborted with Error 9
(I/O channel not open) because the program continued after bad GL
combinations were found and the user chose to cancel the posting.
The program will now correctly abort if this situation occurs.
RCV340 V4.04 - Print Selected Invoices
RCV340 v4.04 now supports the RCVPRN v4.14 changes that allow printing
any field as a barcode. (16-Apr-2013)
RCV355 V2.10 - Credit Manager Inquiry
RCV355 v2.08 now asks for "Output Type" for the P-rint option so you can
choose to send the report via E-mail or F-ax or P-rint.
The old F-ax option was removed because faxing can now be handled via
the P-rint option using the "Output Type" of F-ax. (11-Mar-2014)
RCV355 V2.09 made minor changes including clarifying the aging
column headers. (19-Feb-2016)
RCV355 V2.10 fixed a problem from V2.09 where the aging headings were
not printed on the report footer section. (07-Jul-2016)
RCV386 V3.11 - Daily Aging Report
RCV386 V3.09 now includes an "Age by I-nvoice date or D-ue date" question.
If you use the "I" option then the program will age by Invoice Aging Date
which is how this program worked in previous versions.
If you use the "D" option then aging is based on the "Due Date" - which
gets computed by parsing the Invoice Terms and adding the number of days
after the letter "N" to the Aging Date. (02-Jul-2014)
RCV386 v3.10 added support for the following new report items:
"121 to 150 Days", "Over 150 Days", "151 to 180 Days", "Over 180 Days".
RCV386 v3.11 fixed a problem from v3.10 where sorting by certain fields
(such as by Customer Name) was not working correctly. (04-Nov-2014)
RCV390 V5.09 - RCV Transactions Generic Report
RCV390 v5.08 will now compute Gross Profit with sales net of any discounts.
Because discounts are a negative amount, the gross profit formula would be...
RCV390 v5.09 fixed a problem where the "G/L Gross Profit $"
and "G/L Gross Profit %" fields were not consistently using the correct
GL Cost amount for the computations. (20-Apr-2015)
RCV400 V4.03 - Create End of Month File
RCV300 v4.03 fixed so the last day of February on a leap year defaults
to 29 instead of 28. Users closing Feb 2016 were getting a default
month-end date of 02282016 when it should have been 02292016. (01-Mar-2016)
RCV420 V4.13 - End of Month Statements
RCV420 v4.12 has added print item 91 as "Customer Fax #". (10-Jan-2012)
RCV420 v4.13 will now always copy the RPT file to be archived to PACK00:
for subsequent printing when using the /ARCHIVE auto-print option.
Also, the archived RPT filename will now be of the form
RCV420_client_yyyymmm_custnum.RPT to better distinguish files for
different clients. (06-Feb-2013)
RCV420 v4.14 will now include the client name in the auto-email subject
so if a customer replies to the email with questions then you will know
which client the customer is referring to. (28-Mar-2016)
RCV550 v1.04 - Sales Analysis Pivot Table Report
RCV550 fixed a problem where some selected records were getting skipped
because all the report amount fields TOTALED to zero when it should have
checked if all report amount fields EQUALED zero. (15-Aug-2012)
RCVO_IMPORT V1.00 - Import RCV Transactions from Text File
RCVO_IMPORT v1.00 is a new program that you can use to import RCV
transactions from a specified text data file. Refer to the RCVO_IMPORT
online help for more information. (18-Aug-2015)
SUP100 V4.14 - Supplier Master Maintenance
SUP100 v4.09 now supports a "Bank Acct Type" for the "B-ank" edit mode
option. This will allow you to designate the bank account as
either "C" for checking or "S" for savings. (19-Apr-2012)
SUP100 V4.10 fixed a "?File is locked" error after creating the
Supplier YTD file. (02-Jan-2013)
SUP100 v4.11 now allows you to clear the supplier bank settings.
SUP100 v4.12 added support for the "EC" edit option to allow editing
the Currency Code for the supplier. The currency code will be validated
from the PAR010 currency conversion file. (11-Mar-2015)
SUP100 v4.13 will now display the Account Title when entering the
Expense Account Number.
Also, if entered, the Default Payment Type must now be a valid value
in the PBL030 file. (30-Nov-2015)
SUP100 v4.14 will now return an error message when validating any Misc.
Code that has Inactive status. Also, any Misc. Code FINDER options will
now show only Active codes by default. You can use the [PF4] key to toggle
the FINDER active search feature. (16-Jun-2016)
SUP190 V3.06 - Supplier Master Generic Report
SUP190 v3.05 fixed problems where you could not sort by any YTD amount
fields. This version now also allows you to specify a Descending
sort order. (08-Feb-2012)
SUP190 v3.06 added "Payment Type" as a report item. (18-Oct-2013)
SUP195 V3.01 - Print Supplier Labels
SUP195 v3.01 now asks for Lines Per Page so that supplier labels can be
printed on laser printers as well as dot matrix printers. (01-Mar-2016)
SUP950 V4.03 - Print 1099 Forms for Selected Suppliers
SUP950 v4.03 added support for {BOX6} "Medical and health care" payments
and support for {BOX14} for "Proceeds paid to attorney".
Supplier Type 10996 will print BOX6 amounts.
Supplier Type 10914 will print BOX14 amounts.
TRK120 V2.03 - Remote Inventory Movement Tracking
TRK120 v2.01 will now move inventory without changing the on-hands
FIFO/LIFO date that is used for inventory layers. This version will now
also create an actual Warehouse Inventory Transfer (IMSR) record so that
the inventory movement (i.e. transfer) can be tracked regardless of which
program created the transfer/movement. (11-May-2012)
TRK120 v2.02 now allows you to transfer inventory from a "blank" location
by entering a [Space] at the "From Location" prompt. You can also now
press the [Find] key at "From Location" and "Serial #" and "Lot #" to
choose this field from an available onhands record.
Also, this version now requires you to have a default "X#" transfer code
defined. If the user does not have a default set in PAR120 then the
program will try to use an X# transfer code of "TRK120". You can use
PAR100 code type "X#" to define the "TRK120" transfer code and the Last
Transfer Reference number to use when running TRK120. (13-Jun-2012)
TRK120 v2.03 now supports a CFG setting of MOVE_COMMITTED=Y to allow
moving inventory that is committed to a specified order. Also, instead of
creating an inventory transfer, inventory movement transactions will now
do "A+" and "A-" adjustments the same as IMS120 would do if you edited
warehouse and/or location in that program. (13-Jul-2012)
TRK350 V1.00 - Remote Sales Order Reducing
TRK350 v1.00 is a new program to allow reducing selected part numbers
for selected sales orders. This will allow you to quickly reduce inventory
for parts on a sales order using a mobile (hand-held) device.
Note: This program allows you to reduce the part regardless of
the Finalized status of the sales order and regardless of
the Ship Complete status of the order. (15-Jun-2016)
TRK500 V1.00 - Remote Part Status Inquiry
TRK500 v1.00 is a new program to show part status information.
This program is designed for mobile devices with small screen
sizes. Current options include: (1) Part Status Inquiry, (2) Part
Status Screen 2, and (3) Onhands Status. (06-Jun-2012)
TRK810 V2.05 - Remote Job Order Issuing/Reducing
TRK810 v2.03 will now warn you that the issue record is already marked
as reduced if you chose the "R-educe" main option and the issue record
has already been R-educed. (23-Jan-2012)
TRK810 v2.04 was internal changes only.
TRK810 v2.05 fixed a problem where the Serial Number entered by the user
was not getting used when reducing inventory using the R-educe option.
The same appears to be true for Lot Number. (11-Feb-2014)
TRN400 V4.08 - Purchase Order Receiving from Handheld
TRN400 v4.08 changed how the FIND key works at the "Batch Name" question
to let you pick from a menu of existing batch names. (23-Feb-2012)
TRN800 V4.03 - Job Order Issuing from Handheld
TRN800 v4.03 now supports a config file named PACK00:{client}_TRN800.CFG
with a setting of COMMIT_EXISTING=Y to try and commit inventory for a
matching issue record instead of creating a new issue record. The program
also changed how the FIND key works at the "Batch Name" question
to let you pick from a menu of existing batch names.(23-Feb-2012)
TRN126 V3.09 - Physical Inventory Count Update
TRN126 v3.09 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRN300 V2.04 - Sales Order Reducing from Handheld
TRN300 v2.04 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRN400 V4.09 - PO Receiving from Handheld
TRN400 v4.09 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRN401 V2.02 - Create POs from Remote Transactions
TRN401 v2.02 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRN700 V2.03 - Sales Order Reducing from Handheld
TRN700 v2.03 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRN800 V4.04 - Job Order Issuing from Handheld
TRN800 v4.04 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
TRNVEH V1.04 - Vehicle Data from Handheld
TRNVEH v1.04 now refers to any TEQsoft Tracker compatible device instead of
to specific devices. (10-Apr-2013)
(There are currently no changes for this section)
Help Libraries - FACS Help Libraries
The latest versions of the FACS Help Libraries have been included
in a single ZIP file. You can download the HLB.ZIP file to your
system and then unzip it and copy the HLB files to your SCS$SYS:
directory. (Last Updated 22-Jan-2015)
CLIENTS V2.00 - Maintain Multi-Company CLIENTS file
CLIENTS v2.00 will now support up to 20 clients. (26-Feb-2013)
MENU V3.11 - Menu System
MENU V3.11 now displays the menu as the full width of the screen.
This allows for a longer menu description for each menu item.
Note: FACS Library Routines are common routines that are used by various FACS
programs. Since these routines are program components and not actual
programs, you can not download these routines directly. You should
download the associated program(s) instead.
ADD_PART V2.01 - Quick Part Entry
(Used by IMS301, IMS302, JOS100, PUR100)
ADD_PART v2.01 fixed an "Error 52: ?Illegal number at line 12000" error
when trying to add a new part number. (21-Jul-2014)
ADDR_ENTRY V3.13 - Miscellaneous Address Entry
(Used by CUS100, CUS100M, SUP100, SUP100M)
ADDR_ENTRY v3.13 added support for more than 999 sequence numbers.
Because the sequence number is only 3 characters, the numeric sequence
could not extend beyond 999. Now, after sequence 999 the sequence will
increment to "A00" through "A99" then "B00" through "B99" and so on
through "Z99".
Also, you can now press the [Find] key in the address selection menu
to reload matching addresses starting at last sequence number in the
currently displayed menu. (16-Oct-2015)
ENDUSER_ENTRY V1.03 - End User Maintenance
(Used by IMS301,IMS302,JOS100,JOS150)
ENDUSER_ENTRY v1.02 now tracks the Date and Time each End User record was
last modified. (09-Jan-2012)
ENDUSER_ENTRY v1.03 now tracks the initials of the last person to modify
each End User record. (10-Jan-2012)
ENDUSER_ENTRY v1.04 was changed so you can type "@" followed by a customer#
at the "End User Name" question to create an end-user from a specified
customer. (17-Dec-2012)
IMSINV V6.34 - Sales Order Printing
(Used by IMS301,IMS302,IMS303,IMS340,IMS510)
IMSINV v6.27 added support for the IMS340 auto-print option of "/PRINT"
to allow batch printing to ReportRouter. The ReportRouter printer name
will come from the PACK00:{client}_IMSINV.CFG file setting of RRP_NAME=xxx
(where "xxx" is the .RRP filename). (09-Apr-2012)
IMSINV v6.28 will now try to fall back to using the /PRINT option
if you are using the IMS340 auto-printing options that include /PRINT
along with /EMAIL and/or /FAX and you can not either Email or Fax because
the contact does not have a valid email address or fax number.
IMSINV v6.29 now supports print item 133 for "Current Date".
This routine will now also check for the TIME_ZONE_ADJ logical name
to determine whether to adjust the Current Time (and possibly
Current Date) to local time. (11-Mar-2013)
IMSINV v6.30 fixed a problem where you mistakenly get the warning error
of "More than one DETAIL section detected" if you back up to the format
question. (12-Jun-2014)
IMSINV v6.31 fixed a problem printing multiple serial numbers when
printing serial numbers for a sales order that has already been reduced.
IMSINV v6.32 added support for print item 134 for "Misc. Part Master Fields"
and support for ";CORE_PART" setup option to print the Optional/Core Part#
for this print item. (09-Nov-2015)
IMSINV v6.33 will now show an exception message if computed tax amounts
do not match order tax amounts. (14-Dec-2015)
IMSINV v6.34 added support for ";USER_CODE1", ";USER_CODE2",
and ";USER_CODE3" setup options for print item 134. (26-Jan-2016)
IMSRCV V3.13 - Sales Order to RCV Merge
(Used by IMS350,IMS380,JOS150,JOS190)
IMSRCV V3.09 changed when merging an order payment for a sales order with
different Sold-to Cust# and Bill-to Cust# where the RCVO payment record
should store the Bill-to Cust# as the RCVO Sold-to Cust# (Paid-by Cust#).
IMSRCV V3.10 will no longer update the RCVC Payment record as "merged"
if the RCVO payment application record could not be successfully added.
IMSRCV v3.11 added support for VERTEX sales tax portal. (06-May-2013)
IMSRCV v3.12 changes sales order selectivity so leaving the first
"Begin At" order number blank will select all sales orders instead of
backing up because no selective range was entered. This will make
selectivity work here like it does in other programs. (05-May-2014)
IMSRCV v3.13 no longer updates the Invoice Number field in the Job
Order Master record since that field is no longer used. (29-May-2014)
IMSRCV v3.13 fixed a problem from v3.11 that caused this routine
to not work when running in batch mode. (30-May-2014)
IMSW_ENTRY V2.07 - Warehouse Parts Maintenance
(Used by IMS100 and IMS105)
IMSW_ENTRY v2.05 added support for a configuration file
called PACK00:{client}_IMS105.CFG and a CFG file setting
of AUDIT=ADD,EDIT,DELETE (or any combination of those three options)
to create audit file entries for warehouse part file changes.
You can use the AUDITRPT program to report on audit file entries.
IMSW_ENTRY v2.06 will now validate during entry that MIN level is less than
or equal to MAX level and MIN level is less than or equal to ROP level
and ROP level is less than or equal to MAX level. (13-Jul-2014)
IMSW_ENTRY v2.07 Because of v2.06 the routine was changed so the
Reorder Point question gets asked before the Min. Stock Level question.
IMS_PMT_ENTRY V3.06 - Enter IMS Order Payments
(Used by IMS301, IMS302, JOS100, JOS150, and RCV305)
IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.05 changed when entering a sales order payment
from JOS100 or JOS150 to show the order sub-total and order tax amounts
from the JOS detail issue records (since the sales order detail records
have not yet been created). (21-Oct-2014)
IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.06 will now briefly flash the field description
when validating Cat#, Branch#, Profit#, and Cost# fields so the user
can read them. Also, these fields will now be validated the same as
they are during invoice entry. (04-May-2015)
JOSINV V5.39 - Job Order Printing
(Used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS240)
JOSINV v5.32 now supports the new P-arts pricing method. (20-Mar-2012)
JOSINV v5.33 now supports print item 129 for "Current Time".
This routine will now also check for the TIME_ZONE_ADJ logical name
to determine whether to adjust the Current Time (and possibly
Current Date) to local time. (11-Mar-2013)
JOSINV v5.34 was changed as follows: When setting print item 102,
if there is no warehouse location set on the job order detail record,
then use the default warehouse location (from IMS105). (14-Oct-2013)
JOSINV v5.35 modified the v5.34 changes to use the part master default
location only if the warehouse part record was not found. That will
allow you to specify a blank location in the warehouse part record if you
want to force a blank location for a given part in a specified warehouse.
JOSINV v5.36 no longer supports print item 45 as the "Invoice Number"
since the job order system no longer assigns the invoice number.
JOSINV v5.37 added support for setup option of ";NO_BACKORDERS" to
skip any JOS detail record marked as B-ackordered. (31-Jul-2014)
JOSINV v5.38 fixed a problem if printing text "B-efore"
with "Page between text types"="Y" where the first detail line on the
subsequent page did not print its detail text. (16-Jul-2015)
JOSINV v5.39 added support for setup option ";DFLT_LOT" to print the
Parts Master "Default Lot Number" in print item 100. (09-Nov-2015)
JOSISS V5.33 - Job Order Issuing
(Used by JOS100,JOS120,JOS150)
JOSISS v5.22 was changed so that during manual issuing, the program will
show Qty Onhand and Qty Avail on both the full entry window and the quick
entry window. (10-Feb-2012)
JOSISS v5.23 now supports the new P-arts pricing method. (20-Mar-2012)
JOSISS V5.24 was changed so, when you choose to commit inventory,
you will be asked if you want to backorder the part for ANY non-inventory
part. Previously, it only asked for unknown parts but not for non-inventory
parts. (18-May-2012)
JOSISS v5.25 modified the v5.24 change to only ask if you want to backorder
the part if it is a B-uy part type. (26-Jun-2012)
JOSISS v5.26 now supports the "E*" edit option for "order-wide" editing
of certain job order detail fields. If you use this option, you will be
prompted for which job order detail record types to modify. (20-Sep-2012)
JOSISS v5.27 will only force the Work Code question to be asked if the
JOS to LBR interface is enabled in JOS000 and the current part number is
a LABOR part (i.e. Part Type = "L"). (26-Nov-2012)
JOSISS v5.27 fixed a problem where "DEFAULT PART" displayed briefly as the
part number when manually issuing an unknown part. (27-Nov-2012)
JOSISS v5.28 will now display part master NOTES text during manual parts
issuing. (03-Dec-2012)
JOSISS v5.29 was changed to update the JOS detail issue record Location
when committing inventory if the entire quantity was committed from a single
warehouse location. (10-May-2013)
JOSISS v5.30 was changed to not allow issuing if the job order has P-riced
status. The job order must be O-pen status to issue. (11-Dec-2013)
JOSISS v5.31 added support for a CFG file setting of NONINV_BACKORDER=N
to never backorder non-inventory B-uy parts. (31-Mar-2014)
JOSISS v5.32 added support for a CFG file setting of ASK_SELL_PRICE=Y
to ask for the Sell Price when manually issuing. (02-May-2014)
JOSISS v5.32 added support for a CFG file setting of INCREMENT_PHASE=Y
to increment the Phase Number when manually issuing. (02-May-2014)
JOSISS v5.33 fixed an Error=52 in the DISPLAY_FIELD() function
if you entered a non-numeric value when editing the quantity field.
JOSLBR V2.08 - Interface from Job Orders to Labor
(Used by JOS100, JOS105, JOS111, JOS150, and JOSTEQ)
JOSLBR v2.04 added support for a "/KEEP" flag to automatically keep
existing labor standard hours records without prompting via an alert box
every time. (22-Mar-2012)
JOSLBR v2.05 changed when adding/updating/deleting standard labor records,
to show the Job Order and Work Code being affected. (21-Sep-2012)
JOSLBR v2.06 modified the D-elete option, so if there are combined hours,
the alert box will ask for the option to: A-djust, D-elete, or K-eep.
JOSLBR v2.07 fixed a problem where adding a standard labor record
did not insure the status field was cleared. (14-Oct-2014)
JOSLBR v2.08 was changed so the E-dit option will now add a new labor
standard hours records if the record does not exist. Previously,
the routine just ignored the record. (20-Aug-2015)
JOSPRC V3.05 - Price Parts on Job Order
(Used by JOS100,JOS115,JOS150)
JOSPRC v3.04 now supports the new P-arts pricing method. (20-Mar-2012)
JOSPRC v3.05 displays messages from the FACSPortalService in a larger
window to allow seeing a larger web service message. (24-May-2013)
JOSVEH V3.49 - JOS Vehicle Maintenance
(Used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS800)
JOSVEH v3.49 changed the PACK00:{client}_JOSVEH.CFG option of ORDER_TYPE=
to support ORDER_TYPE=U1 to ORDER_TYPE=U7 so that the JOSV order type
can now be validated against that specified PAR100 code type.
JOS_MERGE V2.04 - Job Order to Sales Order Merge
(Used by JOS150 and JOS190)
JOS_MERGE v2.04 removed the Invoice Number field from the Job Order
Master record since the invoice number should be set on the sales order
that created the invoice and not on the originating job order.
JOS_REDUCE V4.09 - Reducing Job Orders
(Used by JOS140, JOS150 and PUR920)
JOS_REDUCE V4.06 was changed so, when reducing inventory, before deleting
an outstanding backorder, the program will now ask if you want to use
available inventory and delete the backorder. (14-Feb-2012)
JOS_REDUCE v4.07 removed the "sleep 2 seconds" when displaying messages
while using the "Pause between items" option. These pauses were slowing
down the inventory reduction process. (29-Mar-2012)
JOS_REDUCE v4.08 fixed a problem where the first detail record of the NEXT
job order was getting a record lock. This routine will now only lock
records for the current job order detail being processed. (20-Apr-2012)
JOS_REDUCE v4.09 fixed so the pause option no longer requires case
sensitive responses. (15-Aug-2012)
JOS_REPLACE V1.06 - Replace Job Order Fields
(Used by JOS100, JOS150, JOS920)
JOS_REPLACE v1.06 will now validate most fields when entering NEW values.
For example: Branch, Profit Center, Cost Center, Warehouse, etc. should
only allow valid values. (17-Jun-2014)
JO_STATUS V2.03 - Job Order Status
(Used by JOS100, JOS150)
JO_STATUS v2.03 was fixed to allow the following JO Status Map codes
to be mapped:
"JO" will map the Job Order Number, "OT" will map the Order Type,
"VIN" will map the Vehicle ID, and "STK" will map the Stock ID.
Note: You need JOS002 v2.04 or greater for this to work. (14-Jul-2015)
MFGPRN V3.09 - Print Manufacturing Orders
(Used by IMS710)
MFGPRN v3.09 added "Component BOM Qty" as report item 59. Also, this
routine can now print as a continuous form if the number of detail lines
per form is set to negative one. (18-Jan-12)
MFGRTE V2.04 - Mfg. Order Routing Sheets
(Used by IMS710 and IMS710A)
MFGRTE v2.04 added support for the "/NOHOURS" option to not print
standard hours. The older "N" option was changed to be "/NOBARCODE"
so that both options can now be used. (20-Aug-2015)
OUTPUT_TO v2.21 - Output-to dialog questions
(used by most report programs)
Most report programs now allow you to specify multiple Email CC addresses
when using the /EMAIL output option. If the last character of your Email
CC address is a comma, then you will be prompted for an additional Email
CC address. This will allow you to enter more Email CC addresses that
could fit on a single line.
Note: You can type "?" at the "Output to" question to see the version of
the OUTPUT_TO routine used by a given report program. (15-Oct-2012)
PURPRN V4.19 - Print Selected Purchase Orders
(Used by PUR100, PUR180, PUR400, PUR450, JOS130, and IMS330)
PURPRN v4.18 fixed a bug from v4.17 where you could get the following error
trying to print a single line PO...
?Invalid RFA field Trying to restore PURD by RFA.
PURPRN v4.19 now handles the "SHIP FROM" address type as entered in PUR100.
Print item 91 was added to allow printing "Alternate Supplier Name" for
the "SHIP FROM" address type. (22-Jun-2012)
RCVPRN V4.14 - Print Selected Invoices
(Used by RCV300 and RCV340)
RCVPRN v4.14 now supports printing any field as a barcode. (16-Apr-2013)
SET_IMS_DEFS v2.03 - Set IMS User Default Preferences
(used by IMS301, IMS302, IMS303)
SET_IMS_DEFS v2.02 fixed some of the online help that was not working.
(End of Release Notes)