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FACS V4.3 Release Notes


These Release Notes are designed to provide information regarding the changes to the FACS software since the FACS 4.2 release in July 2016. Any improvements, enhancements, and revisions that have been made to the software are outlined below.

CUS | FAS | IMS | JOS | LBL | LBR | PAR | PBL | PRL | PUR | RCV | SUP | TRK | TRN | DEP | Other | HLB | FACS Library

Customer Programs (CUS)

  CUS100 V4.08 - Customer Master Maintenance   

	CUS100 v4.07 will now strip leading zeros from the Sales Rep value entered
	to insure the correct sales rep number is validated. (27-Sep-2017)

	CUS100 v4.08 added support for a PACK00:{client}_CUS100.CFG file
	with MANAGER_FIELDS=xxx,yyy, option. (30-Oct-2019)

  CUS100M V4.11 - Multi-Company Customer Maintenance   

	CUS100M v4.11 will now strip leading zeros from the Sales Rep value entered
	to insure the correct sales rep number is validated. (27-Sep-2017)

  CUS900 V2.10 - Renumber Customers   

	CUS900 v2.10 will now validate that both the old and new customer number
	values are valid numbers and will also strip leading zeros. (09-Aug-2018)

  CUSUPD V2.03 - Update Customer Master from data file   

	CUSUPD v2.03 added "{END_DATE}" and "{STATUS}" as tags that can be updated.
	Added support for $HDR:Y in the format file and ask whether first record
	is a header record.
	Misc. codes will now be validated based on your CUS000 Validation Settings.

Financial Accounting Programs (FAS)

  FAS100 V2.05 - Account Master Maintenance   

	FAS100 v2.05 will now show the Sub Type description so you can
	easily tell that Sub Type 1 = Supplier and Sub Type 2 = Customer.

  FAS301 V3.07 - FAS Transactions Entry/Edit   

	FAS301 v3.07 will now handle credit amounts in hundreds of millions.
	Also, a warning message will now display if the entered amount is too big
	to fit. (06-Oct-2016)

  FAS405 V2.05 - FAS General Ledger Report   

	FAS405 v2.05 will now handle amounts up to +/- 999 million on the
	summary report. Previously, the summary report printed exponential
	notation for credit amounts (i.e. negative amounts) in 100s of millions.

  FAS450 V2.04 - Transaction/Balance Inquiry   

	FAS450 v2.04 will now only prompt for Branch#, Profit#, Cost#, and Sub#
	if the FAS100 "Verify Branch/Profit/Cost/Sub" flag is set for the account
	number you are inquiring on. (22-May-2017)

  FAS500 V2.02 - Update FAS Balances   

	FAS500 v2.02 will now show the current fiscal year and which periods need
	updating before asking for the transaction year and month to update.

  FAS910 V2.05 - Renumber GL Account Numbers   

	FAS910 v2.05 will now include files from the following modules:
	Because account number is not indexed in most files, to speed processing
	the program will now get all OLD,NEW accounts and then loop through each
	file once to renumber all the account numbers. (20-Jul-2020)

  FAS990 V2.03 - Change Fiscal Year   

	FAS990 v2.03 was fixed to not allow changing fiscal year and
	first fiscal month to be more than 11 months - otherwise that would NOT
	be a short year. (13-Nov-2020)

Inventory and Sales Order Programs (IMS)

  IMS050 V2.15 - Sales Order Format Maintenance   

	IMS050 v2.15 added print items 135 and 136 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

  IMS060 V2.08 - Proof Sales Order Format   

	IMS060 v2.08 added print items 135 and 136 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

  IMS070 V1.15 - Mfg. Order Format Maintenance   

	IMS070 v1.15 added report items 60 and 61 for "Component Alt Location 1"
	and "Component Alt Location 2". (06-Oct-2016)

  IMS075 V1.09 - Proof Mfg. Order Format   

	IMS075 v1.09 added report items 60 and 61 for "Component Alt Location 1"
	and "Component Alt Location 2". (06-Oct-2016)

  IMS100 V4.31 - Parts Master Maintenance   

	IMS100 V4.28 When updating the default warehouse part, both the Buyer Code
	and ABC Code will now be updated in addition to the Location.

	IMS100  v4.29 added the "$" edit option to set P1 to P5 prices
	to the "DEFAULT PART" pricing formulas.

	IMS100 v4.30 added Part "finder" option 4 to find by Product Code
	and Supplier#.  (13-Aug-2018)

	IMS100 v4.31 added the "#" option for Supplier Parts Maintenance
	via the PURS_ENTRY routine.  This allows you to maintain Supplier Parts
	without having to run PUR020 separately. (07-Dec-2018)

  IMS100M V4.26 - Multi-Company Parts Maintenance   

	IMS100M v4.26 added the "$" edit option to set P1 to P5 prices
	to the "DEFAULT PART" pricing formulas.
	Also added the "#" option for Supplier Parts Maintenance which allows you
	to maintain Supplier Parts without having to run PUR020 separately.

  IMS105 V1.06 - Warehouse Parts Maintenance   

	Download IMS105 to get the latest IMSW_ENTRY routine.
	(see IMSW_ENTRY below)

  IMS110 V4.35 - Inventory Transfers   

	IMS110 v4.33 no longer allows changing the FROM warehouse or INTO
	warehouse since those values should be fixed for a given transfer order.

	IMS110 v4.34 no longer allows Z-apped or H-old parts to be added to
	a transfer order. Warn but allow D-iscontinued parts in transfers.

	IMS110 v4.35 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  IMS126 V5.10 - Physical Inventory Reconciliation   

 	IMS126 v5.05 was relinked with IMS126_RPT v2.04 which added
 	"Book Committed Qty" as a report field. (30-Nov-2016)

	IMS126 v5.06 changed the "View Session Settings" option to display the
	human readable values rather than just dumping the contents of the session
	information file.
	Also, the Session ID finder was changed to distinguish between different
	client's files better. (20-Dec-2016)

	IMS126 v5.07 now shows a warning message if the maximum number
	of sessions was loaded in the "find session" menu. (23-Aug-2017)

	IMS126 v5.08 changed when entering actual counts to not allow
	a new tag for a non-inventory part number. (30-Mar-2018)

	IMS126 v5.09 added an "ENTRY" access option to this program.
	If the "ENTRY" option is set, then the user only has access
	to main menu options:
		(2) Print Inventory Tags
		(3) Enter Actual Counts
		(4) Inventory Reporting
		(7) View Session Settings
		(8) View Status of Existing Sessions
	and cannot create/update snapshots or adjust inventory
	or delete sessions.
	Added support for CFG file with setting ADJUST_TAGS_ZERO=N
	to NOT ask the
	"Adjust tags with no actual quantity entered to ZERO (Y/N) ?"
	question and force the setting to be "N".
	Also, do not ask for user initials when adjusting inventory
	unless the user cannot be determined. (23-Apr-2018)

	IMS126 v5.10 added support for a CFG setting of ADJUST_COST=PC
	to use Part Master Last Purchase Cost instead of Part Master GL Cost
	for inventory adjustment costs. (29-Nov-2018)

  IMS195 V2.08 - Renumber Parts   

	IMS195 v2.08 was changed so when renumbering the part, the Supplier Part#
	field in the Supplier Part file will be renumbered if it was the same
	as the old Part#. Also, the PO Detail Supplier Part# will now also be
	renumbered. (05-Oct-2016)

  IMS220 V3.10 - On Hands Generic Report   

	IMS220 V3.09 added "Supplier Name" as a report item. (27-Jul-2016)

	IMS220 V3.10 added "Part Created Date" as a report item. (03-May-2017)

  IMS301 V4.70 - Sales Order Entry/Edit   

	IMS301 v4.53 added support for a CFG file setting of NO_CONTRACT_GPMIN=Y
	to not include contract priced detail in the minimum gross profit percent
	restriction. (04-Nov-2016)

	IMS301 v4.54 will no longer show warning messages for any FACS module
	that has not been set up. (06-Apr-2017)

	IMS301 v4.55 changed the "ES" option so when you change the order status
	to "C" (for Closed) the program will now also prompt you for the
	Close Date.  This allows you to specify a close date other than today.

	IMS301 v4.56 changed when voiding an order, to delete all order detail
	records first so they do not show as demand in other routines.
	Also, clear IMS sales tax and special charges fields when voiding the
	sales order. (06-Jun-2017)

	IMS301 v4.57 was changed to show "Spc Chgs:" in the right-side
	"Order Info" window (22-Jun-2017)

	IMS301 v4.58 added support for CFG setting MGR_TASK_D=ADMIN to require
	the user to have "Admin" level access for Manager Task "D"
	(i.e. to delete a sales order or sales order lines). (21-Aug-2017)

	IMS301 v4.59 changed the "ES" option to only ask for "Close Date" if
	changing order status to "C" and close date is blank (i.e. order was not
	previously closed). (13-Oct-2017)

	IMS301 v4.60 changed so the "FN" option to unfinalize will now
	clear the Finalized Date. Otherwise, re-printing the invoice will
	not update the Finalized Date when you have the "Must Print to Finalize"
	setting turned on.
	Also changed the Sales Order Entry Menu option "D" prompt to say
	"Change today's date" instead of "Change order date" since that is the date
	that is being set. (16-Mar-2018)

	IMS301 v4.61 was for a custom program modification only.

	IMS301 v4.62 fixed when changing Bill-To Customer# and there is
	an order payment, to change the Customer# on the RCV transaction records
	if the RCV order payment has been merged to RCV.  (30-Apr-2018)

	IMS301 v4.63 now requires the user to have IMS A-dmin permission
	to add/modify saved entry screen. (05-Jul-2018)

	IMS301 v4.64 fixed a problem where you were not prevented from selling
	a part on H-old status if you chose to NOT use the replacement part#.

	IMS301 v4.65 fixed when entering a credit item (i.e. where Quantity<0)
	and the user chooses to NOT return the item to inventory to not allow
	the Inv. Account to be group code = "IN".  In other words, you cannot post
	the credit to an inventory account if not returning the part to inventory.

	IMS301 v4.66 fixed several issues voiding an order; both with the Manager
	Activity option and with the "ES" (Edit Status) option. (31-May-2019)

	IMS301 v4.67 fixed a problem where the Gross Profit restriction by Line
	Item was incorrectly taking an order off of GP Order Hold. (20-Nov-2019)

	IMS301 v4.68 now supports RCV Payment Accounts per Payment Method when
	entering order payments (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

	IMS301 v4.69 was a minor change to the verbiage for adding a Core Part
	to the order. (07-Jul-2020)

	IMS301 v4.70 fixed a problem from the v4.65 version to make sure the
	Inventory Account question is asked when backing up to change the
	response for that to a non-inventory (i.e. not "IN") account group.

  IMS302 V3.57 - Quick Sales Order Entry   

	IMS302 v3.47 will no longer show warning messages for any FACS module
	that has not been set up. (06-Apr-2017)

	IMS302 v3.48 changed the "ES" option so when you change the order status
	to "C" (for Closed) the program will now also prompt you for the
	Close Date.  This allows you to specify a close date other than today.

	IMS302 v3.49 changed when voiding an order, to delete all order detail
	records first so they do not show as demand in other routines.
	Also, clear IMS sales tax and special charges fields when voiding the
	sales order. (06-Jun-2017)

	IMS302 v3.50 added support for CFG setting MGR_TASK_D=ADMIN to require
	the user to have "Admin" level access for Manager Task "D"
	(i.e. to delete a sales order or sales order lines). (21-Aug-2017)

	IMS302 v3.51 changed so the "FN" option to unfinalize will now
	clear the Finalized Date. Otherwise, re-printing the invoice will
	not update the Finalized Date when you have the "Must Print to Finalize"
	setting turned on.
	Also changed the Sales Order Entry Menu option "D" prompt to say
	"Change today's date" instead of "Change order date" since that is the date
	that is being set. (16-Mar-2018)

	IMS302 v3.52 was for a custom program modification only.

	IMS302 v3.53 fixed when changing Bill-To Customer# and there is
	an order payment, to change the Customer# on the RCV transaction records
	if the RCV order payment has been merged to RCV.  (30-Apr-2018)

	IMS302 v3.54 fixed a problem where you were not prevented from selling
	a part on H-old status if you chose to NOT use the replacement part#.

	IMS302 v3.55 fixed several issues voiding an order; both with the Manager
	Activity option and with the "ES" (Edit Status) option. (31-May-2019)

	IMS302 v3.56 fixed a problem where the Gross Profit restriction was not
	working. Also fixed a problem where the Gross Profit restriction by Line
	Item was incorrectly taking an order off of GP Order Hold. (20-Nov-2019)

	IMS302 v3.57 now supports RCV Payment Accounts per Payment Method when
	entering order payments (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

  IMS330 V2.13 - Attach Sales Backorders to PO's/MO's   

	IMS330 v2.13 added support for CFG setting of APPEND_ORDERING_TEXT=Y
	to append any Part Master ORDERING text to the Purchase Order ORDERING
	text type. (18-Apr-2018)

  IMS350 V4.13 - Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders   

	IMS350 v4.12 changed the default response for the pause option from Y to N
	because most users will not want to pause on every line when reducing.

	IMS350 v4.13 fixed an Error 9 (?I/O channel not open) if any exception
	occurred AFTER merging a range of sales orders to RCV. (23-Oct-2018)

  IMS355 V1.03 - Un-Reduce Inventory for Sales Orders   

	IMS355 v1.03 fixed a problem where the Sales Order Detail record
	of the NEXT sales order was getting locked unnecessarily.

  IMS385 V2.10 - Re-open a Merged Sales Order   

	IMS385 v2.09 will now ask whether to clear the Invoice Number
	when re-opening an order. This will allow companies to keep contiguous
	invoice numbers (even when re-opening and re-merging) while allowing
	companies that accidentally assigned an incorrect invoice number
	to clear the incorrect invoice number. (07-Dec-2016)

	IMS385 v2.10 now allows re-opening a Sales Order even if the Invoice Number
	was not found in the RCV Transactions file. (19-Apr-2017)

  IMS405 V2.05 - IMS/FAS Inventory Reconciliation   

	IMS405 v2.04 fixed a problem where the CSV output did not have the same
	number of CSV fields for "detail" as for the normal recon output.

	IMS405 v2.05 When printing the summary adjustments report, the description
	will now print "Reference# Summary" rather than printing the description
	of the first IMS Transaction record for that Reference#. (26-May-2017)

  IMS410 V2.03 - IMS/FAS Inventory Transactions Inquiry   

	IMS410 v2.03 fixed a problem where the page headings would only display
	on the very first inquiry. (29-Jul-2016)

  IMS470 V3.03 - Inventory Turnover Report   

	IMS470 v3.03 was changed so instead of including A-ctive status parts,
	now "Part Status" is a report item that you can be selective on.
	So if you only want Active parts on this report you will need to be
	selective on Part Status = "A". (29-Jan-2019)

  IMS480 V2.07 - Inventory Reorder Report   

	IMS480 v2.07 will now print the Stock Level Percent on the page header
	of the Suggested Order Report. (10-Jan-2017)

  IMS500 V4.16 - Parts Status Inquiry   

	IMS500 v4.15 changed the J-ob order option to default to "O" to show
	open job orders only.  The old "OC" option is now option "B" (for
	Both Open+Closed). (11-Oct-2016)

	IMS500 v4.16 added the "O2" option to the On-Hands display option to show
	On-Hand Ref. Type and Reference# instead of Lot Number. (03-Jan-2017)

  IMS510 V2.14 - Sales Order Status Inquiry   

	IMS510 v2.14 added support for the [Find] key when inquire by Ship-to Name.

  IMS555 V3.06 - Sales Order Inquiry   

	IMS555 v3.06 fixed a problem where order payments were not showing
	on some inquiry screens. (29-Jun-2017)

  IMS700 V3.10 - Bill of Material Maintenance   

	IMS700 v3.10 was changed to not allow Z-apped or H-old or D-iscontinued
	parts to be added to a BOM. (08-Apr-2019)

  IMS705 V1.02 - Non-Work Day Calendar Maintenance   

	IMS705 v1.02 changed the "C" option to calculate non-work days
	to ask specifically whether to skip SATURDAY and SUNDAY and the
	six major holidays. (12-Dec-2017)

  IMS710 V4.36 - Mfg. Order Entry/Edit   

	IMS710 v4.30 has been relinked with MFGPRN v3.10 to support print items
	60 and 61 as "Component Alt Location 1" and "Component Alt Location 2".

	IMS710 v4.31 fixed a problem where deleting a mfg. order was not
	de-committing inventory for any component parts that were committed.

	IMS710 v4.32 fixed a problem where IMS Transaction records for
	non-inventory parts used warehouse 0 and should have used the current
	default warehouse number. (08-Mar-2017)

	IMS710 v4.33 fixed a minor issue where the IMSO part status field was
	mistakenly set to "C" when it should have been cleared to an empty field.

	IMS710 v4.34 fixed when printing the Build Cost Report, to not print the
	OVERHEAD line if there is no overhead cost. (20-Dec-2017)

	IMS710 v4.35 was changed so the U-nassociate option will now clear the
	Part Status = "M" for detail components that no longer have an associated
	sub-assembly order. (19-Mar-2019)

	IMS710 v4.36 was changed to not allow Z-apped or H-old or D-iscontinued
	parts to be added to a Mfg. Order. (08-Apr-2019)

  IMS715 V1.02 - Manufacturing Order Inquiry   

	IMS715 v1.02 now includes a P-icklist option to show a pick list for the
	current mfg. order. (21-Nov-2016)

  IMS725 V3.15 - BOM Cost Update   

	IMS725 v3.15 now shows updated costs per the IMS precision specified
	in IMS000. Also, since Landed Cost might be a formula, show both the
	rolled up (computed) costs and the IMSP costs actually updated.

  IMS740 V2.05 - Assemble/Disassemble Kit/Make Parts   

	IMS740 v2.04 fixed some issues with record locks on the IMSP part master
	file. (20-Dec-2017)

	IMS740 v2.05 will now prompt for Lot Number for Kit Part when assembling
	a kit if Part Flag "C" is set for the kit part. Also, see the release
	note for ASSMBL v2.03 for a related change. (12-Jun-2018)

  IMS745 V1.00 - Print Mfg. Orders   

	IMS745 v1.00 is a new program you can use to print mfg orders.
	You can choose to print ranges of orders or print orders one at a time.
	file. (09-Jul-2019)

  IMSP_UPDATE V3.08 - Update Parts Master from Vendor Data   

	IMSP_UPDATE v3.08 changed the [Find] key option when choosing
	a vendor format file to first search SCS$CUS:*_VEN.OPT files and
	then search PACK00:*_VEN.OPT files (since the files could be located
	in either directory).
	Also, strip dollar sign ($) and comma (,) formatting characters
	from PRICE1 to PRICE5 fields before parsing those price fields.

  IMSW_UPDATE V1.02 - Update Warehouse Parts from Text Data   

	IMSW_UPDATE V1.02 now supports updating from STREAM format text files
	(i.e. PC created files). as well as normal OpenVMS text files.
	You can now use the [Find] key at the "Format  to use ?" question
	to choose from a list of formats matching PACK00:*_IMSW.FMT
	The program will now also update the Part Master Default Location
	if updating Location for the Default Warehouse.

  IMSXFR V1.12 - Inter-Company Inventory Transfers   

	IMSXFR v1.12 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

Job Order Programs (JOS)

  JOS000 V3.07 - Job Order Parameter Maintenance   

	JOS000 v3.07 changed the P-assword option to prompt for the type
	of password to be changed if the user does not enter "P1" or "P2" or "P3".
	Also, you must now verify the new password to insure you do not have a
	typo entering the new password. (08-Jun-2017)

  JOS050 V2.21 - Job Order Format Entry/Edit   

	JOS050 v2.19 added print items 130 and 131 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

	JOS050 v2.20 added back print item 45 as Invoice# (07-Dec-2016)

	JOS050 v2.21 added support for setup option ";PS" to be able to print
	Production Status Description as print item 97. (16-Dec-2019)

  JOS060 V2.08 - Proof Job Order Format   

	JOS060 v2.07 added print items 130 and 131 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

	JOS060 v2.08 added back print item 45 as Invoice# (07-Dec-2016)

  JOS100 V5.65 - Job Order Estimates   

	JOS100 v5.57 changed so the V-iew option will now automatically increase
	the maximum number of records that can be viewed if the pre-defined upper
	limit is reached.  Previously, you could only view the first 999 detail
	records. (03-Nov-2016)

	JOS100 v5.58 added a "finder" option to find a job order by Bill-To
	Customer Number. (22-May-2017)

	JOS100 v5.59 was custom program modifications only.

	JOS100 v5.60 now supports Part Flag "B" to not allow fractional quantity
	for parts that have this flag set. (15-Nov-2017)

	JOS100 v5.61 now requires you to be an A-dmin level user to change saved
	entry options. (05-Jul-2018)

	JOS100 v5.62 now includes a [Do] key menu option of
	"Job Order Entry Options" where you can set the default warehouse
	as well as set today's date. (15-Jan-2019)

	JOS100 v5.63 fixed so entering "J#xxx" at Job Order question #1 will set
	the job order code to use to "xxx". (29-May-2019)

	JOS100 v5.64 was modified to only try to adjust LBR labor estimates
	for Open job orders. (17-Mar-2020)

	JOS100 v5.65 now supports RCV Payment Accounts per Payment Method when
	entering order payments (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

  JOS110 v4.11 - Copy One Job Order to Many   

	JOS110 v4.12 added an option to NOT replace text when copying to existing
	job orders (e.g. if your text is unique for each order). (13-Oct-2016)

  JOS111 V2.05 - Add/Delete Parts in Many Job Orders   

	JOS111 v2.05 will now show an error and skip the "from" job order
	if it is found in the list of job orders to modify. (10-Apr-2019)

  JOS150 V3.58 - Job Order Processing   

	JOS150 v3.52 has been relinked with the LBRJOS v2.06 routine.
	This fixes a problem with the JOS150 "L" option where any errors
	opening the LBRJOS log file were not visible.  Also, LBRJOS will now
	delete empty log files when it finishes running if there were no errors
	logged. (22-Nov-2016)

	JOS150 v3.53 added a "finder" option to find a job order by Bill-To
	Customer Number. (22-May-2017)

	JOS150 v3.54 and v3.55 were for custom modifications only.

	JOS150 v3.56 now requires the user to have JOS A-dmin level access in order
	to add/modify/delete saved entry routines. (18-Jul-2018)

	JOS150 v3.57 now has a [Do] key option to change today's date.
	Also, JOS150 has been relinked with the LBRJOS v2.07 routine to try to use
	the LBR000 JOS Phase# and JOS Part# values if the Labor Employee (LBRE),
	Labor Work Code (LBRC) or Labor Standard Hours (LBRB) JOS Phase#
	or JOS Part# values are zero and you are using JOS Option 2, 3, or 4.

	JOS150 v3.58 now supports RCV Payment Accounts per Payment Method when
	entering order payments (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

  JOS200 V5.21 - Job Order Generic Report   

	JOS200 V5.20 added "Date Reduced" as a report item. (25-Jan-2018)

	JOS200 V5.21 added "Order Total" as a report item. (20-Apr-2018)

  JOS240 V1.08 - Print Job Orders   

	JOS240 v1.08 was modified to support the JOSINV v5.41 changes. (07-Dec-2016)

  JOS250 V2.14 - Job Order Action Report   

	Changed "Need Inv." action to say "Order".
	Fixed incorrect Action="Attach BO" that should be "Order" if there is
	nothing on-order to attach to.
	Fix incorrect Action="Issue" for non-inventory parts if the part has
	already been issued.
	The saved routine title page was not correctly printing
	the "Master Sort by" and "Detail Sort by" labels.
	Change default to NOT include Labor parts since this report is mostly for
	tracking Buy/Make parts. (05-Sep-2018)

  JOS255 V2.05 - Job Order Demand Exception Report   

	Changed "Need Inv." action to say "Order".
	Fixed incorrect Action="Attach BO" that should be "Order" if there is
	nothing on-order to attach to. (05-Sep-2018)

  JOSTEQ V6.23 - Create Job Orders from TEQuote   

	JOSTEQ v6.21 fixed a problem when re-exporting a quote
	and "Number of Job Orders" is greater than 1
	and the one of the job orders is already closed
	then an alert box displayed warning you of that and it skipped that quote.
	The program will now try to update the remaining job orders for that quote.

	JOSTEQ v6.22 now performs the same customer credit checks as in
	JOS100/JOS150. (14-Aug-2017)

	JOSTEQ v6.23 fixed a problem where quote text was ignored if the text
	exceeded 32000 characters (which is the maximum text length). A warning
	message will now display and the text will be truncated to 32000 characters
	if this happens. (07-Feb-2020)

Label Programs (LBL)

  LBL050 V3.05 - Label Format Entry/Edit   

	LBL050 v3.05 now supports {USER_CODE1}, {USER_CODE2}, and {USER_CODE3}
	tags for IMS labels. (27-Oct-2017)

  LBLIMS V3.09 - Print Part Labels   

	LBLIMS v3.09 now supports {USER_CODE1}, {USER_CODE2}, and {USER_CODE3}
	tags for IMS labels. (27-Oct-2017)

Labor Programs (LBR)

  LBR000 V2.04 - Labor System Setup   

	LBR000 v2.04 now allows setting the JOS Phase # and JOS Part# if you
	are using JOS Option 2, 3, or 4.  These parameter values will be used
	if the Labor Employee (LBRE), Labor Work Code (LBRC) or Labor Standard
	Hours (LBRB) JOS Phase# or JOS Part# values are zero and you are using
	JOS Option 2, 3, or 4. (15-Nov-2019)

  LBR100 V2.08 - Employee Information Maintenance   

	LBR100 v2.07 will now insure that Date Start/Stop times
	and Lunch Start/End times and Break Start/End times are either both set
	or both blank. (21-May-2018)

	LBR100 V2.08 added support for a config file named PACK00:nnn_LBR100.CFG
	(where nnn=Client#) with a CFG setting of VALIDATE_BRN=N to allow
	entering a non-existent branch number for an employee.

  LBR120 V2.05 - Work Code Maintenance   

	LBR120 V2.05 added Production Status as question (13).  If non-blank,
	this field will be validated from PAR100 for Code Type = "PS".

  LBR150 V3.06 - Standard Hours Maintenance   

	LBR150 V3.06 fixed so the C-opy option cannot copy records to a Bill Code
	that contains lowercase letters. (21-Aug-2017)

  LBR155 V2.10 - Print Job Labor Barcode Sheets   

	LBR155 V2.08 added a CFG setting of PRINT_VIN=Y to print the
	Job Order Order ID (i.e. VIN) in the heading section and added
	a CFG setting of PRINT_CUSTPO=Y to print the Job Order Customer PO
	in the heading section. (19-Aug-2016)

	LBR155 V2.09 added help key support at "Print Standard Labor Text" question.
	Also, insure Bill Code and Work Code selected ranges are uppercase.

	LBR155 V2.10 added support for a CFG file setting of PRINT_STD_HRS=N
	to never ask or print standard hours.
	And the setting PRINT_STD_HRS=Y will always print standard hours.

  LBR300 V4.18 - Time Clock Data Entry   

	LBR300 v4.17 fixed a problem where an employee doing an OD punch 1 second
	after their normal stop time would get the missing OJ punch added at
	the Stop Time instead of at 1 second before the Stop Time. (14-Aug-2018)

	LBR300 v4.18 added support for a CFG setting of UPDATE_PS=Y
	to see if "IJ" clock punches should try to update Job Order Master
	Production Status from the Work Code Master file. (21-Jan-2020)

  LBR301 V2.34 - Time Clock Maintenance   

	LBR301 v2.32 changed when validating work codes from Standard Hours
	and Bill Code = "ALL" to allow any valid work code since there is no way
	to tell yet what jobs will be allocated for that work code.
	Also, the Labor Allocation (LBRA) records will now only be locked when
	updating/deleting. (19-May-2017)

	LBR301 v2.33 now includes employee name after employee number on the
	report heading.
	Also, fixed Error=149 trying to print to file. (09-Jun-2017)

	LBR301 v2.34 added support for CFG file setting of EDIT_UPDATED=MGR
	to determine whether user must have manager access to edit/delete
	U-pdated time clock records. That way companies can decide whether
	they want this restriction or not. Note: The LBR301 config file is
	named like PACK00:{client}_LBR301.CFG where {client} is your Client ID.

  LBR310 V1.22 - Employee Attendance Report   

	LBR310 v1.20 fixed a problem where previous In-Day Notes or Out-Day Notes
	would sometimes get printed. (17-Aug-2016)

	LBR310 v1.21 fixed a problem where a "Late Start" message was not showing
	because there was already a comment/note on that time clock record.
	Note that a similar problem was fixed for a "Early Stop" message.

	LBR310 v1.22 was changed to use the Time Clock Comment instead of the
	not "Early Start"/"Late Start" message if there is a comment. (02-Dec-2020)

  LBR320 V1.10 - Employee Daily Time Summary Report   

	LBR320 v1.10 fixed a problem caused by the v1.09 changes that showed
	incorrect attendance hours for any employees whose work day spanned
	midnight. (08-Jan-2019)

  LBR380 V2.27 - Update Time Cards from Time Clock   

	LBR380 v2.27 added support for a CFG file named PACK00:{client}_LBR380.CFG
	with setting LOG_SEL=Y to log the selectivity options selected
	so your FACS administrator can see when users run this program
	with incorrect selectivity or incorrect selected ranges. (29-Aug-2016)

  LBR460 V3.06 - Labor Efficiency Report   

	LBR460 v3.05 will now track "Who Created" and "Date Last Run" in
	saved routines. (13-Sep-2018)

	LBR380 v3.06 fixed a problem where section headings were not printing
	correctly in some cases. (05-Aug-2020)

  LBR490 V2.06 - Labor Time Card Generic Report   

	LBR490 v2.05 added Cost Center Description as a report item.
	Additionally, both the Profit Center and Cost Center will now be validated
	from the Misc. Codes file rather than from the FAS files since all LBR
	programs validate these files this way. (04-Apr-2017)

	LBR490 v2.06 added JOS Phase Number and JOS Part Number as report items.
	These values used for these fields depends on your LBR000 "JOS Option"
	setting. (18-Apr-2017)

Parameter Programs (PAR)

  PAR100 V2.13 - Misc. Codes Maintenance   

	PAR100 v2.11 fixed so code type "SR" for sales rep numbers will
	strip leading zeros since the FACS data files store sales rep as a
	numeric value. However, allow editing existing records where sales rep
	has leading zeros so user can delete these bad records. (27-Sep-2017)

	PAR100 v2.12 changed the "V"iew option to prompt for "View #" for the four
	different view options and show code type specific headers for view option.

	PAR100 v2.13 changed View option 1 to show the Status field. (20-Jun-2019)

  PAR120 V1.08 - User Preferences Maintenance   

	PAR120 v1.07 fixed an alignment problem when printing the listing
	where null values were not getting stripped before printing. (06-Mar-2017)

	PAR120 v1.08 will now default first to the previous response and if blank
	then to the fallback default value. That way, setting up a new user can
	default values from the previous user just viewed. (07-Jul-2017)

  PAR201 V2.06 - Misc. Name/Address Generic Report   

	PAR201 v2.06 added "Address ID Name" as a report field.
	For system type "CUS" this will be the Customer Name and
	for system type "SUP" this will be the Supplier Name.

  PAR900 V2.02 - Renumber Tax Codes   

	PAR900 v2.02 will now renumber tax codes in the Misc. Addresses file.

Accounts Payable Programs (PBL)

  PBL101 V3.15 - Payables Transactions Entry/Edit   

	PBL101 v3.13 changed the "Auto balance account" prompt to "Payables Account"
	for accuracy and consistency. (16-Feb-2018)

	PBL101 v3.14 was changed to not allow a negative Discount Amount.

	PBL101 v3.15 will now set the default transaction year and month from
	the FAS000 auto year+month if the PBL000 auto year+month not specified.

  PBL110 V3.02 - Recurring Payables Entry/Edit   

	PBL110 v3.02 changed so you can press the [Down] key at the first question
	to try for edit mode on first record in file.
	Also, the saved options dialog was changed o add option "A" to ask
	all questions. (22-Jul-2016)

  PBL160 V3.04 - Payables Reconciliation/Aged Report   

	PBL160 v3.03 fixed several problems with the Current Month Net Change
	amount column on the R-econciliation report option.  This column only
	makes sense if you choose to include zero balance suppliers+invoices
	so the Current Month Net Change column will no longer be included on
	the report if this option was not chosen. (11-Aug-2016)

	PBL160 v3.04 expanded the print masks for the amount fields to handle
	amounts over $100 million. Also include comma separators in the amount
	print masks. (18-Mar-2019)

  PBL180 V3.07 - Aged Payables Generic Report   

	PBL180 v3.07 was changed to age the "Open Amount" and not the "Net Amount"
	since the net amount includes remaining discount and the report should age
	payables and not "payables net available discount". (20-Oct-2016)

  PBL201 V1.01 - Update Payables Payment Approval   

	PBL201 v1.01 added options "H" and "HA" and "HR" to update the payment
	approval for hold items. The program will also now ask whether to skip
	invoices on hold. Finally, the program title was changed to better
	reflect that approval code can change to anything and not just to
	A-pproved. (15-Feb-2017)

  PBL300 V4.13 - Compute Accounts Payable Payments   

	PBL300 v4.11 fixed a problem where changing the payment type for a
	supplier to a payment type that had payment method of "EP" would
	cause the next supplier to incorrectly be treated as though they too
	had a payment method of "EP". (04-Aug-2016)

	PBL300 v4.12 now shows Supplier Number and Supplier Name in the
	supplier payment type alert box. (14-Nov-2016)

	PBL300 v4.13 fixed a problem where a supplier with more than 999
	open payable records would not load all the records and therefore
	prevented you from continuing to the next supplier to pay. (13-Jun-2017)

  PBL350 V4.23 - Print Accounts Payable Checks/Payments   

	PBL350 v4.22 fixed a problem where checks with one stub last
	and stub overflow were not printing the final form feed; causing
	the next check form to be out of alignment. (05-Apr-2019)

	PBL350 v4.23 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  PBL360 V3.13 - Misc. Invoice/Payment Processing   

	PBL360 v3.12 fixed a problem where entering an existing invoice with
	an expired discount was still defaulting the Payment Amount to be net
	of the expired discount.
	Also, the program will now use the Supplier Terms for determining
	Discount Date, Discount Percent and Due Date when adding a new invoice.

	PBL360 v3.13 changed the option to mark PO and PBL as reconciled to
	first check if total PBL Invoice Amount = total PO Receipt Amount
	for that PO. That will prevent accidentally marking the PO as reconciled
	when adding an invoice here and the invoice amount is only a fraction of
	the PO total receipts amount.
	Also, do not ask to reconcile PO if already reconciled. (10-Aug-2018)

	PBL360 v3.13 was updated for changes to PBLPMT_PRINT v4.11 routine.

  PBL800 V2.03 - Remove Paid Invoices/Update History   

	PBL800 v2.03 replaced the undocumented debug report with an exceptions
	report showing which unreconciled invoice records were not moved to history.
	Also, set default year to remove through to be 2 years ago. (26-Jun-2017)

  PBL_IMPORT v1.05 - Import PBL Invoices from Text File   

	PBL_IMPORT v1.04 changed the "Auto balance account" prompt
	to "Payables Account" added [Find] key support at the "PBL format to use"
	question. (16-Feb-2018)

	PBL_IMPORT v1.05 was changed to add /NOAPPEND as a valid import option.
	If this option is set then an exception message will display and the
	import text record will be skipped if trying to append to an existing
	invoice number for the supplier. (29-Nov-2018)

Payroll Programs (PRL)

  PRL550 V3.15 - Print Payroll Checks   

	PRL550 v3.15 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  PRLTAX V2.11 - Compute Payroll Withholding Tax   

	PRLTAX v2.11 was changed to compute and print both the SIT tax
	and the LIT tax	where applicable. (10-Oct-2018)

  PRLW2 V4.07 - Print Payroll W2 Forms   

	PRLW2 V4.07 was changed to show the LIT Deduction Code description
	as the "Locality Name" in box 20 on the W2 form because Ohio School
	District Tax withholding requires reporting the school district number
	in the Locality Name and previously PRLW2 only printed the State/Locality
	code in that box 20 field. (10-Oct-2018)

Purchase Order Programs (PUR)

  PUR020 V3.08 - Supplier Part Status Maintenance   

	PUR020 v3.08 was modified to move all functionality into the PURS_ENTRY
	routine.  That allows IMS100 to do Supplier Parts maintenance
	via the "#" edit option.  (07-Dec-2018)

  PUR050 V3.08 - Purchase Order Format Maintenance   

	PUR050 v3.08 added support for the following print items:
	92 = "Supplier Country"
	93 = "Ship-to Country"
	94 = "Alternate Supplier Country"

  PUR060 v3.04 - Proof Purchase Order Format   

	PUR060 v3.04 added support for the following print items:
	92 = "Supplier Country"
	93 = "Ship-to Country"
	94 = "Alternate Supplier Country"

  PUR100 V4.41 - Purchase Order Entry/Edit   

	PUR100 v4.40 added support for a CFG file setting of APPEND_ORDERING_TEXT=Y
	to append any Part Master ORDERING text to the Purchase Order ORDERING text.

	PUR100 v4.41 fixed when using "C" option to close a PO that has open
	detail items, to set all detail to C-losed status. (20-Apr-2018)

  PUR110 V3.17 - Automatic Reordering   

	PUR110 v3.16 added "Stock Code" as a selectivity item. (05-Feb-2018)

	PUR110 v3.17 fixed an error 55 at line 13500 for Centralized Purchasing.

  PUR120 V2.10 - Create Purchase Orders from Backorders   

	PUR120 v2.10 added support for CFG setting of APPEND_ORDERING_TEXT=Y
	to append any Part Master ORDERING text to the Purchase Order ORDERING
	text type. (18-Apr-2018)

  PUR160 V1.00 - Backorder Inquiry   

	PUR160 v1.00 is a new program to inquire on backorders.
	If you maintain backorder history, you can optionally inquire on both
	open backorders and history backorders. (23-Jan-2019)

  PUR400 V3.34 - Purchase Order Receiving   

	PUR400 v3.33 was changed so if you try to receive "short" (i.e. where
	the "Quantity To Receive" is less than the "Quantity Open" and you specify
	status "C" to close the line item) then an alert box will show asking if
	you really want to close the PO detail record "short". (17-Oct-2016)

	PUR400 v3.34 fixed a problem when receiving PO detail with a requisition
	and an unattached backorder where the inventory got committed
	but the backorder did not get cleared. (30-Jan-2018)

  PUR420 V3.11 - Adjust Costs of Received Items   

	PUR420 v3.11 changed the Quantity field format from #####.###
	to ######.## to handle quantities greater than 99,999.99

  PUR810 V3.05 - PO Detail Reconciliation   

	PUR810 v3.05 was changed to flash the count of detail records flagged
	as reconciled/unreconciled instead of flashing a message for each
	PUR and PBL record updated. (11-Jun-2019)

  PUR900 V4.19 - Create Payables from Purchase Orders   

	PUR900 v4.19 added support for "Misc. Charges" (in addition to Taxes
	and Freight).  This will allow you to post steel surcharges from your
	supplier when creating the payables invoice. (16-May-2018)

Accounts Receivable Programs (RCV)

  RCV030 V1.00 - RCV Payment Method Account Numbers   

	RCV030 is a new program where you can optionally specify a different
	Payment Account Number for each Payment Method. (28-May-2020)

  RCV305 V2.05 - RCV Payment Entry   

	See RCV_PMT_ENTRY and IMS_PMT_ENTRY and FAS_PMT_ENTRY release notes
	for changes that affect RCV305.

  RCV355 V2.11 - Credit Manager Inquiry   

	RCV335 v2.11 was changed when showing the Detail option and
	summarizing by Transaction Type to show the Reference Number
	since for non-invoice transactions the Reference Number is different
	than the Invoice Number. (06-Jun-2019)

	RCV335 v2.11 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  RCV385 V3.06 - Bank Deposit Update   

	RCV385 V3.05 fixed a problem on the Bank Deposit Report when selecting
	the range of Deposit Reference Numbers, where selectivity did not work
	if the Deposit Reference Number was a numeric value. (13-Dec-2016)

	RCV386 v3.06 fixed a problem with option 3 when creating
	a Bank Deposit Report where running the report multiple times
	and changing the response to the
	"Select Deposit Reference # ranges (Y/N) ? " question
	caused unexpected output because the selected Reference# ranges
	from the previous report run were not getting cleared. (26-Apr-2019)

  RCV390 V5.12 - RCV Transactions Generic Report   

	RCV390 v5.10 fixed a problem if the Product Cat1 to Product Cat4 fields
	were numeric where the Product Cat Description could not be found.

	RCV390 v5.11 fixed an incorrect error message looking up customer.

	RCV390 v5.12 fixed selectivity by "Any Account" to work correctly.

  RCV400 V4.04 - Create End of Month File   

	RCV400 v4.04 changed the summary total headings to better indicate
	the totals based on aging date vs the totals based on RCV YYYYMM.

  RCV420 V4.15 - End of Month Statements   

	RCV420 v4.15 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  RCV585 V3.05 - RCV Sales Analysis Generic Report   

	RCV585 v3.05 was changed to add Customer City, Zip, and Phone Number
	as sort/select fields. (09-Nov-2018)

  RCV590 V5.07 - Update Balances and Close Month   

	RCV590 V5.06 fixed how "paid invoice count" and "average days to pay"
	are computed for updating CUST_HISTORY values.
	Previously, this routine was counting ALL invoices when it should
	have been counting PAID invoices only. Also, the computations should NOT
	include zero dollar invoices and should only update these values if there
	was a last invoice payment for the zero balance invoice. (29-Mar-2019)

	RCV590 V5.07 fixed a problem where customer history Ending Balance was not
	getting updated if the customer did not have any activity in that month.

  RCVC_IMPORT V1.01 - Import RCV Transactions from Text File   

	RCVC_IMPORT v1.01 no longer requires the {CUS_NUM} Customer# tag and will
	obtain the Customer Number from the Invoice transaction if this tag is
	not found.  Also, this program now supports multiple invoices being paid
	by specifying the {INVOICE_PMT} tag to indicate the payment amount to
	apply to the invoice specified by the {INVOICE_NUM} tag.
	If the {INVOICE_PMT} tag is not found then the entire payment amount
	will be applied to the invoice payment. (31-Mar-2017)

Supplier Programs (SUP)

  SUP190 V3.07 - Supplier Master Generic Report   

	SUP190 v3.07 added "Date Added" as a report field. (24-Jan-2018)

  SUP950 V4.04 - Print 1099 Forms for Selected Suppliers   

	SUP950 v4.04 added support for Form 1099-NEC for non-employee compensation
	(instead of printing that on 1099-MISC box 7).
	Now only specific Supplier Types will print on 1099-MISC forms
	and all other supplier types will print on 1099-NEC forms.
	Also, "Proceeds paid to attorney" should print on 1099-MISC in {BOX10}
	for supplier type 10910 and {BOX14) should be nonqualified
	deferred compensation for supplier type 10914. (11-Jan-2021)

  SUP990 V2.06 - Renumbering Suppliers   

	SUP990 v2.06 will now validate that both the old and new supplier number
	values are valid numbers and will also strip leading zeros. (09-Aug-2018)

Remote Tracker Programs (TRK)

  TRK121 V1.01 - Move Inventory Between Locations   

	TRK121 v1.01 moved the Commit Type and Commit Order questions to before
	the "From Location" question so that the "finder" routines for Warehouse#,
	Location, Serial#, and Lot# can located the (optionally) committed on-hands
	records to choose from.  Previously, you could not choose any on-hands
	record that was committed. (18-Jul-2016)

  TRK350 V1.01 - Remote Sales Order Reducing   

	TRK350 v1.01 now warns if you enter an unreasonable transaction date
	(i.e. more than 365 days plus/minus today's date). 09-Apr-2018)

  TRK810 V2.06 - Remote Job Order Issuing/Reducing   

	TRK810 V2.06 now sets the new "Date Reduced" field on Job Order Detail
	issue records when reducing. (25-Jan-2018)

Remote Transactions Programs (TRN)

  TRN126 V3.10 - Physical Inventory Count Update   

	TRN126 V3.10 included minor changes to how some fields display and to
	handle updated help topics. (09-Nov-2016)

  TRN800 V4.05 - Job Order Issuing from Handheld   

	TRN800 V4.05 now sets the new "Date Reduced" field on Job Order Detail
	issue records when reducing. (25-Jan-2018)

Depreciation Programs (DEP)

  DEP100 V2.11 - Fixed Asset Maintenance   

	DEP100 v2.11 added a L-ist option to the saved entry routines options
	so you can list an existing saved entry routine to see which questions
	it asks. (27-Jul-2016)

  DEP200 V2.17 - Depreciation Schedule Entry/Edit   

	DEP200 v2.17 added a L-ist option to the saved entry routines options
	so you can list an existing saved entry routine to see which questions
	it asks. (27-Jul-2016)

Help Libraries (HLB)

  Help Libraries - FACS Help Libraries   

	The latest versions of the FACS Help Libraries have been included
	in a single ZIP file.  You can download the HLB.ZIP file to your
	system and then unzip it and copy the HLB files to your SCS$SYS:
	directory.  (Last Updated 15-Jan-2021)

Other Programs

  FACS_MANAGER V1.16 - FACS User Profile Maintenance   

	FACS_MANAGER v1.14 added edit option "C" to clear system access levels.
	Also, if setting a system field to non-blank then automatically advance
	to the next field to set access type for that system. (15-Jun-2017)

	FACS_MANAGER  V1.15 changed when adding a new user to show the Username
	and Full Name at the top of screen 2. (11-Aug-2017)

	FACS_MANAGER  v1.16 now checks to insure the User Initials are unique
	(because PAR120 expects user initials to uniquely identify the user).
	Also, insure the Username contains only valid OpenVMS username characters.

  REPORTROUTER V1.07 - Send a Report to Report Router   

	REPORTROUTER v1.07 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo
	and EmailCC XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses
	can include an ampersand character (which must be XML encoded).

FACS Library Routines

Note: FACS Library Routines are common routines that are used by various FACS programs. Since these routines are program components and not actual programs, you can not download and run these routines directly. You should download and run the associated program(s) instead.
  ASSMBL V2.03 - Assemble a Kit
	(Used by IMS301, IMS302, IMS350, IMS710, IMS710A IMS740, JOS100, JOS150,
	 TRK350, TRK710, TRN300, and TRN700)

	ASSMBL v2.02 fixed a bad Reference Type "N" that was set when adding
	a part to the on-hands file.  The Reference Type should use the first
	letter of the Transaction Type. (09-Mar-2018)

	ASSMBL v2.03 was changed when assembling a kit to prompt for the Lot Number
	for the component part if Part Flag option "C" is set for the component
	part. (12-Jun-2018)

  FAS_PMT_ENTRY V3.06 - Enter Miscellaneous Payments
	(Used by RCV305)

	FAS_PMT_ENTRY v2.03 will now ask for a Customer#/Sub# because
	the FAS Account# might require a Sub# and the Customer# would
	be used for the Sub# in the FAS entry. (02-Nov-2016)

  IMSINV V6.40 - Sales Order Printing
	(Used by IMS301,IMS302,IMS303,IMS340,IMS510)

	IMSINV v6.35 added print items 135 and 136 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

	IMSINV v6.36 now uses the sales tax amount stored on the sales order
	if there is a Tax Transaction ID set on the order.  This handles sales tax
	computed by an external sales tax web service - for example from an E-store
	order. (07-Dec-2016

	IMSINV v6.37 added support for option flag of "/TO="{emailaddr}
	to email the sales order invoice to a specific email address rather than
	to the default invoice email/cc contacts. Also added support for
	option flag of "/RPT="{filename} to create a specific IMSINV*.RPT filename
	rather than using the default report filename. (16-Jun-2017)

	IMSINV v6.39 added support for a CFG setting of CUSTOM_FIELD=
	to print a custom field value for print item 126. (26-Oct-2018)

	IMSINV v6.40 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  IMSRCV V3.19 - Sales Order to RCV Merge
	(Used by IMS350,IMS380,JOS150,JOS190)

	IMSRCV v3.14 will now not lock the sales order detail record until
	ready to update the record to avoid "record locked" error on first
	sales order detail record of next sales order. (10-Aug-2016)

	IMSRCV v3.15 now traps Error=138 (?File is locked) when you try to
	M-erge/close a job order to IMS and RCV while running IMS380 in
	another window to merge sales orders to RCV. You should only merge
	orders to RCV from a single program at a time. (17-Nov-2016)

	IMSRCV v3.16 fixed when merging order payments to update the RCVC
	payment year and payment month so they match RCVO transactions.
	Otherwise, you cannot edit/post those payments in the current
	year+month. (07-Dec-2016)

	IMSRCV v3.17 was custom program modifications only.

	IMSRCV v3.18 fixed a problem where some messages were not displayed
	when this routine was run automatically by a program running in batch.

	IMSRCV v3.19 fixed a problem when this routine was called by IMS350
	where IMS350 would get an Error 9 (?I/O channel not open) if any exception
	occurred AFTER merging a range of sales orders to RCV. (23-Oct-2018)

  IMSRTE_ENTRY V2.01 - Mfg. Routing File Maintenance
	(Used by IMS700)

	IMSRTE_ENTRY V2.01 will now show Labor Cost and Overhead Cost (unit cost)
	in addition to Labor Amount and Overhead Amount (ext cost). (18-Sep-2017)

  IMSW_ENTRY V2.12 - Warehouse Parts Maintenance
	(Used by IMS100 and IMS105)

	IMSW_ENTRY V2.10 now supports a CFG file setting of "UA_MGR=Y"
	to make the "UA" (Update All) option a manager task. (01-Nov-2016)

	IMSW_ENTRY V2.11 negates the V2.10 change by replacing the CFG file
	setting of "UA_MGR=Y" with "UA_DISABLE=Y" to disable the "UA" option.
	This will prevent users from accidentally updating all on-hand locations.

	IMSW_ENTRY v2.12 now includes a V-iew option so you can view all
	warehouse part records for the current part number. (19-Jun-2018)

  IMS_PMT_ENTRY V3.09 - Enter IMS Order Payments
	(Used by IMS301, IMS302, JOS100, JOS150, and RCV305)

	IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.08 now allows entering dates in M/D/YYYY format
	as well as in MMDDYYYY format. (01-Nov-2017)

	IMS_PMT_ENTRY v3.09 now supports setting the Payment Account Number
	per Payment Method (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

  JOSINV V5.48 - Job Order Printing
	(Used by JOS100,JOS150,JOS240)

	JOSINV v5.40 added print items 130 and 131 for Warehouse Alt Location1
	and Warehouse Alt Location2. (14-Oct-2016)

	JOSINV V5.41 added back print item 45 as Invoice# to print the
	invoice number that was assigned to the sales order created when the
	job order was closed/merged. (07-Dec-2016)

	JOSINV v5.42 will no longer get the IMSM Sales Order Master record if the
	correct order is already in IMSM buffer so the IMSM record will still be
	locked for modify access when JOSINV exits.
	Also, when auto-emailing, show the EMAIL TO and EMAIL CC values.

	JOSINV v5.43 added support for option flag of "/TO="{emailaddr}
	to email the job order invoice to a specific email address rather than
	to the default invoice email/cc contacts. Also added support for
	option flag of "/RPT="{filename} to create a specific JOSINV*.RPT filename
	rather than using the default report filename. (14-Jun-2017)

	JOSINV v5.44 was a custom modification only. (18-Jul-2017)

	JOSINV v5.45 added support for including a CC: email when automatically
	printing and emailing a job order/invoice. (05-Mar-2018)

	JOSINV v5.46 added support for a config file named
	PACK00:{client}_JOSINV.CFG and supports a CFG setting of CUSTOM_FIELD=
	to print a custom field value for print item 126. (26-Oct-2018)

	JOSINV v5.47 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

	JOSINV v5.48 added support for setup option ";PS" to be able to print
	Production Status Description as print item 97. (16-Dec-2019)

  JOSISS V5.37 - Job Order Issuing
	(Used by JOS100,JOS120,JOS150)

	JOSISS v5.35 now supports Part Flag "B" to not allow fractional quantity
	for parts that have this flag set. (15-Nov-2017)

	JOSISS V5.36 now sets the new "Date Reduced" field on Job Order Detail
	issue records when reducing. (25-Jan-2018)

	JOSISS V5.37 will now use the current default for "today's date" for
	adding issue records and for any transactions that use the current date.

  JOS_REDUCE V4.11 - Reducing Job Orders
	(Used by JOS140, JOS150 and PUR920)

	JOS_REDUCE V4.11 now sets the new "Date Reduced" field on Job Order Detail
	issue records when reducing. (25-Jan-2018)

  MFGPRN V3.11 - Print Manufacturing Orders
	(Used by IMS710)

	MFGPRN v3.10 added report items 60 and 61 for "Component Alt Location 1"
	and "Component Alt Location 2". (06-Oct-2016)

	MFGPRN v3.11 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  MFGRTE V2.04 - Mfg. Order Routing Sheets
	(Used by IMS710 and IMS710A)

	MFGRTE v2.05 changed the /NOBARCODE option to "1" and /NOHOURS to "2"
	and allows "3" for both - for simpler typing of these options.
	When printing routing sheets, if you output-to the screen
	(i.e. TT or KB) then force option "1" since barcodes cannot display
	on screen.  This will allow you to see the routing without having to
	print. (09-Dec-2016)

  OUTPUT_TO v2.23 - Output-to dialog questions
	(used by most report programs)

	OUTPUT_TO v2.23 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo
	and EmailCC XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses
	can include an ampersand character (which must be XML encoded).

  RCVPRN V4.15 - Print Selected Invoices
	(Used by RCV300 and RCV340)

	RCVPRN v4.15 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  PURPRN V4.23 - Print Selected Purchase Orders
      (Used by PUR100, PUR180, PUR400, PUR450, JOS130, and IMS330)

	PURPRN v4.22 added support for the following print items:
	92 = "Supplier Country"
	93 = "Ship-to Country"
	94 = "Alternate Supplier Country"

	PURPRN v4.23 was changed to XML encode the EmailFrom and EmailTo and EmailCC
	XML tag contents sent to ReportRouter since email addresses can include an
	ampersand character (which must be XML encoded). (06-Jun-2019)

  RCV_PMT_ENTRY V2.12 - Enter RCV Payments
	(Used by RCV305)

	RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.10 changed the description for Payment Method "O"
	from "Other Charge" to just "Other" since the other payment method
	might not be a credit card and the term "charge" is misleading.

	RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.11 now allows entering dates in M/D/YYYY format
	as well as in MMDDYYYY format.  Also, change detail heading from
	"Sold Cust" to "Customer#" since it is actually showing the Bill-To
	Customer#. (01-Nov-2017)

	RCV_PMT_ENTRY v2.12 now supports setting the Payment Account Number
	per Payment Method (see RCV030 release note). (29-May-2020)

(End of Release Notes)

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