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Treqso Website 1.16.0
New Items
IsEmpty and IsNotEmpty operators are now allowed for drop-down selectivity in generic reports.
- Release Date: 1/21/2020
Generating generic reports to Excel will now include sub-totals and grand totals.
- Release Date: 11/26/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Import G/L Transactions from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added default Tax Code to Customer Views.
- Release Date: 11/14/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Update Customers from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
In Part Status Inquiry, there is now a [Check Buildable] button that is visible for Part Type = Make parts so you can check the buildable status of the Make part.
- Release Date: 1/16/2020
Added ability to import XML data in the Import Inventory Counts action of the Inventory Count Process.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added a Labor In-Job Status page to match the All Employees option in Labor In-Job Inquiry. The page will scroll and refresh automatically.
- Release Date: 11/15/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Update Parts/Part Warehouses/Part Suppliers from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added a "New Invoiced Only" setting to prevent users from accidentally adding to existing orders.
- Release Date: 1/22/2020
Added ability to import XML data in Import Payables from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Purchase Order
Added Detail Text to the edit window in purchase order receiving.
- Release Date: 1/9/2020
Appended Detail Text to Part Description in the purchase order status report.
- Release Date: 1/9/2020
Added ability to choose where the cost comes from when Creating Purchase Orders from Unattached Backorders. Originally the source was the Part Master. An additional option of Sales Order has now been added . The default option for this can be set in Purchase Order Parameters.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
Purchase Order Parameters now supports a "Notification Supplier Comment Type" field. During Purchase Order Entry and when changing Supplier ID on a PO, if the supplier has a Comment for the specified Comment Type then it will display in a popup window.
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Import Receiving from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added Unit of Measure to the Quote Detail Items generic report.
- Release Date: 1/6/2020
Work Code has been added to "Quote Detail Items" generic report maintenance.
- Release Date: 11/14/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Import Receivables/Receivables Payments from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Sales Order
Added ability to choose where the cost comes from when Creating/Appending Purchase Orders from Unattached Backorders. Originally the source was the Part Master. An additional option of Sales Order has now been added . The default option for this can be set in Purchase Order Parameters.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
Added Part Group Description & Sales Group Description to the Sales Order Analysis report.
- Release Date: 11/14/2019
Made custom codes available in the Sales Order Analysis generic report.
- Release Date: 11/14/2019
The Sales Order Master report now includes the following new report fields: Labor Hours, Landed Cost Total, Labor Landed Cost Total, Labor Sales Total, Materials Landed Cost Total, Materials Sales Total, Landed Gross Profit.
- Release Date: 11/8/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Import Sales Order Detail from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Update Suppliers from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Added ability to copy a vehicle from an existing record in Vehicle Maintenance.
- Release Date: 12/4/2019
Added ability to import XML data in Update Vehicles from External Text File.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Fixed Items
When printing a Purchase Order or a Sales Order or a Receivables Invoice and you choose to email the form, only active contacts will now be included in the contacts list box.
- Release Date: 1/28/2020
In all modules, a problem was fixed with report selectivity on dynamic dates where blanking out either the beginning or ending date offset values was causing an error.
- Release Date: 12/4/2019
Some of the formatting issues have been addressed when generating generic reports in XLS and CSV formats.
- Release Date: 11/26/2019
Generic reports would produce an error if a percentage field was used in the Report Columns and that report was set to Suppress Lines with Zero Values.
- Release Date: 11/12/2019
A problem was fixed in all the Custom Code Maintenance pages (Customer, Supplier, Part, Product Code, Labor Employee, Quote, Sales Order, and Purchase Order codes) where the HelpDescription was not getting re-displayed after updating the help text.
- Release Date: 11/5/2019
Both "Purchase Order > Batch Order Processing" and "Sales Order > Batch Processing > Order Processing" have fixed how the list of Purchase Order IDs to print is generated - so creating only a single PO will not incorrectly state that there are 2 POs to print.
- Release Date: 10/30/2019
Account Balance Maintenance was fixed to not allow entering an Actual Beginning Year Balance for an Income Statement Account Number.
- Release Date: 1/7/2020
Financial Statement Group Maintenance was fixed to validate Account Ranges better.
- Release Date: 11/11/2019
Importing customers using the Update Customers From External Text File page would not give users a helpful message if they were trying to set tax codes and those codes did not exist.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
A problem was fixed in Customer Maintenance where, if a Customer does not have a Default Address, then the default Tax Code was incorrectly getting set to 0 (i.e. zero) instead of blank and Tax Code 0 may not exist. This caused the page to hang and not proceed to showing the customer maintenance form after the Finder selection.
- Release Date: 11/5/2019
Renumbering a customer would fail when merging to an existing customer and the original customer had receivables transactions.
- Release Date: 11/1/2019
The "Adjust/Expense Inventory" page now insures that there is a valid Quantity. Additionally, the Minimum Quantity and the Quantity will both be adjusted/rounded according to the number of decimal places supported by the specified Unit Of Measure.
- Release Date: 2/11/2020
In Inventory > Warehouse Transfer Maintenance, the following controls will only be enabled if the Transfer Status is "Requested" and will be disabled for "Open" and "Closed" transfer status: Part Number, Serial Number, Lot, From Location, Unit of Measure, Quantity. Additionally, the toolbar buttons for "Open Transfer" and "Direct Transfer" will only be enabled if Transfer Status is "Requested" and the toolbar buttons for "Undo Transfer" and "Close Transfer" will only be enabled if Transfer Status is "Open".
- Release Date: 2/10/2020
A problem was fixed in Warehouse Transfer Maintenance when opening a transfer if there was not enough inventory to commit where inventory was not getting de-committed.
- Release Date: 1/24/2020
In Inventory Count Process for the "Import Inventory Counts" option, the page now handles if the imported actual count field contains non-numeric characters. An error message will show and the record will be skipped.
- Release Date: 1/16/2020
The Inventory Order Demand Report now includes Mfg. Order detail for both the Parent Part and Component Parts.
- Release Date: 12/17/2019
The minimum value for the quantity adjustment field in Inventory Adjust was changed from 1 to 0.00001.
- Release Date: 11/7/2019
In Inventory Count Process for the "Import Inventory Counts" page, changes were made to handle if import actual quantity counted is blank then if it's a Serial Number Required part then set quantity=1 else set quantity=0. This will mimic FACS TRN126 handling from TEQsoft Tracker FACS_PhysicalInventoryTaking.module CSV file.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
Creating an Inventory Count snapshot without any sorting produced an error. This is been resolved by requiring users to pick at least one sort field.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
When the Create Time Card from Out Job setting is on, the time card was not referencing the associated In-Job clocking when the Out-Job clock was created from a missing clock punch or an auto-lunch/break punch.
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
Changed Labor Time Clock Entry and Labor Time Clock Maintenance pages to exclude the "ALL" order from the list of allocatable orders.
- Release Date: 11/8/2019
Several problems were fixed in the "Labor Employee" generic report for how some fields were computed. Additional fields were added to this report so that all the Labor Employee fields are now included.
- Release Date: 11/5/2019
A problem was fixed in the "Disassemble Make Part" process where incorrect component quantities were being added back into inventory.
- Release Date: 2/14/2020
A problem was fixed in the BOM Cost Update/Report where the Unit Of Measure of the Parent Part was mistakenly being used for the Component Part UOM conversion - which could cause costs computations to be incorrect.
- Release Date: 2/13/2020
The list of comment types to print on manufacturing orders was not always listed alphabetically.
- Release Date: 12/6/2019
The default transfer ID code was not able to be edited.
- Release Date: 1/14/2020
Part Maintenance fixed a problem where paging through the detail grids for Part Branches, Part Warehouses, and Part Suppliers was not working.
- Release Date: 12/20/2019
Unit of Measure conversions 3-5 were not being respected when determining a selling price on a quote or sales order.
- Release Date: 10/30/2019
A problem was fixed when finalizing payments where any payables transaction with a 0.00 amount was not getting updated; causing the finalize process to remain in limbo. This problem was also fixed for reversing payments.
- Release Date: 2/5/2020
The special parameter values (Base Date, Aging Date) in the generic Payables Aging report were not being shown correctly when added to the heading of the report.
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
The Payables > Reverse Payments page will now require you to enter the Payment Date that is being reversed. This will insure that only Payment Reference Numbers for the desired date get reversed.
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
Payables Reconciliation report was not showing the Discount Taken and was not being reflected in the Month End Change.
- Release Date: 11/12/2019
The Difference Amount in the Payables Accounting Reconciliation Report was not correct.
- Release Date: 11/12/2019
Purchase Order
During Purchase Order Receiving, the Purchase Order Detail Inventory Account field will now be updated with the Account Group Inventory Account if it is zero.
- Release Date: 2/14/2020
A problem was fixed in Purchase Order Detail Maintenance when using the [Commit Inventory to Return] toolbar button and you selected an inventory layer where the quantity was greater than the quantity being returned. Now only the needed quantity will be committed and the remaining quantity will be split out as uncommitted.
- Release Date: 2/6/2020
The Purchase Order Adjust Receipts page was changed to prevent you from changing the Quantity Received for a Purchase Order Detail record that had a related backorder that has been reduced/closed. You will need to un-reduce the offending sales order or mfg. order before you can adjust that purchase order receipt.
- Release Date: 1/15/2020
During Purchase Order Receiving, you are no longer allowed to enter negative values for the Quantity to Receive. The Quantity Received value must be greater than zero.
- Release Date: 1/14/2020
Modified Purchase Order Adjust Receipts to fix a problem un-receiving a PO detail item that has a requisition that has already been reduced or closed. Instead of ignoring the error that prevented the PO detail record from getting updated, the page will now allow the update and show a warning message regarding the reduced/closed requisition.
- Release Date: 1/7/2020
The list of comment types to print on purchase orders was not always listed alphabetically.
- Release Date: 12/6/2019
A problem was fixed when receiving a purchase order line item where the PO detail unit of measure was no longer one of the valid UOMs for that part.
- Release Date: 12/4/2019
In Creating Purchase Orders From Unattached Backorders (in Batch Processing), the page would retain old Purchase Order IDs, which would cause additional orders to be printed.
- Release Date: 11/26/2019
In Purchase Order Detail Maintenance, the warning message about specifying the Supplier Part Number will now only display once you have actually entered a Part Number and there is no Part Supplier record (yet) for that Part.
- Release Date: 11/14/2019
Purchase Order Automatic Reordering fixed a problem where Purchase Orders were not getting created if a Part Supplier record did not exist for any of the ordered parts. The Part Supplier record should not be required since the Supplier Part Number should default to the Part Number in that case. Note that, if needed, the Part Supplier record will get created when the Purchase Order is received.
- Release Date: 10/31/2019
The Order Email Address format is now validated when adding a new Quote and in Quote Maintenance,
- Release Date: 1/14/2020
Quoting will now set the profit and cost centers on detail when creating/updating a sales order.
- Release Date: 12/13/2019
The list of comment types to print on quotes was not always listed alphabetically.
- Release Date: 12/6/2019
When using the Add Quote page, the Bill-To Add New Contact information would not be visible unless the Sold-To Add New Contact button was checked.
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
The Update quote action was not updating the List Price.
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
Calculating the extended price on a quote detail item was not respecting the unit of measure conversions in many cases. This has been addressed in many areas of Quote Maintenance and several reporting areas.
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
In Receivables Month End Processing, when you click the [ Print Customer Statements] button, the button will now immediately be disabled to prevent double-clicking which would double print the statements.
- Release Date: 1/9/2020
The special parameter values (Base Date, Aging Date, Current Year/Month) in the generic Receivables Invoice Aging report were not being shown correctly when added to the heading of the report.
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
Fixed Invoice Transaction Maintenance to handle if another process deleted the Invoice record the user is trying to get via the Finder pencil icon
- Release Date: 11/8/2019
Sales Order
A problem was fixed in Sales Order Batch Processing for "Attach Backorders to Existing Purchase Orders" where backorders for other sales orders than the current sales order were mistakenly getting attached to a PO.
- Release Date: 2/20/2020
A problem was fixed in "Sales Order Batch Processing - Unreduce Orders" where un-reducing a negative quantity item (i.e. a sales order return item) was not correctly adjusting inventory and setting the sales order detail item status back to Open.
- Release Date: 2/12/2020
In Sales Order Detail Maintenance, pricing computations for negative quantity items (i.e. returned items) will now correctly price the part by using the absolute value of the order quantity to compare to the Price Type Minimum Quantity.
- Release Date: 2/7/2020
Users will be informed if a sales order ID already exists when manually overriding the order ID.
- Release Date: 2/3/2020
In Sales Order Maintenance, a problem was fixed trying to use the [Reduce Inventory] toolbar button to create a "Ship Available" order where all line items were either already reduced or still on backorder.
- Release Date: 1/16/2020
The Order Email Address format is now validated when adding a new sales order and in sales order maintenance.
- Release Date: 1/14/2020
An error occurs when you try change to a P1-P5 price type on a sales order.
- Release Date: 1/6/2020
When copying a Sales Order, the Order Hold status of the FROM sales order will no longer be cleared. However, if the FROM order is NOT on order hold, then the copy routine will still check to see if any new customer credit hold or past due hold should be applied to the new order.
- Release Date: 1/2/2020
New Record Layout defaults were not always being saved.
- Release Date: 12/27/2019
The list of comment types to print on sales orders and invoices was not always listed alphabetically.
- Release Date: 12/6/2019
Sales Order Action report was showing "Order" rather than "Attach B.O." or "Transfer" in some cases.
- Release Date: 12/5/2019
In Sales Order Batch Processing > Print Orders, a bug was fixed where the "Print finalized orders only" option was not working.
- Release Date: 12/4/2019
In Sales Order > Quick Order Entry, several problems were fixed when adding an unknown part with the Regular Cost and Regular Landed Cost fields getting blanked out and then disappearing when any error was shown.
- Release Date: 12/4/2019
Rounding problems were fixed in Sales Order Maintenance > Set Prices when allocating order total.
- Release Date: 12/3/2019
In Creating Purchase Orders From Unattached Backorders (in Batch Processing), the page would retain old Purchase Order IDs, which would cause additional orders to be printed.
- Release Date: 11/26/2019
The Sales Order Maintenance, Sales Order Entry, and Sales Order New Record pages were fixed to get the Payment Terms from the Bill-To Customer instead of the Sold-To Customer.
- Release Date: 11/15/2019
A problem was fixed in Sales Order Batch Processing where the "Unreduce Inventory" option was not respecting the "De-Commit Inventory" checkbox setting.
- Release Date: 11/11/2019
The part lookup (from the magnifier icon) in the Sales Order Inquiry page was not returning the selected part number/description back to the main page.
- Release Date: 10/30/2019
In Supplier Maintenance, a problem was fixed when deleting any of the Default Phone fields (Main or TollFree or Fax) if any "Use Default Address" setting was checked where you could no longer access that Supplier's record.
- Release Date: 1/3/2020
In Label Format Maintenance, a problem was fixed where you could not maintain Supplier labels.
- Release Date: 12/12/2019
Customer > "New Record Layouts" renamed "Statement Option" as "Print Statement" to match "Add Customer" page prompt.
- Release Date: 11/27/2019
The Part Status Inquiry page changed the Purchase Order zoom grid (accessed from magnifier icon) to include the Date Needed and changed the Sales Order zoom grid (accessed from magnifier icon) to include the Order Date.
- Release Date: 2/19/2020
The Inventory Count Import page was changed to no longer treat a blank "Actual Quantity" as zero. Instead, if the Actual Quantity is blank and there is a Serial Number then the actual quantity will be treated as 1 - otherwise a warning message will display and the import text record will be skipped.
- Release Date: 2/14/2020
Renamed the Adjust Inventory page to Adjust/Expense Inventory.
- Release Date: 1/30/2020
In Inventory Transaction Inquiry, the Branch Number, Profit Center Number, and Cost Center Number will now display on the main form.
- Release Date: 12/17/2019
The Part Status page will now show the default Landed Cost instead of showing the Landed Cost Method and Landed Cost Markup fields.
- Release Date: 12/3/2019
Bill Of Materials Maintenance now includes a toolbar with a [Copy] button to allow copying the current BOM to another Parent Part Number. Additionally, a [Delete BOM] toolbar button has been added to allow deleting an entire BOM. This will be quicker than deleting each BOM detail record if the entire BOM is no longer used.
- Release Date: 1/31/2020
In Manufacturing > Disassemble Make part, a checkbox labeled "Disassemble All Levels" was added. This allows you to choose to only disassemble to the top level components if this is not checked.
- Release Date: 1/28/2020
Part > "New Record Layouts" now includes "List Price" as a selectable field.
- Release Date: 11/27/2019
The expense amount for payables transactions can no longer be zero.
- Release Date: 1/14/2020
Payables Transaction Maintenance was changed so the Discount Amount will now be automatically computed based on the Supplier Terms whenever the Expense Amount is changed.
- Release Date: 11/6/2019
The "Create Payables From Receipts" page will now set the GL Code 1 of the Payables Transaction record to the Purchase Order ID value so the PO will get posted to GL Transactions (for reconciling unvouchered payables).
- Release Date: 10/28/2019
Purchase Order
Purchase Order Automatic Reordering will no longer set the Purchase Order Detail Inventory Account since it is not used until PO receiving.
- Release Date: 2/14/2020
In Purchase Order Automatic Reordering the Part Information box will now show the Full Description for the part instead of just the Part Description.
- Release Date: 2/14/2020
After adding a new detail item to a purchase order, the Needed Date will not be cleared out when adding subsequent detail (to eliminate the redundancy of entering it).
- Release Date: 1/23/2020
Discontinued parts are now allowed on Return orders.
- Release Date: 1/22/2020
During Purchase Order Receiving, if the PO master is marked as reconciled but not all PO receipt records are reconciled then mark the PO Master as un-reconciled. This may happen if a reconciled PO is re-opened and more PO detail/receipts are added to that PO.
- Release Date: 1/17/2020
Quote > "New Record Layouts" now includes "Quote ID", "Branch Number", "Payment Terms", "Sales Rep.", "Tax Exempt Info", "Order Contact Name", "Order Phone Number", and "Order Email Address" as selectable fields. Additionally, the mandatory fields are now disabled since they are required for functionality when adding a Quote.
- Release Date: 11/27/2019
In the customers section of "Add Quote" and "Quote Maintenance" pages, the Home Phone and Cell Phone has been removed and replaced with Business Phone. This applies to the Sold-To, Bill-To and End user areas.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
Quotes will now respect Cash Customers in the same way that Sales Orders do. If a payment terms is chosen for the quote that is set to Track Contacts, the Add Quote and Quote Maintenance pages will hide the Use Existing Contact/Add New Contact areas and show the Cash Contacts section. To properly adjust for this change, all contacts that exist under a Cash Customer (meaning the payment terms of the customer is set to Track Contacts) will be moved to become Sales Order Cash Contacts.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
The Sales Rep field on the Add Quote screen has been moved into the Codes section. Setting the customer on the Quote causes this field to change which is why it should be located below the customer information.
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
On the Add Quote screen, if the Sold-To Customer selected has no Sales Rep assigned, it will default to the User's settings (to match what occurs in Add Sales Order).
- Release Date: 11/15/2019
Modified Month-End statements to be printed out by customer name.
- Release Date: 12/3/2019
The Receivables Invoice finder popup window now includes Invoice Date and Invoice Status fields as columns in the finder grid. This finder is accessed via the magnifier icon on the Receivables Invoice Maintenance page and the Receivables Invoice Inquiry page.
- Release Date: 11/21/2019
The Receivables Invoice Inquiry will additionally show the Invoice Terms in the header if it is different than the Customer Terms (which is the one currently being showed).
- Release Date: 11/18/2019
The Receivables Credit Manager's Report has been modified so you can choose to sort by either Customer ID or Customer Name.
- Release Date: 11/7/2019
Sales Order
The Sales Order Copy routine was changed to add a "Copy Detail (except Labor)" checkbox. This allows you to choose to copy All detail or Non-Labor detail or Labor Detail or even No detail.
- Release Date: 2/19/2020
In Sales Order Batch Processing, when creating purchase orders from unattached backorders and you choose the "Direct Ship" option then set the Shipping Method for the purchase order to the Shipping Method of the sales order.
- Release Date: 2/4/2020
The "Replace Sales Order Fields" page now includes the option to replace Special Charge code.
- Release Date: 1/31/2020
In Sales Order Batch Processing, on initial page load, the focus will now be on the "Saved Selections" drop-down box (where previously no page control had focus). This is preferable to focusing on the "Choose a Field..." control since it is the first control on the page.
- Release Date: 1/28/2020
In Sales Order Detail Entry or Sales Order Quick Entry, prevent Fast Build if any component part of the Fast Build part is a Make or Phantom part type.
- Release Date: 1/24/2020
Discount parts will be reflected on a sales order as negative quantity and positive price. The quantity will be changed to a negative number if entered as a positive (when adding a new part to the order).
- Release Date: 1/9/2020
In Sales Order Maintenance > Set Prices, the default button is now the [Continue] button.
- Release Date: 1/3/2020
In Sales Order Maintenance, if you have "Reopen Order" permission then you can now set the VIN field or find/select a Vehicle from the Vehicle Master (using the [Find Vehicle] or [Add Vehicle] icons).
- Release Date: 1/3/2020
In Sales Order Detail Maintenance, when adding a Make part and choosing to "Fast Build" the part, the Mfg. Order Build window now allows you to choose Serial Number and/or Lot if needed for each Component Part.
- Release Date: 12/13/2019
In Sales Order Batch Processing for "Append to Existing Purchase Order for Unattached Backorders", allow adding backorders for unknown parts to the PO. A popup window will ask if you want to include the part on the PO.
- Release Date: 12/9/2019
Sales Order Payment entry will now merge order payments using the Inventory Parameter Current Year+Month instead of the Receivables Parameter Current Year+Month. This will allow you to enter order payments for the current month (per Inventory and Sales Orders) while still closing Receivables in the prior month.
- Release Date: 12/5/2019
In Sales Order Detail Analysis, if the Sales Order Parameter for Minimum Gross Profit Option is set to "Line Item" then show any GP Percent that is below the minimum as red text.
- Release Date: 12/3/2019
Sales Order > "New Record Layouts" now includes "Tax Exempt Info" as a selectable field.
- Release Date: 11/27/2019
When adding, modifying, or deleting Sales Order Detail, if the Sales Order Minimum Gross Profit Option is set in Sales Order Parameters, then the order will now be placed on Gross Profit Order Hold and a notification message will display to that effect. Users with adequate permission will be able to remove the Order Hold. Additionally, modifying or deleting the offending sales order detail to alleviate the problem will automatically remove the Gross Profit Order Hold.
- Release Date: 11/22/2019
Sales Orders will no longer allow a blank Tax Code (i.e. Not Set). If the Ship-To Address has Tax Code as "Not Set" then you will need to manually select a tax code to use for the order. This is also true when adding Sales Order Detail records (i.e. Tax Code cannot be blank).
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
In Sales Order Batch Processing, the "Unreduce Orders" option will now reset the Actual Cost and Actual Landed Cost values to zero when unreducing.
- Release Date: 11/11/2019
The Add/Modify Quotes permissions have been renamed and re-sorted to avoid confusion. Users will also only be allowed to check one of these (previously you could check both).
- Release Date: 11/19/2019
Vehicle > "New Record Layouts" now includes "Wheel Duality" (i.e. SRW/DRW) as a selectable field.
- Release Date: 11/27/2019
Vehicle > New Record Layout Maintenance was changed to insure that mandatory fields (VIN and FactoryOrder) are always shown and asked. Additionally, the "WheelDuality" (i.e. SRW/DRW) field can now be specified on a Vehicle New Record Layout.
- Release Date: 11/25/2019
The Post Discount Expense field in Payables Parameters has been removed. All discounts will now post to a specified Discount Account.
- Release Date: 11/15/2019
The Form 1099 Type field has been removed from a Supplier's History. The field will now be referenced from the Supplier record.
- Release Date: 1/21/2020
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