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Treqso Website Release Notes

Treqso Website 1.27.0

New Items

  • Year end closing now asks the user if they would like to update account balances after finishing a preliminary or final close. - Release Date: 1/23/2024
  • Bank Reconciliation - A 'Group By Reference Number' checkbox has been added that allows multiple records with matching Reference Numbers to be cleared/uncleared at the same time. - Release Date: 1/2/2024
  • Financial Statements - NetChange and Budget functions can now look at specific quarters. This will be denoted by 'U{Quarter}' where {Quarter} is a number from 1 to 4 specifying one of the 4 quarters in a fiscal year. - Release Date: 9/6/2023
  • Admin
  • Parameter - A new parameter for "Show Email Address in Distribution" has been added. If this is enabled, email address will be displayed with any selected contacts/users in the distribution panel when printing. - Release Date: 12/22/2023
  • About -> The grid showing current users will now list any license restrictions the user has. - Release Date: 12/21/2023
  • Reports -> Logins - A new page has been added to the Admin site to generate reports on Logins. There is a 'Quick View' section where a grid will show all of the specified fields' values for every Login. The 'Generate Report' button can be clicked to open a popup window with more detailed sorting and selectivity. The column order on the report starts with the top field in the Assigned box and moves down. - Release Date: 9/8/2023
  • Scheduling - Added ability to schedule Reduce and Close batch processes in the Admin site. - Release Date: 8/21/2023
  • Sales Order Lock Clearing - Admins will now have the option in the Admin site to set up a background task that will clear locks on all sales orders at a specified time. - Release Date: 7/19/2023
  • Labor
  • A copy dropdown was added to the top of the employee maintenance page. Existing employee data can now be used to create a new employee using the 'create new employee' option under the new dropdown. - Release Date: 10/12/2023
  • Added Total Hours field to generic labor attendance report. - Release Date: 10/2/2023
  • Added auto-punch functionality to manually added "OD" punches from time clock maintenance page. - Release Date: 9/11/2023
  • Payables
  • Payables Invoice Maintenance - When viewing invoices with (P)aid status, a box will appear in the top right corner showing the payment method and payment date for every payment made on that invoice. - Release Date: 9/12/2023
  • Added navigation toolbar & "Cancel Invoice" button to PayablesTransacitionMaint. For any current month invoice, the invoice will be deleted, otherwise, corresponding GL & payables transactions are made to offset the invoice & the payable status of said invoice is changed to cancelled. - Release Date: 8/15/2023
  • Purchase Order
  • Batch Processing - When using the option for "Create Purchase Orders for Unattached Backorders" if a given part doesn't have a primary supplier we prompt for a supplier at the time of processing. A checkbox has been added to the input to allow the selected supplier to be used for the rest of the parts with no primary supplier. - Release Date: 1/23/2024
  • Added Description panel bar to PurchaseOrderDetailMaint. - Release Date: 7/28/2023
  • Quote
  • Added Quick Quote entry as an alternate, faster way to create a quote. The quick quote process allows the user to directly add parts to a quote without having to open any popup windows. When creating a new quick quote, the user can choose between creating a prospective customer or picking from a list of customers already in their company database. This is not dissimilar to the regular quote process except that quick quote will apply the chosen/prospective customer to the Sold-To, Bill-To, and End User customer fields. If there is a need change any of these customer fields, the quote can be access in the regular quote maintenance page and can be changed there. A simple detail entry form can be used below the detail grid. This form allows the user to directly manipulate the regular and regular landed cost of a part on the fly. A markup can be added to the price by choosing any user defined price types. Due to the streamlined design of the form, quick quotes only add parts not models or titles. A 'Set Prices' option has been on the toolbar at the top of the quick quote page. This button creates a popup that offers the users two options. The user can either allocate prices for all details associated with the quick quote based on a target subtotal, or the user can set all detail prices to a the part's regular price. - Release Date: 9/13/2023
  • Sales Order
  • Sales Order Copy - An option for "Update Tax Info" has been added. It will update the tax code on a copied order if the customer has no tax exemptions and the "Copy to Credit Memo" option is not selected. - Release Date: 12/13/2023
  • Sales Order Quick Entry - A "Contacts" panel has been added with Sold-To, Bill-To, and End User Contact fields as well as Order Contact, Order Phone Number, and Order Email Address fields. - Release Date: 11/3/2023
  • Sales Order Detail Import - Model Name can now be mapped when importing. If the Model Name column is not mapped or the value is blank in the Model Name column for a specific row, then it will use the default 'Parts' model. - Release Date: 9/19/2023
  • Batch Processing - When using the option for "Create Purchase Orders for Unattached Backorders" if a given part doesn't have a primary supplier we prompt for a supplier at the time of processing. A checkbox has been added to the input to allow the selected supplier to be used for the rest of the parts with no primary supplier. - Release Date: 8/21/2023
  • Added a "Labor Analysis" tab to SalesOrderDetailAnalysis page to display time cards associated with order. - Release Date: 8/17/2023
  • System
  • Users will now be able to select a default export type (PDF, CSV, DOC, XLS) on the user maintenance page & the default value will still be PDF. - Release Date: 9/8/2023
  • User Maintenance - Custom codes have been added for users. Additionally, a User Custom Codes Maintenance page has been added for editing them. - Release Date: 8/22/2023
  • Added EnableUSPSValidation system parameter & added "USPS" buttons for all mailing address panels. - Release Date: 7/25/2023

Fixed Items

  • The order part # text box on the Labor Type Master Maintenance page would previously load a part selection if it was chosen through the select record button. This issue has been resolved and the order part # text box now shows the part selection appropriately. - Release Date: 5/28/2024
  • Payables
  • Payables was not allowing users to use a partial credit amount when creating payables payments. - Release Date: 1/24/2024
  • Quote
  • When the quote is copied and the labor option is set, the labor items on all detail will now be set to their default values as specified on the part branch. - Release Date: 9/4/2024
  • Vehicle
  • The import page was encountering an error when looking for a vehicle record that without a record number. Now, the page will not look for a record if no ID exists, this ID is usually set using the VIN number. Because of a change made to the mobile app, either a VIN or Factory Order is required to record and upload a batch record which can create a scenario where a batch record could have an empty VIN number. The import page will now no longer attempt to grab an existing vehicle record if the record ID or VIN is empty. This change has also been applied to v1.28 - Release Date: 5/9/2024


  • If final year-end close changes CurrentFiscalYear to this year, prompts user to update account balances with a button & status panel. - Release Date: 10/20/2023
  • Labor
  • If a punch exists in the time interval set up for a break, the auto punch is skipped and noted in the punch comment. This cannot show up on the Employee Attendance report, but another report can be made to monitor these skipped breaks. - Release Date: 1/29/2024
  • Purchase Order
  • Added Order Type, Is Job Order & Production Status to Purchase Order automatic reorder selectivity. - Release Date: 10/17/2023
  • Batch Processing - Users will now be prevented from running a batch process when it contains records that are currently being worked on in batch processing. - Release Date: 9/28/2023
  • Receivables
  • Credit Manager Inquiry - When checking the "Show Closed Status Invoices" checkbox, the "Show Top 500 Records" will also be checked to prevent the page loading forever in the case of extremely large data sets. - Release Date: 1/24/2024
  • Receivables Payment Maintenance - A dropdown list for "Discount Account" has been added. Only accounts with a discount class will be shown. Whenever a discount is applied it will use the selected account. - Release Date: 11/17/2023
  • Links to open receivables invoices have been added to credit manager inquiry page. - Release Date: 9/12/2023
  • Sales Order
  • Added "inventory Period" to title of SalesOrderPaymentMaint page along with warning dialog when payment date is not within current inventory period. - Release Date: 1/9/2024
  • Removed postbacks made by vehicle popups in SalesOrderMaint. Data that has not been saved to the sales order is less likely to be deleted when vehicle popup is closed. - Release Date: 11/15/2023
  • Batch Processing - Users will now be prevented from running a batch process when it contains records that are currently being worked on in batch processing. - Release Date: 9/28/2023
  • Added to "ReSequence Detail", ability to assign details to empty phases. - Release Date: 7/28/2023

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