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TEQuote Release Notes
TEQuote 5.0.6
A problem copying Quotes with Unknown Parts has been corrected. When a Quote was copied with an Unknown Part on the Quoted Items tab, the Labor Hours on the new Quote were always reset to 0. If a Quote was created with an older version of TEQuote the Unknown Part may not have detailed Labor information. If this is the case, the missing Labor detail should be added before copying the Quote. (SIR 1429)
A problem moving Unknown Parts from Suggested Items to Quoted Items has been corrected. When an Unknown Part was moved from Suggested Items to Quoted Items, the Labor Hours were reset to 0 if the Unknown Part used any custom Part fields. If a Quote was created with an older version of TEQuote the Unknown Part may not have detailed Labor information. If this is the case, the missing Labor detail should be added before moving the Unknown Part to the Quoted Items. (SIR 1430)
The 'Send Database Copy To SCI Support' option of the TEQuote Tools program has been updated to use the new user name and password settings of the SCI ftp site. (SIR 1431)
The Microsoft SQL Server Desktop for TEQuote setup program has been changed to create a named instance of SQL Server for the TEQuote databases. The new instance name is 'Computer Name\TEQUOTE'. (SIR 1435)
A problem exporting Quotes to FACS has been corrected. When exporting a Quote with FIO (Factory Installed Options), an error message 'Invalid Column Name PartNumber' would display, preventing the Quote from exporting. (SIR 1450)
A problem starting TEQuote has been corrected. An error 'Invalid Procedure or Argument Call' would display after starting the TEQuote program, the Log on form would then display, but no databases would appear in the drop down list. This was due to a bad entry in the windows registry key for LastUserLogin. It is unknown what corrupted the key. (SIR 1451)
A problem Selecting Models after specifying Attribute Values on a Quote has been corrected. If the Not condition on a Model Attribute was set to True and a valid Value was entered for that Attribute on the Quote, the Model would not list as a valid choice. (SIR 1426)
A problem adding Model choices to a Quote has been corrected. If the selected Part had an Attribute with the Not condition set to True, the Attribute Value was added to the Quote with the Not condition set to False. (SIR 1427)
An error 'Provider cannot be found' when changing the title of the user defined text fields on the Quote form has been corrected. (SIR 1495)
An error 'Invalid Object name dbo.MSPublications' in the TEQuote Tools program has been corrected. The error would display when working with databases on a server had been set up for Replication.
A problem with the 'Send Database Copy To SCI Support' option of the TEQuote Tools program has been corrected. The program would lock up when sending a large database over slow connection.
A problem converting TEQuote data from version 4.x to 5.0 has been corrected. Quoted and Suggested Items were converted with the wrong Price Types when the Price Type Descriptions were changed in v4.x after they were assigned to a Quoted or Suggested Item.
A problem printing the bookmark 'POREQUIRED' on the Quote document has been corrected. If the Customer on the Quote is flagged as PO Required, the bookmark now prints 'Yes'. (SIR 1601)
A problem copying a Quote has been corrected. The Job Order/Invoice of the New Quote was not reset. Instead, the Original Quotes's Job Order/Invoice was copied to the new Quote.
A new report item 'Job Order/Invoice' has been added to the Print, Sort, Select and Group by lists on the Quote Reports.
A problem Adding then Deleting Models has been corrected. After adding a New Model and then adding a New Sequence to the New Model Template, blanking out the Sequence Number and then clicking on the Delete button to Delete the Entire Model would generate an error 'Unable to close the recordset'. The New Model would be deleted but the error message prevented the screen from refreshing. The New Model was still displayed on the form. Clicking on the Delete button a second time to Delete the Entire Model would actually delete the next Model in the Table.
A display problem on the Part Categories form has been corrected. The hidden field 'rowguid' displayed on the data grid for Published and Subscribed databases.
Some additional restrictions have been placed on Replicated databases in the TEQuote Tool program. Published and Subscribed databases cannot be Deleted, Restored from a Backup file, or have Update Packages Installed on them.
A problem in the TEQuote Tool program with the Names of the Default Instances of SQL Server has been corrected. On some machines, Default Instances of SQL Servers included a trailing '\' in the Server Name.
A performance issue in the TEQuote Quote Reports has been corrected. Quote Detail records are now filtered by any Quote Master field included in the Select By section. (SIR 1518)
The Price Type Name applied to individual Quoted items has been included in the Quote Report module. You can now Print, Sort or Select By the new field 'Price Type Detail'. (SIR 1675)
A problem Selecting Model Choices has been corrected. A Model with multiple Always Add (*) Sequences did not display any other Pick One (?) or Pick Many (#) Sequences for the Model.
A problem with the total Weight of a Quote has been corrected. When a Kit was moved from Suggested to Quoted Items, the Kit's weight was doubled.
A problem printing the Quote Document has been corrected. Kit Parent and Reqular Parts added to a Quote Sequence that contained a Kit did not print on the Quote Document when Model Pricing was set to 'Roll Up All Parts'.
A problem changing the Vehicle on a Quote has been corrected. Changing the Vehicle on the Quote Attribute tab did not update the the associated Attributes of the new Vehicle.
A problem with Fixed Kit pricing has been corrected. When multiple Kits with similar Components were added to the same Model and Sequence on a Quote, the Fixed Prices of the Component Parts were incorrectly allocated. This changed the Fixed Price of the Kit when prices were Rolled up or down. Also, a rounding error would occur if the first Component of the Kit had a Quantity of 2 or more. (SIR 1692)
A problem adding Titles to a Quote has been corrected. If the 'Roll Up Title' box was checked when adding a new Title, prices would not Roll up to the new Title until the 'Roll Up Prices to Title' question was answered 'Yes'.
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