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TEQuote Release Notes

TEQuote 5.1.1

  • New options have been added to the TEQuote Report module. Two new controls have been added to the Report Maintenance form, one to select the Paper Size (Letter or Legal), and another to check if the current Report will fit on the selected Paper Size. Also, when Previewing a Report, the Report Width is checked before building the temporary Report Files. These changes were implemented to help eliminate the message 'Report width is larger than paper width.' (SIR 1727)
  • A problem creating Bookmark names for TEQuote Attributes has been corrected. Microsoft Word Bookmark names must begin with a letter and contain letters and numbers. You can't include spaces in a bookmark name. However, you can use the underscore character to separate words. All illegal Bookmark characters that are in TEQuote Attribute Names will be replaced with the underscore character in the Bookmark name. For example, the Bookmark for the Attribute 'Rack/Side Height' would be 'aRACK_SIDE_HEIGHT'. (SIR 1737)
  • Model Sequence Descriptions have been added to the Exported Quotes file for importing into FACS. The Descriptions are imported as Phase Title records when the Model Sequence is a Title and the Job Order Phase Numbers are the Quote Sequence Numbers (1st Phase set to 0). (SIR 1747)
  • A problem rolling up Prices has been corrected. When a Kit was added as a Quoted Item to a Quote and the precision of the selected Price Type was zero, the Labor Hours and Costs of the Kit were rounded to the precision of the Price Type when rolled up. (SIR 1760)
  • A problem adding Parts to the Quoted Items has been corrected. When adding a single Part to the Quoted Items, if the Part was a Kit with optional Template selections, the quantities of the optional Parts were extended by the quantity of the last Component Part of the Kit instead of the quantity of the Parent Part. (SIR 1759)
  • A problem exporting Quotes to FACS has been corrected. When an FIO Part was added to the Quoted Items and there were no other Parts in the same Sequence on the Quote, the costs and prices of the FIO Part were rolled up to the first Part in the Sequence. Since the first Part was the same Part as the FIO Part, the exported costs and prices were doubled. (SIR 1762)
  • New Microsoft Word Bookmarks have been added to print the Manufacturer's Part Number on the Quote Document. 'MfgPart1' will print the Manufacturer Part Number for Quoted Parts, 'MfgPart2' will print the Manufacturer Part Number for Suggested Parts. (SIR 1758)
  • A problem displaying the selected Subscription database name in TEQuote Tools has been corrected. When adding a new Subscription, the first database in the drop down list displayed as the selected Subscription database, even if it was not selected. (Sir 1809)
  • A problem was corrected that occured when Exporting a file to FACS in which Part Labor Hours was zero and it was divided into another value.
  • A problem was corrected that occured when using the 'Price #3' field in a Parts Report.
  • A problem was corrected that occured when using a comma in a Report Name.
  • When exporting a quote from eQuote/QuickQuote, the QuoteID will be put into the Comments field so that users can more quickly find that quote in TEQuote.
  • A Phase Title record is now added when exporting a new Part to FACS.

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