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TEQuote Release Notes
TEQuote 5.3
Importing Parts from FACS now has more functionality. Users are given the option of adding new parts or update existing parts (as well as updating the 'cost only') or both. (SIR 2211)
When changing the Customer on a Quote, users are now given the option of changing the Price Type of the Quote to that of the new Customer's default Price Type. The change would cause all Quoted Items that were set to the old Customer's Price Type to be changed to reflect the new Customer's Price Type.(SIR 2029).
An issue arose when a part (with a Template) was added to a quote, and then a part (without a Template) is added to a different sequence in the same Quote. TEQuote would add the second part to the Template. This issue has been corrected. (SIR 2266)
TEQuote now gives the status of the Archiving Quotes process. A status bar and the estimated time remaining are shown as the Quotes are being Archived. (SIR 1731)
Users are now given the option of copying an Archived Quote.
Users now have the ability to change the Quantity, Price, Price Type, and Sales Tax on Rolled-Up Title in the Quotes module. (SIR 2269)
Users now have the option of tracking both Labor Hours (Bid Hours) and Production Labor Hours (Actual Hours) within a Part. This has been implemented in both the Parts and Quote modules. Because of this change, Standard and Bid hours will now be exported to different FACS Part Numbers when a Quote is sent to FACS. (SIR 2271)
A problem was corrected that occurred when a 'Quote Master' report displayed the User 1, User 2, User 3, or User 4 fields from the Quote module. These fields would always display their original field name and not the name that it may have been changed to. (SIR 2273)
A problem was corrected where the Sales Tax was not showing the correct precision in the Preferences module. Sales Tax was only showing a percentage value with 2 decimal places. It now shows 3 decimal places. (SIR 2302)
In TEQuote Tools, the "Change Part Number" module will now remain open after you have modified a part number. This allows users to make more part number revisions without having to reload the module. (SIR 2300)
Spell Check functionality has been added to several areas of the program.
A problem was corrected where adding a Model to a Quote would not give all possible Sequences and/or all Options within a Sequence.
An issue has been resolved that involved selecting a Customer from the drop-down box on the Quote form. If a user attempted to type the name of the Customer into the drop-down box, the program would sometimes ask the user if they would like to change the Price Type of the Quote to match that of the Customer (a feature that was added in v5.2). The issue is that the program prematurely selects a Customer every time you type a letter and asks you for the Price Type change when necessary. This issue has been resolved. (SIR 2326)
The Quote Wizard has been updated so the controls on the Quote form are always synchronized with the values selected in the Wizard. Also a runtime error 5 has been corrected when creating a new Quote using the Wizard.
A problem copying Archived Quotes with outdated Price Types and Sales Tax Codes has been corrected. If the Archived Quote has a Price Type or Tax Code that is no longer valid, the default Cash account codes are used instead of the outdated codes.
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